Here you go!

So I had the dilemma of either splitting this up into two chapters, or have just one GIANT chapter. This is a longer one for sure, typically with this amount I'd have split it up into two chapters. But I decided what the hell, let's give you a long one.

If anyone IS reading this, I will let you know that this is the last chapter I have written in a while and will be writing in a while. I am currently putting forth all of my effort towards Pas De Deux, my Twilight fanfiction. When that is completed, I'll probably return to this. Besides, with Prodigal Son being done, I'm not sure how big the interest is in it right now. Things will probably kick back up when Season 2 returns, and I'll likely start posting again when that happens.

Thank you to anyone who has stayed with this story! I hope you like this chapter. Also please feel free to leave a review! I'd love to know what people think. Maybe if you have any ideas too. I know how I want this story to end, but it's the middle I'm getting stuck on. Any ideas would be lovely and appreciated :)

No matter how many times Appoline told the story, it never failed to create a sensation of nausea in the pit of her stomach and she was starting to feel hot and sweaty. The pressure was slowly pounding in the back of her head again, as if mocking her. She closed her eyes, frowning, and commanded the pounding to go away. She had to concentrate.

She opened her eyes slowly and looked at her group partner's handsome face. So handsome, she thought, as she took in Martin's features. Appoline watched the man's expression carefully, looking into his eyes as if they would hold all of the answers.

And now he knows everything. What would he think of her? Would he think she was pathetic? Desperate? Would Martin think she was weak? That she should've done more? Or less? Would he be impressed by her? Or disgusted? From her past experience, she had mostly been received with an even greater hatred or disgust than they had before. She had naively thought that maybe she could have gained some sympathy…after all, she didn't ask to date a serial killer, it sure wasn't what she was expecting when she got into that relationship. And the murders were ALL HIS FAULT. But of course, Collette Swanson slapped her hard with first-degree murder charges and the name co-conspirator with all of Seb's other murders and that was that.

"Nobody…nobody understands, Martin…" she said softly, looking at the other man helplessly. Because nobody had understood, not the doctors, not the therapists, not her family…

He grabbed her hand, "I understand," he said finally, his thumb smoothing over hers, so warm…her body was clearly deprived of physical contact with another human because it felt so amazing, "I understand Appoline."

She breathed a huge sigh, "How…how could you? You don't, nobody does, and I—"

"You did what needed to be done." Martin said finally.

The nausea started to fade, the pressure waning, "I—I did." she stuttered. Her heart fluttered, it felt insane and crazy like it was beating a thousand miles a second and she thought it would be torn apart, "Yes. Yes, that's it!"

A charming smile widened, "Of course, it is sweet girl." He cooed, "You were faced with a horrible situation and what else could you have done?"

The pressure completely disappeared. It was like she was injected with morphine, his words shooting straight into her bloodstream like a drug that she needed more of. His reassurance, his words, that at times felt somewhat condescending but were at least real, truer than the platitudes and falsities given to her by doctors, and therapists, and staff. And she believed him, she believed that he understood her when nobody else did. Because how could she not? It was him, or it was nobody.

The wheel turned. The cycle began all over again.

Mr. David finally opened the door to Martin's room to let his visitor know that visiting hours were over, and Martin sighed in relief, leaning back in his chair. It's not that he didn't like having visits from his former patients, or his colleagues…in fact, he enjoyed it very much. He indulged in the fact that he was still relied upon and respected in the medical community enough that he was needed for consultations. He enjoyed rubbing his doctors' noses in it as well, making sure to remind them during every doctor's visit or therapy session that yes, you may be my doctor but I'm still considered one of the most renowned surgeons of the 21st century, and I'm the one with hundreds of consultations lining up to ask for my opinion.

But he wanted to get it over with today because he was looking forward to his privacy tonight. He had the note that Appoline managed to slide over to him at the end of their group therapy session in his pocket, and was looking forward to reading it. He remembered how she blushed wildly as she handed it over secretly like a naughty schoolgirl passing a note in class.

"I can bring in the television for you Dr. Whitly before lights out," Mr David noted, looking up at the clock to check the time. Martin considered it and nodded.

He listened absentmindedly as his daughter Ainsley recited the evening news, not really paying attention to what she was saying. He laid back in his chair, thinking about his conversation with Appoline and everything that she had revealed.

