Let me know what you guys think!

Sitting in the Arkadia Memorial stadium Lexa nervously wrung her hands together, Arkadia were down 3-2 and the game was almost over. She hoped that Anya wouldn't be in a foul mood when she saw her later, knowing how hard the brunette keeper took it when they lost, thinking it was her fault because she couldn't keep the ball out of the net.

Shaking her head, Lexa ran a hand through her hair, a nervous habit of hers, winching when her fingers got caught in the braids she was wearing. She was dressed in her civilian clothes a black Army hoodie, jeans and converse. It wasn't much since she'd only been back a day and had spent it catching up with the family she had in the city, she hadn't had a chance to settle in properly. Noticing that the game was now minutes to coming to an end Lexa stood up to try and squeeze her way into where the players signed autographs after the game, her heart speeding up in excitement, she hadn't seen Anya in just over six months and was happy to be able to surprise her best friend, it being hard to not give into the temptation to just ring her and say she was home yesterday.

After minutes of bargaining her way to the front to make sure Anya saw her, much to the displeasure of many fans, but she assured them she wouldn't be long and that she was Anya's friend wanting to surprise her, not that many actually believed her.

Finally she saw her best head over to the crowd of fans to start taking autographs, noticing she was heading to the other side of the crowd Lexa took her chance to get the keepers attention, smiling brightly in the process, her green eyes crinkling.

"Hey A, nice game!" She shouted as loud as she could over the screaming crowd hoping that Anya could hear her, her grin widening when she saw a head of hair snap up to look straight in her direction in shock, having recognised the voice.

Laughing to herself Lexa started waving her hands around waving like an idiot as if the brunette hadn't already seen her and she was still trying to get her in a slight state of shock. Anya started to jog toward Lexa, ignoring the concerned looks Raven, sitting in the stands nearby sent her regarding her suddenly pale face.

"Lex!" Anya shouted once she had gotten to the railing closest to Lexa, a surprised but static grin covering her face, the only positive emotion she's probably shared since the game started.

"The one and only" Lexa said with a wink, her eyes watering slightly, it wasn't that she was an overly emotional person, just excited to see her best friend after so long being apart.

"I can't believe you're here, wait why are you here?" Anya asked with a surprised chuckle, getting more used to the idea that one of her closest friends was actually here and not in Afghanistan where she was supposed to be.

"To surprise you!" Lexa laughed, stopping quickly when she suddenly noticed how many people were looking at her and Anya. "Hey A, why don't I wait for you outside and we'll meet in an hour?"

"Sounds good to me Commander, I'll see you soon"Anya replied, smiling so much her cheeks were starting to hurt.

Seeing her friend retreating into the crowd, Anya started signing autographs as fast as she could whilst also giving the fans some love before heading towards the tunnel where Raven was now standing talking with Clarke, the blonde having already finished signing, the megawatt smile not leaving her face.

"Who was that girl?" Raven asked once Anya had reached the duo, causing her to smile once she saw the jealousy in Raven's eyes and the amused grin on Clarke's face.

"No need to be jealous babe" Anya teased her girlfriend giving her a quick one-armed hug whilst sending a sly wink to Clarke before continuing, "That was just Lexa,"

"Wait, that was Lexa!" Raven exclaimed now grinning excitedly knowing how much Anya had missed one of her best friends and how happy it would make her now she was back.

"Urm whose Lexa?" Clarke piped up now confused, she had been watching the exchange with an amused smirk thinking that the girl was just a big fan of Anya's but was now confused when Raven obviously knew who she was.

"You remember me telling you about my close friend in the army?"

Clarke nodded to the keeper, now remembering the countless hilarious stories Anya had told at camp about her and her best friend, "Ah so that's the famous Lexa" She commented trying to imagine the girl even though she hadn't seen her very clearly through the throng of people.

"Yeah, I'm going to meet her out front, properly going to grab a drink to catch up , I'm sure coach would let us, you two can join us if you want," Anya asked causing Raven to nod almost instantly wanting to get to know her girlfriends best friend who she's heard so much about.

"Yeah sure, that would be great," Clarke agreed, not one to let an opportunity to spend some time with her friends but also interested in what Lexa was actually like and if she was as much fun as Anya had told the team.