AN: As a note, this is the longest chapter to date. I could have broken it into two, but I really didn't like the break point, and so decided to just kinda make it one ginormous chapter.

In other news, I'm done outlying a number of longer term goals, and writing through a bit of the Chamber of Secrets, with whole chapters. This is still not beta'd so I apologize for any missed mistakes.

Over the next several months I progressed faster than ever in my studies. I was done with fourth-year, and working steadily through fifth-year when Christmas came. I decided to stay in the Castle, and keep Sarah company this year,

This, I'd decided, was also a solid reason to avoid my father. Who would want to go home to that? Not me.

I'd doubled this, when I realized my father's reputation had gone from a 10/10 to a -1/10 (I assume) instantly upon release of my memories. I'm pretty sure there was a spell in the block which told him when I released it.

Or that the spells he placed on me altered my perception of reality enough that I thought he and I had a 10/10 relationship when it had always been a -1/10.

Him spending so much time with me and not anyone else made sense, now. He was observing if I unlocked my memories, or if there was any minor leakage from dreams, or similar. (A common way to get obliviated memories back was to dream the events which were reality)

Basically my home life - most of it anyways - was fake. A facade in which I had been put to keep me placated and not dead, but on the same coin, I wasn't technically alive. Most of who I am had been suppressed.

My Occlumency was because of mind-damage, not because of skill. This meant both that my Occlumency was better than it otherwise could be, but also that the system fulfilled exactly what was needed for a 4 year old to have the exact things I bought in the character creation.

Or that there were a number of children or families slated to die or similar and I could just pop into any number of their bodies, take over and be them.

Both options were scary, but highly plausible. I wasn't here by some fiat of the gods. I was here because there'd been a convenient time, place and way to place me, into any number of situations, as was shown by the character creator. If I selected other options I may well have wound up in China, or Japan, or Egypt, even. All kinds of magical situations I could have wound up in.

Thoughts for more exploration later.

Back to my original thought - line, before the tangent. Keeping people company.

I also could keep my now running chain of letters open with Harry, so was keeping him company by staying in the castle, in a way. We'd exchanged well over 15 letters, by now.

He asked me all kinds of things, and I liked answering the questions. Some genuinely challenged me, and I grew from answering each letter.

We also had a bit of a game going, where every letter, he would take a guess at who I am. Once, he guessed I was Daphne! Ha! The first couple attempts had been funny.

When I read 'Are you Mr. Flamel?' I had fallen out of my chair laughing. I'd been so indisposed by my bout of laughter that I was almost late to meeting up with Cedric to work on his History homework. I'd cheated to be on time with shadow magic. History is his weakest subject, it would seem. If I hadn't been practicing Shadow Magic regularly, I'd have been late for sure.

How would I practice, you ask? Well, the first thing I figured out was how to Shadow-Walk. I learned this in my wiped-out memories, so it was easy to get back into. If I knew of a Shadow within roughly 100 meters, I could teleport to it. This was very useful for rapidly getting from place to place. People were mystified by my speed, but to all but Flitwick and Sarah, I was just using unknown secret passages.

'The fruit of exploring the castle for most of two years' they said. I'd let them think that.

The other useful trick I knew, now, was how to make myself invisible, silent and scentless in heavily shaded areas - basically fully shrouded in darkness. It would continue until I entered an area which was actually lit up, IE by a torch in a well-used hall, or until 10 minutes passed. Holding the undetectability was super draining, though, and I only used it rarely.

Basically I could only use it once per day, for the full 10 minutes. Any more and I just kinda, ran out of Magic, and things got painful. Like jumping into a drained lake kind of pain. From a 30 foot bridge.

I only did it once. Never again.

It was really good for pranks on my friends, though. They always blamed the Weaselys, never even thinking it could be me. This was really good practice for my unused skills from my previous life, mostly planting things on people and taking things off them later.

But yea, the letters. They were comprehensive, usually. And he didn't hold back his intelligence when writing to me, at least. I'd written to him that doing so would be insulting to both of us, after the first reply letter. I also informed him I would cease wasting my time on helping if he wasn't going to try to improve, and quickly, with my advice.

Harsh, but often what would kick a maladjusted or mistreated child into doing what was needed. In his case, get to his feet and work out what he's doing with his life.

His grades were still just slightly above average. To me, though, he wrote advanced questions. I figured he could challenge that Granger girl he hung out with, and Daphne with my notes, with his clear grasp of the magical theory and applications.

Here's an example, in a recent letter:

"Why is it that the aguamenti charm can conjure water when conjuration is a 6th year subject? Wouldn't the drain on the magical core be too heavy? This is according to the Maximilian theory of Core Strength, of course." He'd asked, and so, I explained.

"It's really a localized summoning and banishing charm, keyed to one very specific thing. It, as a result, is very low in power. The more specific and tight the spell, the less power it takes. aguamenti is very specific, and very tight. It's also very rigid. Messing up the wand movements before you've mastered it is a good way to see something blow up, as you banish hyper-dense water at something." I tell him. He'd written a short thanks back, with a confirmation he'd understood.

But not the most recent letter, this one is long.

"Dear Current or Former Ravenclaw Student (Likely current, I'm putting my bets on Mrs. Clearwater, this time.)

Thanks for all your help! The books - I've read them - were a good help to understanding what's going on. I was right about Draco being an ass. He should have been deferential to me, as the Noble house Malfoy is below the Ancient and Noble house of Potter in the pecking order.

A shame I can't show off I know this without rightly making an ass of myself, though.

By the tone of your letter, and the fact that I know you're a lady, but treat me as an equal or lesser, that you must be of a Druidic house, or another ancient and noble house. You aren't a first year, and there are only two second years who match this description. Four Fifth-Years and one Seventh-year.

Then there are the Wives of the current Clan heads, and Cassiopeia Black.

Black wouldn't contact me, though. Thus she has been removed from contention for you, considering… recent events. (May Lord Arcturus rest in peace.)

But I wonder why you tell me all these hints? Isn't your anonymity secured if I know none of it? It's quite curious."

I'm smiling. The poor boy isn't considering I could be lying in my letters - I'm not, of course. But I very well could be lying about some things. I would be sure to point this out, so he'd be weary at least.

"The potions you put me on are working, as I'm sure you, or whoever you have helping you, has seen. I've put on a good few centimeters and I fill out my robes a bit better now, so I must thank you. House Potter is truly in your - and your assistants, should you have any - Debts." He writes, I turn the page over.

That in writing is worth more than he knows probably.