And it cemented the opinion that he had already had about her. She was glorious.

He was a bit surprised at how unstable her life had been and expected her to have a larger role in her boyfriend's murders than she revealed to have had. Unless she lied, but he didn't think that she did…intuition told him that there might have been some omission of some details, but Martin was certain that the girl had told him the truth regarding most of the stories.

The newspapers and talk shows and CNN reports described the girl's involvement in her boyfriend's murders as a Bonnie and Clyde sort of situation, a co-conspirator that took part in the killings. But as it happened, that was not precisely accurate.

It was clear to him that she was someone who would be easy to manipulate. Martin chuckled as he thought about it, for fuck's sake, she even killed for the guy. Without the man even needing to push her towards it, without any encouragement or threats, she did it on her own accord. And it sounded that killing had become almost second nature by the end of it, and he wondered what she would have been like and would have become if they were never caught. How many more names would she have added to her list?

Martin had already knew she had killed her sister before she told him, it had been a huge new story and he remembered watching her father on television as he talked about the case. A tall broad-shouldered man in his late sixties, with balding blond hair and grown out, bushy golden whiskers. He didn't look much like his lovely Appoline, so Martin surmised she must have taken after her mother. But from what he could remember from the new stories and the small clips he had witnessed from her trial, her father and his lawyers had basically slaughtered her in the court room, and not even her defense lawyer could do anything to save her at that point.

He was surprised though. The neighbor and coworker were one thing, it would've been easy for Appoline to justify their deaths. But her sister? Now that was an entirely different monster. Sororicide was an uncommon enough occurrence. An unplanned murder, completely off the cuff, brought on by sheer desperation and resolve to protect that incompetent boyfriend of hers…how remarkable.

And her boyfriend was incompetent…Martin was completely unimpressed. He had a positive opinion of the man before she had shared her story; after all, he had almost reached the surgeon's numbers, which was no minor feat. Almost. It was clear from her narration that the man was a disaster waiting to happen and the fact that he had remained undiscovered for so long a matter of sheer luck. Well, sheer luck and Appoline's determination. It was clear that she was the driving force behind his concealment. After all, the man had done a piss poor job concealing it from what it sounded like the very beginning. Only by the good grace (oh, the irony) of Appoline was he able to manage it for so long.

Pathetic. He managed to hide his victims for a much longer span of time…

It was amazing…she was amazing. The man was so fucking lucky and he hadn't realized it, hadn't taken advantage of the fact that he was with someone who he could be honest and open with, not having to hide it from the world, from the woman who laid in bed next to him. If only…

Martin let himself imagine what it might have been like if Appoline had been his wife instead of Jessica. A woman by his side who was so unquestionably and unconscionably loyal. What would she have done if she had found out he was the surgeon? Jessica would never have stayed loyal, would never had shut her mouth about it and went about her business…no, she was too sensitive, too well-adjusted and normal. But Appoline? It was so clear that the girl was so desperate and starved for love, for a family, for a way out of her miserable existence that she would do anything to cling on to the first person who had shown her any semblance of love.

A humorous little picture of her bringing him tea down to his workroom as he dissected his prey flashed quickly through his mind. Perfect little housewife for a serial killer, indeed.

Time winded down and eventually it was bedtime, in which Mr. David said his just polite enough goodbye and retired for the night, leaving him in the care of the night crew. He waited for some privacy and he opened up the note that Appoline had wrote for him. His eyes scanned her messy scrawl and his pupils dilated in pleasure. Such filthy words.

And not only that…but words that indicated that the girl was falling. And that she was already his.

"Oh, sweetheart," he murmured, as he palmed himself under the waistband of his pants and gave a small groan in pleasure, his dick becoming hard and leaking, "Such a good girl…"

More note passing continued for the pair. Appoline had begun to feel as if she was once again in high school and was constantly worried about getting caught, but the longer it went on for, the more incompetent she realized that the staff truly were. Their notes were of many topics, ranging from discussing the gossip going on in the Claremont (Martin believed that her guard Sarah and Dr. Samaha had something going on, who would've GUESSED?), to discussing their past lives and family (Martin enjoyed talking about his son very much and would tell her stories about Malcolm. She didn't mind. It clearly made him happy, and if he was happy, she was happy…), complaining about the group and the hospital food and literature, and always confessing their feelings towards one another. Things that couldn't always be said during their scheduled group time, when eyes and ears were on them.

