Disclaimer: This story is set within Agent BMs "Life Online" story and cannon. This story is essentially explaining how Fudge and Kit (in Agent BMs "Life Online" universe) got together. As well as the struggles they went through in their game for loving one another, so I hope that you guys like this. And you guys should really check out Agent BMs story if you haven't done so as of yet or haven't heard of Agent BMs story yet.

The night sky was a dark inky black as the stars twinkled brightly against it while a pale blue moon shone overhead. Bonbon forest sat west of the rustic town and practically hugged the edge of it, farms were further out of town. While inside the town itself, the streets of it were lined with different shops, businesses, and houses. With each building having a oil lantern shining brightly and hanging safely from a hook. And, just like the other buildings in town, their sat a light and dark brown two-story house that had a brightly shining oil lantern hanging from it.

Inside the house itself, there was a family of three eating supper which consisted of a father, mother, and daughter. The father was known as Fried Fritter: he had light brown hair with side burns, blazing emerald-green eyes, white skin, and rosy pink cheeks. Fried Fritter had his hair put up in a mutton chops style as he wore a snow white old-fashioned frontiersman shirt, a pair of light brown knickerbockers, and a set of perfectly polished snow white dress shoes. The mother was known as Coco Fritter: she had dark brown fudge-colored hair and eyes, dark skin, and a cute button nose. Coco Fritter had her hair put up in a victory rolls style as she wore a dark brown victorian-styled dress with black frill decorating it, a set of matching gloves, and a pair of dark brown heels.

And finally there was the daughter who went by the name Fudge Fritter: she had a cute little button nose, dark brown fudge-colored eyes, rosy pink cheeks, and her dark brown hair which had a light brown streak going through it. Fudge Fritter had her hair put up in a loose french braid as she wore a preppy-looking yet old fashioned dress that had a snow white shirt and dark brown skirt, with a matching pair of high-heeled sandals to go with. However, as the family ate it was clear that something was very wrong, with the mother and father having a worried yet stern look on their faces while the daughter had a angry yet embarrassed expression. And after a few more minutes of tense silence Coco and Fritter shared looks before the father subtly nodded.

"You know honey, this cake you made was very good." Fritter said, after having taken a moment to clear his throat,

"Thank you, daddy." Fudge mumbled half-heartedly eating her own fudge cake-brownie dessert. "I'm glad you like it."

"Well how could we not like it?" Coco gently added, "Your chocolate and fudge cakes are always delicious! I envy the stud that you eventually decide to date and marry, he's going to get this stuff everyday, I'm sure of it."

"What?" The daughter half deadpanned and demanded, while her eyes immediately went wide upon hearing that sentence. And she eyed her mother with a look of barely contained anger and a pursed lip.

"And you ruined it." The father said, with visible anger and annoyance in his voice at his wife's screw-up,

"Sorry dear, I'll make up for it." Coco responded, visibly wilting at the negative attention her husband gave her,

"I am not having this conversation, if you need me I'll be in my room." Fudge said while she got up from her seat at the table. "But please, don't need me."

"Fudge, sit back down right now." Fritter ordered, giving his daughter a stern and furious look,

"N—" The younger girl tried to argue but a begging and pleading look from her mother made her stop herself. Fudge couldn't argue against her father, he owned her and was in charge of every aspect of her life until she married or started dating. And when that happened the ownership of her very life and person would be transferred over to her lover. "Yes daddy, I'm sorry for acting out."

"Good, you need to learn your place, Fudge. Women are meant to obey and look pretty, not to do whatever they please." The father replied, calming down slightly as he saw his daughter sit down like he had commanded, "But, we'll continue that topic later. Right now we need to talk about the elephant in the room. You need to start dating, get married, and to give your mother and I some grandkids preferably in that order."

"Yes honey, its very important that you—" Coco started, only to be quickly cut off,

"Did I say that you could talk?" Fritter said quickly glaring at his wife. "I only told you that you could talk today during supper. And if you messed it up your talking privileges would be revoked until further notice."

"This is why I don't want to date or marry in this game." Fudge grumbled,

"Well your going to." The father said whipping his head over to the younger girl. "I have reluctantly listened to your mother and decided to wait until you were of age to marry. I even decided to not set up any arranged marriage like the Bitcid and Orange family had done. I thought by now that you would have dated, married, and had at least one child but I guess I was wrong."

"Why does it matter that I marry so soon? I just turned eighteen today!" The daughter argued, looking as if she was going to cry out of sadness, anger, and humiliation.

"It matters because you're the only girl in the game that hasn't married yet. Your friends Pucker and Sunkirst got married at fourteen and seventeen respectively." Fritter barked back, "And what's worse is that you have no excuse not to marry! You are the most beautiful girl the game, you've been asked out on more dates then any girl in the game, your a great baker, and most of the time you're a sweet little angel. You're literally the one girl that every guy dreams of and wants to have."

"That's exactly the problem! Guys in this game don't want me for my ideas, thoughts, or anything that is of actual value." Fudge said as she started to cry. "They want me for my looks, cooking and baking skills, and my…well you know."

"How is that a problem!?" The father boomed, his face red with rage as his response caused Coco and Fudge to visibly flinch and shrink back, "If guys want you then that is all that matters! And as a woman your ideas, thoughts, and other things like that doesn't matter! When will you understand that you are an object!? Your worth only matters in how much your boyfriend or husband values you. Everyone else in this game understands this, even your friends, it's about time that you open your eyes and realize that the man of your dreams will only be in your dreams and he will never exist in the game like this!"

"I…I…Yes daddy." The daughter mumbled her tears spilling into her own dessert.

"Good, and you better find yourself a man soon or I will take things into my own hands." Fritter sternly stated, and Fudge numbly nodded with the rest of supper continued in complete silence.

But as supper went on, Fudge couldn't get herself to eat, she knew that her father was right the sensitive and kind man that she wanted didn't exist in this game. Even her father, who was considered the fairest and nicest man in the game wasn't the type of person Fudge would ever want to marry. And even if she wanted to find the man of her dreams, Fudge would have to leave the game and that wasn't possible for her.

But a girl could still dream, even if those dreams were unobtainable.