A.N: Hello all once again! Apologies for the late chapter yet again, currently not feeling very well and it's kinda messing with my head. Should pass in the next week though, so don't worry 'bout it. Thank you all once more for the love and support, I wouldn't be here without you all! Onto Reviews!

StandUpKeepMovingForward: Glad you like my take on Musha! He struck me as a super-cool character, but with very little to go off of, I had to craft my own version of him. When it comes to him breaking Mentoring-Laws, I'd say in the world of Bnha, he's good: though, he definitely broke a few things with that beating of his XD. Thanks again dude!

SkeenTheDream: Ayyee, glad you liked it my man! Wanted to keep the fight between Kendo and Nighteye simple but interesting, and I'm glad that it was entertaining! Naturally, someone as big as Kendo would fear doing the cheerleader-splits, and to be fair, so do I XD. Someone get a blanket for Rumi, because she's out COLD :P. Thank you again for the support my guy!

ChernoAlpha117: Glad you liked the chapter, and always happy to hear your ideas dude! Y'know, I figured that your name sounded familiar: I LOVED Pacific Rim, and still kinda do to be honest (Favourite Kaiju is always gonna be Knifehead)! Someone transforming into a super-small Cherno Alpha is a sick idea, but there's a bit of a small problem with that: because of how heavy 76 tons is, a person at size and height would be way too heavy for the ground to support. They'd literally cave in the floor by trying to walk. However, if the weight were to be a bit less, then we've got a sick idea going on! Thanks once more dude!

JJKR: Never occurred to me that I didn't explain it last time, sorry XD. Epitaph is a skill that Nighteye uses with his quirk, where he essentially applies his Foresight into the real world, rather than seeing the future from another person's perspective. He basically sees a phantom version of the person's actions before they commit it: it works the same way in the newest Bnha game One's Justice 2 for better context. And of course, its inspiration comes from a certain manga series that constantly has a lot of references drawn off of it!

Doctor Snake Eater: Ding-ding, we got a winner :D! Indeed, Epitaph is based off of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5. Naturally, its namesake is from the big boss of Passione himself! Glad you like it dude!

Guest: Thank you so much dude! I'll keep working to make this story as epic as possible!

With all that said, onto the show!

Rumble, Young Man Rumble!

Chapter 29

Training montaaaage!

He laughed manically as he rushed forward, bulling right through the storm of blows to just grab his opponent by the neck, lifting him up and slamming him right back down. He didn't give a flying fuck about the crowd roaring his name, too drowned in his bloodthirsty haze as he raised both fists to crush his opponent's skull like a ripe watermelon. They were crafty though, using their multiple arms to launch themselves off the floor and away from him. He cackled in glee as he just shot his arm out, grabbing them by the face and pelting their body straight down into the floor, a sickening *CRACK* echoing through the arena, his opponent lay very still. He wasn't done yet though.

"Show me your BLOOD!" He roared, raising a fist high into the air. Pink, fleshy tendrils sprouted from his forearms, wrapping around his limb and reinforcing it before he brought it straight down. His hand went right through his opponent's chest like wet cardboard and right into the ground, the crowd screaming its approval and his name.


He laughed as he raised his bloody fist in the air, blood dripping onto his extremely muscular body. "That's what that fucker All Might does right?" He said with a grin, "It looks pretty good on me too!"

"Ladies and Gentlemen," The announcer boomed, "Now with a record of 10 Wins all by death, no losses, no draws! Representing Oda Operations and the still undefeated Carnal Killer, SATSUJIN WU!"

"Next time, give me someone who doesn't fold like a bitch!" He cackled, basking in the smell of blood and the roar of the crowd.

Rumi groaned as she woke up, her body still throbbing from yesterday's beating at the hands of Yoroi Musha. Despite that, she couldn't help but grin, ready to face the day. Having been woken up from her unconsciousness with a bucket of water yesterday, she was greeted with his back turned to her.

You are sloppy, you waste your energy and your movements are too linear, he had said to her. She remembered the sensation of her stomach dropping before he turned around to reveal a small smile on his face, along with a black and blue welt on his cheek. Prepare yourself for tomorrow. We start at 8 sharp.

'It's seven thirty,' She muttered, 'I still got time.' She quickly reached for her phone, opening it up and going straight to one of her first contacts.

Yo, you awake? She texted. She grinned as Kendo answered not long after.

Nah, still dead asleep. You doin' okay Usagi?

Just fine, she answered back. Got my ass handed to me by Musha yesterday.

Oof. Same kinda thing here, Nighteye schooled me. I'm guessing you landed a hit though?

Damn right I did, she texted proudly.

That's my gal. She felt her cheeks tingle, her stomach fluttering even more as he texted, I miss you babe.

