Author Notes: This is going to be the final chapter for this second parter. Please be advised that the third part in the series will be called 'THE CALLING'S REVENGE." This third in a series will be darker in nature with the Calling's organization going after Special Agent Jethro Gibbs in Hawaii and than moved to overseas to be interrogated. Special Agent Gibbs past will be exposed further for when he was with the marines.

Dangerous Liaisons

Chapter 31th

Doctor Grace arrived exactly at three o'clock with her patient sitting up on the couch having a cup of tea instead of coffee. Ever since Doctor Cyril Taft had become his personal physician, he was able to cut back on his amount of caffeine and eating more healthier instead of Steak all of the time.

Lt. Baskins wasn't allowed in on the session. So she needed to go for a run needing to burn off calories. She changed into her running clothes with an agent watching as well in his vehicle, while another watching the house.

"Agent Gibbs how are you this fine afternoon?" She asked with pulling out her note pad to write. "I see you brought a new couch for comfort?"

"I am fine considering Doctor with what's been going on. I am alive and that is the important thing at this time. Don't you think?" He said with sarcasm in his tone with getting more comfortable on the couch.

"Not really Jethro! What about Lt. Baskins and what she has done for you with killing those three snipers trying to murder you?" She was watching his face change slightly for when it comes to Loreile.

"Listen I appreciate everything she has done for me. Why do you always need to push my buttons like Cyril?" He was angry to a certain degree with people always butting into his personal space.

"Why Agent Gibbs? Is the fact that you can never control yourself for when it comes to true love like with Loreile. She went out of her way to protect you beyond the call of duty. She loves and she is willing to forget her past and the demons she suffered with over the years. She had many nights in the past for when she cried herself to sleep suffering from the lost of the divorce and then her daughter dying in the car crash for which she was finally able to forgive herself. Unlike you with killing Pedro Hernandez and not to be able to love for 30 goddamn years." She needed to take a breather after the outburst.

"Jesus Doc, I have always been a person that was able to hide my feelings until recently. Even when I was married to Diane and the others, they always tried to push my buttons until finally the divorces came to light. Over the years dating other woman like with Doctor Ryan left me cold and hurt after she left defending her son being threatened." He stopped for a moment to let his heart rate settled down.

"This no doubt all started with you getting shot by Luke and than being gone two months with Mcgee being tortured and starved to really messed you with your mind. There has to come a point that you're able to come full circle." She says with watching for his reaction.

"No Doc, it all started when I killed Pedro Hernandez 30 years ago." He said when all of a sudden the front door opened with Loreile walked in all sweaty. She saw the both of them had stopped talking.

"Excuse me Doctor, I need to take a hot shower after my run. You two can continue on with your chat." She said before starting to move towards the stairs.

"Wait Loreile, I believe Special Agent Gibbs has something to ask you, I believe." The ball was in his court now with asking her one again with his question. "Jertho, it's your chance to finally be happy in your life." Doctor Grace had to say to push him into his admission.

Loreile turned to face the man she loves a great deal needing to know the truth. "What is it Jethro that you need to say to me?" She moved in closer with the doctor getting anxious.

It was now or never with getting up his nerve. "Loreile will you marry me? I asked the first time since you never gave me an answer. I know that I am not the easiest person to get to know."

"Baby, I do love you a great deal and I am willing to say finally that I will marry you. I know this is crazy, I would love to get marry right away in a small ceremony with your friend Jimmy Palmer to marry us since he is able to."

"You know what Loreile, I think it's a great idea along with having a honeymoon in Hawaii for two weeks."He stated with a smirk on his face along with Doctor Grace's clue to leave.

"I believe my work is over with for now. I suggest the both of you duke it out with the rest of your plans. If you feel the need to talk before going on your honeymoon agent Gibbs please let me know. Congrats on your up and coming wedding vows."

"Thanks for your help Doctor Grace." He said watching her leave the house with closing and locking the door behind her.

And before she knew it. Loreile was in the arms of Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs...



The small ceremony was taking place outside of the Naval yards near a small duck pond that everyone loves to visit even the guests.

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon after being cleared by Doctor Taft to leave for Hawaii a couple of hours after the reception at Vance's house. Loreile had asked Leon Vance to walk her down the pathway since her father had been dead for years. She was wearing a beige dress just past the knees wearing black heels and low cut neckline.

She was helped by Casey, Elle and even Abbey having been asked living in New York married to a police detective the past two years and very happy working as a forensics expert for the police department. She was thrilled when she had received the phone call about her friend Gibbs getting married.

Among the others was Phineas, Timothy Mcgee and his wife Deliah, Nick Torres, Tobias Fornell and his daughter Emily, Vance and his two grown children, Jimmy Palmer and his wife and a few others from the bullpen and the final two Doctor Grace and Doctor Cyril Taft with his wife Catherine.

Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs was wearing black tux and pants to match to go with his bracelet and watch. He had his haircut finally done by Loreile on the day he had asked her to marry him for the second time.

As the vows were going to be spoken. Jimmy Palmer with his bible in his hand giving their blessing, he told everyone that Jethro and Loreile had something to say to each other...

"Jethro, ever since I had met you my life has been complete opening me up to all types of feelings, emotions and love. I don't know and I hope that I won't disappoint you as a wife, lover and most of all as a mother to our children." She blushed after saying the words with everyone watching them and including Abbey with tears falling down her face with very little make up unlike what she used to wear.

It was Gibbs turn facing Loreile looking beautiful as always. "From the moment I met you at the party and ever since that time I knew that I had found someone special. I had fallen in love for real not without realizing along the way the pain and suffering that had gotten in the way of it. If it wasn't for my friends like Doctors Grace and Taft, I wouldn't be standing here today. I love you Loreile Baskins."

"Now for those that have gathered here today, I will now pronounced them both as man and wife. You may now kiss your bride" Palmer says with cheers as Gibbs kisses his wife passionately in front of everyone.