Rarely had Grimm seen the moon since his younger days, and it was still as lovely as he remembered.

He marveled at the sky as he stood outside the mouth of the Troupe's main tent. Straying from his post ran the risk of being unprepared for the Vessel's return, but they had not left long ago, and their small form took time to traverse this kingdom.

He felt entitled to the luxury too. These were his twilight hours after all.

Even surveying his dim surroundings, it was hard to believe the call had brought the Troupe to Hallownest, that not only did scarlet flame still burn here, but also that there was someone still alive to harvest it. It seemed this kingdom was dead, though not hollow. Its spirit lived on through survivors and wanderers, and its body surged with life through the parasite that filled its corpse.

Oh, Radiance. Her heart beat strong somewhere below yet without any elegance. No wonder her people had left her for that pompous Wyrm.

Again, Grimm examined the nearby town lit by lumafly streetlamps. There were few signs of life, mainly an elderly bug who kept his gaze away from the circus and a smaller creature preaching to another. Sans the latter's distant prattling, things were quiet and still, neither of which Grimm was accustomed to.

He turned his attention away from the humble town and approached the abode beside the main tent, an identical structure though much smaller. A subtle aroma wafted through the opening, ever shifting yet always familiar.

Grimm politely pushed the canvas away and peeked in. "Divine?"

The finely furnished interior mostly escaped the moon's light, lit instead by a hanging lantern of red flame. To be expected, Divine rested in the center, her massive body curled in contentment. She seemed lost in thought, though her head perked up when she noticed Grimm.

"Ahhh, Master." She trilled. "How strange to see you here. Come! Come in!"

He obliged, the scent of burning incenses encircling him with each step. It was a little overwhelming, but a welcome change from the tent's smokiness and whatever odd smells the Vessel brought back with them.

"How is the ritual?" Divine asked.

"Our friend has taken the Grimmchild to collect the last of the scarlet flame. The ritual should be completed soon upon their return."

"Yes, yes. The little lovely came to visit me not long ago. Gave me gifts. Now I am waiting for a visit. Something very special below us."

"A guest?"

"Yes. They will come before the ritual ends. They should. I hope."

"If they do not, you may remain until they do, so long as you are prompt with your return."

"Ahhhhh! Master, you are too kind!"

"It is the least I can do. Besides, room can be made for celebration. This is a special night for the Troupe."

"And it is a strange night. Quiet." She glanced in the direction of the main tent. "Very quiet. The music stopped before little lovely left me."

Grimm tapped his chin. "It's curious. Brumm takes his breaks every so often, but he never leaves our fairgrounds."

"Maybe he took a walk. To take in the sights before we leave."


Grimm silently pondered. Divine hesitated then piped up.

"Do you have to leave so soon?"

The answer was obvious, but the Troupe Master withheld it just as Divine held her breath, as if the Nightmare Heart would strike her down for even implying a disruption.

She whimpered lightly. "Sorry. It is not my place."

"Not to worry." He reassured. "Though impossible, it is not a crime to wish. Besides, a new Master will replace me in time."

"Ahh, but not the same as you."

"Surely, we aren't all that different, are we?"

"Yes! All different! Even in little ways. The twists of your words. The details in your Charms. The taste of your flames."

"I see." Now he asked a question, also hesitating. "What…does it taste like? The flame, that is."

"Very delicious. A rare flavor. Spicy and sweet all at once." She coyly cocked her head while keeping a shrewd eye on him. "But is that why you came to visit? For a question?"

"No, I wanted to say goodbye. And something else."

He stepped forward and extended a hand to her. Curious, she placed one of her bladed appendages into his. Though finely sharpened, his ginger touch ensured the blade would not slice his fingers.

"I know this is not the end of your service," He said, "But I want to thank you for it."

She laughed. "Oh, but I do so little! I am a member of the Troupe to serve you. Another servant of the Heart."

"Nonsense. My kin serve their purposes, but your talent is what brings the Grimmchildren to life. Without you to refine my father's fire, I would not exist. It is the same for my child and the Troupe Masters before us. You are the finest craftsman I have yet encountered."

A jagged maw emerged on his face to form a zigzagging grin. "And you are more than a mere servant to me, my friend."

He bowed and gently pressed his lips to the edge of her bladed hand. Her smiled curled even further.

"Ahhhh," She trilled softly, "You really are too kind to me, Grimm."

All was serene for a moment as the gesture sustained. However, the sound of footsteps interrupted, and a figure dashed into view at the entrance. The moonlight illuminated a pale malnourished thing with a form reminiscent of Divine from the waist up. It took a few shaky steps into the tent, its wide milky eyes locked onto her.

"I've found you." It croaked. "You can't hide from me!"

Divine shrilled with delight, though Grimm looked much less impressed.

"Ah," He said, mouth disappearing, "I see your guest has arrived."

The stranger's gaze darted to refined bug, as if assessing him as competition. However, Grimm respectfully stepped back.

"I'll leave you to your entertainment then."

His companion nodded. "Thank you, Master. Sleep well."

"Farewell, Divine." He flashed another smile. "May we meet again in our dreams."

And in a burst of red smoke, he vanished from sight.

Again, Grimm was met with clean air. While the scent of incense wasn't unpleasant, he found the atmosphere outside healthier for his thoughts.

As much as he wanted to linger here, his heartbeat grew more forceful, reminding him the finale was drawing closer. He began his walk back towards his chambers, keeping an eye on the sky for as long as he could.

It took only a few steps before music again filled the air, screaming and the crack of a carapace resounding from behind.

"Right to the point." Grimm fondly mused. "I always liked that about you."

Author's note: This is a quick one I did in about a day. Say what you want about Divine, but she gave me Unbreakable Strength and Unbreakable Heart, and therefore deserves my eternal praise.