'Goddamn, even through text I love it when he says that,' She sighed before texting back, I miss you too. Don't keel over during your training, because I'm gonna hug you for a whole week when we meet up again.

Looks like I've got some good incentive. Kick ass out there babe.

She smiled wider, her blush a bit stronger. I will hon'. Talk soon, okay?

Sure thing babe. Peace out.

Peace out hon'.

She put her phone down and sighed, closing her eyes and holding it close for a moment. 'God… I miss him.' She shook her head, hardening her face and tensing slightly. 'Okay, enough sappy shit. Let's get to work.'

She was ready in a flash, jogging over to the dojo early in a simple pair of loose pants and a black shirt. Opening the sliding door, she raised a brow to see Musha sitting in the same area as yesterday dressed in a black gi, parts of the room still damaged from their tussle. He looked up from a piece of paper in his hand, pleasant surprise on his face.

"Oh, up early I see," He said before bowing slightly. "I apologize for the injuries I inflicted upon you yesterday. We will be working on technique and light exercise rather than any hard work until you fully recover."

"Pshh, no biggie," She laughed, sitting in front of him. "I'm just glad I managed to get a hit off of you."

"Indeed, it was quite a surprise for me to be injured by someone so green," He chuckled, "Still, we have much work to do. One lucky hit will not change that."

"Fair enough," She said with a grin as they both stood up. "Happy to work with you Sensei!"

"Indeed, let us begin. Take up your fighting stance, and I will show you the weaknesses of your current style."

She did just that, both hands up in a loose guard and her legs apart. At that, Musha stepped in, his stance very much that of a karate-practitioner as their legs touched. "Attack as you see fit, but without overly exerting yourself." She nodded her body tensed as she readied herself to attack… before she froze.

'Wait, what do I throw from here?' Unable to come up with anything, she made to throw a simple straight-right, only for an open palm to suddenly block her vision.

"Weakness 1. Unless the path is clear, you struggle to fight at close range. The instances where you appeared to have excelled is when your opponent was extremely injured or your physical ability was simply better than their own."

Kissing her teeth, she quickly realized that she was right: her in-fighting ability only really worked on people who were weaker than her or of a lower weight-class. 'Damn… I'll just attack from my best range!' She hopped back, setting her stance before shooting out a front-kick. 'Luna Strike!'

"Weakness 2," He stepped in once more, his arm seeming to blur as he bat aside her kick with ease and unbalancing her, using the same arm as he twisted and lightly elbowed her thigh. She winced at the sharp pain, despite how light the attack was, her eyes glancing down before she flinched at the elbow that was poised at her neck. "Your areas of attack are limited only to conventional areas. Head, chest, stomach and sides. In order to make full use of your current arsenal, you must cast off the traditional areas of attack held in your regular combat-style. Everything must become a potential target. Attack me again and let me show you."

Completely enthralled by the lesson, she payed close attention and moved to throw a right hook. He blocked and struck her bicep with his middle knuckle pointed. She flinched again at the sharp pain, again in spite of how light the attack was. 'If that was a full-on attack, I wouldn't be able to use my arm anymore…!' Curious, she went to knee his stomach, only for his to block with a calloused hand, chopping at her hip. A jolt ran through her and she stumbled, her feet moving to catch herself before she set herself to throw a left straight for his head. Again he countered her, stopping her punch with his palm before she could even throw and chopping at her shoulder, her legs buckling under the pain.

"Are you able to continue?" He asked. He supressed a smile as she looked up, a massive excited grin on her face.

"Please, let's keep goin' Sensei!"

And so they continued, Rumi trying to find ways to reach him and failing each time as he countered or outright stopped her from attacking at all to land his own hits. Through it all, she smiled widely, burning every single one of his movements into her mind. Still, her stamina and body were flagging before she stumbled one last time, lashing out with a final roundhouse kick for his head.

"Weakness 3," He stepped in once more, catching her leg by the thigh and sweeping her supporting leg from under her, shooting a straight punch for her face and stopping short as her back hit the floor. "Wastefulness. Your power is certainly incredible, but it does not change the fact that your attacks are far too wasteful in the energy they need. They require immense tension, preparation, and release. Kengan allows you to dramatically speed up the process, but it punishes your nervous-system. As such, you massively waste your energy. Your body is by no means weak, but you don't use it properly to maximise your physical ability." He let her go and walked over to one of the walls of the room.

Tired but still intrigued, Rumi sat up and watched as he pulled out a large slab of stone from behind a flap, almost a foot thick. Easily, he threw the slab upwards, setting himself into a stance. As it came down, his hand opened, fingers pressed together like the head of a spear… like a lance.

"Recoilless: Devil Lance."