"I think Snape is after the Stone. He's been limping and generally in poor condition for awhile now, but I could be biased against him, as you say. He does seem like a formidable wizard. But soon, we'll know I guess." I smile at that, we will indeed. Only a few months left in school.

"Oh! Before I forget, where should I have your Christmas gifts delivered? I got you some things, to start repaying my debts. I figure since I'm the only Potter, I get to decide what is done with the assets?

All the best,

PS - if I don't get a reply, I'll put them in the empty classroom next to the Charms classroom, Christmas eve." I finished the letter.

Two-pager. Mostly just more speculation, but some things to comment on.

"Hey Harry," I begin, my letter will be shorter.

"You're getting warmer, I guess. Good to see you're learning. I see you neglect to mention how Occlumency is going? Hopefully it goes well. Self study can be hard. If you would like, I could send someone to help you study, but you must not react poorly, due to the rumors about her." I write. I'd go myself, of course, but he doesn't need to know that.

"I would be worried the letters are lying or trying to get you to be biased for or against certain things in subtle ways. You've never seemingly thought I may be lying about any of this. I'm happy you can trust me so, but will remind you I didn't put myself on the list of people you can trust, back when. I did this for a reason. I may, very well be, non-trustworthy for you." I write my warning, then shrug, and get to wrapping it up.

"You may leave my Christmas gifts with the house-elf Mipsy. She will see they are delivered. I am quite excited to see what you got me, though I must confess, I'd expected no form of payment for my help. It's only a good thing to do." I finish, then Sign it -

Sindrie Amaglain."

My old name had a use. It was my name, but it was not.

I handed the letter to Hedwig, who could rat me out anytime, but seemed to be amused by her master's guessing games.

Time to go exploring - it's the 22nd, and I hope to get something done, today. Before Flitwick beats me into the floor again. I may be a level 8 (83, in the Magical Dueling Skill, 52 in the Swords Dueling skill) Duelist now, but the gap was still stupid. He has yet to leave his cursed little circle.

I skip along my merry way, opening every door as I go, to see if anything interesting is happening in any room (that isn't locked)

I find nothing nothing nothing. In every room and tower. I'm going through Gryffindor tower now, on the second floor, and I open a door, which leads to what was once Albus Dumbledore's classroom and find the first interesting thing. Something I've seen before.

The Mirror, which looks ominous in the lighting of this room, for some reason.

I remember it - the Mirror of Erised - so I skip up to it, cautiously. The Mirror is just as tall as it was before. The top's inscription, the same. My eyes flick over it. "erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi" in it, which my brain, again, translates to "I show not your face, but your your hearts Desire." I peer into it, and what I see is a bit shocking, this time.

I'm older - maybe twenty or so - sitting, reading a book, the spine of which is written in ancient Norse, I think. The surprising bit is Sarah, also 20 or so, sitting on my lap, seemingly reading with me. They both look up, smile and wave. Looking away from the pair on the chair, I notice the rest of the room.

A bookshelf on one wall, full of old books. We're talking old-old. The chair we're sitting in appears to be a recliner, expensive, and there is a warm fire crackling behind. I'm in a stone house, or perhaps Hogwarts.

A good goal, I suppose. Get the girl and the job. Be generally successful.

I wonder if they have a way for girls to have children together? Hmm.. If not, adoption is always an option.

I file it away as a "Later" thought. Hormones were urging me to do it now, but it would be a waste of energy. I'm not having children until I'm twenty-three. That's as soon as I'm willing to entertain children. I may wait even longer. Really, it's when I'm old enough to support a child physically and mentally, and my partner and I agree on one, then I'll have a child. Simple as that.

"Ah, this is where the old Mirror got off to." An old voice says from the door - I sedately turn and find the Headmaster there. His presence beaming from his body.

I figured he, next to his phoenix were the two in his office, but I wasn't sure. Well, here's my confirmation...

"Sir." I nod, turning to the Mirror. "It shows what you want most desperately, and I am happy to say, it is both in the future and not too selfish. A good partner, a successful career and a cozy fire. Truly, simplicity is bliss. For me, anyways." I tell him, before turning back to him. "I suppose what you want would be much more complex, though." I smile a bit. "You must have many things you want. If you don't mind sharing?" I ask, and he raises an eyebrow at me.

"Well, I suppose I see myself getting socks for Christmas." He tells me, I can tell he's holding something back - so it's a half truth.

"Well, hopefully your dream comes true, sir. I intend to see mine come true."I tell him, directly.

"As we all do, in our youth." He agrees. "How did you find the mirror, and figure it out? It had just moved itself from its previous room, three floors down." He tells me. "It didn't agree to my wanting to move it, myself." He tells me, bemusedly.

"Well, I've been wandering the castle, checking every corridor. Writing to friends, and family was getting really tiring, and I wanted to explore" I tell him, truthfully. He smiles at me.

"You know, you surprised me last year, I was uncertain what to make of one so young and so skilled. The last time I saw someone like that, well…" He looks rather mournful as he gets lost in the thought. "Well, yes, I just don't want you to end up like Tom." He tells me, and I perk up. There was exactly one 'Tom' who had gone here and that had been spectacular in the last 100 or so years. I had been informed of him back when I started here.

Tom Marvolo Riddle had gone here in the 40's. He had a few trophies in the trophy room.

"Mr. Riddle, sir?" I ask. "Whatever did happen to him? Last record I can find of him was working at Borgin and Burkes - he seemed really promising from what I'd read - I was curious if he had written any books, since his major was Defence against the Dark Arts, and that is proving to be my weak-point, the longer I study and train." I tell him, honestly. I just leave out the bit about knowing he's a super-mage like me and Dumbledore.

"I'm afraid Tom was killed, some time ago by the one known as Voldemort." The headmaster says. My senses ping on that. It's a sort of lie.

A truth and a lie. Hmm.

"Well, sir, that's quite sad.. Did you have any tips for Defence you could share? You are well known for your Mastery in it, as well as Alchemy and Transfiguration." I pry a bit.

"Perhaps… Perhaps.. But I must ask, forgive me my curiosity, but when you awakened... I felt you fighting a great evil. It was an internal struggle of light and darkness within yourself. Where did the Darkness go?" He asks.

What was this man, some kind of monster? How do you detect that kind of thing across a castle the size of a large town?!

"I had read of a 'hand of god'. I evoked this hand to crush the evil in my mind, as it was taunting me that only a true god could kill it. I didn't realize the saying 'you are the god of your own mind' was so literal, though. I literally summoned the creature who owned the hand - a recognized God. He warned me, quite nicely, to never do it again." I tell him, again, honestly. No need to lie.

