I don't own True Blood.

Nurisiliel: Godric's a little shit, isn't he? Thank you for complimenting my writing...I definitely feel like I'm getting better. Oh my, Dionysus, I love Eric and I want him and Nero to have so many moments together. It was definitely a...serene? scene between them. Thank you so much for the review. I really appreciate it! :D

WARNING: There are mentions of rape in this chapter that can be triggering for some readers. Please, be careful. Nicolai's been through some horrible things. This whole story is dark, please back out if dark subjects bother you.

A/N: This is probably the longest chapter I've written. I tried to fit so much into this one...I'm tired, and HERE is more Nicolai because I adore him. Of course, there's going to be some PAIN in this chapter because I will admit that I'm sick and I live for anguish.


Thank you to all the ones reading, reviewing, or favoriting, and following my story! ◉ܫ◉


Nero sat on the steps of Eric's craftsman mansion, a grand home, hidden deeply away from the busy city of Shreveport. The Italian held his mobile phone, that was delivered along with his bag of clothes by one of Godric's day men, against his ear while concern gnawed his insides as the call wasn't answered.

Eventually, the call was picked up but there was no usual greeting...just silence on the other end. Nero's eyebrows furrowed and his head tilted slightly down at the tension building. " You are angry with me?"

Nero listened to Nicolai exhale with a sigh before, " You're in love with him." Jealousy poured from the Russian's answer, the Italian's eyebrows rose before he stood from the steps. " I love you, Nicolai...more than anyone in the world."

" You told Kalisha about him."

" ...In the beginning, yes."

" You didn't trust me?"

Guilt clenched Nero's dead heart at the hurt that poured from his progeny's voice. " ...Nothing else mattered once you entered my life, Nicolai."

He yearned for Nicolai to believe him, Nero needed the younger immortal to understand that the Russian was his most beloved and cherished companion. There was a connection between them that even exceeded beyond the relationship with Kalisha. They didn't have a bond forged in blood like he and Godric, not that the Italian didn't love his maker furiously...but what Nicolai and he had was centuries piled on top of centuries filled with trust, love, and devotion without any sway of a mental connection.

Nero could imagine the handsome features of his Nicolai now. The Italian could imagine deep ocean blue orbs narrowed as the Russian processed Nero's words. His smooth, sharp jawline and chin. His soft, black hair styled onto the undercut, his enticing pale neck, and narrow shoulders. The fangs hidden in Nero's gums ached at the many memories of his adopted progeny's moans, cries, and growls...and his scent, by the gods, his addictive scent of earthy citrus.

It was Nicolai's scent that first attracted Nero to him before the ancient even heard the agonized cries of the young vampire over seven centuries ago, his blood maker over him, hurting him.

" We are remaining a few more days in Greece." The tense, accented voice of his child responded back after a long stretch. Nero stopped breathing, " Wh- Is it because you are upset?"

" Kalisha has me performing duties in your absence."

Oh...Pride swelled inside of Nero, " Ah...Nicolai, did she make you sit in a throne and wear a crown?"

" You wouldn't believe the things she's having me do and yes, Kalisha actually made me sit on a hideous throne. It's new, imported from Thailand. The witch said she bought it for you to use once you arrived home."

Nero could only imagine the atrocities Kalisha was cooking up and preparing while waiting for his return. Shaking his head, the Italian let out a delightful laugh. " You can have the throne."

" I don't want it."

" I could fuck you in it." Nero let out a growl, his eyes darkened as a small hitch of breath came from the other end of the call. " But I'd rather take you on the ballroom floor instead, leaving the doors wide open so anyone could stumble upon us. You'd like that, wouldn't you, Nicolai. Letting the whole palace know that you belong only to me...how you moan, wail, and beg so prettily for my ears only. Think of how embarrassing it would be, for you to lock eyes with a stranger as I claim you from behind. Or...how about a crowd of bystanders watching you be thoroughly wrecked on my cock."

A whimpered grunt sounded from the other end of the line. " Hard." a deep, needy whine. Nero smirked, his own body responding to the rough exhale escaping Nicolai, " Always the tease, papochka."

