Hi, so it's been a while since I had this story in mind and I finally decided to let it out. So, here we go. :)

Chapter 1 - Lena Luthor

National City - October 2016

Late in the evening, and after her first day as reporter, Kara Danvers was walking back home. Despite the fact that her new boss seemed to really dislike her for reasons that she couldn't get, Kara was rather satisfied with the way her first day had turned out.

Distractedly, she brought her hand to one of the necklaces that was around her neck and brushed softly the small emerald stone with her fingers. Weirdly, it was a gesture that had the ability to cause ache to her heart and soothe it at the same time. Kara shook slightly her head, and yanked her hand away from the stone.

It's not the time to think about her, Kara thought as she started walking faster.

From a distance, Kara felt as if a familiar presence that she had missed for years was nearby. She squinted her eyes and focused on the sounds around her.

"Thank you, Jess."

Kara's heart leapt in her chest when she heard a voice that she hadn't heard in over four years. Tears brimmed into her eyes, and she squeezed her eyes shut. It couldn't be possible.

"Dammit, she really made me crazy." she said out loud, frustrated with herself.

It wouldn't be the first time that she was hearing this special voice in her head anyway. It was probably just her mind playing tricks on her again, Kara reassured herself.

Kara's eyes flew open, and she couldn't help herself to browse quickly the place. Her heart missed a long beat when she spotted long black silky hair that she was pretty sure she had run her fingers into years ago.

After missing a beat, Kara's heart started quickening when the woman turned around, revealing deep green eyes that Kara could have recognized between miles, and as usual, Kara felt hypnotized.

"Lena," she breathed out, her eyes widening in shock.

A lump made its way into Kara's throat. She swallowed thickly. Somehow, she wanted to run up to Lena, but she felt as if she was completely frozen in her spot. If she hadn't felt her pulse beating within every inch of her body, Kara would have started to worry that someone might have turned her into a statue.

Her gaze was deeply on Lena, and she followed each one of her moves as she walked on the pavement. Somehow, she had become even more beautiful than the last time Kara had seen her. Which was something that left the blonde awestruck. Her breathing quickened like her heart, and her legs weakened so much that she was afraid she might fall down.

Unaware that she was being watched, Lena hung up the phone she had been holding and put it back into a black purse before getting inside a black limo, disappearing from Kara's sight as quickly as she had appeared.

Kara exhaled heavily, her heart was still thundering painfully. She squeezed her eyes shut and focused on calming her breathing first. Her heart picked up a more peaceful pace as well, but her body started shaking, and she didn't trust her legs to carry her to her loft.

Kara opened her eyes, and wiped the slight tears that had spilled out without her noticing before rushing to an empty street and quickly becoming Supergirl. She didn't have the energy to walk, but she knew that flying was something she could always count on to clear her mind.

This time though, flying wasn't as peaceful as it usually was, and she was so disturbed that she almost bumped into a few buildings on her way home.

When her feet finally touched the floor of her loft, Kara breathed out in relief. Her heart and her mind were still a mess but at least she was home.

Still in her suit, Kara slumped on the couch and buried her face into her palms. Her body started shaking again when tears began pouring down uncontrollably.

Kara struggled to breathe. She hated the strong effect Lena still had on her after all this time. In her racing mind, she couldn't stop wondering what Lena was doing at National City. Last time she checked up on her from afar, Lena was in Metropolis, about to take over Luthor Corp.

Kara was lost, confused, and heartbroken when the weight of the past crashed over her again at the most unexpected time. The only thing she could do was weeping until there were no more tears left within her.

Memories started overflowing her mind when her phone chimed on the coffee table.

Kara sniffled as she wiped her cheeks wet from tears with her sleeve and stuck out other arm to the coffee table. She grabbed her phone and read the text message Alex had sent her.

How was your first day, reporter?

For a while, Kara considered telling Alex who she had just seen, but she knew that her sister would be worried that she still hadn't been able to get over Lena after all those years. Kara knew that no matter how many time would pass, she could never get over the first and only person she had ever fallen in love with.

