Author's Notes: I was listening to Monsters by All Time Low ft. blackbear when this little fluffy appeared as an idea. I thought how cute it would be picturing everyone dressed for Halloween then what I planned to be a cute little short fluff piece turned into this full-fledged one shot. I hope you all enjoy, feel free to check out my other Outer Banks stories as well if you enjoy this pairing.

Kiara had been excited about Sarah telling her to come to Rafe's Halloween Party. They hadn't been friends for all that long, so when Sarah not only extended the invitation to her but matching costumes it actually encouraged Kiara to go. Sarah Cameron was the queen of their high school, even as only a sophomore, her family ran that school just like they ran the figure eight. Rafe was a dick even on his best days, but it was well known that the oldest Cameron threw the best bashes of the OBX.

"I think you look fabulous." Sarah cooed as Kiara felt over-exposed. Sarah was in a short black dress, black angel wings dawned her back like they belonged there the black halo laid on her vanity. Kiara would have liked a little black dress too, but instead she was the other half, wearing a short bright white dress, that felt like it was far to short to be called a dress. Her wings and halo laid on Sarah's bed, next to Sarah who was deciding which pair of strappy silver heels could complete the outfit. "Stop pulling at the hem you'll stretch it out." Sarah scolded as she caught Kiara pulling at the bottom of the dress trying to stretch it.

"Don't you think it's a little short?" Kiara walked over to the bed where Sarah had left a pair of beautiful gold heels on the floor, the rest of the little accessories to their outfits scattered together on the bed.

"I bet its no shorter than any other dress you own." Sarah explained, the joke was on her though. Kiara didn't own many dresses and all of them were longer than this, she was actually almost sure she had shirts longer than this dress. "Lets ask the experts opinion." Sarah said as she pushed herself off her bed and walked over to her open bedroom door. "Rafe!" She called out into the hallway, before Kiara could stop her she waved the older boy back down the hall towards her bedroom. Rafe was a piece of work, he was a known womanizer and party animal. Rafe appeared in the doorway, he had already gotten dressed for his party wearing a toga, a sash, and a crown made of leafs. "What are you suppose to be?" Sarah asked looking at him like he was definitely under dressed for his own party.

"I'm Caesar," Rafe said simply as his eyes danced over Kiara, she felt almost violated just by his eyes. "What do you want?" He asked his sister, his eyes finally pulling away from Kiara allowing her to catch her breath.

"Do you think Kiara's dress is too short?" Sarah asked her arms crossed squarely over her chest, bringing both set of Cameron's eyes back to Kiara, this was hell.

Rafe chuckled, "no. You look great, Karey." Rafe complimented, mistaking her name, sending a surprising wave of relief through Kiara that she was far enough off of Rafe's radar for him to not know her name. "Now I have to go get ready for the party, unless you were planning to help me." He glared at Sarah for distracting him from his party prepping.

"Whatever." Sarah said turning her back to the door, her hair flipping as she walked back into her room, and Rafe took back off down the hallway but not before looking Kiara over once more with his hungry eyes. "See you look great, Rafe is just an ass because you're my friend and he doesn't have any of those." Sarah smiled in a way that began to put Kiara back at ease before she encouraged her to let her help doing her make up.

As Kiara stared in the mirror she knew there would have been no way in hell her father would have let her come to the party wearing this costume. With the slinky little white dress that hugged her upper thighs, the little gold heels and gold anklet popping against her skin tone, the golden bangles dangling from her wrists, the small white wings emerging from her back. Sarah had framed her eyes with gold and black eye make up, glitter covering the exposed part of her upper breasts. The halo sitting on over her head, popping against her dark hair felt like the biggest lie in all of history.

Sarah had insisted on making slight alterations to her own outfit, and though she told Kiara she could go ahead and head to the party after it had started, Kiara decided to wait on her. She didn't want to mingle without Sarah honestly. Though she was starting to get along with more of the Kooks, she didn't want to be alone with them without a familiar face. Sarah looked amazing in her black dress, she had made sure to get all of the same accessories as the outfit she had gotten for Kiara with the difference of hers being silver in color. The shoes had changed four times, before finally settling on a pair of glossy black heels that Kiara was sure she would have fallen over in if she had been made to wear.