When the Italian first found the traumatized Russian over seven centuries ago, even when they became lovers a few years later, Nero didn't dare speak to Nicolai like this. The younger vampire had suffered too much at the hands of his blood maker. For the first two decades of his immortal life, he was violated and tortured in severe ways, passed down to other immortals who wanted to taste and harm him as well...draining him on the edge of the true death time and time again. If Nero didn't come across his adopted progeny, Nicolai wouldn't have survived another two years while under the rule of his barbaric maker. Nero felt so very protective of Nicolai even at the first meeting, the ancient vampire wanted to show the Russian a whole different world, where he could live his life without fear of being harmed or used. A world where he could heal, grow, and love without shame.

Nicolai was so loyal, so very giving of himself to Nero that it made the Italian feel nothing but revulsion and loathing toward Winon, Nicolai's blood maker. Nero hated the blond vermin that broke his adopted progeny over and over for enjoyment. Why couldn't the sadistic bastard see how much of a catch the Russian was? Nicolai was intelligent, loyal, softhearted, sassy, quick-witted, and hot-tempered. If Winon wasn't a monster, the Russian could have been fiercely loyal to him.

Winon had only changed the black-haired vampire for entertainment, only to use him as he pleased until he accidentally or purposely killed him. It made Nero's vision turn hazy red, the thoughts of the great harm that the vile pig did made Nero want to resurrect him back from the grasp of death only to torture him endlessly for centuries.

The Italian still recollected the effort of Nicolai pushing past his trauma and was recovering, finally healing from the damage done unto him...only to be hurled forceful back into painful memories...the first time Nicolai gazed up at Nero with profound anguish and terror brought back in the form of suffocating anxiety from the many years of trauma.

Flashback July 4 1249, 11:27 PM

Evergreen eyes scanned the grand party as he stood next to Kalisha, the African woman spoke gracefully to another lady, both dressed in lavish dresses for the summer festival hosted by Lord Craven, an ancient Celtic vampire, and friend to Kalisha and Nero.

" Have you seen Nicolai?" Nero whispered his question into Kalisha's ear, lips stretching over blunt teeth as the African witch shivered before shooting him a knowing glare.

" He's possibly hiding, you know how he loathes parties and gatherings."

" Indeed. But still, you made us both come."

Icy golden eyes caught evergreen orbs, " To stay in the position of power, we must remain present at all gatherings, you know this Nero, despite your bitterness toward social events."

Nero grinned guiltily before placing a light kiss against Kalisha's jaw, evergreen eyes turned to glance at the female vampire, dressed in shimmering white before reaching to gently grasp her hand, steadily bringing it to his lips, Nero kissed her knuckles. " Forgive me, Celeste. I must search for my wayward progeny."

" All is well dear Nero. Go and find your handsome son."

Celeste, a blond vampire, and a close friend to Kalisha shooed him away, Nero bowed at the waist toward the two females before twisting on his heel and hurrying through the crowd of vampires and other supernatural creatures to hunt down the addicting scent of earthy citrus.

The Italian vampire tracked the enticing scent of his young lover down a long, winding hallway until he came on a closed door. Confusion twisted Nero's features as an unknown voice spoke from behind the thick wood. " -killed Winon didn't you, stupid slut. I can't smell his scent on you but I can smell another,...someone else had you."

The sicking crack of bone sounded, a pained, weakened shout wailed in response. Nero snarled before he ripped the door off the hinges and stormed into the empty, spare room of the palace. Blackening evergreen orbs fell on the scene before him. " Who the fuck are you?" The other vampire hissed.

Nero's eyes scanned the form of Nicolai laying on his stomach, on the hard marble floor, his broken arm lying uselessly beside him, not healing. He had been bled out, no...drained. Pained, deep ocean blue gazed into nothing, the Russian didn't even notice his arrival. Clothes were torn and ripped, his fingers and mouth painted with blood, he fought back but the aggressor was older, stronger...

Outraged black eyes veered eerily to gaze toward the other vampire. His appearance didn't matter to Nero...what did matter was the sight and scent of Nicolai's blood on the other vampire's lips and chin and his offending hand almost hidden between the Russian vampire's thighs.

" The scent...you?" Realization morphed to fear in the aggressor's sadistic eyes.

Nero blacked out.