Not wanting to worry Alex, and not wanting to risk that her sister might decide to find Lena and kick her ass, Kara typed a quick and almost truthful answer that didn't reveal her actual mood.

Good. :) See you tomorrow at the DEO.

Kara chewed on her bottom lip as she sent her text. She sighed and launched her phone on the coffee table before rising from the couch and heading to the bathroom to do her usual routine before going to bed, hoping this would help her find her calm.

With a heavy and aching heart, Kara got into her bed and slipped deep under the cotton sheets.

Lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep, Kara couldn't stop thinking about the most hypnotizing green eyes she had ever gazed into, the silkiest hair she had ever run her hand into, and the softest lips she had ever kissed.

New tears spilled out on their own accord, Kara slid her hand up to the emerald pendant and rubbed it softly. She closed her eyes, reliving in her mind the day she got it.

Feeling as if being inside her apartment was suffocating her, Kara flew quickly to the rooftop of her building and sat up, not even caring that someone might see her.

She looked up at the night sky and gazed at the twinkling stars, forgetting the heaviness of her heart for a while.

After a sleepless night, Kara flew to the DEO early in the morning. The place was quiet, which somehow annoyed her. Her heart was still heavy, and she would have given everything for a distraction. She shook slightly her head, and headed to Winn.

"Where's Alex?" she asked him.

"In the med bay. She's checking up on our mysterious John Doe."

"Thanks," she said, quickly stepping away.

"Kara," she heard Winn call her.

Kara spun on her heels to face him, "Mmm?"

"Are you all right? You seem a bit off."

"I'm fine." She gave a smile to reassure him and rushed away from her friend's worried look.

"Has he woken up?" Kara asked when she walked into the med bay.

When no answer came, Kara stepped closer to her sister who was staring at something on her phone. Her brow was furrowed and she seemed upset by what she was looking at.


Alex looked up at her sister, and put her hand on her phone screen as though she was trying to hide what she had been looking at. "Sorry, I didn't hear you."

Kara frowned at her sister but decided to let it go. "How's the man who fell on Earth?"

"He's stable. But there's still no change." Alex said, looking as if she was avoiding meeting Kara's eyes at all cost.

Kara furrowed her brow. "You okay?"

Still avoiding Kara's piercing stare, Alex fidgeted her weight from one foot to the other. "Yeah." she said, pressing her hand on her phone screen.

"What were you looking at?"

"Nothing," Alex shrugged nonchalantly, but Kara knew her sister enough to guess that she was trying to hide something from her.


"It's nothing. Let it go, Kara, please. For your sake." Alex said, about to tuck her phone in her pocket.

Using her super-speed, Kara caught Alex's phone without any difficulty, and lit up the screen. Her heart skipped a few beats, and her breath got caught in her throat at the article that was displayed.

Her eyes got hypnotized by a picture of Lena that she had never seen before. She seemed strong and confident, and somehow she looked different from the Lena that Kara remembered. But the kindness that was reflecting on her face, and mainly in her eyes was still the same. She looked at the headline and felt her entire body tense up.

Lena Luthor settles at National City. She read, feeling a weird aching and soothing sensation wash over her.

"Kara?" Alex said in a worried tone after Kara hadn't spoken nor looked up for long minutes.

"At least now I'm sure that I didn't get a weird hallucination last night." Kara breathed out, still captivated by the picture.


Kara swallowed thickly, not trusting herself not to cry, she looked up and handed Alex her phone.

"I saw her last night while I was on my way home."

"What happened?" Alex asked, tucking rapidly her phone in her pocket.

"Nothing. I only saw her from afar. She didn't even notice me. At first, I thought I was hallucinating. Wouldn't have been the first time." Kara rolled her eyes at herself.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to worry you." Kara sighed.

"I always worry for you, Kara." Alex said with her concerned big sister tone.