And Dr. Higa had been more of a hoverer as of lately…it was beginning to bother her but she knew better than to complain.

Martin had expressed his concerns in their notes about the staff being able to find them. After all, the staff did random bedroom checks when they were otherwise out of them room for group therapy or outside reaction time. They looked for any form of contraband: shivs, untaken pills, silverware and yes, even notes. He advised her to rip the papers up and flush them down the toilet. Which she did…to mostly all of them. She kept the first letter he made for her. Because it was special. But she hid it really well, and was certain that nobody would find it.

It saddened her to think that he was ripping up all of her letters to him, but there was nothing to do. Martin was right of course, and he was a pragmatist. She couldn't fault him for that.

More recently, their small note conversations had evolved to trying to figure out a plan so that they could see each other outside of just group therapy. It was becoming unbearable to wait to see each other for only twice a week. Appoline couldn't handle the anticipation and would spend the weekend thinking about what she wanted to talk to Martin about the next time she saw him, how she would hand him the note, what might she be able to do during the group…they've had small caresses and he'd whispered in her ear and she felt his breath hot on her neck but it wasn't enough.

She asked if he had ever come up with an escape plan. After all, the man had been in Claremont for almost twenty years…he must have been hatching some sort of idea in his head during that time. Alas, every escape plan that he had thought of had been attempted in some manner of fashion before him. Hell, someone tried to escape from Claremont at least two times a month…even more in the winter months. And as of yet, nobody had been successful. Say what you wanted about the guards, they might have been incompetent at most areas of their jobs, but they did a fine job keeping the prisoners under a tight lock. Getting out of their individual cells would be one thing…managing to get through the hundreds of security staff and the million dollar security system to the outside world was another ordeal entirely.

Martin didn't think they necessarily had to escape in order to spend more time with each other either. And in the meantime while they tried to come up with a better escape plan than they had thought of before, he suggested that they attempt to create a scenario in which the two of them would be able to have some privacy for themselves.

"Well that's all well and good, but when are we ever given privacy?" Appoline muttered, crossing her arms to her chest in annoyance.

Martin raised his an eyebrow, his eyes sparkling with a glint of mischief and he smirked at the girl, "I can think of one place…"

And so that is how they came up with the idea that they would make a plan to meet in the shower facilities. During Martin's showering block time. Being that they were higher risk prisoners, both had individual shower times and only had one guard on them at a time. Appoline would have to be able to get her guard to bring her to the shower facilities during Martin's shower time. Difficult, but not impossible.

Appoline had her morning showers at 930AM. Martin was on the nighttime shower shift at 7PM. She would have to convince a guard to let her shower at that time…to break the rules.

Which wasn't particularly problematic in and of itself. The guards at Claremont played loose and fast with the rules, and Martin explained to her that he was able to buy his way around most aspects of the hospital. They pondered about the possibility of doing that, which guard they would bribe. But even Martin had to admit that what they would be asking for was well above most guard's pay grades and any guard would be risking a lot for the pair. It was one thing for a guard to slip in some cigarettes or pills or even porno mags (and yes, Martin confirmed that was a thing that he knew of the other inmates trading for) for the inmates…it was another to help two of them sneak around the hospital to bang.

But if Appoline could convince a guard that she absolutely needed a shower during that time…that is was absolutely imperative, she might be able to get her way inside. And then it would be a challenge of being able to creep across the shower facilities into his stall without being caught. And then—

And then, she thought dreamily.

Even if they got caught, the thrill of trying out this little adventure would be well worth it.

She would have to convince Bill, she decided, after she reviewed all of her options and possibilities. She considered Sarah for a moment, since she is someone who is highly sympathetic and could possibly get her to bring her to the showers, but the second she saw Martin's guard she'd be spooked. No, she would need someone who had no problems going against the rules and being caught going against the rules. Bill didn't give a fuck what anybody thought about him, and men like him seemed to flourish in these kinds of jobs. She asked Martin what he thought and he agreed that was likely their best option.

Friday evening rolled around and Appoline sat in her bed, bouncing her leg up and down as she thought about what she would have to do in order to convince Bill. She had two ideas, one much more unpleasant than the other, and she only had about an hour or so to decide before her current guard was switched out and Bill came in to check in on her.

