Chapter 4

As students trickled into UA's campus for the first day of the new school year, most were ignorant of the eyes that continuously watched them from the second they walked through the gates until the instant they left. Many of those eyes were mechanical, cameras and sensors installed by Nezu to monitor the campus. Several dozen students had realized that there were eyes on them, a raw instinct prickling the back of their necks and an awareness that eyes were upon them.

One set of eyes remained overlooked by everyone on campus. Hundreds of yards over UA, a singular figure floated in a cross-legged position, eyes closed. The figure wore a deep blue button-down shirt and black slacks while a brown monkey-like tail waved behind them. The figure sat in a meditation pose as yellowish energy surrounded their body, fluctuating gently as the wind blew over the figure.

A chime shattered the silent atmosphere. The figure fished a phone from his pocket, holding it up to their ear.

"It's time, Young Gohan. Come to meet your students."

The figure opened his eyes and muttered into the phone's receiver. "Toshinori-san. I'll be down in a moment." With that, Gohan released his concentration on flying, dropping out of the sky with nary a whisper. He oriented his body to face the rapidly approaching ground, aiming for the roof of the central building. Just as he was about to slam face-first into the roof, the young Saiyan flipped over and halted his momentum completely, gently floating the last couple of inches down to the rooftop. A choking sound came from behind him, prompting the young Saiyan to turn and look.

A man stood there, wearing a large brimmed brown hat and a tan gas mask hung from his neck, a pale cigarette hanging from his lips. A red cloak covered most of his body, save for the gray knee-high boots. Obviously, this was one of the Pro Hero teachers, just not one that Gohan had met before.

"Boy, you're crazier than a damned loon! The hell you thinking, dropping out the sky like that?!"

"Good morning, sensei. It's really not that dangerous when you know what you're doing." Gohan held out a hand to the older man. "My name is Son Gohan. I am the new teaching assistant."

The older man reached out from under his cloak, exposing a gun holstered on his hip, to shake hands. "Howdy, I'm Snipe. I've heard about you from Shouta and Hizashi, they think you're hot shit. I look forward to seeing you in action down the line."

Gohan rubbed the back of his head sheepishly at the implied praise. "Thank you. I'm supposed to meet Toshinori-san for the opening assembly soon. Can you direct me to the assembly hall?"

Snipe nodded, dropping his cigarette and stepping on the lit end. "Here, Son. This way. I'm headed that way myself."

Gohan followed the oddly dressed hero (he thought Snipe resembled something that Midoriya had mentioned: cowpeople or something?) through the massive building. Snipe pointed out important locations that Gohan would need over the course of the school year: the library, the teacher's workroom, two different teacher lounges, the rooms for the General Studies students.

"Snipe-sensei?" The older hero paused his running commentary, tilting his masked head questioningly. "Who does physical training for the General Education students? I read in the handbook that it's possible for General Education students to transfer to the Hero Course if they manage a strong enough showing in the Sports Festivals."

"True, though that's not something that we advertise to the students. It's more of a thing that students seek only if they're motivated enough to switch courses."

Gohan frowned.

"But what if someone doesn't have a Quirk? Or if their Quirk doesn't work on those robots you use for the tests? Doesn't that discriminate against them to not even tell them they have a chance of making it to the Hero Course?"

Snipe lowered his head a little, contemplating.

"I'll admit, it ain't always sat right with some staff that the Entrance Exam was so heavily skewed to those with physical Quirks. Especially folk like Aizawa who had to use that Sports Festival loophole to become a Hero. But it's one of those things we ain't got much of a choice in, the Hero Commission regulates our Exam and the government." The hero shrugged helplessly. "Unless something changes, that's just the way it is. If you want to run an after-hours course for General Education students, that's something you could do."

"I think I will," Gohan said. The pair continued down the hall, eventually reaching the back entrance of the auditorium where Toshinori stood waiting for them.

"Young Gohan! Good morning! You were almost late. Not that I can say a lot about that particular fault."