By the time Kiara and Sarah made their entrance into the party the music was blaring, filling the air with sound, a surprising amount of people already filling the large manor. Sarah's current boyfriend, who's name Kiara actually did not remember when saw him was waiting at the bottom of the stairs. He was dressed as a devil, fitting for Sarah's fallen angel outfit. Kiara realized at that point, though Sarah had planned her outfit to match with Kiara, if she didn't want to end up being a third wheel all Kiara had better get over the fear of being without Sarah.

The trio made their way to the kitchen where Rafe had truly outdone himself with the selection of alcoholic options, though Sarah's boyfriend offered her some of the punch that was made Kiara opted for a beer as she knew how well she handled beer and did not want to risk what the punch could have actually been made of. Sarah had dragged her boyfriend out into a room that Kiara knew to be a sitting room normally, but Rafe had pushed most of the furniture to the walls, leaving large open spaces for dancing.

Kiara stayed back towards the wall, sipping at her beer. "You look amazing." She heard a voice almost purr next to her. Rafe stood there, a cup in his hand and a dirty smirk on his lips.

"Thanks." Kiara attempted a smile, when she realized it wasn't going to happen she put her beer to her lips, drinking more than half of it in one go.

"Having fun?" He asked her, leaning against the wall next to her.

Kiara could manage small talk with Rafe, it couldn't be that difficult. "I guess, we were still getting ready until about fifteen minutes ago." She answered, feeling his eyes on her body.

"Sarah takes forever to get ready, I know." She saw him peak his head up looking into her almost emptied cup. "Want a refill?" He asked smiling, actually being nice sent up bright red flares but she had always tried to see the best of people.

"Sure." She nodded as she stepped away from the wall, within a second she felt Rafe's hand on her waist. His fingers tapping lightly on her hip bone, as he pulled her along with him.

He was greeting people she knew in passing but he acted like he had known them his entire life and perhaps he had. She recognized a couple of the boys as Topper and Kelce, two of Rafe's typical gang of polo wearing assholes. "Holy shit, Kiara I think I just went to heaven." Kelce cooed, he was dressed as one of the pilots from Top Gun, aviators tucked into the collar of his flight suit.

Kelce had tried to be polite when he offered her the freshly poured glass of punch. "I'd rather just get a beer..." Kiara admitted only to feel an arm yank her away from Rafe's touch on her shoulder.

"That is my kind of girl." Kelce said as he used the faucet on the keg to actually fill a nice cup of beer compared the one Sarah's boyfriend had made that had a large head on it. "Why don't you come hang out by the pool with us, Rafe doesn't have beer pong partner and I bet you know how to play." He offered.

"I think I am going to go dance with Sarah." Kiara had no intention of dancing, especially not in this short dress.

"My offer stands whenever okay?" Kelce said releasing her, it was almost surprising how easy he flirted with her just to let her go when she no. She wasn't used to that out of the boys from their school yet, most of them took 'no' as 'I'm playing hard to get'.

Before she escaped the kitchen, she felt Rafe's arm block her path, his fingertips sitting delicately on her waist. "When you tired of being the third wheel come find me, okay?" Rafe's tone was low, and Kiara found her voice stuck in her throat just nodding instead of answering before slipping her way back into the sitting room with the makeshift dance floor.

As soon as she entered she spotted Sarah, still dancing with... Kiara really needed to remember his name. She made her way to her, surprisingly not spilling her drink once as the song switched up, it was an upbeat almost rap that had a strong bass line. "Kiara!" Sarah called out to her excited grabbing her hands, at some point Sarah had lost her drink as she pulled away from the boy she was with. "Dance with me!" Sarah's smile was so bright it lit up the room, it was infectious as Kiara found herself smiling too.

Sarah's boyfriend seemed annoyed that Sarah had left his touch for Kiara, but he seemed content enough to leave the room for a moment while the two girls danced, a couple of the other girls of Sarah's posse joining shortly after. Unlike Kiara the girls seemed to know all of the words to every song, singing along joyously or at least mouthing the words. Kiara could usually pick up the words by the second chorus well enough to fake it along with the other girls. It had probably been three songs, before Sarah's boyfriend reappeared offering her a small plastic cup that she exactly took and shot back into her mouth, wiping the slight spillage from the corner of her mouth with an amused expression on her face as she placed a kiss onto his cheek. Kiara knew she should probably start to head away since he was back to claim Sarah's attention but she was actually starting to enjoy dancing with everyone.