The clock continued to tick down and down, getting closer to that 7PM time. Martin and his guard would likely be heading over to the shower facilities soon. She looked up: 6:43PM. Bill should be heading in any second. She took a breath, shoring up her resolve.

And stuck her finger down her throat.

She gagged instantly, feeling the nausea and heat creeping up her face as she started to feel sick and she continued to push her finger towards the back, hitting her trachea. She vomited profusely, all over her shirt and her pants and her hands. She gagged, the smell hitting her nose and without thinking brought her hand to her forehead to stop the nausea. It made it worse though, and she continued to throw up all over herself.

A few beeps later and the door opened to reveal a throughly surprised and instantly disgusted Bill. He frowned, making his way over to her and immediately blocked his nose.

"Christ, girl," he muttered, taking her in and cringing as he noticed the puke covering her entire body and hair, "You couldn't have made the toilet?"

Appoline gagged again, and she held back the tears that were beginning to form in her eyes. "I didn't make it in time…"

Bill whistled, "Well you're a fucking mess," he made a gagging sound and blocked his nose again, "Next time try to make the toilet. Do you feel like you're sick with a stomach bug?"

She shook her head forcefully, but regretted it as it made her feel even more nauseas "No, I think it's whatever I had for lunch."

"Damn," he muttered, looking her over. She started to tear up.

"You have to bring me to take a shower," she started crying, and he immediately shook his head.

"You know I can't do that, you can wait until morning—"

"I can't sleep in my own vomit, Bill!" she whined, "I need to shower."

Bill began to shuffle awkwardly from foot to foot, "There's nobody here to take you, all of the female staff are gone for the night…"

"You can take me," Appoline said, making her way towards him. He backed off a little, repulsed by the scent, "Please, Bill. Just bring me to the shower facilities to wash off and change my clothes. That's it."

He looked at her for a moment, and it seemed like he was going to deny her again but he eventually nodded and started to fiddle with his keys. She could've cried in delight, thank god this wasn't for nothing. She looked up at the clock, 6:57PM. Perfect timing.

They grabbed her hygiene products, a towel, and a change of clothes, and set forth towards the shower facilities. Fortunately for the two of them, most of the hospital was pretty shut down by this point, all of the patients in their rooms and the guards assigned to them with them. Dinner was over for everyone by 6 at the latest and recreation was done, and all of the therapists/doctor appointments were scheduled in the morning and afternoon. Appoline figured that Martin's shower time was one of the last things scheduled for the day, in an attempt to have him cross paths with as few staff and patients as humanly possible. To which Appoline was grateful for, because it made this a whole lot easier when there were less witnesses.

Bill opened the door to the shower facilities to hear a shower going and to see Mr. David sitting there on the bench, scrolling through his cellphone. Mr. David jumped in surprise when he saw the duo, immediately throwing his cellphone (which Appoline was certain he was not supposed to have in Claremont) in his pocket. He whistled when he saw Appoline's form though and nodded in understanding to Bill.

"Rough night huh?" Mr. David said, looking her over and trying not to obviously cover up his nose as well. Well at least he tried, she thought. "She can shower over in the East side of the wing, have her use one over there." He pointed to the far side of the room, the furthest distance from where it sounded like a shower was currently going off.

Bill nodded and he proceeded to untether her and take off her handcuffs. She sighed in relief and rubbed at her wrists. He gave her the towel, her clean uniform, and the hygiene bucket and nodded over to the far side, "Off you go. Make it quick."

Appoline nodded and proceeded to walk over towards the side of the shower facilities, her heart thumping in excitement and nerves. Could she actually do this? Would they be able to go through with it? Or was it all for nothing? Now that she was actually in the moment, Appoline realized how the plan was a lot more difficult than they had imagined. How on earth would she be able to run over to see Martin without either of the men noticing?

She stripped herself of her dirty clothes, and turned on the shower to blazing hot. Well, she had to actually shower now anyways. Appoline immediately brushed her teeth, getting the gross taste out of her mouth. She washed her hair with the nice smelling shampoo and conditioner that Martin got for her, and then her body with the body wash. She ran the loofah over her breasts, cleaning herself and letting the soap run down her body. She closed her eyes, relishing the sweet smell and allowing herself to relax for a moment.

She wasn't able to relax for very long though before she heard a loud bang outside of the shower room and a series of shouts, along with Bill cursing. "Fucking Christ, what now," Bill shouted, and she listened closely, "Goddamnit, McCarey got out of his cell again."