Gohan chuckled. He remembered the many times over the past few months when Toshinori arrived late for lunch or a training session with Midoriya because of his hero work. "True, Toshinori-san. Snipe-sensei was just showing me around the school for a moment, pointing out the important places I will need to know about." The young Saiyan peaked around the corner of the curtain that covered the area behind stage where he stood. There were over two hundred students sitting in the auditorium, softly chatting with one another while they waited.

"Have you come up with your hero name yet, Young Gohan?" Toshinori spoke up as Gohan looked around the curtain. "Nezu requested that you have some idea by today."

"I have one or two ideas, but nothing solid."

"Are you ready, Gohan-kun?" The young Saiyan looked back and saw Nezu standing beside Toshinori. Gohan bowed to the principal.

"Nezu-kouchou. What am I expected to say to the students?"

"Not a lot. Just a basic introduction where you talk about what you'll be doing here at UA and about you as a person. Nothing special."

Gohan nodded, stepping back from the curtain to wait his turn. Various teachers walked past him as Nezu called their names, slowly leaving him alone behind stage. He could hear the small principal speak about the expectations of the individual courses and the expectations of the staff. He heard his name called and knew that it was his cue. He strode out to the stage, a slight smile on his face to mask his nerves.

"Hello, students. As Principal Nezu said, I am Son Gohan and I will work primarily with the Hero Courses as a teaching assistant. I primarily focus on hand-to-hand combat, along with some specialty work in energy manipulation and emotional control. However, I would like to say that any General Studies, Support, or Business Course students would like to take part in combat training after school, I would be happy to provide that. Even if you have no previous experience in combat or exercising, I will be available to help you." Gohan bowed to the students and stepped back to stand in line with the other teachers. All Might reached behind the line of teachers and gave Gohan a thumbs up.

Nezu stepped back to the podium and told the students to follow their homeroom teachers back to their individual classrooms. The homeroom teachers on stage filed out to take charge of their homerooms, going backwards from Class 3A to the last of the first year Business Course students. Gohan noticed a gap in the homerooms as the first years left.

"Nezu-kouchou, where are Aizawa and Class 1A? I just realized that I haven't seen them yet."

The inscrutable creature smiled up at Gohan. "Oh, Aizawa famously never comes to the orientation ceremony. He always takes his class for a Quirk Assessment test, something that Kan leaves off until the beginning of the second day. I would recommend beginning with Class 1B, allow Aizawa his time to bond with his class." Nezu gestured for Gohan to follow him. "I wanted to ask you about your offer to give combat lessons to the non-Hero courses, specifically why you offered it."

Gohan silently walked beside the small mammal, his gaze locked on the floor. Nezu allowed him time to collect his thoughts, the pair walking through the halls in silence. "I was speaking with Snipe-sensei this morning as I came down to the auditorium, learning more about the various courses you have available here. I mentioned the loophole that existed where a student from any course could attempt to transfer into the Hero Course if they made a good enough showing at the Sports Festival and Snipe said that it was something the staff didn't advertise to the non-Hero Course students."

Nezu nodded. "Yes. In the past, disclosing this has often been seen as a way of falsely raising hope for students who have a minimal chance to make it into the Hero Course. Some teachers have argued for telling students who attempted to get in via the Hero Entrance Exam, but that has never gained enough traction to make a difference."

"That was the impression I had from talking to Snipe-sensei this morning. However, if that loophole still exists, it means that the school recognizes that there are aspects of the Entrance Exam that are unfair or that room for growth exists after failure. But it makes no sense to even offer that path if there is no one willing to give them combat training so they can actually make a good showing."

Nezu hummed, his tone carefully neutral. "And you would like to offer that training? What if one of them turns against society after your training?"

"And what if they don't? What if one of them could become a hero to inspire others, someone who will save countless lives, but they never get there because no one gave them the skills with which to do so?" Gohan turned his fathomless black eyes on Nezu. The principal could feel the intensity of the gaze and had to repress his animalistic instinct to hide from the powerful gaze. "Even if they never become heroes, martial arts are a method of control for those who cannot control themselves or need balance." Gohan's eyes hardened. "And I will not stand to see innocents hurt. If one of my students uses my teachings to hurt innocents, I will stop them. Personally."