As the fourth song played, the same fast beat filling the air Kiara felt a presence appear behind her, and an excited smile playing over Sarah's lips as Kiara felt the finger tips touching her hips as she found herself enjoying the warm body behind her. She wasn't the kind to ever think of grinding on some guy as dancing, but this seemed like something more than that. He wasn't holding her waist against his body to feel her ass against him, instead his fingers just lightly holding her waist as she moved, it was enough to claim her as his dance his partner but not enough to make her feel controlled.

She had finished her second beer in under an hour at this point, plus the slight pre-gaming Sarah had insisted on while they got dressed; her body felt warm, not like when she was drunk, this was a pleasant sensation an early stage of an alcohol buzz. She felt him tug gently on her hip, finding herself spinning around to face him. She had to stop herself from breaking out in full fledged laughter as she came face to face with a dead president, the boy who she had been dancing with was wearing a Richard Nixon mask. The next song was still upbeat, but it was a fair deal slower a much smoother beat that had most people pairing off to dance together. Kiara put her arms around the boys neck as she looked him over, his chest mostly exposed due to his white button up only being buttoned along the bottom of the shirt, tucked into a pair of black slacks. Kiara had to lean close the boy she was dancing with, "I wish I had known I was dancing with a president." She laughed into the plastic ear of his mask. "Is this why you erased the tapes?" She teased before she found herself spinning back around, swaying her hips to the beat, he was swaying the opposite directions as her, so she could see him over her shoulder when she glanced back each time she had to fight the urge to laugh, a huge smile on her face.

She caught Sarah's eyes once more, her friend fanning herself with her hand not so subtlety referring to the fact she thought that Kiara's Mr. President was hot. Sarah's boyfriend clearly hadn't read her motions the same way as Kiara as he began to pull Sarah back towards the kitchen, Sarah reaching out and grabbing Kiara's wrist to pull her along as well. Though Kiara considered it, she didn't reach back for her dance partners hand, it was enjoyable for a while, but it wasn't like she was planning on hooking up with some random guy tonight.

"Who is that?" Sarah asked pulling Kiara to her side, whispering not so quietly as they made their way out of the loud crowded room into the quieter but still more crowded than Kiara would have preferred if she was going to gossip over a boy. Kiara found herself shrugging with a smile. She was curious but it was almost more exhilarating not knowing who it was. "Drew can you get us a drink?" Sarah asked her boyfriend, trying to get him to give the girls space. "You have to find out who that hottie is, like did you see those abs?" Sarah was practically swooning.

Kiara found herself giggling as Sarah over exaggerated her expressions as she became more loose from the alcohol in her veins. "Don't you have a boyfriend?" Kiara mused.

Almost on cue, Drew came back with a three shot glasses much to Kiara's dismay. "Sure do, he's the best little devil in the room." Sarah said taking the glass from Drew with a stupid smile. "Thank you," she almost sang as she placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Hope you don't mind tequila," he offered Kiara the third glass, and as much as she knew she shouldn't she took it from him with a smile. Sarah reached over the counter to a conveniently placed tray of cut fruit wedges, grabbing specifically at the lime, handing on to Kiara and another to Drew.

"To the little angels and devils on our shoulders." Sarah toasted as she shot back the shot glass of tequila quickly putting the lime to her lips and sucking the sour liquid. Kiara hated shots to start with, now she was having to take shots with extra steps. Drew seemed to take it without even needing the lime, just putting it to his mouth to amuse Sarah. As Sarah's eyes fell back on Kiara she knew she couldn't avoid it much longer. She took the shot, quickly swallowing it not allowing the burn to slow her as she quickly put the lime to her lips.

Sarah cheered happily as Kiara sucked on the lime, not wanting to do another shot even though Sarah seemed more than happy too. "Hey I'm going to outside for a minute, I'll be right back." Kiara explained, wanting nothing more than the feel of the cool fall air on her face after the heat of the dance floor followed by the not so smooth tequila. She found herself outside, she heard the cheers from the other side of the patio, Kelce was apparently wiping the floor with whoever he was playing beer pong with by the sounds of the crowd that had gathered around them.

Kiara still found herself surprised by the sheer about of people at the party, Sarah had told her that their parents were going to the Caribbean this weekend, that they should have expected that leaving unattended teenagers on one of the hottest party weekends were their own faults. This was the first actual Kook party she had ever been invited too and had to say it didn't disappoint.

