Prologue: Revenge of the Sith

Jaina felt the strong hand of Chewbacca against her arm and yawned. She slowly stretched her arms and saw the large wookie standing over her. He growled, but the young Jedi Knight chuckled back as she gave a playfully innocent expression.

"Ease up on me, Chewie. You know traveling through hyperspace makes me drowsy." The wookie shook his head and walked back towards the cockpit. Finishing her stretch, Jaina got up and followed him. Her black Jedi outfit resembled a pilot's flight suit. Her lightsaber swung a little along the belt with each step until Jaina saw her father sitting in the Captain's seat.

"Chewie says we're here."

"We are, welcome to Mon Calamari." Jaina gazed at the vast ocean planet before her. Its majestic blue colors complimented the abundance of life. Jaina basked in the force's strong presence in the world. In orbit, a city of steel and ships almost dimmed her view of Mon Cala. Dozens of extensive drydocks build hundreds of new vessels for the Republic Navy. MC80 cruisers, assault-class frigates, and the great Mediator-class capital ships, the Republic's newest ship of the line.

Alongside these drydocks were dozens of large satellite turrets and shield projectors. Behind this line of defenses lay a formidable fleet of Republic warships, including all those which the drydocks constructed. Chewie growled as he emphasized a group of approaching A-Wing fighters.

"I see them, give me a minute." Han punched in a code, and the A-Wings quickly broke their formation. Instead, taking a defensive posture around the Falcon.

"General Solo, welcome to Mon Cala." A strong voice called out, one Jaina and her father recognized.

"Jesmin, congratulations on the promotion. I suppose you're Admiral Ackbar now".

"That's right, head over to Kyrell station. I'll meet you there in a few hours. The other Jedi and Special Forces officer have both arrived."

"Perfect, I'm excited to work with you again, Jesmin."

"As am I, Jaina. See you soon." Chewie growled a little as he emphasized Jaina to his partner. Han smirked as he saw the excited glow on his daughter's face. She'd been a Jedi Knight for six months now after years of training under her aunt. Luke always had good things to say about Jaina's abilities as a Jedi. It always made Leia and him immensely proud. Jaina had even proven herself capable in a fight early on.

She, her brother Jacen, and their friend Jaden Korr defeated a cult of Dark Jedi and rescued their friend Rosh who'd been captured and nearly turned to the dark side. Jacen had been a Jedi Knight for almost two years when this happened, but Jaina and Jaden were Knighted only weeks before the incident. Since then, Jaina grew more anxious to prove herself as a Jedi and help those in need. Often it worried Han and Leia, but at least this time, he and Chewie would be with her.

The A-Wing Squadron escorted them to a large space station near the center of the orbital defenses. Jaina noticed that traffic, too and from the planet, had been cut off except for military vessels. The situation was as bad as she'd heard. Even so, Jaina was confident she could handle it.

Slowly the Falcon set down in Kyrell station alongside a few X-Wings and freighter shuttles. Jaina walked down the ramp first and strolled eagerly past the various droids and hanger staff. The young Jedi's smile widened when she saw a familiar figure waiting for them at the ramp's bottom.

A tall and muscular man wearing a black jacket stood before Jaina. His fair skin held a series of scars, and long dark-brown hair matched his eyes. The man appeared to be in his mid-thirties and in his prime, with a lightsaber along his belt.

"I was wondering when you'd get here. I thought that rust-bucket was fast." Chewie growled at the Jedi's comment, but Jaina wrapped her arms around the older Jedi.

"Master Durron, it's great to see you again."

"You as well, Jaina. You've grown quite strong. I can sense it."

"No thanks to you." She chuckled while Durron's smirk intensified.

"Kyp." Han said in a duller tone as he came down with Chewie.

"This way." Durron said as he led them through the station. Kyrell station's interior was different from that of most Republic ships. Rather than white, the walls were a duller gray with far more terminals and windows along the outer walls. The station was mostly filled with Mon Calamari and Quarren personnel, security troopers, maintenance, and other staff. However, there were still plenty of Republic military members inside. The soldiers of varying species with their tan uniforms and white helmets with black fronts, pilots, and officers.

Upon seeing a Jaina's lightsaber and Han in his officer's uniform, each passerby gave them proper courtesy. Though Han couldn't have cared less, and Jaina did her best not to laugh when she saw a Lieutenant-commander snap to attention for her.

"Don't encourage her." Han replied to the Duros officer as they passed. Chewie growled with similar amusement. Jaina wasn't even twenty-three years old, and she commanded the respect of those decades older than her. She never considered herself arrogant, but Jaina did appreciate that her years of hard work under aunt Mara paid off.