I might be good at lying, but he would see through me like a window pane. So, lying? That would just be a bad maneuver on my part at this juncture. And the truth was a bit stranger than fiction. He'd not catch me lying, though.

"I found the 'Dark Theory' book set most enlightening, when I was studying. There are seven, they detail how every basic and intermediate Dark Art, how they work, and how to defeat them. After this set was complete, the 'Art of the Light' is a good read, and it explains combat magic against the things in 'Dark Theory.' The concepts in 'Art of the Light' are impossible to understand without 'Dark Theory'', though." He tells me, seemingly completely honest.

"These books were what we used between OWL and NEWT year, when I was a student, and have since been retired, as most teachers find them too complex and difficult for the average student. Well beyond the level most achieve, while here. As a result, you may need a little time before you study them." He tells me, his eyes twinkling like mad.

"One more question, sir." He beckons for me to continue. "What does it look like?" I ask, gesturing to myself in a way. I know he can see my magic. I can certainly see his. Hyper-dense, blueish-purple. It is like a river, running in circles through and around him. Always moving, ready and happy to assist.

I'm unable to stop myself.

"Wonderful, my dear. Your magic - it's rather shy, but so brilliant and full. The shadows of it feel happy and welcoming, unlike the darkness in most folk, these days.." He tells me, I smile.

"Thank you, sir." I thank him. I'm confused, as to why he's so friendly, all of the sudden? "I hope you have a wonderful Holiday, sir." I say, throwing a glance at the clock.

Just under an hour to my daily beat-down.

"I will make an endeavor." He says lightly. "I've noticed how busy you are. I feel I can speak on this best, with how exhausting it must be." He says, quietly.

"Perhaps, sir." I say, my previous smile dropping from my face. "But we both know, it is best to stay ready, so when darkness comes, there is no reason to get ready." I say, my voice entering as close to the 'deathly serious' range as my vocal cords can allow.

Dumbledore seems taken aback. "While you speak with wisdom, I am sad to see you think the adults cannot handle things, so you could retain your childhood." He responds in a slightly sadder tone. He's stopped smiling, as well.

"Make the change you want to see in the world, sir. If you set idle and allow others to go and make the change they desire, it will likely end in a way you don't wish it to end." I respond, and he smiles again at me. Not at all a happy smile, this is quite a sad, small smile he's aimed at me.

"Indeed." He says, before he shakes his head and starts to head back out to the door. "Don't suffer too greatly for change, lest you find there is nothing for it." With this, we depart.

Nothing for it, huh? The point is fair. I'd wound up there in my last life. Nothing for it, until my precious son came and found me. I don't know if I'm adequate, though. I want to be a baseline-adult, at least, before I relax at school. I could slow down, though. Take Wednesdays off?

Sure, I'll take Wednesdays off, now. Fully off. Nothing more than class. I'll make it my romantic fiction reading day!

Maybe I'll start a book-club?

With this new schedule settled, mentally and debating what to do with my newly scheduled free-time, I walk happily back to Flitwicks.

Time to get destroyed for the One-hundred some-odd time.

I was relaxing in my dorm - it is 10:20 or so, Sarah is studying something, so I'm just quietly reading a book when the ticking comes at my window. I look over and see Hedwig on the window.

That was fast.

"Hello Lady Hawthorne (So I think based on your last letter, you would send your daughter to help me?)

I'd much like some help with Occlumency. It's really hard, and I don't know why. I can't seem to get to my mindscape, when I try, a great wall of black is blocking me. I'd like someone else's opinion." he begins.

A black wall? Never heard of that before. It could be anything. Hmm, guess I'll need to take a look.

"Further, I am curious as to what happens if you banish something while someone else summons it. Since both are instantaneous." A good question. Depends on positioning of the casters. Most recent spell wins if there is a conflict, but they'd cancel, so the spell which hits last decides which direction it gets launched in.

This can be overcome with a great deal of magic or control over the summoned / banished object, though.

"I suppose my last question is, where should we meet up?" The letter ends.


My reply contains the magical theory and arithmetic sequences to explain the answers (and confirming I am not Lady Hawthorne, but I would be sending Aubrey to help him.)

"You are to meet after breakfast in the abandoned classroom at the base of the Astronomy Tower." I finished.

"Truly yours,

Sindrie Amaglain."

When I finish my letter, it's nearly 11pm, and Sarah is just finishing getting ready for bed. I hand the letter to Hedwig and decide, if I'm going to have this talk, we should do it now, while I'm in the mood.

"Sarah?" I say, as she sits on the bed.

"Hmm?" Her reply. She's lazily stretching out a knot.

"I want to talk about what we are, and my feelings towards you." I begin. "While I feel I like you as more than a friend, I don't want to rush a relationship, and so am electing not to date until I turn 15 years of age." I say, closing my eyes.

"Is that all? That's fine." She says. I can almost hear her smile. "Mama told me to wait, anyways. I hope this doesn't mean I'll lose my pillow?" she asks. I snort at the thought.

"No. Never. You're my pillow and I am your pillow." I remind her. She smiles.

"Good. I need my pillow. I think I'm quite in love with it, honestly." I blush, as I slide into bed. "No funny business." I tell her and she smacks my arm.

"When have I been one for funny business?" She asks, and I glare.

"Not two days ago, you turned the water to opposites, so hot was cold and cold was hot! The Sixth year though I'd done it!" I tell her. She snickers.

"I have no clue what you're talking about, pillow. Now lay still like a good pillow and let me sleep!" She demands, and I sigh.

"Alright. Good night, Sarah." I mumble, and the lights dim.

"Good night, Aubrey."

I'm sitting in a chair, in the designated classroom, waiting for Harry.

I've been waiting an hour, meditating. I've been waiting since I finished breakfast. As one of the earliest people to take breakfast, I suppose it was to be expected I'd need to wait on him. His general modus operandi is to breakfast a bit later than the average student.

He's to be expected to show up marginally later than I do.

In my meditation I'm reviewing all the basics of Occlumency. Starting with the simple stuff, like how to achieve the basic mental state needed to enter your mindscape. Common mistakes, how to rectify them in a manner which is actually productive, etc.

Then I'd worked through the slightly more advanced issues people can have. How to work around those issues people have, and what sort of barriers you may have.

To start, I'll have to see if he has any magical blocks or mental blocks which may be impending him. There could be any number of such things, considering his upbringing. Self inflicted, or placed upon him, due to his magical power and strong personality.

If he got too carried away in a non-magical household, as a toddler, he'd be able to bring the house down. I'd almost done it when I was 3 years old. The temper tantrum was quite memorable to me. Papa had to manually replace all the windows in the house, after that.