It was a pleasant feeling, the cool fall air on her skin but she quickly found herself growing too cold. She took a deep breath before she going back into the house, she passed another boy dressed a president, this one sporting an Obama mask, similar actual attire though, they must have coordinated. Obama was making small talk with a cowgirl complete with braided pigtails, in the hallway leading back into the house.

Kiara found herself walking back into the kitchen, a random guy dressed in an orange prison jumpsuit offered her another beer he had just finished pouring. She thanked him as she took and made her loop, stopping to compliment a couple of the girls she knew costumes before finding herself back in the main room, the dance floor still filled with people, however she didn't catch sight of anymore heads of state. Kiara bit her lower lip, had she actually expected to find him again, and what if she had, it wasn't like she was planning to actually do anything with him.

She brought her cup towards her lips when she was stopped by a hand coming over top of the cup, covering it before she could take a drink of it. Her eyes darted into a glare at the person who had blocked her, spotting Nixon once again. He took the drink from her hand, she didn't resist as he lifted the mask slightly, bringing the cup to his own lips.

She licked her own lips as he drank from her glass, she found her eyes focused on his lips and the jaw line that she could see beneath the mask. She grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the dance floor as he attempted to chug the beer, excited about the idea of feeling his warmth against her once more. He had emptied her glass by the time they found a spot on the dance floor, he tossed the empty plastic cup off to the side with no care of where it landed. As he went to adjust his mask back down, Kiara found her hand grabbing hold of his, stopping him as she raised her lips to his.

The dance floor was full of people, most of which was in compromising positions no one would notice a girl kissing a boy in the crowded room. She found his lips soft and full, her hand sliding under the edge of the mask to his cheek to hold the mask out of the way but not fully pulling it off. The boy seemed surprised at first, like the initial touch of her lip was a shock to his system. Kiara pulled back away, a overwhelming feeling of embarrassment washing over her as the boy stood in front of her in a clear state of shock. She had completely misread this entire situation, he had just been being nice dancing with her.

"Kie..." The voice the came from under the mask made the feeling of embarrassment turn from a rush to a crushing feeling. Fuck was the only thought she could fully form as she found her hand grabbing onto the boys wrist and pulling him roughly along with her towards the staircase, she knew the entire first level of the Cameron's home was full of people, but not as many people had drifted upstairs. She found the feeling of embarrassment turning into anger as she pulled the boy dressed as the dead president into Sarah's room bypassing the room itself knowing someone could open that door easily and pulling him into the bathroom she had used to get ready.

Sarah's bathroom was massive with a full size tub and a shower and a double vanity, but as Kiara pulled the boy in she spun around to push the door closed shut behind them and locking it. The boy quickly pulled off his mask, his blonde hair sticking up in all kinds of directions from the mask rubbing against it.

"JJ what are you doing here?!" Kiara found herself spitting out harshly as she leaned against the bathroom door.

"Why the hell did you kiss me?!" JJ snapped back, tossing the mask onto the vanity it falling into one of the sinks.

"I asked first! Why are you here?!" Kiara couldn't believe that the Pogues were here. She thought she felt a familiar presence when she had passed by the guy in the Obama mask, catching the scent of Pope's stupid cologne.

JJ was rubbing his temple, before sliding his hand into his hair. "Party crashing." He answered, keeping it so simple that Kiara's blood began to boil. "Why did you kiss me?!" He was still clearly confused, surprisingly upset about the fact she had kissed him in his tone.

"Are all the Pogues here?" Kiara asked, if Pope and JJ were here, John B had to be around somewhere. John B worked for the Cameron's pretty often, he must have heard Rafe planning the party, hell he might have even helped him track down the kegs in the kitchen.

"Kie! Why the fuck did you kiss me?!" JJ almost yelled as Kiara's hand went flying over his mouth. JJ pulled at her hand, speaking around it. "I asked my question first." He countered her with her own reasoning.

"I don't know, it seemed like a good idea at the time." Kiara admitted pulling her hand away crossing her arms over her chest as she sucked on the inside of her cheek. "If I had known it was you, I wouldn't have done it." Her sassy side coming out as she looked up at the blonde.

"Kissing strangers sound like a good idea to you? The fuck have the kooks been brain washing you with?" JJ's lips curled up in amusement, he was enjoying this Kiara knew that. He was always one to enjoy messing with people, teasing them and testing the limits he could go before they exploded.