Nezu hid the shiver that went down his spine at Gohan's declaration. After seeing his display against All Might and his teaching staff, the small animal was certain that anyone who crossed this young man would quickly, and briefly, regret it. He stopped in front of a classroom door.

"Here is Class 1B's classroom. I leave you to begin your first lesson, Young Gohan."

The small mammal gave Gohan a wave and walked off down the hall. Gohan turned to face the sliding door of the classroom, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. It was time to go to work.

Class 1B sat at their desks, chatting with one another quietly while their homeroom teacher, Vlad King, sat at his desk up front. Only a few students took notice of the door sliding open and a large figure standing in the opening. Vlad King glanced up, nodded, and stood, gaining the attention of his class.

"Class, turn to the front. This is your teaching assistant, Son Gohan. He is in charge of your unarmed combat training, though he will help in other areas if necessary. Son-san, introduce yourself."

Gohan nodded to Vlad, turning to face the class. "Good morning. As your teacher said, my name is Son Gohan. As Vlad-sensei said, I will train you in unarmed combat, no matter if you are a beginner or have been training for years. I am also a specialist in energy control and emission, so I can also help with those who have emitter Quirks."

A boy in the back of the room with blades coming out of his cheeks spoke up, interrupting Gohan. "What's your hero name? I've never seen you on any of the hero sites!"

Gohan blinked and tilted his head. "That would be because I'm not a Pro Hero, Togaru-san. Not yet, anyway."

Another boy, a blonde in the center of the room, snorted. "Then why should we listen to you? We're here to become heros, trained by the best to be the best. And you're just some nobody."

Vlad stood up to berate the boy, but stopped at Gohan's raised hand. Gohan could see that several students, mostly boys, agreed with the blonde boy while most of the girls looked scandalized that he was so disrespectful. "Your name is Monoma Neito, correct? Quirk: Copy?"

The boy nodded, a cocky smirk firmly affixed to his face.

"Very well. Everyone, go get dressed out in your PE uniforms and meet me at the athletic field in ten minutes." Gohan nodded to Vlad. Vlad, fighting the urge to cackle at his class, nodded back and motioned for the students to follow him. Gohan, to the class's confusion, disappeared the moment they looked away from him.

Class 1B swaggered out to the athletic fields, everyone chatting about the new teacher.

"Gotta say, he's cute," said a green-haired girl with sharp teeth. "And he looks pretty close to our age, maybe a year out of high school."

"He's probably just a washout," groused the bladed boy. "I ain't come here to be taught by no scrubs."

A taller student with furry arms and glasses spoke up, irritation coloring his tone. "Whatever your opinion, Togaru-san, he is still our teacher and thus demands our respect. Your tone is entirely uncalled for."

The bladed boy raised his arm to swipe at the furred boy, only stopping at a firm look from Vlad King. "Hn. Whatever. This guy is just gonna be a waste of time. Mark my words." With that, he walked faster to get away from the other students.

Gohan was in the center of the athletic field, wearing a purple gi with a deep 'V' in front, a brown fuzzy belt, and red shoes. Vlad pointed the class towards him, but stayed back to allow Gohan to run the class. The class stood in a semi-circle around Gohan, the silence of the field almost oppressively heavy. Finally, Togaru snapped.

"What the fuck are we doing out here!?"

Gohan turned his head, looking over at the class. "All of you are going to fight me at the same time." Several students flinched at the hard look in the young Saiyan's black eyes, shying away from the tall man. Others immediately began protesting.

"Sir," the furry young man protested, "that seems quite unfair! You would be at a massive disadvantage!"

"Sensei, it's the first day! Why would we fight with you?" An orange-haired girl piped up from the middle of the group. Several around her nodded in agreement. "Shouldn't we be doing some kind of assessment for you to know where we are now?"

