Chapter 1: Hit and Run

It was a rainy morning in Tokyo as the citizens were wondering what the next course of action would be taken regarding the infamous Phantom Thieves who had everyone on edge.

Inside Yongen-Jaya's Cafe Leblanc young 16 Year Old Ren Amamiya dressed in a white short sleeved shirt, black and red plaid pants, black boots and wearing black framed glasses while carrying his book bag with his companion Morgana the cat as he was greeted by his guardian/foster father Sojiro Sakura, he wore a pink polo shirt, with khaki pants, and white loafers

"Good morning there hotshot, I made your breakfast go ahead and eat before heading to School." Sojiro said handing Ren a plate of Curry and a cup of Coffee as Ren sat down and began to eat his breakfast. "So are you and the gang hanging out after School?" Sojiro asked knowing about Ren's friends as the boy nodded.

"Yeah of course, but we might go to Karaoke or the new Bowling Alley in Shujin and then come back tonight to watch Wrestling." Ren said taking a bite of his Curry.

"You kids go have a fun time and when you guys come here later please try to keep the noise down, some of the neighbors have been complaining again about the noise you kids make everytime you guys are all here." Sojiro said as Ren smiled and after finishing his breakfast and placing his plate and coffee cup in the sink; Ren picked up his bag and made his way out of the cafe.

"All right, i'm off to school, see you later boss." Ren said making his way out the door as Sojiro nodded.

"Behave yourself and i'll see you later Ren." Sojiro said as he was set to open up his Cafe for business as a News Bulletin came on the TV.

"Breaking News here to report that a group of burglars who broke into the Shibuya Jewelry Store, have stolen over 500,000 Yen worth of Diamonds in the biggest Jewelry Heist in Tokyo. Police are on the lookout for these Thieves who were reportedly scene driving a Black Toyota Camry so please be on the lookout for these Jewelry Thieves who are on the run from the law. Also could these Jewelry Thieves be the Phantom Thieves? We're here now with Ace Detective Goro Akechi.

"Well isn't it obvious it is the Phantom Thieves after all showing their true nature that they not only steal hearts and diamonds as well and as well all know Diamonds are Forever and so are Hearts and the best way to reach the Heart is with Diamonds." Akechi said as the News Anchor looked rather enthusiastic about Akechi's deductions.

"Well you heard it here from our Ace Detective Goro Akechi, hopefully we bring these criminals to justice sooner than later; also all Cops are not allowed to have Donuts until they start doing a better job according to to the Mayor of Tokyo." The Newscaster said as Sojiro watched and had an idea.

"I wonder if I add Donuts to my Menu, will I get more customers?" Sojiro pondered as Ren had made his way to Shibuya Academy Station getting off the train and being greted by his best friend Ryuji Sakamoto a boy with blonde spiky hair wearing red t-shirt that had the words "NO MO RULES" on it, red and black checkered pants rolled up slightly past his shins, and black and white sneakers.

"Wassup Bro, did you sleep well?" Ryuji asked putting an arm around Ren as Ren smiled and put an arm around Ryuji back.

"Yeah I slept well, so are you guys ready to hang out after school?" Ren asked as Ryuji looked excited as always.

"HELL YEAH BRO! I've never bowled before and watching it on tv was kind of boring but I did play it in that Grand Theft Auto game so maybe playing it in person would be fun." Ryuji said as Ren recieved a message on his phone from their mutual friend Yuuki Mishima as Ren read the texts sent to him.

"Hey Akechi just accused you guys of stealing Diamonds from the Jewelry Store on TV." Mishima wrote as Ryuji was watching the screen and looked pissed.

"That asshole Akechi was talking shit about us on the news again; we didn't rob the Jewelry Store." Ryuji said rather loudly as Ren looked at Ryuji and placed his fingers on his lips to hush Ryuji up.

"Ryuji please not so loud man." Ren said trying to calm down Ryuji

"Sorry Bro, but that asshole Akechi really makes my blood boil, I swear what I wouldn't do to punch him in the face." Ryuji said as Mishima continued to text Ren.

"You guys should ask around Shibuya about the Jewelry Thieves, they were said to have driven a Black Toyota Camry maybe if you get enough information you guys can take them down in Mementos." Mishima write as Ren nodded and closed his text conversation and placed his phone in his pockets and made his way up the steps to street level with Ryuji behind him.