Story for another time.

Relaxation, that was the first step I think he can have an issue with. Not the most important thing, but a large contributor to early failures in occlumency training. Some can succeed without, but most will fail if they aren't relaxed. Comfortable.

Commonly, the beginner books say that you had to be relaxed to unlock your mind-scape. You must be at ease with yourself and feeling safe.

This, I suspect, is the issue he is facing. How can you feel safe anywhere, when you grew up in an abusive house, and have had a few blatant attacks on your person where you currently reside? In your school?

I'd not feel safe. Not here, not at home. Not anywhere, really.

Next you needed to be willing to see everything about yourself, your truest self. Occlumency reveals aspects of yourself which can be most problematic. You need to be willing to face your flaws and your weaknesses. You don't see everything all the time, but often, the self reflection shows you some of your most glaring flaws.

Finally you need to not have any mental or major magical blocks placed on you. Magical restrictors which blocked people from their mental potential. Most commonly these were bloodline curses on a family, but they could be put on an individual. Powerful children often get them before they turn 11, so they don't destroy things in a childish fit of rage.

This is another thing which I fear (but hope I'm wrong) about being an issue Harry may well be facing. I'll ask his permission to cast the magic which allows me to check for such things. I might miss it though. The spells I'm using are super specific.

And if the person placing the magic is clever or had time they could hide their magic. It could look like anything. Even like it's beneficial or intentional self-magic.

If it is magic, and isn't hidden, I'll know soon after he shows up. (Even without his permission I'll still check if I can. Sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness…)

I glance at the clock in the room. It's quarter to nine, and he still isn't done with breakfast? That's late, even for him. Almost two full hours after I'd come down. I'd even taken my time eating and hanging around the hall.

Guess I'll move on to Legilimency, so if he is looking for that kind of help, I can offer it.

I'm doubtful he would go looking for it, but I can try.

First step is wanting something from the person - be it a memory, the ability to help them, harm them, and so on. Your intent must be to want to enter their mind and do something - if you lack the intent, clear and tangible, you will fail.

Second step, Eye Contact - this was for the best connection to their nexus of memories, or soul, or whatever held that stuff. This isn't required for the greatest masters, but it's required for someone at my level.

Third… an alarm sounds in my head and I snap out of my meditation, straightening my robes and casting various freshening and clothes-fixing charms.

He's here. I sheathe my want cleanly, as I raise my hand to wave cheekily at him as the door opens, popping up off my chair.

He's much larger than he was at the start of the year - maybe 6cm total? Still below average for his age, but not so notably so. Certainly not the smallest child anymore. He also has a bit of meat on his bones. Hair is a mess, and robes are still that basic, silly cotton.

Guess he couldn't get new ones. Not yet, anyways.

"Hello, Heir Potter. I've been instructed to meet you after breakfast, which to me, means at half-past-seven. It is nearly 9:20, so, going forward, we might hold these before breakfast, so you know." I tell him, a bit coldly, since I'm supposed to be a stranger. He seems a bit shocked, like he expected something else.

"A-ah. Hello, Heiress Hawthorne! It's a pleasure to meet you! I hear you're to help me with my Occlumency?" He asks, voice cracking at my unexpectedly stern tone. I break my stern-look and grin at him, warmly.

"Yep! Now that the stuffy introductions are done, We can get to working on things." he lets out an audible sigh as I go from frosty to peppy. "Though you should work on your introductions! Stuffier folk would sure be upset at that. Like a limp-handshake!" I chirp cheerily waving his shocked figure into a chair.

People don't relax around cold people easily. But I need him to be off balance, so he pays attention. People tend to remember such interactions very well.

I don't want to be anything short of memorable.

"First step in Occlumency is getting to a relaxed state of mind - to feel safe and secure. I don't think you'll get there this session, most don't!" I tell him, which is a lie. Most people feel pretty safe in their own school, or home. This isn't a normal issue.

I doubt he knows that. He's very trusting. Gullible. Using it here to set expectations of himself… not nice, but needed.

"If you'd like I can set up a few basic wards to keep other people out, unless they really want to get in, and similar, if it helps you relax. I can also give an oath to not wanting to do you harm, or cause you any trouble." I continue - these may be needed. Usually Occlumency teachers give oaths like this, and one to keep secrets, as needed.

"Last thing - I'd like to cast a few spells on you to detect anything which might hinder you, they are very specific and relate directly to the mind and things affecting it, or blocking it. If you don't mind?" I say, gesturing for his reply to my various statements, as I am done.

"I don't really need oaths, they seem kinda severe." He opens. I almost want to sigh. I wouldn't offer an oath if I wouldn't demand one from someone who was doing the same for me.. "Just promising is good enough for me." He finishes, likely seeing my look. So I smile softly at him. A good judge of character or a fool. I'll lean to the latter, until he proves he's the former. His letters indicate he's not the former. "But if you could ward it up a bit, I'd appreciate it." He says, and I nod, flicking out notice-me-nots and redirecting charms at the door, so if anyone wants to come in, or find us, they'll go on a wild goose chase.

And if they can detect those wards… Well, that's what the undetectability charm is for. I'd be surprised if anyone who wasn't in the NEWT year could find that door.

"About the spells, if you think they'll help, then I'm open to them." He finishes. I nod.

"To be clear, these spells, there are three, are to check for mental, magical or soul-bound blockage. They are diagnostic in nature. They all are the standard white of a healing charm. If you see anything other than white, please tell me to stop." I instruct, and seeing him nod, I flick the three very specific diagnostic spells at him, one after another. Mental blocks? None. Magical blocks? None. Soul-bound blocks?

Oh well, there we are.

Not so much a block as a leech. It's draining him of his base negative emotions - hate, greed, and so forth. Never heard of anything like it.

The boy clearly has the devil's own luck. Unique magical curse? Check.

"Good news, Mentally and Magically you're perfect - beyond so." I begin, and he looks happy at the news. "Emotionally, something is literally draining you of some emotions. It's on the soul-level. While the emotions being drained happen to be the more negative ones, I think it's really bad. Negative emotions are important to help keep you informed of what's good." I tell him, but he looks confused, so I elaborate.

"As you are now, you can dislike someone. But you couldn't ever hate them, not for long, anyways. Maybe a few hours, total, before it drains into a strong irritation and dislike, maybe. Your hatred, in this way, is being stolen. Your Greed, too. So you can want something, but if it's precious - say a family heirloom - you'd be unable to feel your natural want to keep it above their well-being. Even if it would destroy you to lose it. You'd hand it over, probably. This can be good and bad, for many reasons." He looks really upset by this, so I cut my explanation short. He probably gets the idea.