Kiara raised an eye brow at him, "don't you spend most of your summer hooking up with random tourists?" She could match him snide comment to glaring remark.

"I'm a lover, what can I say." His ego speaking for him as he grinned and winked at her.

She wanted to be mad, he was going to single handily ruin her first party with her new friends, but she found herself smiling as she shook her head gently. "Why didn't you say anything?" Kiara asked, as she leaned against the vanity, picking up his mask and toying with it in her hands.

"You would have blown my cover..." He said almost sounding like a question more than a statement. "You should really be thanking me, you should have seen the way those thirsty assholes were looking at you. It was like sharks circling, I wasn't going to let some creep touch you." JJ leaned against the small strip of wall between the shower and the bathtub across the bathroom from her. "Especially if you were planning on making out with some loser on the dance floor." She heard him mutter, he was such an asshole, it wasn't like she had been planning on doing that it had just felt so right when the idea came into her head.

She took a deep breath, "Thank you JJ, for being the biggest asshole I know," swallowing her pride but only for a second.

"You're welcome." He shot back at her before she even had a chance to come up with anything else to add. They both stood there, alternating between looking at each other and the floor. What was she suppose to say, that he and the other pogues needed to leave before Rafe found out they were here and started a manhunt to find them, that he had been the highlight of her night with just his presence, or that as she ran her fingers over the Halloween mask she found herself wishing he would have just kissed her back. If he had kissed her back they both could have felt awkward or at least embarrassed about the mistake together.

She began to warn him that the boys and him needed to leave, when he spoke first. "You look really nice tonight." His cheeks were actually slightly flushed, a sight that Kiara had never seen from JJ before he was blushing. "I can't believe your dad let you wear that though." He said, the blush fading as quickly as it had appeared.

Kiara set his mask back down on the counter. "Sarah picked it out and I got ready here, he has no idea." She admitted, a little smirk forming as he grinned at her.

"Thought as much, I never pictured you as the type to be an angel for Halloween." JJ mused as she angled her head in question at him. "You've always been some kind of animal for as long as I can remember." He explained, it was true she was typically like a lazy cat or one year she had been a mermaid. "So, are you a Kook now?" JJ asked, it had caught her off guard but she honestly should have expected a blunt question like that from him. He could beat around the bush when he wanted too, when it suited him but the majority of the time he went straight to the point when he wanted answers.

"I've been busy..." Kiara didn't want to answer that question, it felt like a trap. If she said yes, he would look at her differently. If she said no, she would have to explain why she had been ignoring all of them.

"Hanging out with your Kook friends?" He toyed with her as she looked at the floor not wanting to meet his knowing gaze. "That's fine." Those words coming out of his mouth had her eyes shooting back up to him. "Means I wont be breaking the rules." He watched him shrug slightly as her eye brow involuntarily raised in confusion.

"What rules?" She asked, before he pushed himself off his wall and closed the space between them, he put a hand on both sides of her effectively pinning herself against the counter she had been leaned against.

"Pogues can't mack on other Pogues right?" His sly smirk, made her smile as he leaned his face down to be a breath away from hers.

"Oh that rule." She found herself smiling, did she actually want JJ to kiss her? Almost every part of her body was saying yes except for that little voice in the back of her head telling her that this was a horrible idea, that voice had actually tried to say that the first time she kissed him and she had ignored it then too.

"Yeah... That rule." He answered, his lips brushing against hers as he spoke. She was the person who came up with that rule in their friend code,it was only because as they went from harmless kids to hormonal teenagers it was easier to keep friendships just that if no one was going around kissing one another. JJ was always the one to push the rules, finding their boundaries, except that rule. He seemed to either respect their friendship to much to actually cross that line.

His brilliant blue eyes were sparkling, as she kept eye contact with him, he was waiting his lips barely a breath away. "Kie..." He breathed against her skin, he was waiting for permission or a sign that it was okay with her. Her lower lip ended up between her teeth for a moment as she bit on her bottom lip, if she crossed this line could she really say she was still friends with the boys from her childhood or even still be a pogue? Did she even want to still be a pogue? She hated to admit it but being friends with the girls from her school now was a pleasant relief, she could talk about girl things and gossip about boys with such ease with them something she could never do before with the pogues.