She could hear walkie-talkies on their hips blaring off, calling a code green and asking for backup relief immediately. Appoline held her breath in anticipation.

"You go out," Mr. David responded, "I'll stay here with the two of them."

It was the moment. She briefly wondered if this was something that Martin had devised without letting her know, but she pushed all thoughts down as she realized that it was now or never. She heard the two men continue to talk and the locking sound of the door opening and she grabbed her towel, wrapping it around her body, and ran near the back of the stalls, towards where she believed Martin would be.

Her bare feet skidded quietly on the tile floor and finally found the source of the sound of running water, and she walked carefully towards the shower.

Her heart was thumping wildly and her throat became dry, and for the first time in a long time, Appoline felt so unsure of herself. She couldn't believe this was happening.

Her hand grasped the shower curtain slightly, her hand shaking and she felt a force from the other side grab the curtain as well and pulled it to the side.

Appoline flushed darkly as she was suddenly face to face with Dr. Martin Whitly, whose dark eyes were gazing down at her smaller form with mischief. His curls were wet and pushed back, and she stared as the water dripped down, down to his broad chest with its attractive amount of dark hair scattered across, down his soft abs and hips, where her gaze eventually landed on his half erect cock and her blush darkened. He chuckled deeply, a low, attractive baritone that sent heat down to her belly as he caught her looking. She smiled awkwardly, unable to say anything due to the heart beating wildly in her chest.

Martin stepped towards her, cutting the distance between the two of them and reached out to her. His fingers danced across the side of her face and he grabbed her chin, and she leaned into him, "I would have liked to undressed you myself," he stated lowly, as his eyes gazed down her form. She was still covering up with her towel wrapped around her body. "But this will do."

His fingers left her chin and he caressed down her neck, until he reached where the towel covered her breasts. His eyes never left hers as he pinched it slightly, but not hard enough to tug it away, as if testing her. When she didn't complain, Martin tugged the towel away and tossed it to the floor beside them.

"Mmm…" he hummed lowly, his eyes tracing every single curve of her body. He moved closer to her until they were chest to chest, and Appoline froze as she felt his hand upon her back. He forced her smaller body forward as he guided them back into the shower, "Join me sweet girl."

She gasped, overwhelmed with sensations. The hot water poured down her back as she felt Martin pull her to him, every part of their bodies touching each other. She felt every part of him, including the hardening erection that was stabbing against the inside of her thigh. Appoline knew he must be able to feel her heart pounding against his, and she willed herself to calm down.

"Shhh…" he whispered, his lips brushing against her ear, "you must be quiet, Appoline."

"O—okay," she stuttered, staring into his eyes. Her lips were parted, her cheeks blushed, her eyes wide. Martin smirked and leaned forward, catching her lips in a deep kiss.

Appoline felt as if the world stopped and lasted forever all at once. They lazily kissed for a while, exploring each other's mouths with their tongues. Martin pushed her against the wall, leaning forward so his entire body was pressed against hers and she felt his cock continue to rub against her throbbing, pleadingly. Feeling emboldened, she reached down to grab his hardened member, and ran her thumb across the head. She felt him stiffen up for a second but instantly relaxing as her hand began moving up and down his shaft at a steady pace. His lips left her own and instead began attacking her neck, sucking on the spot that was pulsating rapidly.

"That's it, you're doing perfectly, keep going sweetheart," he murmured against her, urging her on. She continued stroking him, enjoying the effect that she was having on the man. She imagined he must have been as touch starved as her…20 years, she wondered…

Her nipples hardened as they continued rubbed against him and she felt dizzy as heat pooled down into her cunt. Warm water ran down her body towards her clit and she whined pathetically, as the pressure was building up and skyrocketing to a point where she wasn't sure if she could stand it anymore.

"Martin, please," she whined softly, as she began to arch her hips towards him, begging. He grabbed her neck, applying a bit of pressure that was just enough to feel lovely and not sinister. Appoline gasped again as she felt her cunt burning with desire for the man.

"Please what," he demanded. He was teasing her, toying with her, wanting her to give in and beg for it. Well she would. For fucks sake, she'd plead for it if that's what it took. All ego forgotten, it didn't matter anymore.

