Disclaimer; I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chocolate brown eyes slowly opened. Bakura Ryou slowly sat up with a groan.

He grimaced. The painfully familiar sourness he was experiencing told him exactly what the dark spirit of the millennium ring did last night, and he hated it.

Ignoring the pain that he experienced what seemed to be every morning, he started going about his daily routine.

By the time he left his room, it was 7:30. He went to the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast for both himself and his unwelcomed houseguest, Ishtar Marik.

Ryou had just finished making breakfast when said Egyptian walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

Ryou spared him a glance and gave him his plate, he had more important things on his mind. He wanted to confirm what he had suspected for the past two months. It wasn't a suspicion really; he was certain that Marik and the spirit of the ring had been sleeping together. He just wanted to hear Marik admit it.

Ryou sat down at the seat across from him.

"Marik," He began slowly. The Egyptian glanced up. "Have you and Bakura been having sex?"

Marik choked up his food and went into a coughing fit.

"WHAT!?" He looked like a deer caught in headlights. Ryou felt a small twinge of guilt seeing him like this, he also felt Bakura monitoring his thoughts more intently than usual. He persisted despite these facts.

"Have. You. And. Bakura. Been. Having. Sex?" He repeated, making sure to enunciate each word.

Marik quickly recovered from his shock and put on his best innocent look. That look always enraged Ryou.

"Of course not, why would you think that Ryou?" He asked with a fake smile. He had not been expecting this question, he had thought that both Bakura and himself had done a good job hiding it from the spirit's host-evidently, he had been wrong.

Ryou narrowed his eyes at the obvious lie.

"I'm not an idiot." He decided to say at last. Marik raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth to reply but jumped when Bakura appeared next to him.

"Yadonushi, I have no clue what you're talking about. Why the heck would you think I would sleep with a Tomb Keeper?" Another lie then, well lies can be easily counteracted with truth and fact.

"Do you really think I would be oblivious to something like that? I wasn't certain the first time, but of course, I suspected. I mean the sourness, bruises, Marik's obvious limp, the list goes on."

The parasite raised an eyebrow.

"You act as if you've had sex before, but I know for a fact that you have not." At this Ryou snorted.

"Maybe not in this life but the last..." He murmured, thinking neither of them would hear, unfortunately for him they both did.

"What does that mean?" Marik asked him. Ryou's eyes widened when he realized his mistake.

"Landlord?" Bakura questioned. Realizing it was the only thing he could do, Ryou quickly retreated into his soul room.

Seeing that the body was about to fall out of the chair, Bakura quickly took control of it.

The two remaining occupants of the room shared a look.

"What did your host mean 'not in this life but the last?'" Bakura shrugged.

"How should I know?" Marik glared at him.

"Can't you read his mind?" Bakura glared back with twice the venom.

"Yes, but for some reason when I tried to look just now, I couldn't see what I was looking for."

Marik hummed. "We could always snoop around his Soul Room."

Bakura nodded.

As the two of them prepared to bring Marik with Bakura to his and Ryou's soul hallway, they were unaware of another being watching them from behind Marik's eyes.




"So, have you ever actually been to Ryou's Soul Room before?" Marik asked Bakura as they stood in front of the door to Ryou's Soul Room.

Bakura shook his head.

"No, but if Ryou had a past life as he seems to, then there will most likely be some form of a door in there."

Marik nodded.

Bakura hesitantly reached for the door handle. He would never admit it, but he felt the same thing for his host he felt for Marik. Though he fervently denied it to himself at first, he eventually had to admit he knew what this feeling was; Love. To go into his landlord's Soul Room would be the ultimate of intrusions...

Bakura took a deep breath, pushed all his feelings aside, and opened the door.

What they saw was quite honestly a shock.

The walls, ceiling, and floor of the room were made completely out of stone and the only furniture in the whole room was a white glowing throne. Atop this throne sat Ryou wearing a black trench coat as well as his usual blue and white striped tee-shirt, tennis shoes and the millennium ring.

Bakura's eyes narrowed when he realized the reason why the room was so bare. This wasn't the whole room, just the first part of it.

