
A/N: You are more than welcome to skip the following messages, and click next to start reading, and savoring Harmony goodness.

Dear beloved readers, amazing talented writers, and wonderful fellow Harmonians,

This is gonna be a long-winded a/n, so I decided to separate it from the story. I just have a couple, more than a couple, of points to make.

First, this story comes as a surprise to me. As you know, JKR's admission that Harry & Hermione should have ended up together (yes, I'm repeating it, milking it shamelessly) soothed my somewhat overenthusiastic shipping heart, and helped stem my creative juices that had overflowed into my academic pursuit, which was strictly science, and still is very much art-bereft. Years later, with the recent revival of an active Harmony fandom, or so I just found out, comes the reawakening of my Harmony love. Oh who am I kidding, it never truly sleeps. Anyhow, I digress. Back to the story, I meant for it to be a drabble of varying scenes, which slowly, irreparably turned into a...full-fledged lengthy one-shot, that I decided to break down into different parts. It was one of those trivial, yet agonizing decisions for me, really, like how to choose between dark chocolate and pistachio when it comes to ice cream. I thought it would fit more into my original intention to post it in one single chapter with lines to break the scenes, but I suppose it might be easier for you to read in smaller chunks.

Second, I received some complaints in the past about long complicated sentences, flowery words, overuse of imagery and metaphors, which I guess was part of the influences from reading all British classics during my childhood. Also, I get bogged down easily in descriptions of nature and Harmony, both of which I absolutely adore. I attempted to tone it down in this story, to incorporate more short, emphatic sentences to grab reader's attention better, and um... minimize the mushiness. I'm no longer the dreamy little girl I was back then. Life roughens us all. And even though it's the case, I'm afraid there are still instances that I sew this mosaic of a story with my old sentimental Harmony threads. (Oops- apology for another totally dispensable metaphor ^.^) I can only improve from here. I strongly believe in growths. And I just hope you all like this story better, because I write this with all Harmony shippers in my heart. It brings me such joy to know there are many of you lovely folks out there, and I hope this little piece of writing makes your Harmony heart happy.

Third, I know the silly "I lover her like a sister" speech has been exploited to death in HP fictions, but I'd still like to give it a whirl. I tried to keep them staying in character as much as possible, and I know many of you love a slow-burn romance, and many people dislike the idea of either Harry or Hermione secretly in love with each other, so I tried to avoid it, as long as I could, but alas, as I wrote, things just burst out of me, and I apologize if you don't like it. I think it's my unshaken belief that in some way, there has always been something...something more...something almost but not quite palpable...between them, the two best friends who deeply care for each other, and who share many powerful "charged" moments only together, and with nobody else. It doesn't take much to extrapolate, honestly, about Harry & Hermione. One needs only light a match, and one can set them afire with their not-so-subtle love for each other.

Last, I admit, however, canon Harry & Hermione are flawed, annoying sometimes, so I refused to acknowledge the OOC Hermione in HBP distant with Harry, and setting birds after Ron when writing this little fic. Otherwise, it's safe to assume, it's canon-compliant up to when Ron came back in DH. I didn't intend to bash Ron, either. Again, I just wanted to keep him as close to canon as possible. I actually had a lot of fun writing him. In all honesty, though, I think I gave him a bit too much credit. And what can I say, my characters are loads better than canon ones, in my humble opinions. They at least know what is best for them (:

On that promising note, I, again, really hope you enjoy the story.

Please take care in this challenging time.

Harmony in love, always and forever,

ps: If what you have read so far intrigues you, please click next, and dive right in. I guarantee you. Harmony delights await :)
pps: Please let me know what you think! All reviews are welcomed. Thank you!