In contrast to his daughter, Han didn't seem pleased about his current situation. Not that he didn't wish to be with her, but Han hated wearing his officer's uniform. Officially he was still a general, though he rarely acted as such. Chewie and Jaina continued to smirk at his expense, though it didn't go unnoticed.

"Watch it, Chewie. I could have a custom uniform made for you as well." The Wookie nearly jumped in terror at that thought and immediately ended his teasing.

"Savor their respect. You've earned it." Kyp said as he patted Jaina's shoulder. Han tightened his fist upon seeing this. Although Mara Jade had been Jaina's formal Jedi master, Kyp Durron had been an informal master for her during times when Mara had other business with Luke. The two went on many missions together when Jaina was a padawan and became close friends. Han, however, never liked the influence Kyp had.

Jacen warned him and Leia that Durron wasn't like the other Jedi in Luke's coalition. According to their older son, Kyp was ruthless in hunting his enemies and was known not to take Imperials prisoner. There were even rumors that he'd been responsible for the destruction of Carida and millions of deaths, though none could prove it.

"I never got to congratulate you for your victory over the Disciples of Ragnos. I wish I could have been there."

"Jaden and Jacen defeated their masters. I just helped." Durron shook his head while grinning.

"The way I hear, you defeated three dark Jedi at once, on your own."

"One didn't have a lightsaber." Jaina admitted while trying to sound humble.

"Don't sell yourself short. Master Hamner may think your brother is the future of the Jedi order, but I say it's you."

"I'm glad we're working together again, master."

"As am I." Jaina and Kyp sensed a growing rage in her father as well as Chewie, though they did their best to hide it.

Finally, they saw their destination to their left, a planning room with the door already opened. Inside, a single man waited for them before a holoprojector. He looked two or so years older than Jaina with fair skin, green eyes, and black hair done in a military-buzz cut. At the front of his hair was a streak of white, though it clearly hadn't come from age.

The man wore Republic special forces armor, which bore a heavy resemblance to old Katarn-class clone commando armor with a helmet inspired by phase II clone helmets. The armor was mostly white with streaks of light-blue across the arms, chest, and helmet.

"General, master Jedi. Welcome." He said in a disciplined and robust voice.

"Jaina, Han, Chewie, this is Captain Jagged Fel of Republic 5th Special Forces Regiment."

"It's a pleasure." Jagged came to attention and saluted Han.

"At ease." He said with slight weariness.

"We still need to wait for Admiral Ackbar. She should-" Jagged started.

"No need, we can start now." Kyp interrupted in his bold tone.

"The Admiral knows the situation on Mon Cala better than us." Jagged tried to remain in control as he spoke, almost like a Jedi.

"I know it well enough. We can get started now." Kyp said, sounding very sure of himself. Han and Chewie felt their frustration grow, though Jagged didn't seem bothered, only disciplined. Jaina tried not to blush but did smile as she looked away, much to her Father's horror. Chewie gave a slight smirk as he emphasized Jaina's gaze towards the Captain.

"Shut up." Chewie still chuckled.

"General, I'll follow your lead." Jagged answered calmly.

"If Master Durron wants to start now, fine. But he'll catch the Admiral up later." Durron didn't seem to care much for Han's frustration and activated the projector. From there, the party watched a map of Mon Cala show up with a few ships and aliens.

"Republic Intelligence Serve and the Mon Cala authorities are certain that the Brotherhood is operating here. Smuggling weapons to and off-world, mostly starship components." Jagged said professionally as he went over various points.

Han stroked his chin while going over the briefing. The Brotherhood was a new crime syndicate slowly gaining power and influence in the outer rim. Since the official end of the galactic civil war, dozens of worlds that were formerly under Imperial Rule declared their independence, but faced terribly instability. Many didn't want to join the New Republic but lacked the Empire's power to maintain a stable government.

Thus revolutions and civil wars were causing enormous death and destruction. The Jedi Coalition did their best to stem this violence, as well as the Republic, but the Brotherhood made it difficult. Han's connections with the old underworld helped him identify them early. They were master arms smugglers who could embed themselves into even the most secure Republic planets and steal military weapons to sell at a hefty price. It was they that allowed these wars to continue by supplying all those who started conflict.

"The last thing we need is these revolutionaries gaining the Republic Fleet's weapons. Have we narrowed down where they might be operating from?" Jagged zoomed in on a number of dry docks and a section of the planet.

"Our best intelligence suggests they have a base somewhere in the eastern oceans and agents working on several drydocks. We just don't know which ones. Our plan-"

Jaina stumbled for a moment and held her head as a throbbing pain wrecked through the Jedi's consciousness.

"Jaina!" Han and Kyp tried to reach her, but Jagged beat them, and steadied Jaina with his hand.

"Are you alright?" Jagged asked before her father or former master could.