"We can go over this all later. I want you to see Madame Pomfrey on this, though, since this… leech? Would absolutely block you from Occlumency. Pretty directly." I finish, and he looks a bit shocked, now.

"But I hate Malfoy! I hate the Dursleys! I know hate!" He says. I smile sadly. I'm sure he does, but it's a temporary flaring of hate. Not the true burning pit which would drive a man to kill.

It's petty. Childish hate.

"You dislike them, really horribly, but the true, hard hated is being eaten by whatever is happening." I tell him. "Ask Pomfrey to cast the 'animi sanitatem reprehendo' spell on you, if you don't believe me." I push, and he squints.

"And if she finds something different?" He contests. I cast the spell again.

Same results. He'd be an open book to anyone like this! I bet I could devour his whole life without him being any the wiser! I'm a horrible Legilimencer, too!

"Well, I'd be willing to show her what I've got. You can tell her it was me who cast the spell, make sure she knows I'm a rank 5 medical control, 6 combat control and 7 general control mage when you do." I tell him, then shake my head. It wouldn't be good enough. I'll have to directly, openly intervene.

A bit early, but… "In fact, I'll go with you, to be sure. I have a few other questions for her." I say, and he shrinks.

He wouldn't have gone, then?

"Okay!" He says, bravely, "Let's get going!" He declares, and I dispel my redirection and notice me not charms.

"Yes, lets." I hiss.

Imagine, you can't feel anything more negative than a 'mild dislike' for something. It sounds great, right? Well, think about it like this.

Emotions are shades of grey. If you have nothing darker than a graphite-grey, how will you know how light the brights are? You won't. This block also didn't take the negatives like, but not limited to, Self Hatred, Depression, Anxiety, Slothfulness, and many more, self destructive, negatives!

I wasn't happy it took 12 minutes to get to the infirmary. Harry dragged his feet the whole way. He really didn't want to go.

Could the curse be adding a compulsion to him from getting the help he needs? The thought left a bitter taste in my mouth.

My mood only mildly improved when Pomfrey stepped out of her office, hearing me barge into her clinic. Thank god it was empty. I'm sure I look like some kind of possessed child, with how upsetting this is to me.

"Oh? What can I help you two with?" She asks, and I lightly push Harry's reluctant form forward. He wouldn't have come if I'd not forced him, I see. I'm very firm though, and leave no room for him to even think about resisting.

"I've been practicing medicinal charms, as I've been doing the magical control sets and sometimes they can cause harm, you know?" I start, and she nods. Some of the exercises are pretty nasty if you mess them up. "You've seen my magic, before, so you know how controlling it goes, sometimes. I've learned charms to detect things which may disrupt my control." I tell her, and I see her eyes spark with something akin to respect. Common sense in a wizard or witch is rare, after all. I continue.

"So, I was asked to teach him Occlumency by a mutual friend of ours, and I used these diagnostics to see if there would be anything mentally magically or emotionally harming his progress with Occlumency, or indeed, magic in general." I start, and she nods, seriously, seeing where I'm going with this, her eyes flicking to Harry, then back to myself, a bit worried. "With his permission, I cast the diagnostics, and found an emotional leech, I think. I want you to double check, as I merely have a level 6 average in the three basic sets. Level 5 medical, 6 combat and 7 in general." I inform her quickly, squeezing Harry's shoulder so he doesn't bolt, since he looks ready to get out of here at any moment.

"Oh my." She says, ushering us into an area with a bed for Harry. "And you're certain? Which diagnostic?" She asks, taking Harry from me and plopping him onto a bed.

"The 'animi sanitatem reprehendo' spell, specifically. The variant to detect things tampering with the base soul of a creature." I tell her. She blinks.

"That's a very obscure Diagnostic charm. I wasn't aware it was in our library!" She exclaims, casting more rapidly than I've seen her do before.

"Yea, it was in the wrong section - soul magic, intermediate." I told her. A lie. The reason why I give this is so that she thinks I'm studying the soul-arts. The only books in the library on soul-magic is how to defend against them.

Aggressive soul-magic includes the three unforgivables. One plants a magical contaminant in the soul, which allows direct control over the person - the imperious. One 'ignites the soul' - literally using it's energy to slowly destroy itself. That's the Crucio. The last is the soul-expelling curse. The killing curse. The other offensive soul magics include the creation of undead, soul-alteration on other living beings, and various torture and killing methods used to power ghastly rituals.

Lets just say that over the years, the school has seen some really dark stuff come through. I only know this much so I could figure out what I'm up against, and common methods to beat them. After all, everything has a counter.

Even the Killing Curse. Or Harry would be dead. It may take a few thousand hours of work to prep, but if I can make a defense against my trials, and what I might face… well, I'm going to do it.

I still hope to never touch "A Primer to True Magics" and "The Power of Souls" again. Those were vile books. Informative, but vile, evil things.

But the spell I used? In reality, the spell I used was probably in the restricted section or a private library in the castle. "I don't know if it's been moved, since I flagged the issue." I tell her, she nods. Finishing casting. Basically I'd just said 'I don't know where it is, and likely no one does. It could be anywhere. If you're lucky the librarian may know.' she didn't look too worried.

Harry sure did look at me like I'd grown a second head though. Clearly disturbed by 'Soul magic' since that's 'evil magic'. He probably thinks I'm evil now.


"Well, good news is it's not a blood-curse. So it's treatable. Bad news is it's a soul-based one, and the only spells which detect it are the ones which see everything, or soul-magic based curses, specifically, which is very few. I do have an idea of what happened, though. It is ingenious, really." She says, casting a spell, from which a butterfly tears out of her wand and into the castle. Wait? Everything? Including his physical abuse, malnutrition for 11 years and who knows what?

Would he get the help he actually needed instead of an indirect care-plan to fix it going forward? "If He-Whom-Must-Not-Be-Named couldn't kill you, the ritual which he used to soul-curse you would see you dead, or miserable, your whole life. Luckily I know how to cull most of it. It'll be many years until fully grasped, without you losing anything, but it's curable!" She chirps, and I raise an eyebrow.

"I'm rather curious as to how." I say, and I see Harry nod, still looking spooked.

Where did Pomphery even learn about soul-curses?