Gohan smiled at the young woman. "That is exactly what I intend. The best way to assess your combat capabilities is to demonstrate them. Also, several of your classmates seem to doubt my qualifications to teach you combat. I thought this might put their minds at ease."

Togaru, along with several others, looked excited. "Hell yes! Let's go!"

Gohan turned the rest of the way, facing the center of the semi-circle. "What are you waiting for?" He waited a few moments, his neutral expression transforming into a frown. "Well, if you won't attack," Gohan disappeared from the student's sight and reappeared in the center of the group, "THEN I WILL!"

Gohan spun in a tight circle, kicking the surrounding students into one another. Togaru reacted first, extending a blade from his hand as he threw a punch at the black-haired Saiyan. Gohan grabbed the boy's hand and pulled him into an elbow to the stomach, flickering away before the boy could blink.

Togaru, trying desperately to take a breath, watched as the man he called a waste of time tore through his class like paper. Nothing anyone did seemed to do anything to him. One guy, Juzo, tried to soften the ground and trap him, only to discover that the man could fucking fly! Another student, the weird religious girl, shot a bunch of vines at him. He walked out of the trap, a bored expression on his face, to flick her in the forehead and send her tumbling head-over-heels.

The orange-haired girl and the furry guy who berated him earlier gave the best showing so far, coordinating with one another to box in their teacher.

Gohan languidly avoided every strike from the two students, a small smile on his face while he moved. The furry student suddenly bulked up and started moving faster, furiously clawing at Gohan. The half-Saiyan stopped his backward movement, standing his ground in the face of the berserker attack. The student (Jurota Shishida, if Gohan's memory held true) pressed his attack, aiming for joints and other soft targets.

Gohan remembered his father's first meeting with Trunks and the impression he made on all the Z Fighters, blocking his sword with a single finger. Raising a single finger, he blocked the claws of his students effortlessly while giving no ground.

Itsuka Kendo knew that this entire exercise was futile with the opening move. She had grown up surrounded by some of the best martial artists in the world, and this man made them all look like amateurs. Every move was smooth and calculated, no wasted motions that Kendo could pick out. Even when he just stood still to block Shishida-san's attacks, she could tell that he was tracking every person on the field and ready for any attack. Kendo also knew from her strikes setting up Shishida's attack that Son-sensei could just dodge everything she threw at him. Kendo stopped attacking and moved back toward Kan-sensei, bowing out of the exchange entirely.

Gohan noticed Kendo moving back and disengaging, a point in her favor to his mind. If lives were not on the line, it was perfectly acceptable to retreat. He quickly put down the rampaging Shishida with a single chop to the back of his neck. Gohan looked around the field, seeing everyone either on the ground, incapacitated, or both.

He stepped to the side as a fist came slamming down where his head had just been. A quick glance up revealed a group of dismembered body parts floating in the sky, the result of Togake Setsuna's Quirk: Lizard Tail Splitter. Setsuna launched her dismembered feet and hands at Gohan at high speeds, hoping to catch him off guard with her disconcerting Quirk. Gohan raised a hand and let loose an invisible pulse of ki, knocking her out of the sky.

Kan laughed as he watched Gohan take apart his class like they were a bunch of toddlers. It made him feel better about his own performance against Gohan in the boy's exams. Kendo gave him a curious look from where she had stepped back.

"Vlad-sensei, why isn't Son-sensei a Pro Hero? He's so powerful, even more than many of the Pros I've seen fight!"

"Because he isn't from here, Kendo-san. He's also only two years older than your class."

Kendo's mouth dropped open at that revelation. 'How?! He's easily the best martial artist I've ever seen!'

Gohan waved her and Kan over to the group, the young man walking to his original place in front of the group. He sat cross-legged, motioning for the students near him to do the same. "Everyone, gather around." The students dragged themselves into a semicircle surrounding Gohan, sitting in the grass with moans and grumbles of pain. "So Neito-san, Togaru-san, did I quell your fears I am not qualified to teach you unarmed combat?"