"I need you," she begged, and he growled possessively, his fingers on one hand digging deeper into her hips as the one squeezed her neck a bit more. Her eyes fluttered, trying to stay focused, "I need you inside me."

He gave her hip one last squeeze and rewarded her with a small smack on her butt, "That's my girl," he answered, and with that he hoisted her small form up, her back steadying them against the wall. She gave a small moan and wrapped her arms and legs around him, tilting her head back. He growled possessively and spread her cheeks open, his cock sliding against her slick vulva but not quite going in. She squirmed and he chuckled, granting her another kiss on the neck.

"Eager little thing," he marveled, and he positioned himself at her entrance.

He thrusted himself up inside her and she cried at the sensation, feeling herself completely filled with his cock. It practically knocks the breath out of her, and she feels as if she's been set on fire as he continues to bury himself inside her over and over again. He shushed her again, a stabilizing reminder that they needed to stay quiet, as he started to slowly rock into her.

"Mff—look at you," Martin panted roughly, bouncing her up and down on his cock. He gazed at her needy expression, and let himself enjoy the mewls of delight that she was letting out so prettily, "So shameless."

Appoline can't say anything. She's too focused on the white burning pleasure ripping through her body as he pounds into her. She can't focus on the sounds that they must be making, the wet, obscene noises as his body impales in on her and splits her open. They're clenching and throbbing in turns and she feels weightless, allowing herself to completely melt into him. Martin tightens his grip and continues to crush her against the wall. Her broken gasps are sure to echo in the shower facilities and he takes his hand from the wall to grab her head and force it against his shoulder, muffling her small whines.

"Ten minutes!" a voice yells, and they are both brought back into reality for a moment as they hear the voice of Mr. David yelling at them from across the room. They had no idea how long they had spent and Appoline wanted to cry as he began to slow down his pace. Martin clenched his teeth in frustration.

"No—Don't…don't stop," Appoline managed to whisper, and her plead was rewarded as Martin instantly slammed himself right back in with a growl. He doesn't stop. He continues to reward her by pounding her brutally into the wall with an even greater force.

Appoline holds on to him tightly, afraid that if she let go then whatever this fantasy was would disappear forever. And she didn't know how long she had of him, if she would ever have him again, and she needed this…she needed this. Fuck, she never wanted anything else, never again.

She panted breathily as his cock continued to split her open and shredded up against something deep inside her, and he adjusts his angle just so slightly and she lets out a muffled cry into his shoulder. Encouraged, Martin pummels into that one blinding, heavenly spot, over and over and over again. She curses slightly, feeling her cunt tighten and tighten to an unbearable level and she knew she was almost spent.

He doesn't take a single break in his hand, pounding rhythm but he growled in her ear, "That's my good girl. Op—open, your eyes, sweetheart," his ragged voice manages to say, and she opens her eyes to stare right into his. He gives a final growl, and grips her tighter, "That's it. I want to see your eyes when you cum for me."

Somehow that drove her past the edge of all sanity and he probably gets about five more good thrusts in before she's going rigid under him, her legs flexxxxing and she's cumming hard underneath him. Her cunt explodes, hot and wet around his cock and she spasms violently, letting out quick, fast pants in the air. But she's staring at him the entire time, lost in his eyes as she's riding the high and he snarls in pleasure. And then he's lost to it too, grindddding his cock inside just one more time before shuddering underneath her. She feels him pulsing inside her, breathing heavy as he unloads himself into her, and she feels hotter and sweatier and filthier then she had ever felt in her entire life.

She sat there breathlessly in his arms, hugged around him as he stayed inside of her for a few minutes trying to regain his own breath. Martin slowly came down from that orgasmic space, his blissful glaze focusing back to reality and with one last teasing push inside her, he pulled out of her and guided her body back into a standing position. Appoline stumbled a bit but braced herself against the shower wall, her teeth clenching as she felt the water hit her. The water had become cold at some point.

Martin breathed a large sigh and chuckled deeply as he walked and grabbed her towel that was on the floor, "I think we have about," he gave a look as if he was pondering a serious thought, "four minutes left until our friend Mr. David says that we're done."

She nodded, her brain trying to make sense of his words. She wondered if he was timing himself the entire time, "O—kay," she managed to get out. Her legs were still wobbly and she wasn't sure if she could even move. Her cunt was still throbbing, a heartbeat in her groin and she was pretty certain she was leaking his cum all over her thighs.