"YOU ACTUALLY CAME IN!?" The volume of the exclamation made both boys jump. "AND YOU BROUGHT SOMEONE ELSE IN WITH YOU!?"

Bakura rolled his eyes and walked the rest of the way into the room, Marik in tow. Now that he was in his and Ryou's soul area, he was also wearing what Ryou was.

"You didn't actually think I'd stay out if there was something I wanted to know, did you?" Bakura questioned sarcastically, not really expecting an answer. "Now, let us into the rest of your soul room, won't you?"

Ryou narrowed his eyes.

"Do you really think I'm just going to-" Ryou trailed off and glared at an empty part of the room. "You realize of course, that I can see you."

Deranged laughter filled the room than Malik appeared in the spot Ryou was glaring at.

Bakura and Marik gaped.

"As I was saying," Ryou continued turning his attention back to them and crossing his arms, "No."

Bakura glared at him.

"You seem to think that you have a choice." He observed with a threatening edge to his tone.

Ryou merely raised an eyebrow and crossed his legs.

"And you seem to think I don't."

"You're supposed to be in the Shadow Realm." Both albinos turned their attention back to Marik and Malik.

Malik snorted.

"You can't banish a mental disorder Hikari." Marik started to tremble. He quite honestly looked like he was staring at the grim reaper.

Ryou merely rolled his eyes, stood, and walked up to stare Malik right in the face.

"It is a good thing that is not what you are then."

Malik's eyes widened, as did Marik's and Bakura's for different reasons.

"What do you mean he's not?" Marik asked indignantly, crossing his arms and glaring at Ryou.

"I mean that he is his own being; he did not spawn from your mind."

Ryou's hand suddenly shot up and latched onto Malik's throat.

"H-how do you…?" Malik rasped. He didn't manage to finish his sentence but Ryou got the message.

"Well, for one thing, you are here, as your own separate soul, meaning you cannot be a part of Marik's mind; otherwise you would still be watching from behind his eyes."

Malik was about to say something more but when he opened his mouth all that came out was an ear-splitting scream.

Ryou waited a moment after the screaming ended, then let Malik's body fall to the floor. It immediately turned to smoke and fizzled out.

Marik and Bakura stared, wide-eyed and slack-jawed. This was not something they had expected out of Ryou-he didn't even flinch at Malik's scream! Since when could Ryou do that anyway?

Ryou ignored the small twinge of guilt he had about what he just did. He turned to face the other two with an expression that betrayed nothing but annoyance.

"Why did you two want to come here?"

Bakura gave him a harsh glare, but it lacked its usual venom.

"That's none of your concern-"

"We want to see your Soul Room." Marik cut him off. He had never really thought much of or about Ryou but seeing that he seemed to have just destroyed the being that had been ruining his life for years, he thought it best to at least tell him why they were there.

Ryou turned his gaze on Marik and leaned against the wall. He seemed to be waiting for something. Marik blew out a breath.

"Please let us see your Soul Room."

Ryou looked at him for a moment, memories of another life flashing behind his eyes. For a moment, Marik thought he saw Ryou's eyes turn a light shade of blue. His breath hitched in his throat and he felt something tug at his heart, then as quickly as it came, Ryou's eyes turned brown again and the strong longing he felt was gone.

Bakura had also seen the change in Ryou's eyes but brushed it off as nothing.

Ryou's expression was schooled as he stared at something it seemed that only he could see.

He sighed.

"Are you certain that you want to see what is inside there?" He asked at last. Marik nodded enthusiastically with a huge grin on his face.

Ryou closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

"I'm going to regret this." He murmured, then looked up. "If you answer one question, I will allow you both accesses." They both nodded at this and Ryou's eyes narrowed. "Did you two have sex."

They both grimaced. They had thought he forgot about that.

Marik sighed. "Yes." He said in an emotionless tone.

Ryou closed his eyes and nodded, trying to keep his emotions from showing on his face. He opened his eyes and walked up to the two of them.

"Stay close to me and don't get distracted by anything you see." Was the only warning he gave them before he snapped his fingers and the world dropped out from under them.




So that was it for this chapter, this was my first fanfic so please review. I hope it wasn't horrible!