"I know," Kara swallowed thickly. "I just... I don't know." She sighed.

"Please don't tell me you're planning to go see her."

Kara stayed silent, she chewed on her lips and fiddled with the edge of her cape with both of her hands.


Kara released her grip on her cape and folded her arms over her chest. "If we live on the same city. I will probably see her whether I want it or not."

"It's a big city. I'm sure you can avoid her if you want to."

Kara sighed. "Maybe I don't want to."

"She broke your heart, Kara." Alex said.

Kara scoffed. "Don't you think I know that?"

"Don't let her break you more. You deserve better."

Kara looked away from her sister's worried eyes. "Do you need help here or can I focus on my other job today?"

"I let you know if something comes up."

"Okay." Kara nodded, about to walk away.

"Kara," she heard Alex call her.

Kara stopped in her track and turned around to meet her sister's eyes that were filled with concern.

"I'm here for you." Alex said.

"I know." Kara smiled slightly. "See you later."

Knowing that she wouldn't be able to do a good job that day, Kara pretended to be sick, and promised herself that it was the first and last time she was doing that.

Hoping to find a sense of serenity, Kara flew high on the sky of National City. She closed her eyes, trying to pick up a familiar sound that she had spent the last years missing like crazy.

When the sound of this comforting heartbeat made its way into her ears, Kara couldn't help her lips to curl in a small smile as she unconsciously let the sound leading her to that part of the city she knew it would have been safer to avoid.

From behind the windows of Lena's office, Kara's heart skipped a few beats at the clear sight of the woman who had stolen her heart years ago before shredding it to pieces without her even knowing what had gone wrong between them.

Lena was sitting at her desk, staring at something on her laptop with her brow slightly furrowed in concentration.

As usual, Lena looked absolutely perfect, with the same warm light that was shining through her. Despite her broken heart, it made Kara feel safe exactly like it did years ago. At this very moment, Kara would have given everything in the world for being allowed to enter the room and taking her into an embrace she knew she never would have wanted to let go of.

Feeling tears brim into her eyes, Kara squeezed them shut, and swallowed thickly.

Alex was right. I should've stayed away from her.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she exhaled heavily.

With a heavy heart that was aching more painfully than ever, and some tears rolling down slowly on her cheeks, Kara flew back to her loft.

Although every fiber of her being screamed at her not to do what she was about to do, Kara couldn't help herself, and before she realized it, she sat at the center of her bed and opened a green box that she had kept herself from opening for years.

Dozens of pictures of the best summer she had lived started to be displayed in front of her. Kara could even tell from her smile on every picture she stared at that this summer had been the happiest time of her life. It had been the only time she had ever felt truly normal. As normal as an alien on a strange planet could feel at least.

Her heart tightened as the seconds passed by, and tears started to silently make their way out.

Kara swallowed thickly when her eyes got caught by a paper tucked inside the box. She knew that taking it out and reading it would make her feel terrible. She knew that she should let it alone. She had lingered enough in her memories since last night. She knew that she should let the past where it was. Even though she felt as if her past had come back to her unexpectedly and punched her in the heart with a force that was even more painful than Kryptonite poisoning. But ever since she met her, Lena Luthor always had this special ability to make her reason and her logic melt like snow under the sun.

Kara breathed out and took the letter out of the box. Gently and with shaky hands, she enfolded it and gazed at it for long minutes, trying to find out the answers she had never gotten and always longed for.

The ink had spilled out at some spots where Kara remembered the tears she had shed the first time she read it. That day, she had felt as if she had lost a part of her heart.

Years later, her heartbreak was still as strong as it had been back then, but as she looked down at a picture of Lena smiling at the camera Kara knew she had been behind as she had taken this picture, she couldn't help but feel some kind of hope settling within every fiber of her being.

Kara wasn't sure why, but suddenly, her heart started aching a little less. She exhaled, and wiped her cheeks.

Still staring deeply at the picture as if Lena was actually standing in front of her, Kara smiled through her tears.