Togaru grunted and nodded, his eyes never leaving Gohan. Monoma, still laying on the ground, raised an arm to give a thumbs up. "Yes, sir," the blonde said.

"Good. Now, a little about me. I am seventeen years old, homeschooled, and I will take the Provisional License Exam next week. Like I said earlier, I specialize in unarmed combat and energy manipulation. While you are with me, I will teach you how to fight both with and without your Quirks. I will also teach you mediation as a part of that training. Questions?" A sea of hands raised. Gohan blinked and picked the orange-haired girl. "Yes, Kendo-san?"

"Sir, how long have you been practicing martial arts and what style do you practice?"

"I have been a fighter for around thirteen years, I began my training when I was four. As for my style, I created my personal style based on the styles of my mentors. I call it the Raging Demon Turtle Style." The class, including Kan, gave him incredulous looks at his admission that he had been training since he was four. Kendo had stars in her eyes, admiration shining out that someone so powerful was using her beloved martial arts.

Gohan answered the rest of the questions, most of them fairly tame. Finally, Monoma sat up and looked at him.

"What's your Quirk?" Everyone stopped and leaned in, curious as to the answer.

"I use ki, the physical energy in every living thing. It reinforces my muscles, bones, and ligaments and boosts my strength to a high level. I also use energy attacks formed from ki, such as this." Gohan formed a small yellow ball of ki over his hand, willing it to travel in a circle around the heads of the class. "While it looks harmless, it is highly destructive." He pulled the ball back to his hand, tossing it over his shoulder to land on a large boulder protruding from the field a dozen yards away. The boulder exploded in a flash of light, the shock wave blowing back the hair of everyone in the class.

The students were wide-eyed, staring at the casual display of destruction.

"Holy shit…" As one, the class swiveled their heads to look at their homeroom teacher. Vlad blinked and noticed them looking at him, blushing in embarrassment. Gohan laughed, causing a cascade of laughter from the students surrounding him.

"All right, now that Vlad-sensei has expressed his opinion, let's get down to work. Everyone, I want you to spread out and get into the Lotus posed. If you don't know what that pose is, it's how I'm sitting." The class, still chuckling, spread out on the grass and got into the requested pose. "All right, the first thing we will be meditating." Gohan held up a hand to forestall the moaning. "I know meditation is a little boring, but it is important. All of you have powerful and potentially dangerous Quirks, therefore you have to emphasize control. Meditation will help you with that control by centering your minds. I want everyone to close their eyes and focus solely on your breathing."

The young half-Saiyan smoothly stood up and walked through the group of students. "Nothing else matters, not the sun on your skin or the breeze ruffling your hair. The only thing that is important is your breathing. The function of your lungs, your diaphragm moving to provide life." Everyone followed his instructions, breathing quietly. It even focused Kan, even though he remained standing with his eyes on the students. "Now, I want you, without losing focus on your breathing, imagine a flame, just like a candle flame, just in front of your eyes." Several people nodded, the rest too focused on their breathing to move. "Any stray thoughts that come through your mind, any worries or stress, feed into the flame. Don't let it grow out of control, just allow it to cleanse your mind."

Togaru had something approaching a snarl on his face. 'This is useless! How is this going to help in a fight?!' He looked up as a long-fingered hand landed on his shoulder.

"Togaru, this is only a first step," Gohan said, a small grin on his face. The Saiyan crouched down to look the bladed student in the eye. "I know it doesn't feel like it, but meditation can help you become a better fighter."

Tetsutetsu opened one eye to look at the talking pair and asked how Gohan knew it would help.

"It might be hard to believe, but I have some mild… rage issues. It's genetic from my father. His tribe can't really help but revel in battle and gaining strength, pushing harder and harder to become the best of the best. My father's tribe are warriors by nature, driven to fight by our intense emotions. But my master taught me to meditate, especially as I became more powerful and my emotional outbursts became more dangerous. Emotions grant power, but if they are uncontrolled, they can be your destruction."

