Out in the vast space of the Polaris galaxy, there is a spaceship named Aphelion. Inside were two people: One in the pilot seat was a Lombax in Hyperflux armor named Ratchet, and in the passenger was a small robot named Clank. The two were partners and best friends that saved the day countless times by vicious and dangerous villains in different galaxies. Now, the two were out in space working on Ratchet's latest mod for his spaceship, much to Clank's dismay.

"Ratchet, are you sure it's a wise idea to use different parts from warships for a warp drive," said Clank, expressing some concern.

"Relax, Clank! I've tested the warp drive before," replied Ratchet.

"The one where you crashed the test ship into a grassy field outside of Meridian city?"

Ratchet laughed nervously. "I tried to see if I could push the limits of the warp drive. I guess I overdid it..."

"And you think it'll work now?"

"Yes, Clank! I made a few adjustments, and I think this ship could handle the new and improved warp drive."

"I hope so."

Ratchet continued to fly around space as the spaceship was running smoothly with no problems at all. For that, Clank's concerns started to go down.

"See Clank, I told you there nothing to worry about," said Ratchet.

Then a laser shot past Ratchet's and Clank's spaceship. They looked to see a black, red, and purple warship that had a cross bone symbol on the tail of the ship. It was armed to the teeth with weapons. Ratchet and Clank were a few yards away from the warship near a small moon.

"Never mind," frowned Ratchet.

"What is a warship doing out in the middle of space?" Asked Clank.

"No idea." Then, a screen pops up in the console. "But it looks like we're getting a call from them."

Coming on the screen was a one-eyed Rilgarian with a dark green skin tone, wearing a black and purple jacket over a white shirt. The alien was grinning.

"Hello, dead meat! I'm Captain Vivo, the captain of the warship Vengeance. That laser we shot past you is a warning shot," said the Rilgarian.

"For what?" Asked Ratchet.

"If you don't surrender your ship to use, you'll become scrap food for our pets, and your little friend will be a trash can..."

"Ratchet, they're space pirates!" Said Clank worriedly.

"And that you are right now! So, what it's going to be Lombax? Surrender? Or die?"

"How about..." Ratchet grabs the control of the ship. "No!" Ratchet quickly fly the spaceship away from them.

"Then die!" The then screen closes back into the console.

The warship sent out a couple of ships after the two heroes, and they started to shoot at them. Ratchet managed to dodge the pirates' attacks and thus began a space dogfight. Ratchet managed to take care of pirate spaceships, but then more came out of the warship.

"Clank, any ideas? Because the one I'm coming up with is getting in that warship, and teaching those space pirates a lesson," said Ratchet as he blows up a small pirate ship while barrel rolling an incoming missile.

"We should call for backup! We don't want to get overwhelmed by the pirates," suggested Clank.

"I don't know... About that, the only backup we could get would be from Qwark." Ratchet groans a bit, knowing that Qwark would gloat about this for months.

Then the screen comes back with Captain Vivo. "Wow, it seems that you two are pretty good at beating my men. But, can you handle this!?" And the screen goes back to the console once again.

Then, coming out of the ship was a massive robot dog with a death ray gun in its mouth. The dog looked at Ratchet and Clank and growled at them.

"Alright, call in Qwark," sighed Ratchet.

But it was too late to call as the robotic dog fires its weapon and shot a laser at Ratchet's ship. He narrowly dodges the laser. Ratchet sees the weak point of the dog: It would be the eyes and the bottom part of the ray gun. He shoots at it. Ratchet fires missiles at the dog's eyes, only destroying the left eye of the dog. The large robot fires back with another laser. Ratchet moves out of the way and fires another missile taking out the right eye of the dog. Then, he destroys the death ray gun of the dog, while it falls apart.

Then the pirate captain calls back. "You think you're tough. Grr...I'll wipe you two out of existence!" The captain shouted.

"Now it's a good idea to test the warp drive," said Ratchet.

"I really hope we don't explode," Clank thought.

Ratchet flies the ship, and he switches to the warp drive to make their escape. However, one of the remaining space pirate ships fires a laser hitting the warp drive. That causes the ship to go out of control. It goes into warp speed, flying away from the warship.

"Hang on Clank," said Ratchet.

The spaceship leaves the Polaris galaxy into an unknown galaxy. Ratchet manages to fly the ship to a strange planet with a shattered moon.

"Woah, what happened to that moon," wondered Ratchet as they fly past the moon.

"Ratchet, we're heading toward the planet atmosphere," said Clank.

The spaceship goes into the planet atmosphere, and the ship crashes into a forest. The ship stops at a tree and knocks it down to the ground. The ship hatchet opens. Ratchet and Clank come out of the ship seemingly unscathed and not injured from the crash. Ratchet takes out his Omniwrench.

"Hey, the warp drive would have almost worked if it hadn't been that laser shot from that pirate ship," said Ratchet rubbing the back of his head.

"I'm just glad that we are alright from those pirates."

"But now, we have a new problem: where are we and how do we get back to our galaxy?" Ratchet said while looking around, seeing it was night time.

"It seems that we're in another galaxy and have crashed on an unknown planet."

"Hmm...I think our best bet is finding some of the people on this planet and got some info of this place."

"Good idea, Ratchet," Clank hops onto Ratchet's back.

They then see something move in the bushes. Ratchet takes a closer look, but then, something came out of the bushes. It was a black bear-like creature with bone-like structure around it with red markings, as well as red eyes. The creature looks at the two heroes who slowly walk back, not looking too happy.

"I'm guessing this thing is not a friendly type," said Ratchet, getting into a fighting stance.

Elsewhere in the forest inside a castle-like building, there was a man with silver hair and black tinted sunglasses. He was watching Ratchet and Clank facing off against a dangerous creature. The man picked up a phone-device to make a call.

"Glynda, can you please send in team RWBY to the Emerald Forest? I need them to get two people from the forest right away. It's crucial."

"Right away, Ozpin. I'll send Team RWBY to the Emerald Forest. Should I tell them what the two people look like?"

"They will find out soon enough when they see that for themselves."

Author note: thank you a differentGuest for the re-edit and the beta read