I read a really funny fic from HalfshellVenus1, so I decided to add to them and make different responses. Just wanted to give credit to whoever the original idea came from, so here it is!!!

Michael: No one knows what that chicken suffered on the side of the road, or what it sacrificed to cross the road.

Lincoln: The road was okay, then the chicken crossed it and all heck broke loose. Now there's all this traffic and the road just needs an Aspirin.

Sara: That chicken could have died crossing the road. It needs to be more careful.

Sucre: That chicken is absolutely loco, but I'll help him anyway.

Haywire: That chicken is leading us on a path! He's going to end the world!

C-Note: If he's going to the Middle East, I'll give him 2 days, tops.

Abruzzi: If that chicken is handcuffed to someone I hate, tell him to run.

Tweener: Ima make that chicken my friend, and then rat him out to KFC and eat him for lunch.

Bellick: That chicken won't be crossin' roads for long if he's a con.

T-Bag: If that chicken don't cross the road soon, we'll have a barbecue a-plenty in the morning.

Veronica: I'll stand by that chicken until it goes into the slaughterhouse.

Nick Savrrin: I'll help the chicken until a good deal comes along, then it might just end up on my dinner plate.

Kellerman: Oh, the chicken double-crossed you too? I'll pretend to hate you, but I'll really help you. But I actually do hate you.

Mahone: If I chase that chicken for a while and then find him, he may just end up a few feet under my backyard.

Mike (little Mike): I could draw a picture map for the chicken to help him get across...

LJ: It's a hen?! Let me see!

Westmoreland: I wasn't ever that chicken, but I know where its nest is...

Whip: To get to the other side.