"I sense a disturbance in the force. The dark side, it approached like a tidal wave." Jaina felt so cold she nearly shivered. Soon Kyp felt it as well, not to the extent that Jaina did, but the darkness grew around them.

"That, that can't be the Brotherhood." Kyp muttered.

"I've never felt the dark side this strong. Not even the Disciples of Ragnos made me feel this cold." Jaina continued to shake when she noticed Jagged's strong hand on her shoulder and felt her face turn slightly red.

Admiral Jesmin Ackbar sat in the Captain's chair of her flagship, the Raddus. A mediator-class capital ship. She stared intensely at a projection of their defensive network around her home planet.

"What's the status of those unidentified objects!?" She bellowed out with pure frustration.

"Our squadrons are still searching, ma'am. The last detected signals we received were thirty-minutes ago." One of the helmsmen replied. Jasin grit her teeth. Two hours earlier, their sensors had picked up unidentified hyperspace signatures. However, since then, they'd detected movement but couldn't find the source.

"Redouble the search and send out another motion detection!" Jesmin feared the Brotherhood might have gotten their hands on cloaked vessels. She had to find out whatever this was before meeting with the others.

"Admiral! Long-range sensors have picked up major hyperspace activity! Only assault fleets match the size, but they aren't picking up friendly signatures!" A helmsman cried out. Jesmin nearly lost her breath from the sheer shock and saw many of her crewmen did the same. Who could be attacking them? None of the revolutionaries had a fleet the size of the approaching one. Perhaps one of the remnant factions, but they'd only recently made peace with the Republic. Maybe a bold new warlord grew too ambitious, but how could they be foolish enough to attack Mon Calamari? It didn't matter. She had to prepare for an attack.

"All ships form up in a defensive formation around the drydocks! Raise planetary shields!" Mon Cala's shields were top of the line. They not only covered the planet's atmosphere but the orbital defenses as well. Their formation was close enough where ships couldn't come out of hyperspace without ramming into the planet. This meant any attacking fleet would be trapped outside the shields, unable to launch an attack unless they moved their ships through exceptionally slow, one at a time.

"Admiral, our ships are in position!" Jesmin nodded and anxiously awaited the arrival of their attackers.

"Hold on, we're picking up another signal, inside the shields!" Jesmin looked over at another display and saw two cylindrical devices the size of freighters appeared out of the darkness of space. The machines began to glow blue around the center with rings of energy swirling about.

"Ma'am, those devices are projecting gravity well generators!"

"Gravity wells?" Jesmin thought. How did those get inside the shield, unless they were the detected signals from earlier and part of this attack. But what purpose did they serve? Gravity well generators stopped ships from entering hyperspace, and she wasn't trying to flee...Unless. Jesmin quickly remembered that gravity well generators worked by pulling ships out of hyperspace.

"Destroy those devices now! Hurry!" Jesmin was too late, over a dozen cruisers exited hyperspace within the shields. The gravity wells prevented the attackers from crashing into Mon Cala. The largest ships resembled monstrous versions of Imperial-class star destroyers. At almost three-thousand meters in length, the ships' bridges weren't extended out like Imperial-class but instead built into the hull, well-protected. Six of these monsters stood at the core of the attack fleet, with over ten smaller supper cruisers of varying sizes, though all held a similar triangular design as Imperial ships. Within moments of their arrival, the ships began deploying squadrons of fighters.

"Incoming! Wait a minute, those are-" Jesmin lost contact with her outer A-Wing patrols.

"Ma'am, our scopes have picked up the fighters. They look like TIE Phantoms and TIE Defenders, but." Jesmin looked closer and saw they were right. They resembled the Empire's most advanced fighters, but with new modifications and design improvements.

"Shields up! All fighters and bombers form-"

"Incoming!" The lead capital ship was within a hundred meters of the Raddus, and Jesmin watched as fifteen-hundred turbolaser turrets filled her bridge's windows with blue plasma.

"No!" Jaina cried out. Both Jedi could sense the terror and fear in thousands of Republic servicemen and women before they went silent. Han and Chewie jumped as they heard the blasting of an alarm with flashing red lights.

"All hands, to battle stations! This is not a drill! All hands, to battle stations!" Jagged ran back to the hall first, quickly followed by Jaina. Together they watched the Raddus go up in a fiery explosion of plasma and debris.

"Jesmin." Han nearly collapsed in agony. He and Ackbar had become close friends after years of fighting the Empire together. Han knew how close the Admiral was to his niece, and now she was dead.

"The Remnant! They'll pay for this!" Kyp sounded angry as he gripped his lightsaber so hard it nearly bent. Jaina sensed subtle darkness in her former master, one that would be easy to miss. She'd always hoped the rumors about Kyp weren't true, but the more she thought back on their time together, the more she wondered.

