From the Angel

Disclaimer: Characters belong to their rightful owners.

Chapter 1:

Nico had long since resigned to the fact that his duties to monitor the underworld would be his sacred duty. Till the end of his days. His father Hades was rather attached to his offspring, considering he barely sired children. More specifically, children from mortal women. After the loss of his sister Bianca he long awaited the familial emotion of being loved and looked after. However, his father was more interested in Nico learning the nuances of shadow traveling and the laws of governing a hostile environment. That hostile environment being the violent nether region of the Underworld.

His roaming of the palace grounds looking at the dead and rotten trees didn't excite him all that much. The only source of light in the main courtyard being the bright, yet, beautiful garden that his stepmother Persephone kept. Persephone wasn't a mother to say the least. Her interests were more to her garden and counting the days until her horrifying nightmare would be over. Once the spring returned, she would return to the over world to live with her mother Demeter. She very much hated the underworld due to its inability to sprout and harbor life.

His walks around the courtyard were solitary. His father's undead were rather cold to him. Only following his orders because they feared him. Not being able to make any form of connection deteriorated his social skills constantly.

But all that was quickly pushed to the back of his mind, as he entered the palace on its regal red rugs and into the throne room where his father awaited. No matter how many times he entered the Throne room, it never ceased to amaze him. The burning fireplace, where Hades kept the tormented spirits he decided to monitor himself. To the bone infused throne that was made by his undead minions lovingly. But what amazed him more was the overall regality for the king of the Underworld. The chandeliers that hung from the ceiling made from the rarest jewels. The floors made of the shiniest obsidian. The pillars that held such palace the color of Stygian Iron.

"Father." Nico said in reverence as he kneeled on one leg and lowered his head.

"Arise my son." Hades' pale fingers beckoned his demigod son.

"Why have I been summoned?" Nico inquired as he began to twirl his skull ring that was situated on his left index finger.

Nico knew that when he was summoned by his father it was for a tough task to be completed. Like manipulating a prophecy to end the reign of the Olympians. Or to act as an ambassador for him in a camp that was hostile to those of Greek immortal parents. He hoped this time was different.

"In an alternate world, we have long since been abandoned." Hades finally responded as his socket less eyes bore into his son.

Nico rose his eyebrows not comprehending what his father was trying to say. Hades grew restless that he had to send his only son to a different world, to make amends of the mistakes he failed to prevent.

"This particular world has gone into extreme darkness. Worshipping my subjects instead of me. Demons, the tortured souls that have escaped the Fields of Punishment are bestowing powers onto mortals." Nico continued to look clueless as his father began to grip the edge of his throne.

"Vampires, a race that has decided to disobey my orders and have decided upon themselves to make mortals their livestock." Nico gagged at the thought of vampires eating human flesh.

"So empousas?" Nico inquired realizing this was something very small to agitate his father.

"No, Vampires a more developed race. They have structure and are highly intelligent." Hades arose as he paced to his demigod son.

"I need to correct the wrongs I have failed to prevent. Exterminate the Vampire race and return the mortals to their former glory." Hades placed his skeleton like hand on Nico as he could feel shivers run up his spine from his father's touch.

"What do they believe in now?" Nico asked as he looked into his father's void less eyes.

"Angels and demons." Hades replied bitterly.

"The angels are the good ones than. Why don't they fix the issue?" Nico inquired as Hades' head dropped in frustration.

"The angels are there to exterminate the mortal race. While the demons want to possess them. You have to eliminate both. The Vampires and even some of the mortals from within the Japanese Imperial Demon Army are looking for the downfall of humanity. You must not let that happen. Last thing I need is the Underworld to be overrun by lost souls." Hades pressured his son into taking the task.

"Very well. When do I travel to this alternate world?" Hades looked at his son hoping that he would return. This particular world was very dangerous. Filled with vile and powerful beings.

"Right now. They need your help." Hades ushered his son through the portal he had created to transport his son to the world that needed salvation.

"I need food and extra clothes." Nico stopped Hades from pushing him any further.

"That will all be provided to you in their world. I will make sure to teleport you to where they can find you." Hades assured his son.

"Is there someone I should trust or particularly be wary of?" Nico continued to pester his father with questions.

"You will know when you get there. You can still pray to me for guidance. However, I will not be able to intervene in this particular world." Hades responded to Nico. Who could only sigh in response.

Before Nico could ask another question, Hades pushed his son into the portal that transported him to an entirely separate world from his own. He had asked the Olympian council why his son was needed for this task. Why couldn't they send the Hero of Olympus themselves? They responded stating that Nico was more suited for this particular task. Hades could only hope so.

"Stay safe my son." Hades pleaded as he barked orders to his servants to make sure the portal would stay on. For when his son returned.

Buildings had collapsed, streets and pathways destroyed, cars tossed to the side. The city in total ruins. Long abandoned and robbed of all its resources. The main resources being humans. As Nico laid unconscious on the cracked pavement no danger was in his midsts. However, the Horsemen of John were lingering not too far off where the son of Hades laid on a crushed vehicle.

Luckily one of the extermination squads for the Moon Demon Company had been patrolling the particular area. They had heard a report that an entity had fallen from the sky. As they scouted the area a boy with neat black hair and the sharpest green eyes located the boy that laid unconscious.

"There's the 'entity'" Yūichirō alerted his squad as they made their way to the unconscious demigod.

"That has to hurt. You think he's still alive." Shinoa teased as Yūichirō became irritated.

"Would you stop?" He scolded Shinoa as he made a move to check his pulse.

"Wait! Check if he has fangs. Last thing we need is to get killed by a vampire." Yoichi grabbed Yūichirō's shoulder stopping him from committing a mistake.

