Hello earthlings! This is a prompt from Oppressed, a guest reviewer. I own nothing except a dysfunctional computer. Oh, and in case there's any confusion, this starts place in the first couple episodes.

Inko was walking out of the school she worked at when she got the call. It was from an unfamiliar number, but she still answered it. She always did that. Hisashi used to make fun of it… she forced all thoughts of her ex-husband out of her mind as she answered her phone with a cheery, "Hello."

"Is this Ms. Inko Midoriya?" the person on the other end said.

"Yes, who is this?"

"It's about your son…"

Inko rushed into the hospital and ran to the woman behind the desk. "Where is he?" she shouted desperately. "Where's my son?"

"Who is your son, ma'am?" the woman asked calmly. She was probably used to hysterical mothers, and knew how to act cool and collected to calm them down. It wasn't working.

"Izuku Midoriya! Please, where is he?"

"He's in Room 12 on the third floor, but ma'am, you should prepare yourself for-" Inko didn't wait for her to finish. She ran up the stairs and threw open the door to the room.

Izuku was lying still in the hospital bed, attached to several machines. The doctor standing next to the bed made eye contact with the heartbroken mother and shook her head sadly.

Inko numbly walked over to the bed, and stared down at her son, lying in the bed. He looked so still and almost peaceful, but he shouldn't have had to die to get that. He should have been able to be peaceful and happy while alive.

It wasn't fair. Izuku was her baby. He was one of the best people on the whole planet, and he should have been able to enjoy it. Inko wasn't sad right now. She was furious.

The funeral was two days later. Almost no one came. All Might came though, which would have made Izuku happy. Though Inko didn't fully understand why the pro hero had decided to visit the funeral of a boy he'd never met. A few of Izuku's classmates came too, and a few teachers. And Mitsuki Bakugo. She hugged Inko and apologized, for what she didn't say though Inko was almost positive she knew why. Katsuki Bakugo hadn't come.

Inko wasn't stupid. She knew about the bullying. She and Mitsuki had talked about it a few times, trying to figure out a solution. They hadn't found one. No matter what punishments Mitsuki inflicted on her son, he continued to torment Izuku, making his life miserable. Inko blamed him but all children make mistakes. It didn't make it alright, but Katsuki was just a product of the system, trained to believe that all Quirkless people were worthless. Inko would forgive the child.

There were some people, though, that she couldn't forgive. After Izuku was buried, All Might came up to her, looking apologetic. "I'm sorry, Ms. Midoriya," he said shamefully. "I- your son could have been a great man."

The rest of the day, Inko had just taken the murmured apologies and praise with a nod and/or a "thank you", but something about the hero's tone-of-voice made her pause. "Why?" she asked instead. "Was it your fault?" She hoped he'd say no. She didn't want to hate Izuku's hero. She didn't want to tarnish the memories of her son playing, pretending to be the hero he idolized.

All Might wouldn't meet her eyes. "We… met. I helped him with something. He told me he was Quirkless and asked if he could ever become a hero too. I… told him no. That he should just take a different path. I'm afraid that's what drove him to…" He didn't finish. He didn't have to.

Inko wondered what her son had felt, being told by his idol to give up on his dream. She should have discouraged his goals of being a hero earlier. Maybe then it wouldn't have come to this. She should've done something. But this hero… he'd caused her perfect, innocent son to die. It wasn't fair. Her hatred had found another target. She turned and began to walk away.

"I'm sorry!" the muscular hero called after her. "I thought I was doing the right thing! I didn't want him to get hurt!"

Thought I was doing the right thing… Inko suddenly remembered one of the worst days of her life, the day her husband had abandoned their family.

It was a few hours after the doctor's appointment, when they'd officially learned Izuku was Quirkless. Inko was putting away the dishes in the dishwasher when the door slammed, and she looked up to see her husband.

"Did you take Izuku to a doctor's appointment today?" Hisashi growled. For some reason, he seemed angry. He'd been angry a lot lately.

"Yes," Inko said calmly, resolving to ignore him.

"And he's Quirkless? And you didn't think to tell me immediately?"

Inko shrugged. "Yes. How did you-"

"I heard it from my boss. Apparently he'd heard you talking while at that office. Why didn't you tell me you were going?"

Something in her husband's tone scared Inko. They'd fought before, but this felt different. More menacing. The woman turned around to look at her husband, and was terrified by the look in his eyes. "I'm sorry!" she said desperately. "I thought I was doing the right thing!"

"You should have told me this was happening!" Hisashi hissed. "You should've told me you were taking my son to a doctor's appointment! You should've told me he was Quirkless!"

"But why does it matter? He's still our son!"

"Now he'll never amount to anything!"

"That's not true!"

Izuku ran into the room, smiling, seemingly unaware of the tension. "Hi Momma and Daddy! Can I watch the video!"

"Sure, sweetie." Inko smiled but as soon as her son left the room, she resumed glaring at her husband. "How can you say he's useless? He's still perfect!"

"No, he's worthless and a waste of space!" Hisashi took a deep breath before walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Somewhere away from here," Hisashi shot over his shoulder as he walked out the door. "I don't want to see you or your broken son again!" The door slammed shut behind him.