She found her eyes drifting closed as she closed the gap between their lips, finding his lips just as soft as they had been on the dance floor except this time he wasn't standing there in shock instead he was kissing her back. His hand moving from the counter top to her waist pulling her to him, his fingers digging into her skin through the thin dress. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers sliding into his messy blonde hair pulling at it with each movement of their lips.

Kiara had pictured kissing JJ before, she imagined it would be in some kind of heat of the moment, like a messy and awkward crash of bodies; however he was proving to be different than she had imagined. He had pushed her up on to the counter top, his hand running up the hem of the dress but doing his best to not push it up any further as his hand ran along her upper thigh. His other hand stayed on her waist, gripping her as if he expected to her to run away. She hated to admit that as much as she enjoyed playing with his soft hair while they kissed she preferred the feeling of his bare chest under her finger tips.

Kiara found herself only pulling away because she felt the world spinning beneath her from lack of air more than the intoxicating feel of his lips, though it took for longer than it should have to come to that decision as she wanted nothing more than to continue. However the way she pulled away must have came at a shock to him as he stammered out an apology and looked down at the fact his hand had went up under the hem of her dress.

She found herself laughing as she panted still trying to catch her breath. She was surprised by the fact that the sly smooth JJ seemed almost nervous as his body remained close to hers. "I didn't mind," she said looking down at hand he had on her thigh. "Are you nervous?" Taking a cue from his bluntness she asked amusement in every word.

"Fuck no." He tried to claim though his facial expression gave him away. "Maybe... I mean have you seen you?" He laughed as he asked her, his head falling on her shoulder for a minute as they both shared in this moment together.

She did look different, she was dressed like one of the girls she used to make fun of; everyone had pointed this out to her so far this evening. It was an odd feeling having this many men looking at her with such hungry eyes, she was used to being one of the guys, not some piece of eye candy.

He turned from her shoulder, his hot breath on her neck; his lips brushing over her skin in a way that made her shiver. Before he got back to her lips they heard the loud shouting out from outside the window. She felt the muscles in his chest tense beneath her touch, JJ had always been the gambling type, he knew the odds that the ruckus outside was caused by a pogue. "That's probably your cue." Kiara found herself admitting, lifting her fingers from his chest as his eyes focused back on her.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." He grumbled as he rested his head in the crook of her neck. By the time, the noise from outside had made it into the house, the music that had the floor beneath their feet suddenly cut off as they heard the loud voice on the main level. "I probably need to go help with that." JJ said pulling away, his hands still on her waist and thigh, he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers quickly before releasing her.

She found herself sliding off the counter and straightening up her dress, as he unlocked the bathroom door and opened the door enough to peak around it to make sure no one was in the room outside. He however didn't slide out like she thought he would, instead he pushed the door back closed and quickly crossed back over to her and pulling her roughly back against him pressing a rough kiss that made her squeak out in surprise. As quickly as he had came back to her, he pulled back away and slid out of the room, his mask in hand.

Kiara bit her lip as she waited a moment before slipping out after him, making sure they spaced themselves far enough apart that no one would assume they had been together. When she got to the stairs that went back to the main level of the house, Rafe's friend Topper was being doted on by a couple of the girls, including Sarah. Kiara found herself swiftly making her way to her friends side. "What happened?" She questioned as Sarah walked with her to the kitchen. The music had came back on as some started back to the party like nothing had happened while others continued to whisper among themselves.

"Topper's girlfriend was caught making out with some party crasher, the two of them got into it." Sarah answered. "Where have you been? With that hottie from earlier?" Sarah asked her eyebrow almost wiggling.

"The bathroom, tequila is not my friend." Kiara's explanation was enough for Sarah who just seemed to laugh at her. Kiara spent the rest of the evening with Sarah, who's boyfriend had disappeared from her side. Though the party was still going on downstairs, Sarah had encouraged the idea of Kiara and a couple of other girls just hanging out up in her room with a saw collection of beers and a couple of bottles of liquor without Rafe and his annoying friends.

Sarah and the other girls were fun and turning out to be good friends, but Kiara's mind kept drifting back to the group of boys she had left behind to join this new group. One in particular that made her fingers hover over her lips, as she began to question her decision of being dressed as an angel for Halloween as she began to realize a little devil would have been a much more accurate choice with the naughty thoughts that had raced through her mind since earlier that evening.