"So it looks like we're going to be finding those amateur thieves in Shibuya, I say let's do it and make that asshole Akexchi choke on his words, before I get the chance to choke him out. You know like how The Undertaker chokeslams his opponents I want to Chokeslam Akechi, hey want to go put him through a table?" Ryuji asked as the boys had made their way onto the streets outside of Shujin Academy as the sound of a car coming as Ren noticed the car was coming their way and Ryuji wasn't paying attention.

"RYUJI." Ren shouted as he ran over and tackled Ryuji to the ground which got the blonde spiky haired boy out of harm's way but unfortunately for Ren the car made contact with Ren as the raven haired boy fell hard on the ground from the impact of being hit with the car as Ren's left leg looked contorted along with his right arm and his glasses were broken, and he laid unconscious as the car that hit him sped away with Ryuji getting up to his feet to see Ren laying unconscious as Ryuji rushed over to his best friend's aid.

"REN...NO REN." Ryuji said seeing Ren unconscious from being hit by the car that nearly hit him but instead hit his best friend who could be dead after being hit by a car as a many students all looked on in shock. "I need to call an Ambulance...Ren hang in there help is on the way. I'LL MAKE THOSE BASTARDS WHO RAN OVER MY BEST FRIEND PAY." Ryuji said with a look of rage as Morgana also came out to see her unconscious companion.

"This is awful that car nearly came close to hitting you but at the last second Ren jumped in the way to get you out of harm's way but instead he ended up getting hit by that car. We better get him to the Hospital, Ryuji let the others know as well.

"Morgana what is the number to 911?" Ryuji asked as Morgana sighed at Ryuji's stupidity.

"Ryuji, it's 911! Sheesh." Morgana said as a blonde girl with pigtails wearing a white Shujin Top, with a blue jacket tied around her waist a plain skirt, black knee length socks, and brown loafers shoved other students out of the way and went over to see Ren's unconscious body and looked horrified.

"No Ren, what happened?" Ann asked as Morgana explained.

"Some Car came out of nowhere and was about to run over Ryuji but at the last second Ren pushed Ryuji out of harm's way and got hit by that car and drove away, we need to get help for Ren and dumbass here doesn't know the number to 911." Morgana said as Ryuji hit Morgana in the head.

"Shut the hell up Morgana, i'm doing the best I can." Ryuji said as he dialed 911 on his Phone as a voice on the other end could be heard.

"911, What is your Emergency?" The Operator asked as Ryuji began to talk in an urgent voice.

"Please send an Ambulance to Shujin Academy; my friend got run over by a car and is in serious condition." Ryuji said as the Operator listened.

"All right then, I will send an ambulance there right away, stay at your location until help arrives." the Operator instructed as several minutes later an Ambulance and several Police Cars made their way to the scene to attend to Ren.

"Well I guess you don't half to worry about calling for an Ambulance, someone must have saw what happened and reacted much sooner." Ann said as EMTs were attending to Ren and placing him on a stretcher as Ryuji, Ann, and Morgana looked in both anger and sorrow at their leader and friend being loaded into an ambulance.

"Ann, i'm going to the Hospital with Ren, go let Boss and the others know what happened and i'll meet you at the Hospital." Ryuji said as he got inside the Ambulance as the Ambulance took off as Ann rushed towards the Subway Station to get to Leblanc to let Sojiro know what happened.

At Cafe Leblanc Sojiro was treating his customers to Leblanc's famous coffee and completely unaware of the events that just unfolded and was about to find out the moment Ann came into the Cafe with a look of Urgency as she opened the door with Sojiro looking at her confused.

"Huh, you're Ren's Friend Ann, what are you doing here shouldn't you be in School? Sojiro asked as Ann had a serious look on her face.

"Boss, Ren is being taken to the Hospital, he was hit by a car." Ann said as Sojiro shot up an expression of concern.

"I better close up shop and head to the Hospital right away, do you need me to give you a ride back to School?" Sojiro asked getting his car keys.

"You could, Ryuji is there at the Hospital with him right now." Ann said as a News Bulletin appeared on the TV.

"Breaking News coming from Shujin Academy as a boy being identified as sixteen year old Ren Amamiya a second year student at Shujin High was the victim of a hit and run after he saved his friend Ryuji Sakamoto from being the victim of the hit and run but instead ended up getting hit instead as the sixteen year old is now undergoing evaluation at the Shibuya Hospital as we will bring you an update on his condition also reports of a black car being the car that ran over young Amamiya that could be the same car driven by the Jewelry Store Bandits we mentioned this morning."