Again, there was no tell in his movements, his arm like a streak of motion as a strange *SHHK* sound. Her jaw dropped to the floor: his hand went clean through the slab of stone like butter. "This is the result of understanding the Recoilless Technique. I myself do not have exceptional physical ability in comparison to strength-quirk users, so I make up for it with the full focus of my energy. Nothing goes to waste." He walked back to the wall of the room, lifting the flaps to reveal hundreds of slabs.

"Before the week is out, your goal is to understand how to use Recoilless and cut through one of these slabs. Hands, feet, elbows, knees, use whatever you wish. Are you up to the challenge, Usagiyama?"

"Damn right I am!" She said, springing to her feet. "Let's get to work Sensei: I'll cut them up before the week is out!"

Nighteye looked at his watch, and eyebrow going up. 'Hmm. He's already at a minute and a half without coming up.' Just as he said that, the water of the pool burst upwards, Kendo jumping clean out and back onto the floor. He was heaving for breath, wiping his hair from his face as he propped his hands up on his knees.

"Don't rest all day," Nighteye called out, "You only have the sprint and shadow-sparring left!"

Kendo just nodded with a grin, saving his breath before he took off in a sprint around the massive pool. In a pair of simple swimming-trunks, his body ripped with muscle was bared to the rest of the pool's inhabitants, males looking on in awe and jealousy while females watched in keen interest. 'We've barely completed our second day of training and he's already adapting with extreme quickness. With his muscle-mass, he shouldn't be able to last thirty seconds with underwater sparring, and here he is with triple that time. His flexibility still has great room to improve, but the form behind his kicks are still shockingly solid.'

Kendo had finally arrived, and it appeared as if the sprint had actually replenished his lost stamina. "Two minutes shadow-fighting, go!" Nighteye called out, starting the timer. Kendo didn't hesitate, his guard up as he went right into a series of attacks. Jab-cross, front-kick to the stomach. Phantom-pace into a right-hook to the body. Weeping Dragon into a left-uppercut Wrathbreaker. He was constantly weaving more and more Niko-Style techniques into his fight, using a short-range Raging-Flash to cover distance and deliver quick combinations. He didn't act as if the fight was him throwing punches in empty air though: at times, he jolted or twisted as if he'd been struck by an invisible opponent, normally after a strike he felt missed or if he took too long to attack, his guard down.

Even then, he adapted. "Niko Style, Adamantine Kata: Indestructible!" A new addition to the Niko-Style, a very simple one in concept: an extreme tightening and tensing of the muscles, used to greatly defend against physical strikes and blows by nullifying their force altogether. Thanks to the help of Nighteye, Kendo was finally able to categorize the four 'sensations' he felt and give them respective foundations for him to build off of. The Water Kata, based around physical softening and locking-techniques. The Flame Kata, focused entirely on footwork. The Redirection Kata, centred around manipulating the flow of power. Finally, the Adamantine Kata was all about physical hardening, best suited for basic defence and striking.

"That's time!" Just as he said that, Kendo unleased one final attack.

"Wrathbreaker Kick!" His roundhouse kick cut through the air, Nighteye's eyebrow going up again as he noticed that his kick was an inch or two higher than before. Still, Kendo nearly collapsed to the floor, sitting down roughly to catch his breath.

"So, how are you feeling?" Nighteye asked.

"Haah… like… ass…" Kendo wheezed, a good-natured smile on his face. "But… this is… good."

"Indeed. You're already showing signs of improvement, despite this only being your second day. We're done for the day anyway, ensure that you rest and recover for tomorrow."

"Will do," He sighed, slowly getting up and grabbing his stuff, towelling the water off of him. "Anything new you think I can improve on?"

"Hmm…" Nighteye hummed, replaying the day in his mind. "You still need to improve your flexibility. In addition, the Water-Kata still requires further building. I believe that I have someone who can help with that though, I'll call them in to work with you tomorrow." Sensing the question coming, Nighteye answered, "An acquaintance of mine. He's currently a police-officer who's on his way to becoming a hero. He also happens to be an excellent mixed martial-artist."

"Sounds cool as hell," Kendo said, grinning, "Can't wait to meet him!"

"Mm. Still, don't overexcite yourself and rest after you stretch today," Nighteye said sternly. "Understood?"

"Yeah-yeah, I hear you boss," Kendo chuckled, patting Nighteye on the back. Again, Nighteye was surprised: he was still quite weakened from the constant physical activity, but Kendo's breathing was already back to normal, his steps steady.

'Hmm… interesting indeed.'

(To Be Continued…)

A.N: So, what are your thoughts on the chapter? Make sure you let me know, and don't be afraid to Follow and Fav if you're new and you like what you see! Peace out y'all!