At first Inko was distraught. He had just... left! Sure, they'd been fighting a lot lately, but she thought it was just a rough patch, that they'd get over it. She didn't think he'd just abandon them like that.

Soon though she began to get angry. He had no right to leave them like that. After all they'd been through… Inko and Izuku didn't need him. She was going to raise her son all on her own, and protect him and make sure he always felt love. The woman filed for divorce the next day. A few years later, Hisashi had tried to return, but Inko had shot him down. He would do more harm than good. The new Midoriya family didn't need him.

Inko looked at All Might, who was still standing there pitifully, like a dog who had messed up and was waiting for either punishment or forgiveness. Inko wasn't in the mood to forgive. "You may be a pro hero," she hissed. "But you're not a real hero." Inko turned around and started walking back towards her apartment.

That night, Inko sat down on Izuku's bed, staring at all the All Might merchandise. Why did he idolize such a fake hero? Why did her son want to be a part of the society that had mocked him, shunned him, driving him to… even after a few days, Inko couldn't think it. She hadn't thought Izuku would go that far. She had thought that he was generally happy. No, she thought. He wasn't. It's hard to be happy in a society that despises you. Maybe that society needed to change. Inko smiled at the thought.

A few days later, the hero Endeavor visited the small city Musutafa to speak to the locals about heroism. While he was making his speech in the city's largest auditorium, a knife struck him from somewhere in the audience. He was dead within seconds. The police did some heavy investigating, but the perpetrator was never found. No one noticed the short woman in the back, grinning as she snuck out of the building. One less symbol of this broken, cruel society to destroy.

It was a few months later when Inko decided to put her master plan into action.

She'd mostly been targeting the heroes who came to Musutafa for some reason or another. But soon she heard from a colleague that she was being invited for a workshop on teaching elementary school kids. In Hosu City. Inko had to accept the offer, especially after she heard that All Might was working in Hosu City nowadays.

It was two days after the conference started, and Inko was walking back to her hotel. Her friend had offered to drive her, but she'd refused. She liked walking peacefully. Or at least it was peaceful, before the man in a dark mask showed up to rob her.

"Hand over your money!" he threatened, waving his hands around. He didn't seem to have any weapons, so maybe he was threatening her with his Quirk? Inko didn't know, but he had chosen a bad target. She always traveled with knives, and she was good at using them.

She didn't have the chance to do anything, however, before All Might himself dropped from the sky. "Fear not, miss!" he bellowed in that voice that Inko, along with almost all citizens, used to associate with safety and comfort. The fight didn't last long. Within a minute, the pathetic would-be robber was unconscious, and All Might was smiling in a self-satisfied way. "Well, he wasn't very good at that, was he?" he laughed before focusing on Inko. His eyes filled with a faint recognition. "Do I know you from-"

Inko stabbed him in the chest. She was pretty sure that that would bring down even the greatest hero. As the hero collapsed, a look of surprise on his face, the woman leaned in and whispered, "That was for Izuku Midoriya- a greater person than you ever were." She yanked the knife out of All Might's body, cleaned it off, and continued walking.

She didn't get very far before seeing a little girl, sobbing in an alley. Most people would've kept walking, but Inko was a teacher. She wanted to help this little girl, who looked the same age as most of the kids she taught. She knelt besides the girl, smiling. "Are you ok?"

"N-no," the little girl sobbed. "The bad man is gonna get me!"

Inko's eyes widened. "Who's the bad man?"

"He cuts me open, then puts me back! It hurts! Don't send me back, please!" The little girl continued to sob while Inko started to feel extraordinarily angry at whoever had hurt this little girl she'd just met. The teacher silently pulled a pack of gum out of her purse and started floating it in midair. The little girl didn't smile or anything, but at least she stopped crying after the gum had done a few loop de loops.

"My name is Inko Midoriya. What's yours?"


"Well, Eri, how would you like to come home with me?"

Eri looked excited for a second before shaking her head violently. "No, I can't."

"Why not? You can get away from the bad man."

"I can't go with you! My Quirk hurts people. I don't wanna hurt you."

Inko decided that the little girl was going to come with her. "I think I can handle it. Let's-"


Inko looked up to see a strange man in a weird mask looking at them. Eri whimpered, which made the woman think that this was "the bad man". "Hello," she said as calmly as possible. "Who are you?"

"Thank you for finding my daughter, ma'am. She ran off again- not right in the head- we should probably get home." The man walked even closer to Eri, who flinched and moved away.

"Alright," Inko said quickly, thinking fast. "There's just… something I need to talk to you about. Can we go-" she gestured away from the girl, in a place where the girl couldn't see. The man nodded, and they both walked to a shadowy corner of the alley, where they couldn't be seen.

A few seconds later, only Inko walked out. She slipped something into her purse and extended her hand to Eri. "He's not going to bother you anymore, Eri," she said, smiling. "Do you want to come with me?" The little girl nodded and took her hand. Together they walked out of the alley, leaving nothing behind. Nothing except a body.

Ok, so I couldn't remember what Inko's canon job was… and I couldn't remember what city Eri lived in… so I just guessed. Yup. Anyway, I hope y'all liked that! I would really appreciate reviews with prompts, constructive criticism, and/or words of encouragement. Later, potaters!