Secret Love

Chapter One - My Secret Love

They were a secret. They had been for 2 years now.

They were each other's dirty secrets, each other's secret lovers.

The sneaking around and hiding their relationship made their lust strong even after 4 years. They knew each other's bodies like no other.

They had to keep it secret. They knew people would have a lot say about their relationship and even more about his job and role.

She accepted the secrecy although felt bad she was lying to her friends and family. She hoped one-day they would be able to be free, to show the world their love and be a proper couple.

'Where is she?' The Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shaklebolt demanded as he entered the Hospital Ward at Hogwarts.

'Minister...what are you doing here?' Headmaster Snape asked as the Minister of Magic walked towards him.

'Where is she Severus? Where is Hermione?' Kingsley asked darkly.

'She's being seen to by Madam Pomfrey.' Severus replied studying the dark mans concern.

'Kings!' Harry said as he entered the Hospital wing. 'What are you doing here?'

Severus tilted his head sideways waiting for the Minister's reply. He had an idea why the Minister was at the school and couldn't wait for Potter to realise. He had known for a few months now, he had once seen the Minister arrived on the school grounds late one evening and saw the young professor rush into his arms.

Before Kingsley could reply Madam Pomfrey came out from behind the curtain.

'How is she?' Kingsley demanded stepping forward.

'Minister.' Madam Pomfrey said shocked as she bowed her head to him.

'Is she okay?' Harry asked looking towards the matron.

'She will be fine.' She replied. 'She's pretty shook up and will need Skele-Gro for her wrist but she should be out of here by tomorrow tea-time.'

Kingsley's shoulder dropped slightly at hearing the news. 'Can she be moved?'

'Moved?' Madam Pomfrey replied confused at what the Minister was asking.

'I'm fine.' A soft voice said from behind the curtain.

Kingsley rushed ahead of the others opening the curtain to find Hermione stood up on the other side next to the hospital bed.

'You shouldn't be up.' Kingsley said as he put his lean arm around her waist helping her to sit back down on the bed.

'What are you doing here?' She asked as she looked up at her secret lover.

'I heard there was an attack on a female professor. I rushed straight here.' He said cupping her cheek.

'You shouldn't have come.' She said biting her lip.

'Stop that.' He said running his thumb over the lip. 'And yes I should be here.'

Harry looked on at the scene in front of him. He couldn't believe his eyes. His best friend was in a relationship with Kingsley, his friend, his mentor and the Minister of Magic.

Hermione looked ahead and saw Harry stood at the end of the bed with the Headmaster stood slightly behind him with a smirk upon his lips.

'You...Kings...'Harry mumbled.

'Cat got your tongue Potter.' Severus drawled smirking.

'Harry.' Hermione said looked at him with a slight smile upon her lips.

'She wanted to tell you Harry but we've had to keep this.' He said looking at Hermione 'quiet for some time.'

'Sometime?' Harry questioned.

'2 years.' Hermione replied.

'I didn't want Hermione being targeted...anymore so than she already is.' Kingsley replied as he placed a kiss on Hermione's head.

'When...when did this start?' He asked the pair.

'Your Wedding.' Hermione replied smiling.

'As much as I want to hear about your love life Professor Granger, I need to cover your classes and need to know how long I can expect you off.' Severus asked his Professor.

'I'll be able to teach Wednesday Severus.' Hermione replied.

'She'll be out for a week Severus.' Kingsley replied. 'I'll be taking her to Whitehall with me to recover.

'I can't.' She said as she looked up at Kingsley. 'I need to teach.'

'Take a week Granger.' Severus replied waving his hand. 'I will ask the student teacher to take your lessons for a week, I'm sure you're ahead of your planning.' He replied.

'It's in my top draw in my office Severus.' She said smiling at the Headmaster.

Severus simply nodded and walked away from the pair.

'Harry, can you let Ginny know I'll owl her later.' Hermione said knowing that her best friend would want to ask thousands of questions.

'Of course Hermione.' He said walking towards her. 'We'll visit you at Whitehall later in the week.'

'Bring James.' She said smiling at her oldest friend.

Harry smiled at Hermione. 'I think he's missing his Godmother.' Harry said as he smiled.

'I miss him too.' Hermione replied.

'Get some rest.' He said kissing her head. 'See you soon Kings.'

'Harry.' Kingsley said nodding to the younger man.

Once Harry had left the hospital bay, Kingsley stood up and pulled the curtain around the bed giving them some privacy. After placing a silencing spell around them Kingsley sat beside Hermione on the visitor's chair.

'Did you see who it was?' He asked as he watched Hermione lay back onto the plump pillows.

Hermione shook her head and look into his deep eyes. 'I didn't have enough time to see. I was walking back to the school and was hit from behind. Do you think it was a Death Eater?'

'Possibly.' He advised. 'I'm going to see if Madam Pomfrey will allow you to take the Skele-Grow at Whitehall and possibly do a home visit tomorrow.'

Hermione smiled and a small yawn escaped her lips.

'You rest.' He said standing and kissing her head. 'Let me speak with Madam Pomfrey.'

A little something different. Hope you enjoy.