"All right everyone i'm afraid i'm going to close up shop to go and see my foster son in the Hospital, i'll open up as soon as he recovers." Sojiro told his Customers who began to make their exit from Leblanc as Sojiro then got inside of his car with Ann in the passenger seat texting the other fellow Phantom Thieves.

"Guys Ren's in the Hospital, we all need to go see him right away." Ann wrote as the others began to reply.

"I just told sis about what happened i'm leaving school now to go see Ren in the Hospital." Mokoto wrote

"This is just awful, i'll be on my way as soon as I can, where's Ryuji?" Yusuke wrote.

"He's at the Hospital with Ren." Ann wrote

"Ann I see you in Sojiro's car are you on your way to see Ren?" Futaba wrote.

"He's taking me back to School than going to see Ren." Ann said as Futaba approached the car as Sojiro rolled down the car window.

"Come on and get in the car Futaba." Sojiro said as Futaba got in the car. "Um as much as I hate to do this because your education is important but I bet you want to see Ren so i'll take you to the Hospital to see him and let the School know." Sojiro said as Ann nodded.

"Thank you boss, right now Ren needs all of our support to help him recover." Ann said as Sojiro started the car and made his way to the Hospital and saw Ryuji sitting down in a chair outside of Ren's Hospital Room holding Morgana in his lap.

"Ryuji is he inside that room?" Sojiro asked as Ryuji nodded.

"Yeah their running tests on him, they say he's been unconscious for over an hour, i'm so worried about him and after all he saved my life." Ryuji said as Sojiro placed a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"He saved your life now it's our turn to save his now son." Sojiro said as a Doctor walked out of the room and looked at Sojiro.

"Are you the boy's father?" the Doctor asked as Sojiro didn't know how to respond to that.

"Sort of i'm his Guardian and also his Foster Father." Sojiro said as the Doctor looked at the group of teens as Makoto and Haru also came in. "More friends of his?" The Doctor asked as the two girls nodded as Ann approached them.

"I'm so glad you made it" Ann asked as Makoto began to explain.

"Well I am Student Council President so I asked Sis to excuse me and Haru both from classes to see Ren in the Hospital.

"Well that's good to know, but I wonder if Yusuke could be excused from class as well since he goes to a different school?" Ann asked as Yusuke also entered the Hospital to greet everyone.

"I was excused from class since everyone in class knows i'm friends with Ren, this is just awful." Yusuke said as the Doctor began to speak about Ren's condition.

"I'm afraid Ren is now in a Coma and I really have no idea when he will regain consciousness not to mention torn ligaments in his left knee and his right shoulder is completely seperated from the bone." The Doctor said as Ryuji went inside Ren's room in tears as the others followed Ryuji to see Ren with a respiratory system over his face, laying down in bed with his arm and leg in casts as Ryuji held Ren's hand.

"Bro please wake up we're all praying for you. i'll always be here for you bro." Ryuji said in tears.

Meanwhile inside the Velvet Room Ren found himself waking up inside of a Prison Cell guarded by two twin wardens and looked at a man with a very long nose at his desk.

"Well inmate it appears that your rehabilitation has taken an unexpected course, but don't worry you're not dead yet, just as long as those friends of your's can save you." The man named Igor said as Ren looked at him and tried to ask what was going on.

"Just let me return." Ren pleased but Justine slammed her baton at the bars.

"Listen up inmate you are here until your friends save you, and if they fail you die, but if they save you, you are free to go back to your world until you are needed again." The other warden Caroline explained as Igor smiled.

"If you really believe in your friends than they will come and save you, just be sure they do some before the deadline." Igor said as Ren looked at him with concern

"What deadline and what do Ryuji and the others half to do?" Ren asked Igor.

"Find the Jewelry Thieves in Shibuya who ran you over in Mementos and they have three days to do it and if they fail, you die. Now remain here in the Velvet Room cell for the next three days if you're friends succeed than you are free to go back to your world but if they fail than it's game over for you."

Ren Amamiya's fate is in the hands of his fellow Phantom Thieves, how will they know and can they save Ren before it's too late?" Find out next time.

To Be Continued.