Togaru stared into his teacher's eyes, trying to discern if he was lying to him just to manipulate him. The man was the calmest adult that the blade boy had ever met, even while he was taking apart his class. Could this man really empathize with the desire for battle that burned in his heart? Nothing but honesty and earnestness shined back from Gohan's ebony eyes. The boy nodded and closed his eyes again, resuming his meditation.

After a half hour of meditation, Gohan clapped his hands once and whistled to get everyone's attention. "Great job, everyone! I know meditation can be difficult to get used to, but I would like for each of you to find a time to meditate once a day for at least fifteen minutes. Even if that's only focusing on the first step where you concentrate on breathing, try. If you'd like to join me, I usually meditate every morning around 6 here on campus before I do my morning exercises. That's all for today, thank you." The tall Saiyan bowed slightly to the class and nodded to Kan.

The Blood Hero clapped his hands. "Line up! We're going back to the room so you can have your regular classes!"

Gohan watched Class 1B walk back to the building, a small smile on his face. Who knew that teaching could be fun?

The Next Day

Gohan sighed as he stood outside of Class 1A's classroom. He knew that Aizawa was considered one of the best Hero teachers in Japan, if not the world, but he wasn't a fan of dealing with him. His emphasis on 'rationality' wore a little thin after a while. Gohan appreciated rationality, but being a someone who fought to save others was inherently irrational. It called for making people safe by self-sacrifice, something irrational to any normal person's standards. Gohan knocked on the door politely, waiting for Aizawa to answer.

"Come." Aizawa's voice held its typical raspy quality. Gohan pushed open the door, stepping inside to look over his second class of first-years.

"Good morning, class. You were not at the opening assembly, so you likely have not met me." A gleam came to his eye as Gohan spotted Midoriya cowering behind a spiky-haired blonde boy, his large green eyes wide and terrified at the sight of the half-Saiyan. "I am Son Gohan. I will be your unarmed combat instructor. Now, get your gym uniforms on and meet me outside at the front lawn in ten minutes." Midoriya sprinted out of the room, his classmates startled. Gohan raised an eyebrow at the group. "Well, what are you waiting for? You're down to nine minutes and you will not enjoy the consequences of being late." The class scrambled after Midoriya, save for a few who walked calmly.

"So what are the consequences," Aizawa asked after the class was out of earshot. Gohan grinned.

"A one-on-one spar with me."

Aizawa shivered at the thought. His grin got even bigger. "I like it."

Midoriya POV

Midoriya sat quietly in his seat as Aizawa took attendance. He noticed that Aizawa seemed to be waiting for someone, but next was English with Mic-sensei, right? A gentle rapping came from the door, Aizawa looking up at the sound. A creepy grin inched its way across the teacher's face as he called for the person to come in. A tall figure in a purple gi stepped into the room, a small smile on his face.

Midoriya's eyes became wide, and he slunk down in his seat, trying to hide. Sero leaned over and whispered to him.

"Dude, what's wrong? You look like you've seen someone who wants to kill you and it isn't Bakugo."

Midoriya shivered and whispered back.

"He's a demon." With that, Midoriya shut up and tried to make himself as unobtrusive as possible, something he had a lot of practice at.

The tall man introduced himself and ordered them to get dressed out and go to the front lawn. Midoriya scrambled to get out of the door as soon as possible, knowing Gohan's punishments for being late. His classmates eventually made it to the dressing room with him, giving the greenette curious looks.

"Midoriya, you appear to know this new teacher," Iida stated. "How, if I may ask, do you know him?"

Midoriya didn't pause in his dressing, having already gotten his undershirt on. "He helped me train for the Entrance Exams."

The boys all turned to star at Midoriya.

"He trained you? Who is he?" Iida asked, curious. "I've never seen him in any of the pro-hero events."

Midoriya shuddered. "He isn't a Pro yet. The man who was training with me recommended him to help train my hand-to-hand abilities. He's a monster." Midoriya finished getting dressed and rushed out of the room, shouting back that they only had five minutes left to get outside.