"This can't be the Remnant. They don't have ships like that." Han argued.

"Who else could it be? Those are Star Destroyers and TIEs!" Jaina shook her head.

"Master, I agree with my dad. I sense something else here, something darker than the Remnant. I've never felt the dark side like this before. I feel like we're on an arctic tundra."

Chewie roared as he pulled out his bowcaster.

"Chewie's right, we need to take the fight to the Remnant!" Jagged took a deep breath as he gazed at Mon Cala and shook his head. Jaina could feel sorrow and lament within the Soldier as he turned back to them.

"There's nothing we can do. The battle is lost. We must warn the Republic."

"Are you a coward, Fel!? It's our duty too-" Kyp started.

"He's right, look!" Han interrupted as he furiously emphasized the space battle. Whoever led the attacking fleet had to be nothing short of a military mastermind. The blitzkrieg smashed Mon Cala's defenses apart like a battering ram against a thin wooden door. The Republic cruisers and defensive satellites were torn to shreds, and the advanced TIEs easily took down their Republic adversaries. It was no battle at all, but a massacre. Before Kyp could speak, a series of blue plasmablasts collided with the station and nearly knocked the party off their feet. A series of explosions could be heard across the halls with cries of pain following soon after.

"Warning! Station shields and defenses are down! All hands, abandon station!"

Jaina put her hand on Kyp's shoulder and tried to ease him with her expression.

"Master, we must warn the Republic." Seeing the dedication and care in Jaina's eyes, Durron relented.

"Let's get to the Falcon!" Han cried. However, Jaina and Kyp sensed approaching danger. Chewie roared and pointed to a series of craft approaching the station.

"Boarding craft incoming!" Jagged announced in a more altered manner. The station rocked again, and across the halls, they could hear blaster fire.

"We've been boarded! Security teams to your sta-" The intercom went silent after blaster fire went off and a yelp. The five now raced back towards the hanger, Jaina and Kyp ignited their lightsabers. Kyp's saber glowed a deep green and Jaina's violet.

"Don't stop!" Han cried. He did his best to keep up but grunted as fatigue set in quickly. He wasn't as young as he had been during the Rebellion. Suddenly an explosion went off behind them. Jagged and Chewie fell down, but Han managed to stay up. More blaster fire followed, and Han tightened his fist as he turned towards the hallway behind them. At the end of the hall, Han watched a squad of Republic soldiers retreat while firing.

"Look out here they come!" The sergeant bellowed out as fear and anguish ripped through his expression. A blue blaster bolt silenced the twi'lek soldier, and the rest of his squad followed quickly. As the smoke and steam cleared, Han saw them. Five marines clad in white and grey armor with a strange sigil on their shoulders. The armor resembled stormtrooper armor, only much fiercer and more efficient.

Narrowing his eyes, Han grabbed two blaster pistols in his holsters. The attacking marines didn't hesitate and opened fire. Or they would have, had Han not acted first. He ripped off two bolts, which struck a pair of marines in the chest and abdomen. However, to the General's horror, his blaster bolts didn't kill the attackers. Both groaned in agony and reeled back with their armor scorched where the bolts hit. However, the armor did its job and protected them. Chewie got up with a feral roar. He used his time on the ground to charge up his bowcaster and fired three bolts at once. Luckily for the wookie, his people's blasters backed a much bigger punch than most. The bolts burned through three of the marines' armor and dropped them to the ground. The two surviving marines ripped off fire at Chewie, striking his arm twice.

"Chewie!" Han roared. His companion wailed in agony while the fur on his arm burned. Jagged now got up with a blaster cannon in his hands. Taking careful aim, the commando unleashed a storm of green bolts into the marines, ripping them apart.

"Take this!" Jagged shouted while tossing a bacta pack to Han who nodded and injected it into Chewie's arm.

"Easy, Chewie, I've got you."

"Ahhh!" The three heard from the hallway they came from. Before Jagged could react, he saw two massive war droids approaching them after having gunned down several Quarren security personnel. Without hesitation, Jagged switched his cannon to mortar rounds and fired at the approaching droids, ripping them apart with ease. However, his success was short-lived. A pair of marines blindsided Jagged and Han, attempting to overpower them. At the same time, Chewie felt the cold arm of a war droid as it slammed him against the glass.

Han grunted and fought back with everything he had. He remembered well his combat training from the Imperial Academy, and the countless dirty tricks he learned in the underworld. Yet every move he made was countered by the much more efficient marine. Han lamented his advancing age, wondering if he'd be able to stand against the marine had he been younger. It didn't matter. A swift strike by the marine's elbow sent Han to the ground. Han braced himself, but it wasn't the end.