"In the most basic terms, we make a wall behind it, like the natural barrier of his emotions, the limit of his mind, and slowly encircle it, until it thinks it's completely eaten everything it can. At this point, the curse, if it's a complex set like I think it is, will release all the darkness it ate at once, which would normally kill, or drive insane, the victim. In this case, it'll deplete itself harmlessly. If it never enters this 'phase two' then we'll simply pry it out and into a disposable object." She completes. I blink. Okay, I follow. "Then we'll destroy the object. Since it will have eaten everything inside the bubble, which is all negative emotions, we'll have lost nothing too important. And since it will have been contained, he'll get his emotions back, fully, even before we extract it. I project he'll have his full range back within eight months, a year at most."

"If it was a bloodline curse?" I ask. Her face darkens.

"Blood of the casting family must be used in the cleansing ritual." She says darkly. "You can guess why this is unlikely to happen." I nod. Unlikely if they curse you they give you blood.

So a blood feud starts and only one family survives.

What a waste.

"Makes sense, I guess. Be hard to get some of his blood, I imagine?" Pomphrey nods as a flash of fire goes off on my left.

"Ah! Poppy! You are certain?" Dumbledore says, briefly acknowledging myself and Harry with a nod, but giving his full attention to Madame Pomfrey.

"Yes, Albus. He has a soul-based curse aimed at him which is acting as an emotional leech at present. There's more to it, but I can't figure out what, exactly as my patronus told you." She relays and I feel like I've been slapped.

Of course there's more. This boy has the devil's own luck!

"Well, I suspect his ritual blowing up at the end may have pulled some fragments of his power into Harry" Dumbledore says, looking nervously between Harry and myself, like he was worried about causing us harm.

"What would that include?" Harry asks, and I content myself to being an onlooker, unless they missed something.

"Magical power, probably. Maybe skills, such as his ability to speak with snakes, his innate skill with combat-magic, his emotional control or similar." Dumbledore says, and I perk up.

"Oh, I could test the speaking snake thing! Papa says I got the skill from great-grampa Lorentus. Want me to check?" I ask, and Harry, along with Dumbledore, nod.

"Hey Harry!" I hiss at him, which causes Madame Pomphrey to jump, though Dumbledore is unchanged. "You can understand me?" I ask, and he nods. "What does it sound like for you?" I ask, for me it's very obviously parseltongue. I have to consciously choose to speak it as opposed to, say, English, or Elven, or Common.

"English" He hisses back. "I can't even tell there's a difference." He tells me. I nod.

"Well he can speak it and it's not innate to him, so I think it's this… power transfer, you're talking about." I tell Dumbledore. "After all, it's very obviously not any language I speak, and I have to be wanting to speak it, like I would English or French, to say things in it. I don't know if Harry has that control, since it sounds and operates like English for him." I conclude my findings for Dumbledore and Pomfrey. Both nod.

"This complicates things - if he wants to keep any of the power The Dark Lord gave him, removal will be slower, harder, too." Pomfrey says, Dumbledore's eyes light up.

"You can remove it, Poppy? Truly? I had thought it would be impossible when I heard!" he says, exhilarated. He looks at least 20 years younger.

"Well, yes, I think I could. The curse itself is powered, like all soul curses are, by a tiny fragment of soul, a measly chip of the caster's soul - about 1/100th of the thing, which the caster would heal with time. It's certainly doable. The issue is, the caster of the removing charms and healing spells has to be stronger than the original caster, and, the only person I know with more potent magics than Voldemort was our Headmaster." She says, gesturing, Dumbledore gains a look of sheepish acceptance. Like a guy who wants to argue that 'he isn't that great' but knows he can't. "Which is why I've called you here, Albus. I'd like to start the first steps on Easter Break, so I'm afraid I must assign you Homework." She says, getting a laugh out of all present.

The image of the oldest (human) man (in their original body) I'd ever met doing homework was worth a fair few chuckles.

"Since you aren't a Curse-Breakers team-healer, or a Mastery-Holder in Healing and Charms, with a specialty in healing 'Curses' specifically, I doubt you'd have read the books needed to understand the magical theory behind the bubble of magic. It's extremely precise, since you need to mask your magic in Harry's magic, while disguising your trap as a natural limit, which the curse is nowhere near. The magical skill and power to properly do this is obviously immense. So you'll have two and a half months. Meanwhile, I'll be focusing on making sure everything goes well, and we have the optimal day set for it. He laid the curse on Samhain - we'll use the opposite equinox to destroy his darkness." She tells Albus, then she turns to me.

"And you, as his assigned mental-arts teacher, I want you to go in and see if you can help with anything like a workaround. I trust your 18th degree in magical control allows you to do Legilimency?" She asks and I nod.

"I'd need his permission, and that of his magical guardian, Ma'm. I'd be doing the sorting of his mind myself, which means auditing all of his secrets and knowing all there is to know about him. Not sure he'd like that." I say, and he confirms he would not like that, with a shake of his head.

"Well I was thinking more of a light 'as they come in.' style. So if he has any really emotional days, you can put them away for him. You wouldn't need to sort them, just create a lockbox and put them inside the box, so he doesn't feel the full brunt of them, and they can't feed the curse." She says, and I nod.

That's possibile, and, honestly, will be really hard. We'd both have a headache by the end of the session.

"Well, that can be done." Dumbledore says, "But it's a really un-graceful way of doing it, and may result in issues for the both of them. While I do not doubt young Aubrey's ability, I will see it done that I hold once-weekly sessions with Harry, personally, to help him. It won't be too great of a strain for me, as I already do quite little on the Weekends." He comments and I sigh in relief. Harry does too. Neither of us wanted what was being suggested, there.

I sincerely doubt Dumbledore has any time in his schedule, though. He's going to have to make time. Probably fully offload his duty as Headmaster to the four heads of house, so he can focus on this.

His position in the ICW and the Wizengamot are less day-to-day, but still require maintenance. He'll probably only have the one day free, to help Harry, but the fact he's so willing to drop everything…

It feels really odd. Like he's jumping on an opportunity he never thought he'd get. I'm hopeful that things will work out for him. The man does only want what's best for us, I can tell.

He still has a lot of flaws, though.

Another thing which surprised me was Dumbledore not knowing something. He's kinda painted as an all knowing, all seeing individual in every book, every newspaper article, and I'd, so much as I hate to say it, bought it. At least about most schools of magic. Transfiguration, Defence, Charms, Alchemy… the man had a lot of knowledge.

A healer, or Curse Breaker? Oh no, he is not one of these.

He has blind-spots. Which is interesting. Madame Pomfrey gave me some insight, though. She'd listed a lot of things he didn't have, or hadn't been. I suspect she is all of those things, hence why she didn't flinch when I mentioned soul magic. Curse-breaker teams know that stuff best. Old Magics revolved heavily around souls.