Appoline was surprised when Martin did something she was certainly not expecting from him; he reached under her arms and gently wrapped the towel around her body, tying it in the front. His hands reached to pet her long dark hair and smoothed it out, the curls had started to dry and become wild during their rendezvous. He grabbed her by the chin and locked his lips to hers. She savored it, unsure of when she would get another one. She sighed dreamily.

He chuckled in response, pleased by her responses. "Good. Now go back to your shower." he ordered, and at that time they heard the tell-tale sound of the lock opening the door and Bill's voice following as he greeted Mr. David. Martin gave her one final tap on the bum, "Now."

She nodded, and she quietly crept out of the shower and towards the very back of the room. She peered over the side of first row of showers, half hidden to see that the two men are still very animatedly discussing the escape attempt that had just so conveniently occurred at the perfect time. With a deep breath and resolve, Appoline ran her way across the back of the room, careful to be as quiet as possible. Somehow, someway she managed to make it to her shower before hearing Bill's voice call out to her.

"Hey, vomit breath, you almost done in there?" he called out and she groaned in embarrassment. She had wanted to leave that part out of the discussion when she talked with Martin about what happened…she hoped he wasn't disgusted. She brushed her teeth though, and he didn't seem to notice.

"Yes! All finished!" she called back. The water had become freezing in the time she had been away from it, but she quickly cleaned her body and pussy off with her loofah. "I'm getting changed right now, I'll be out in a minute!"

"Well hurry up, it's already been wayyyy over a half hour. You should be back in your room by now," he responded. She hurriedly dried her body off with her towel and threw on her clean white uniform. #9875 stared up at her mockingly.

"Done!" she announced, and she opened the shower curtain and stepped out. Bill made his way towards her and he immediately cuffed her. He raised an eyebrow and took a hesitant sniff of her.

"Well you don't smell like vomit anymore at least," he said. They grabbed her items and made their way towards the front of the room again. Mr. David had gotten up to tell his patient that their shower time was over. Bill nodded towards the other guard.

"Thanks for staying in here for them both, sorry it took so long," he said, "McCarey had gone off crazier than usual, man, should've seen it!" He laughed as if they were sharing some inside joke. The other man didn't crack a smile. "Anyways, hopefully this one wasn't too much trouble for you." He gestured his head towards Appoline like she was some sort of hilarious child creature. Mr. David shook his head.

"It wasn't a problem," he stated, before giving a final shout to Martin that his time was up and he could get out now, "Besides, I don't think Dr. Whitly minded the extra time added to the shower tonight. Not often they get that privilege."

Bill blinked as if not realizing, "Oh," he blinked, frowning, "I didn't realize it was Martin Whitly that you had here."

Mr. David raised an eyebrow, "Well yes, generally I'm his regular assigned staff. And this is his shower time, he gets the last shift."

Bill looked immediately annoyed upon receiving this information, and glared at Appoline as if to determine if she knew this. Appoline shrugged innocently back at him, her expression carefully mastered. Bill huffed once more, "Yeah? Well, those two are good friends, don't you know? They weren't shouting with each other over the showers the whole time were they?"

Mr. David gave a small laugh, "No, nothing of the sort." He gave Appoline a small nod, "You feel better now, Ms. Renard."

"Thank you," she responded quietly, hugging her damp towel to her chest. Bill rolled his eyes as he opened the door and they headed back out into the empty hallway. Whatever commotion the other patient had made outside had died down and the halls were empty of staff once again. They made their way to her room quietly, and he opened the cage for her and walked inside without a problem. He seemed annoyed at her, but she didn't really care, because she had gotten everything that she had wanted that night. Appoline got what she wanted, even in here, even in a place like Claremont, where all of the odds were stacked against her.

"Well, if you feel like you're going to throw up again, throw up in the toilet this time," Bill muttered as he locked her in the cage. "I'll see if we can get you a bucket as well. And I'll tell the nurse in the morning that you had gotten sick tonight."

Appoline nodded slowly, murmuring a soft thanks as she crawled inside of her bed. Lights weren't out for another hour or so but she was tired, and knew that her body needed to rest for the night. Without a thought or a worry, she tucked her sheets closer to her chest as she curled up into a comfortable position and shut her eyes. Sleep came on like a dear old friend to her that night, and she let it wash over her and take her to dream land.