Jagged had killed his attacker and now went after Han's. Their fight was intense, but the Republic Commando proved superior, eventually locking his opponent into an armbar and slitting his throat with a combat knife. Han didn't waste his time on the ground; he charged his blaster pistol and took the head off the droid attacking Chewie.

"General, are you ok?"

"Swell." Han said sarcastically as Jagged helped him up with Chewie.

"Where's Jaina!?"

Further down the hall, the Jedi heard more explosions and blaster fire.

"Help! They're coming!" Jaina sensed overwhelming dread from a group of Mon Calamari soldiers ahead of them as they were ruthlessly gunned down by blaster fire. Jaina did her best not to lament the death of these soldiers, for it wasn't the Jedi way. Kyp, however, grit his teeth and surged ahead of Jaina. He'd make these attackers pay.

When he reached the adjoining hallway with Jaina, they saw only two men opposing them. However, they weren't the marines. They wore terrifying black and red armor with crimson visors and pauldrons. Kyp recognized them from the Rebellion's archives. These were Purge troopers, the Empire's elite Jedi hunters who fought alongside Inquisitors. It was the Remnant, after all.

Upon seeing Kyp and Jaina's lightsabers, the Purge troopers lowered their blaster rifles and pulled out black electro-staffs. Neither spoke a word and simply dashed ahead with fanatical resolve. Jaina and Kyp lashed out with the force, attempting to hurl them back. However, both purge troopers sunk their electro-staffs into the ground. The action kept them on their feet and in a fighting stance even as they moved back.

Kyp could help but be impressed. These men knew what they were doing. Both rose up and went at the Jedi. Kyp and Jaina fought off the purge trooper with great difficulty. Even without the force aiding them, these men knew how to fight Jedi. They worked in harmonious-synch, clearly having a long history with each other. Unfortunately for them, Jaina and Kyp proved superior. The Jedi struck down both Purge troopers after a minute of combat. Kyp took a deep breath and stared intensely at his fallen enemies, almost relishing their steaming corpses where the lightsabers cut. Jaina noticed this with mounting concern.

"Master, we must go on." Kyp nodded. Han, Chewie, and Jagged raced behind as more blaster fire ripped apart the hallway behind them. Three more purge troopers now pursued them. One in the center used his electrostaff to deflect the incoming bolts launched at them. Seeing no progress being made, Han blasted the door controls once Chewie made it through. He signed a breath of relief upon seeing the blast doors close, separating them from the purge troopers. Chewie growled with similar exhaustion as Han patted his shoulder.

"You said it, Chewie."

"I don't think you're that old, sir." Jagged responded, trying to sound respectful. Han and Chewie glanced at the Captain with slight annoyance. It came as no surprise that a Special forces officer knew how to speak Shyriiwook. But Han grew tired of Jagged's all too professional manner of speaking.

"Kid, let me give you a word of advice. You're a commando, be less proper." Chewie growled while nodding. Jagged raised an eyebrow, looking more than a little confused.

"Sir? I'm an officer, and-" The blast door in front of them shook, and all three quickly raced towards the hanger. Inside, they watched Jaina and Kyp dispatch a squad of marines who'd killed the Republic personnel inside. Jaina fought masterfully, cutting down the marines efficiently, but without aggression. Unlike Kyp, who seemed to enjoy their deaths subtly. Han breathed with relief upon seeing his daughter safe and then turned to the Falcon, which luckily remained mostly unmolested from the various debris around them.

"Let's get out of here, Chewie warm up the Falcon!" Chewie rushed inside and began working, but just when Jaina deactivated her lightsaber, the chilling sensation of the dark side enveloped her more than ever before.

"Oh no." Jaina watched another ship approach them. It looked imperial in design, but more of a crewed intercepter than a fighter. Slowly it set down and lowered its ramp. Jaina and Kyp instinctively ignited their lightsabers as they watched two figures emerge from the ship.

The first was a portly man adorned in black and grey robes concealed his excess body while the gray mask hid his face. The mask had a face of its own with black eyes and an emotionless expression.

The second wore black armor designed to conform naturally to his body with a rounded belt and red shoulder plates that curved around the shoulders. Four spikes extruding from the tops of the shoulders and a red hood covering a helmet/mask. The mask held a black visor in an overall design, not all that different from the legendary mask of Revan.

Even Tavion and her Dark Jedi cult couldn't compare to a fraction of the darkness which dwelled within these figures. Particularly the second man. The Warrior in armor with spiked shoulders almost seemed to manifest the dark side in his very physical being, and it terrified Jaina to no end.

The approaching warriors both ignited black hilted red lightsabers and approached the Jedi with vicious resolve. There could be no mistake for Kyp or Jaina. These weren't dark Jedi, but Sith. Perhaps they were the new rulers of the Remnant: a master and an apprentice. But where did they come from?