"Um." I break into the detailed conversation they'd started on advanced magical lattices which are used to create the internal warding structure for compressing a curse. Of course they'd flown off the deep end while my mind wandered. They're talking right over my head. Were. They stopped when I piped up.

"If I can help with anything, I'd be happy to. Maybe potions, or, I don't know, anything? I'm studying to become a Curse Breaker, right now, and I figure I know most spells until the end of Fifth year. I want to help." I tell them. Pomfrey's eyes almost look like they're glowing, with her excitement. Of course she'd be excited over someone showing interest in her fields. Curse breaker helping with healing an esoteric curse? Ugh.

"Well, there's not much to be learned or helped with, at this time." She tells me, voice a pitch up with her excitement. "Really, work on your magical control. When you get to level 21, come find me, and I'll see if I can teach you the basics. Having an assistant would be nice." She tells me with a smile. I nod.

Medical control was the least expensive magically, but also the hardest for me. The reason it was so hard was that it just kinda… how to explain... It was like trying to look left and right at the same time, while needing to pat my head and rub my belly.

Yea, you can do it with fine enough muscle control, but damn if it isn't hard. Combat was about willpower and control in that sense. The general stuff was just knowing how it is done and then making sure it goes that way. Knowledge and belief. So we have Knowledge, Belief and Willpower, basically as good as I can get them. I just lack the actual fine control of the 'magic muscle.' I can force it to work, or trick it to work, but the raw control is hardest.

Then again, mastering something three different ways isn't going to be easy. You have to basically un-learn the other ways you can do it. Otherwise, you're cheating. I can do the medical spells with Willpower, but it's not the intent of the exercise. So I don't get the point for it.

Follow the rules as intended. Not as written.

Belief, Willpower, Control. These are the three pillars. I found it odd there wasn't more, but I shrugged that off. Not everything came in 7's.

The adults were back into magical Lattices, and Harry looked like he wanted to be anywhere else.

"Hey." I whisper to him. "Wanna go practice some magic? I may be unable to help with Occlumency, but I can help with any classes you struggle with. I said I'd help for at least the rest of winter break, save Christmas eve through Boxing day, and New Years, but I'm happy to help the rest of the Hol." I tell him, he nods a bit wearily. I steer him out of the infirmary with a wave to Pomfrey, who nods at me as I close the door. I hear it lock behind me. "Alright, so, what spells do you know?"

He lists most of the first year spells, and I'm a bit impressed, since that's actually pretty far ahead.

"Well, let me tell you about my personal favorite spell for teaching someone a lesson. Drops 'em like a sack of bricks, most of the time." I tell him and I can tell I have his attention. "Pulso is a knockout Jinx they don't teach at Hogwarts anymore due to the fact it's a physical force knocking you out, not a magical one. This can cause damage to the person, severe harm, so don't cast it on someone who didn't cast at you first." I tell him.

"Sounds dangerous, and like it'd be restricted." He says, I nod.

"It is, in fact, restricted. It's part of magical control sets, though, so you can access it that way. Most people don't think of it's applications outside of magical control. But it is what amounts to a brick of force that gets bigger and heavier the power you throw into it. It tapers off, eventually, so the goal is to be put as little power in for as much power." I lecture, remembering the book I read on it.

"Also, as it's technically a Jinx, and a conjuring charm, you'll probably waste a ton of power at first. Only cast it five times, then rest for ten minutes. Then Five more castings, then ten more minutes. Eventually, I'd say after a week, you should be able to move to six. I suggest reading or doing homework between sets." I tell him.

"Is that how you're so good at magic and so far ahead? You literally practice all day?" He asks, and I give him a smile.

"Yes and no. I practice lots, but I also stop to have fun three days every week. Practice isn't fun, but I have to keep in mind, the job I want requires a NEWT of EE or O in Five Subjects. Defence, Charms, Transfiguration, Runes and Arithmancy. You need an OWL of EE or O in Potions, and it's better to have a NEWT of O. You're also recommended to have Care of Magical Creatures, Astronomy, Alchemy, Warding, and Healing, if you can. Since none of the last three but Alchemy is even offered at Hogwarts, you need to do it on your own. Obviously not easy." I tell him, and he nods, shocked. "I plan to take Madame Pomfrey up on her offer, once I learn the 21 stages." I tell him, leaving out I'd also do the 13 extra which were left in the journal from the room.

"As a result of the intense requirements, and my hatred of school, I decided to do as much as I could as quickly as I can. I'm hoping to be done with all things NEWT related next year, and then just focusing on Alchemy, Runes, Arithmancy, Healing and Wards." I inform him. Care, Potions and Herbology would also be focused, but the other areas were included in, or a part of, those advanced subjects, so I could stop learning the general and start learning the advanced.

I would be specializing.

"But isn't that just more school you're adding onto your school? If you really hate it like you say, that doesn't make sense!" He tells me. I smiled a little.

"Of course it wouldn't, if there wasn't the Academies. There's one for the advanced jobs. Wardmasters, Spell-creators, Masters of a Subject, Curse breakers, Healers, Aurors, even Quidditch has an academy." I tell him. He looks shocked. This is something you're told in 5th year, when you're going for your OWLs. so you can know where to go to get the job you want.

"You can test out, though. You can take a test and get your certification right there. That's my goal. No 3-5 year additional schooling for me! If I have the time, I plan to use my 6th year to bang out mastery level magic in Charms, so I can pad that on. Curse-Breaking is great and all, but I'll want to settle down later. I think teaching sounds nice." I tell him skipping now, with the happiness filling me as I go over my plans. Maybe if I could tack on a mastery in defense?

Nah. It's my weakest wanded subject, even if I'm probably the best in the raw theory, which is what most of my score is, in that skill.

"But… you're twelve! Why are you planning things out so minutely? You won't need to think about this for another what? Five years?" He asks. I smile at him a bit viciously.

"Well, I know what I like. I like travel, I like history, I like charms, wards and learning old, obscure magic. If you're a freelance cursebreaker and you solo-find something, you get to keep the finders fee. That's 50% of all findings, and then if you're a Curse Breaker - which I will be - you get to keep an even cut of the knowledge between you and the other breakers who open the site. They split that with their employer, if they have one, 50/50. So if I found one and got a Gringotts team of 4, I would have 5 people, so I'd get my half. 50%. Then I'd get my employer fee. 25%. Then I'd get my curse breaker part. 5%. This means if I find, hire and help break the tomb, crypt, whatever, I walk out with 80% of everything. Gringotts get 10% and the curse-breakers get 2.5%, each. And that 2.5% is probably enough to last them a few years." I tell him. He looks shocked. Like how I felt when I first found this out. I could tell he wanted to ask 'why isn't everyone a solo-breaker then?' - that's what I'd asked when I found this out. So I clarified.