"I highly doubt that." Yūichirō scanned the unconscious boy as he noticed the sheathed Falcata sword.

Yūichirō furrowed his eyebrows in thought. He looked very different from the normal humans and livestock found in the ruined cities surrounding Japan. His dark hair was the only normal aspect of a normal human. However, what sent shivers down the extermination group was the paleness in which the boy's skin tone was. Almost pale enough to be dead… Vampire like.

Nico began to stir as his body began to ache from the fall from the portal. His first instinct to reach for his sword. However, he felt a sharp object pierce the skin under his chin. He felt the small droplets of blood tread the skin under his skin to his neck. Someone had gotten to him while he was unconscious, so they thought.

The demigod concentrated as he continued to feign being unconscious. Until he felt his body being moved through the shadows. This particular shadow travel drained more of his energy than he expected. But he did expect it to drain some of his energy knowing that the time of the day was morning. Which meant less shadows, so he had to create his own.

"What the hell? Where did he go?" Shinoa asked surprised as she summoned her demon series scythe.

Nico opened his eyes and took in the ruined city that he had landed in. He also felt the presence of an undead aura within his vicinity. As he scouted the area he witnessed a group of five teenagers looking around. Perhaps they were the ones who had the plans of capturing him.

That was all tossed outside of his mind as he noticed the black scythe emitting deadly aura being wielded by a girl no older than fifteen. In fact the one emitting the most dangerous aura was the boy with the piercing green eyes. Which reminded him of… He shook his head shaking the thoughts of the son of Poseidon out of his mind.

In Nico's inner monologue he questioned whether he should approach them with his sword sheathed and showing them that he wasn't a threat. Or approach them with sword wielded ready for a battle.

His mouth moved before he took action. "Hey!" Nico waved his arms around as he grasped the attention of the extermination unit.

So much for his plan to appear harmless as they all summoned their demon series weapons. Black undead energy flowing from their weapons. Nico could sense they were malignant like his father had told him. Would they fear him? Or would the demons be clueless to him being the son of Hades.

"Surrender immediately." Shinoa commanded as they neared closer and he cautiously approached them.

"Unsheathe your sword and drop it." Shinoa continued as the demon with her scythe grew restless.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Nico explained as his hands were still in the air. Not making any attempt to scare them.

"Do it!" Yūichirō backed his leader as he kept his harsh gaze on Nico.

Nico sighed as he lowered his right hand to unsheathe his stygian iron sword. He still maintained his left arm up to avoid misinterpretation. As he held his prized possession he could see the dark purple aura emit from his sword as it tried to suck the light from the street. While also absorbing the demon energy within the purple haired girl's scythe.

"Is it a demon series weapon?" Yūichirō asked as he felt his sword tremor a bit.

Nico cocked his head to the side not understanding the question. He maintained the sword in his hand as he could sense it made the group uneasy.

"No." The demigod responded simply as he stalled hoping his stygian sword could absorb majority of the demon energy.

"In actuality- " Nico tried to move forward but was stopped as their weapons rose warning him to stay still.

"I crafted it myself. I mined the Stygian iron ore from the underworld. Forged it in my father's palace and cooled it in the River of Styx." Nico summarized to the best of his ability.

"Stop joking around. You're making things up." The pink haired male from the group yelled in irritation. He was the tallest of the group and wore glasses. He wielded his twin swords.

"I'm serious. Now let me go. From what I can sense you are mortals." Nico deduced as he lowered his left hand and sheathed his stygian iron sword.

Nico began walking towards them as they began to lower their guard. Well that was until Yūichirō took matters into his own hands. If the son of Hades wasn't blessed with his demigod reflexes he'd surely be dead. The green eyed mortal was surprised when Nico was quick enough to wield his sword to block his attack.

The force of the strike causing gusts of wind. The sparks and purple aura sucking the demon energy from Yūichirō's sword. Nico spread his legs to alter his stance to more of a defensive position. The green eyed teenager struck with vindictive nature as he could feel the raw emotion of vengeance from every strike Nico managed to block.

"I'm not going to hurt you. If that was my intention you would be dead now." Nico spoke before Yūichirō could attack.

"You talk like a vampire. Such arrogance. Thinking humans are beneath every hierarchy and scum of the earth." Yūichirō responded through gritted teeth.

"Wrong. It's just the way I speak. Friendship is a foreign aspect to me." Nico replied as he closed the gap between himself and the group.

Noticing that Nico made no attempt to commit a hostile attack they lowered their guard before putting away their weapons. The teenager who was able to deflect Yūichirō's attack with apparent ease looked lonely. The way he twirled his skull ring showed he was nervous. His skin was rather off-putting considering they only believed Vampires could achieve such paleness. His black orbs were devoid of any emotion. Almost as if that was another defensive mechanism he had put up. His black messy hair resembling like he had just woken up. Overall, the demigod was rather handsome. His looks amplified by his father's godly looks. Well when he decided to showcase his human form.

"So what's your name?" Yūichirō spoke up, albeit a little hesitant.

The boy inspected Yūichirō critically. Almost as if he was staring into the boy's soul. Looking through his transgressions and sins. Destroying any barrier that would hide his intents and emotions.

"Nico. My name is Nico Di Angelo." Nico finally responded.

Author's Note: This has been one of the Anime's I have been watching for the downtime during this pandemic. I realize that there are certain differentiation between the Manga and the Anime. However, I am going based on some events that transpired within the Anime provided. Afterwards I may create my own storyline further down the road. I realize this may not be a popular Anime considering I have barely seen fanfics on this particular anime. However, it may well be just a one shot focusing on the great Nico Di Angelo.