"Dad, get aboard the ship." Jaina said, raising her lightsaber. Han had never felt so afraid in his life as he watched the warriors approach his daughter.


"Captain!" Jaina cried. Jagged nodded and grabbed hold of Han, forcing him aboard the Falcon despite fierce resistance.

"No! Let me go, that's an order!"

"Stay close. We can defeat them!" Kyp proclaimed confidently. Jaina wasn't so certain. The fatter Sith walked ahead of the armored Warrior with an arrogant demeanor.

"Apprentice, watch, and learn. This is my hour!" The Sith Lord's voice had a great power behind it, though Kyp could sense his own force abilities, while immense, they didn't seem to match his demeanor. The fatter Sith raised his offhand and unleashed a torrent of violet force lightning at the Jedi.

Kyp and Jaina raised their lightsabers and used the force to draw the incoming lightning into their sabers. However, this wasn't easy for either of them. Jaina had seen her uncle Luke absorb force lightning without a lightsaber, only using his hand and the force. She wondered if she'd ever master that ability.

The armored Sith warrior didn't wait any longer and charged forward through the air like a flying beast. His armored fist nearly cracked the floor upon impact, and from it, a wave of red force lightning coursed through his enemy's veins.

Jaina tried to cry out, but she was in too much pain. The Sith warrior stabbed forward, nearly killing her, luckily, Kyp intercepted his blade. The Sith Lord dashed in and came at the Jedi master with an unrestrained fury. Kyp parried each blow, and with her senses recovered, Jaina exchanged strikes with the Warrior.

The duel didn't remain one on one. Often blades would turn on the other adversary. Jaina would occasionally have the Sith Lord attack her and the Warrior on Kyp. Despite the fatter Sith proclaiming himself as master, it became increasingly clear the Sith warrior was the greater threat. His lightsaber skills and connection to the force both exceeded the Sith Lord's.

Occasionally, the fatter Sith would unleash more force lightning, and drove both Jedi into a tighter defense. The Warrior took advantage of this and came closer to striking them. The red lightsaber's heat emanated onto both Jedi, tightening their nerves. His brutal assault only made things worse. The Sith's feral assault was equally as efficient and disciplined. He wasn't lashing out recklessly but used his aggression in a controlled manner, one that directed it entirely upon his enemies. Each stroke carried an immense weight behind it, and Jaina felt her bones ache.

Fortunately for Jaina and her master, they fought in much better synchronization than the two Sith. Working together, they unleashed a combined blow of force power, hurling their opponents back. The Warrior held his arms out and used the force to level himself while sliding across the ground in a controlled manner. His master attempted to do so the same, but did so clumsily, stumbling while he did it.

Jaina and Kyp finally noticed the Falcon lift up, as well as the Sith. The Sith Lord held his hand out and blasted the Falcon with force lightning. Jagged stood on the entry ramp with his cannon in hand.

"Blast em Chewie!" Han cried. Each moment of watching Jaina fight brought him closer to a heart attack. Chewie activated the ship's autocannon. The turret lowered and unleashed a series of blasts with Jagged's cannon.

The Sith Warrior held his offhand out and deflected these bursts with the force, guiding them safely away. At the same time, he hurled his lightsaber through the air and severed the Falcon's autocannon.

"Come on!" Jagged cried to the Jedi. Jaina hesitated, they were no closer to defeating the Sith, and the situation around them grew worse.

"Jaina! Get aboard now!" Han now stood on the ramp with Jagged. Never in her life had Jaina heard her father cry out with such passion. Kyp took a deep breath and placed his hand on Jaina's shoulder.

"You must go, Jaina." Her eyes widened, and she opened her mouth as if to speak.

"You're destined for much greater things, Jaina. Go, save the Republic." With a heavy heart, Jaina hugged Kyp and raced towards the Falcon. Calling upon the power of the force, Jaina leaped onto the ramp and into her father's arms. Han felt a great weight lift from his shoulders, though only for a moment, for he knew they were still in great danger. Kyp charged at the Sith, hoping to occupy their attention so Jaina could escape.

"Master!" She cried out, hurling her lightsaber to the other Jedi. Kyp acrobatically leaped up and caught her lightsaber with his offhand. Seeing the Falcon escape safely, Kyp experienced a surge of strength flow within him. He elegantly fought off both Sith, striking fast and hard until, at last, it was they who were on the defensive. With a swift blow of Jaina's lightsaber, Kyp sliced through the Sith Lord's mask and sent it flying.

Now, Kyp saw the Sith's face. A fresh mark from his lightsaber burned over the human's gray skin. Wrinkled and dark-veins ravaged his plump face and yellow eyes. The wound enraged him and sent the Sith Lord into another fury. Though with little success. Kyp continued to fight off the Sith, until finally blasting the Warrior back with another force blow.