"The Gringotts people get a Salary from Gringotts, though, where a Solo-Breaker wouldn't." I clarify. The salary is important when there's no Tombs or finds to be had. It's handsome and it really, really helps. They also pay you room and board and any other expenses of living you have? Need to see a healer once a month? They cover it. Need a specialist to undo some bad voodoo on you? They cover it. Those things can cost massive amounts of money. A solo breaker often needs to get five tombs to retire. A Gringotts breaker needs ten to twenty, but they're much less likely to die.

You -must- find tombs as a freelancer. Or you'll fall flat. Or die.

He looks gobsmacked. "But, why would you want old dusty magic? Quidditch, or, I don't know, Dueling is just more fun! And lucrative! And… I don't know? Better?" He says, confused. I shake my head.

"Fun for me? That is adventure. Quidditch isn't adventure, it sounds like needless danger to me. Dueling is fun, yes, but not something I care to pursue more than as an off-time hobby, between Tomb-Raids, maybe. Maybe I'll do the summer tournaments like Flitwick, or maybe I'll do them while I'm doing a regular Curse-Breaking routine. With Magical Transportation like Portkeys, anything is possible." I tell him.

"Hmph, you're confusing. What does this have to do with Pulso?" He asks, dropping the old subject, back to where we started.

"Well, I forget how we got there, but basically, Pulso is a good way to drop someone who you can't kill. Most don't know how to defend against it. I'll show you, slowly, the wand motions, then faster, with the incantation, so you can see what it looks like from someone who has mastered it, as far as I think you can." I say, as we enter an abandoned classroom.

"First you do a swish, into a circle, which you then cut in half with a flick!" I say, showing him slowly, then, again, slowly.

Then I turn, so he can see me, and I do it in real-time. Less than half a second for the full wand motion and "Pulso!" I call, and the desk opposite us shatters into tiny splinters.

"That was full power, maximizing my output. It is quite costly - I can do that four more times, but you can bet whoever gets hit by that will have shattered bones, and will be unconscious." I tell him. Then flick a normal Pulso out, with practiced ease.

The chair I hit cracks.

"That is the power of a normal Pulso. It won't shatter bone, but it will knock someone out, probably concuss and cause hairline fractures in bones if you hit a fragile patch of bone, or a cluster of smaller bones or cartilage - like a knee." I tell him, and he nods, not understanding, clearly, some of the words.

"Don't hit the temple or base of the skull, basically." I tell him to get a more firm nod.

"This seems more effective than other spells I read about. Why isn't it more common?" He asks.

"A man killed sixty-three magical people in one day with it, slightly altering its casting so the force summoned was a sharp edge instead of a blunt object. He decapitated them, and then died of magical exhaustion. They were worried about it happening again, so removed it from the common books, except for magical control books. Now, most people think of it as little more than a magical exercise which stops you until you're knocked out. Pulso." I explain. He looks astonished.

"Oh." He says looking at the saw-dust which was a desk.

"Yes, oh." I say smiling a little. "Now, would you mind, too terribly, if you tried it?" I ask. "Wand motions first."

The first session as his personal tutor would see him level up, which surprised me.

He is the highest level in first or second year, after all. Aside from me.

Harry Potter
Age: 11
Race: Human.

Titles: Boy Who Lived.
Golden Boy.
Seeker. (i)
Hero. (i)
Curse Bearer. (i)
Lion's Heart. (i)

Level: 18
33 STR
38 AGI
42 DEX
38 CON
35 INT
25 WIS

Yea, next time someone calls Harry dumb, or weak, or so forth, I'll slap them.

Only thing this boy is, is lucky. And his luck is a coin flip. He also has extremely fine motor control - is that from a perk? His Physical stats are unfair! I worked hard for mine, and I know all he does is Quidditch Drills!

Later, I would read Hero, and find out it was stupid. +1 to all physical stats per level, retroactively and going forward. How utterly silly.

Curse Bearer and Golden Boy did the same for his Int and Wis, which was more acceptable. Lion's Heart was Int and Dex, like how Raven's Wit was Int and Wis.

His skills, though, must be horrid, or he'd be equal to any third year, and the majority of fourth or fifth years that I'd checked.

He's rather slothful, though, for his rapid growth. Quidditch quests and Troll-Slaying must have really accelerated him, since most don't get in until third year on Quidditch, and Trolls are an adult level fight. (Level 30 +).

Most young folks are slothful - I had been, that and arrogant, greedy, rude, and stupid. I couldn't force him into action, only a good slap in the face (or five, or six) sprinkled with near-death could do that.

Look at how I learned, in this life. Doxies, the crazy wizards when I time travel, Flitwick... Yea. I had some experience, and impetus to get good. Hopefully he'd take the hint the first time, unlike me.(Speaking of Flitwick, I hope when I kick his ass, and he's actually trying, it feels as good as I'm thinking it will. Evil little goblin).

The session went until the last hour of lunch - 1:00pm - when we broke to go eat. He was sweating and panting, and I looked fresh as can be.

Mostly because my magic had been controlled. If anyone tells you casting piercing spells while teaching is easy, they're lying. The precision I was aiming for? Pshh.

I know it's doable - I'm down to seven papers right now, I go through six, sometimes five, right now, but normally six.

Precise piercing hexes - who thought of this crazy idea? I'd have to find out so I could thank them, after having throttled them for a few hours.

It's insanity. You're trying to intentionally reduce the power of a spell to the point where it's basically a stinging curse which breaks a layer of skin - which wouldn't even draw blood! What was the point?

The others all had fine lessons, buried keys. This one just seemed to be 'reduce power as much as you can'.

Maybe I'd ask for someone's notes on the matter, from the room.

Holy hell am I stupid. I have access to everyone's notes.

Every. Single. Student. Ever.

Merlin had gone to Hogwarts.

With a Sigh, I went back to it. I'd do it when I wasn't with Harry. I had plans to hang out with my friends the rest of the day, but tomorrow? Well… Sarah had asked if we could spend the day working on magic. She's trying to become a Ward-Mistress, she'd told me, which meant she was focusing on DADA and Charms, since that's what wards were based on.

She'd since surpassed me in DADA - being a prodigy in it (and getting the official perk as of last month) - but I still held out in Charms, and was steadily pulling away from the rest of the second years in knowledge.

Prodigy perks are no joke.