Gohan POV

Gohan stood on the front lawn, arms crossed with a neutral expression. He watched as the class slowly came out to the front lawn. They just barely made it in the allotted time, save for two students. Gohan held up a hand for silence, watching the doors for the final two members of the class to make it outside. An angry black-haired girl, red-faced and with a furious expression, stomped out of the doors, dragging a smaller boy with purple balls on his head. Aizawa stepped forward, his expression blank even as his body language signaled otherwise.

"Yaoyorozu, what happened?"

The girl shuddered, her expression shifting from anger to embarrassment and shame as she dropped the boy and stepped away from him. "Mineta-san apparently hid in one of the unoccupied lockers in the girl's changing room. I was the last girl to leave the locker room and heard him open the locker to leave." The raven-haired girl wrapped her arms around herself. "He had his phone out and was pulling up his pants when he opened the locker!"

The boy scrambled to his feet and tried to protest his innocence, even as he tried to keep his pants from falling down. Aizawa gave him a ruby-eyed glower, which only scared the boy for a moment. From the group of students, there were several shouts of anger and sounds from Quirks activating. He opened his mouth to protest again when a massive weight slammed into him.

Gohan strode forward, his eyes seeming to flicker between their normal black and a strange teal color as they locked on the short teen. The entire class held their breath as he passed, afraid to draw even an iota of his attention.

Mineta couldn't move, he couldn't even think of moving as Gohan moved towards him with a predator's grace. The purple ball boy felt like he was prey, watching an apex predator stalking towards him.

As Gohan got within a few steps of Mineta, the boy fainted, collapsing on the ground. Gohan grimaced at the wet spot staining the outside of Mineta's gym pants.

"Aizawa-sensei, please take this… sex offender to Nezu-kouchou. If he stays here, I may hurt him."

Aizawa wrapped the boy up in his capture scarf and dragged him away, Gohan taking a deep breath, calming breath.

"Alright, class, after that, I think we need what we're about to do." He turned to face the rest of the class, taking in their confused expressions. "Everyone, sit on the grass in the Lotus position. We will start with the art of meditation."

A blonde boy physically growled at Gohan, small explosions popping off in his hands. "What the fuck? I thought you said you were our combat instructor, not some meditation shit!"

The boy launched himself at Gohan, leading with a massively telegraphed right hook and minor explosions crackling in his left hand. Gohan sighed and stepped into the swing, grabbing the boy by the face, and planted him in the ground headfirst. The young Saiyan looked up at the rest of the class, his dark eyes glinting with an unspoken emotion. "Lesson one: If you are going to attack someone stronger than you, have a damn good reason. Your pride isn't that reason." The class, as one, nodded with wide eyes.

Gohan pulled the exploding boy out of the ground and laid him down on the grass before he shifted into the Lotus position. "Sit in the Lotus position, like this." Slowly, the group settled down on the grass. Gohan walked them through the same exercises that he led 1-B through the day before, emphasizing their breathing and finding their centers. The blonde boy (Bakugo, if Midoriya's descriptions were accurate) woke up around ten minutes into the exercises, grumbling even as he got into the same position as the rest of the class.

After a half hour of meditation, with Gohan walking through the class and gently refocusing those who had wandering minds, Gohan clapped his hands. "Good job, class! Now who can tell me why I started you with meditation?"

A tall girl with long black hair raised her hand. Gohan nodded to her. "You began us with meditation to help us calm down after the stress of Mineta."

Gohan nodded. "That is one reason, yes. After a significant amount of stress, meditation helps to calm your mind and body. Especially when you have a significant power dependent upon your emotional state of mind. Now that we've calmed down," Gohan looked over at the explosive blonde sulking on the edge of the group, "Do you have questions about what sorts of things you'll be learning with me."

Every hand in the room rose and Gohan smiled as he picked on the first person. Since most of the questions were like Class 1B's, he could answer on autopilot while he compiled his mental list of exercises to run the classes through later in the week. Maybe this teaching stuff really was his thing?