The Warrior performed a controlled landing as he had before, sliding across the hanger while still on his feet. Kyp now turned his full attention onto the Sith Lord, striking successively with a furious resolve. The Sith Lord desperately lashed out with force-lightning, but Kyp used both lightsabers to redirect it. With another two strokes, Kyp knocked his enemy's lightsaber away and slashed across his side.

"Ahhh!" The Sith Lord yelped in agony. His side sizzled from the lightsaber strike, and he collapsed onto the ground, nearly paralyzed in pain. Kyp took a deep breath and raised both lightsabers over the now helpless Sith Lord. However, something happened that Kyp hadn't expected. The Sith Lord's lightsaber flew from his hand across the hanger.

Kyp now watched the Sith Warrior catch his master's lightsaber, stripping him of his weapon instead of coming to his defense. Rather than igniting the lightsaber, the Sith Warrior lowered his hood and reached for his helmet. Finally, Kyp saw the Warrior's face and trembled.

The young-man had deep-red skin with dark black hair that was thicker on top than on the sides. The yellow in his eyes almost illuminated the scars across his face. Under his chin rested a pair of claw-like appendages while the sides of his mouth housed four tendrils. He stood exactly six feet tall with a muscular frame to him.

Kyp hadn't seen a species like this in his entire life. No one in the Republic had for thousands of years. However, the Jedi master did recognize the being's description from the ancient Jedi archives. This Warrior was of the Sith race, a true Sith descendant from Korriban.

An all too excited smile took hold on the Sith Warrior's face. Bloodlust and tenacity mixed in perfectly with the dark side's power as it rose around him. When he ignited the second lightsaber, a red aura of the dark side surrounded him.

Kyp quickly reached out with the force and hurled a piece of debris at the Sith, but with a swift strike, the Sith Warrior sliced it into pieces. Kyp hurled a burning crate, yet just like before, the Sith Warrior blew it apart with the force. Finally, Kyp lifted a destroyed X-Wing and launched it at his enemy.

The Sith warrior now sprinted forward and charged through the air. In a terrifying fury, the Sith Warrior smashed through the X-Wing and nearly brought Kyp to his knees upon impact. Each blow from the Warrior's lightsabers felt like being struck by a droid's metal arm. Kyp wondered how long he could keep up his defense. With his bones aching, the Jedi attempted to lash out with the force.

In response, the Sith Warrior unleashed a thunderous roar that struck Kyp with the dark side's fury. With his stance now completely broken, Kyp's lightsabers were forced aside, and the Jedi master became impaled by the Warrior's blades.

Inside the Falcon, Han and Chewie desperately tried to avoid being shot down by the advanced TIE Phantoms. Their shields buckled against precise fire from three pursuing Phantoms. Jaina and Jagged fought back with the gun turrets, but the Phantom pilots proved too skilled, evading each blast. At that moment, Jaina felt her heart break, and Kyp's presence within the force passed away. He was gone. The Jedi Knight grit her teeth and struggled to maintain her composure.

"There is no emotion, there is peace." She stuttered.

Back aboard Kyrell station, the Sith Warrior basked in his victory. Smiling with pride and accomplishment as he gazed upon the dead Jedi.

"Draikor! Draikor, you imbecile! Get me a bacta pack!" The Sith Lord barked out in agony. Draikor's expression changed quickly, and he slowly approached his master. By the time he reached him, the Sith Lord held out a communicator with the force.

"Grand Admiral Thrawn, come in!" He growled. Normally, Draikor's master would speak in a more controlled manner, but his injury clearly sapped any patience and subtlety he would have had. From the communicator, the image of a Chiss man wearing a white officer's uniform with golden epaulets greeted the Sith Lord.

"Greetings, Darth Baras. The enemy orbital defenses lay in ruin. General Zarron is ready to launch the ground invasion." The Chiss commander spoke in a controlled voice, but one that carried more weight than even Darth Baras's.

"No! Destroy their drydocks! Then bombard the planet's surface until its oceans boil!" Draikor narrowed his eyes and stared closer at Darth Baras as he panted. Grand Admiral Thrawn kept his hands behind his back and similarly narrowed his eyes for a moment. He didn't appear upset or distressed,but unwilling.

"My Lord, if I may, I must object to this strategy. Those dry docks could serve us well if we captured them, as could Mon Cala itself under our control. Such ruthless destruction could also embolden our enemies, strengthening their resolve." Thrawn spoke to the point and efficiently. He didn't seem concerned about the loss of innocent life, but rather convinced his strategic intuition was correct.

"The Sith Empire has returned! We will have our revenge, and this will strike fear into the Republic!" Baras roared even while in pain. Even so, Thrawn remained unmoved.

"My Lord, I must object-" Thrawn began until he felt his throat tighten. The Chiss didn't look afraid as many Imperial officers did when such punishment came upon them. He simply held his throat in a controlled manner as Baras slowly tightened his grasp.

"Insolent Chiss! I am Darth Baras! You will not defy me! All ships open fire!" Baras screamed over the comm channel. The Sith Lord's usual calculating demeanor was overcome by pain and excitement for the glory of victory and the fame which would come with it.

Draikor now watched as their fleet annihilated the Republic Shipyard, and then turned their fire onto Mon Cala itself. Onboard the Falcon, Han and Chewie escaped the Phantoms and disabled one of the gravity well projectors.

"We're all clear, let's" Han started before he saw what was happening. Chewie let out a low groan in horror. Jaina staggered upon watching the destruction, and Jagged once again had to hold her up. The Jedi Knight watched with unrelenting horror as the attacking fleet burned Mon Cala's surface with an unforgiving salvo of fire.

"By the force." Jagged lost his breath and nearly dropped Jaina. The Jedi's eyes filled with tears, for she could sense all the lives of Mon Cala. Their pain, their terror, and lament. This was without a doubt, the most traumatic moment of Jaina's life. She became so overwhelmed she nearly passed out.

"Let's get out of here." Han said quietly. He entered lightspeed and sent them away from Mon Cala. Back inside the station, Draikor crossed his arms and continued to watch Mon Calamari burn. Part of him savored the destruction of his enemies, but he also considered what Thrawn said. However, he snapped out of the daze when he could no longer sense the other Jedi nearby.

"Draikor, what are you doing? I said, get me a bacta pack!" Baras wailed. Draikor looked down at his master full of malice.

"They escaped, master. You failed." The darkness and power in his voice began to frighten Baras.

"Failed!? Look around you! All of this is my victory, you wretch!" Draikor shook his head.

"The Fleet's victory is Thrawn's. You were at the Jedi's mercy. I killed him, that victory is mine."

"You fool! I'll teach you some humility!" Baras unleashed a pulse of force lightning. The pain in his side enhancing its power. Despite this, Draiker reached out with the force and redirected the lightning harmlessly away. He then seized Baras by the throat and lifted him up. Thrawn gasped for breath and quickly regained his composure, watching with interest as Draikor lifted his master up.

Baras clutched at his throat as so many of his servants had before him. The Sith Lord desperately tried to lash out at Draikor with the force, but to no success. Slowly he felt the life squeezed out of his throat as terror set in.

"You! You can't kill me! I'm Darth Baras! My power and influence is felt throughout the Empire! You're nothing but my servant! Without me, you're nothing!" As if to answer him, Draikor smiled with satisfaction built up over several years. With a swift flick of his wrist, Draikor snapped Baras's neck and ended his life. Now, his victory was truly complete. Taking a deep breath, Draikor savored this moment. Thrawn didn't respond at first; he simply watched carefully before turning to his communications officer.

"All ships cease-fire immediately." He said calmly. Draikor continued basking over his victory even as he heard the sound of approaching blaster fire. From one doorway, a squad of Purge troopers entered. From another, six Republic soldiers were gunned down by three more Imperials.

A naval officer with neat black hair, A Purge trooper officer with broad shoulders and a thick brown beard, and finally a young twi'lek woman with dark red skin, not all that different from Draikor's skin. Her eyes were a lighter shade of red than her skin, but her most distinctive feature was a series of black tattoo-like markings across her face and lekku. The twi'lek was relatively slender in her body's shape and stood several inches shorter than Draikor while wearing a black flight suit.

The twi'lek holstered her blaster pistols before she noticed Draikor standing over a body. She almost ran over with her companions close behind.

"Hey! The station's secure! We-" Her soft but punctual voice was cut off when she saw the corpse of Darth Baras at Draikor's feet.

"My, my Lord." The naval officer almost stuttered. The Purge troopers didn't seem to react much, all except their officer who smiled like Draikor. The twi'lek's expression held a mixture of fear and excitement. She slowly took the Draikor's hand and felt him wrap his arms around her. Moving fast, Draikor planted a passionate kiss upon the twi'lek's lips, turning her face even redder as she moaned in delight and excitement.

Author's note:

Yes, this is quite similar to the SWTOR return trailer, but I thought it fit well

The Sith Empire has now returned to face the New Republic and Jedi Coalition, can the next generation of Jedi face this millennia-old threat?

But within the Empire, a young Sith Warrior has now freed himself from his master's grip, what future and ambitions lay ahead for him?

Yes, this is quite similar to another story I made, however, this story will focus on both the Jedi and Sith's perspectives, going back and forth. It will be more episodic like the Clone Wars with time skips. It will also be only 14-15 chapters max.

So until next time,

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