When the Italian vampire returned back to sanity, he was covered in blood, the taste of the aggressor's insides caused him to blink, Nero glanced down to discover he had killed the other. Vampire remains lay under him. Nero spat the plasma out of his mouth before turning his bloody features toward his young, adopted progeny.

The ancient quit breathing as Nicolai sat, huddled in a dark corner that he must have feebly dragged himself to, he was curled up, making himself look as small as possible while hiding his face in his knees. His broken arm hanging uselessly at his side. Nero growled and moved to appear in front of the younger vampire. The Italian vampire couched down before sitting in front of the other, attempting to appear non-threatening despite his animalistic appearance.

He let out another dark growl as his dark eyes studied the remains of his lover's arm. A flinch came from the Russian vampire, Nero reached for Nicolai's shoulders, jolting when the dark-haired vampire cowered and confronted his dark features with terrified, and insane, pained eyes.

Nero froze with understanding, frightened...calm him, before leaning forward gradually as deep blues tracked him, the older vampire let out a reassuring purr before grasping the other with a soft grip. The Italian pulled the tense, shaking form of Nicolai against his blooded figure, releasing soothing purrs and murmurs until the younger finally relaxed enough to please the ancient, Nero tore his fangs though his own wrist before pressing it against Nicolai's jaws, a greedy moan emerged from the other's mouth as chapped lips moved against his skin, sucking at his blood desperately, strong fangs latching into his flesh.

Remorse poured from the Italian as Nicolai fed. He shouldn't have brought him there. Nero should have stood his ground against Kalisha's obsession with them attending every social gathering and stayed at home with the Russian. This was all his fault...

Nero continued to purr as Nicolai drunk from him enthusiastically, his bone snapping back into place and healing in the process. Nero trailed his nose over Nicolai's forehead before burying his features into the younger vampire's soft hair, breathing in the other's attractive faint scent hidden under the attacker's overpowering smell, the ancient grumbled with disapproval. Nero pulled his head away from the soft hair that belonged to Nicolai before rubbing his scent furiously against the Russian. Better he smelled of him than his attacker.

Footsteps caught the ancient's attention, he pulled away from his lover to snarl at the intruders with warning. Dark eyes glared up at Lord Craven. Kalisha and Celeste stood a few feet behind the Celtic vampire.

Nero turned his attention away from the others as Nicolai pressed closer against him instead of pulling away. Satisfaction filled the Italian vampire at the Russian vampire's trust, he didn't flee from him.

" You've killed one of our own."

" Perhaps if the stupid fool didn't drain and violate my progeny, he could have held on to his miserable existence."

Nero growled toward Craven, the other vampire's eyebrows rose before he studied the partly hidden figure of Nicolai.

" A grave offense to touch another's progeny. I wish you would have controlled yourself so that he could have been punished in front of the court. He would have suffered greatly, Nero."

" I blacked out...it is a shame," Nero responded only somewhat lying, keeping his gaze away from the calculating eyes of Craven. He wouldn't have been able to risk the aggressor allowing the court to know that Nicolai wasn't his true progeny in the first place. Soon the truth would have come out...The reality was that Nero murdered Nicolai's true maker. Another grave offense...a dangerous secret that if not protected, could get them both killed. Nero continued to purr for the Russian as Kalisha moved closer, placing her palms on Nero's hunched shoulders while he remained curled over Nicolai protectively.

" We are leaving," Nero commanded as he tilted his head back to meet worried, gold eyes.

" You may stay in my home, allow your progeny to recover." The suspicious voice of Craven offered.

Nero shook his head, " Thank you, my lord but I am too protective...possessive with my progeny at the moment. We will depart. Thank you for your invitation and I apologize for the mess."

Nero pulled his limb away from Nicolai's mouth before lifting the weakened vampire into his arms. He stepped past Craven, unfearing, or caring about the calculating gray eyes on his back.

" Kalisha!"

He barked without looking back, the sound of the witch's urgent apologies to Craven and Celeste before the noise of her heels followed after him, catching up to him over a short time. A soon as they exited the palace doors, Kalisha placed her palm on Nero's shoulder, teleporting them the brief distance to their home in the great city.

Kalisha unsteadily ambled around the tense vampire to quickly unlock the door before backing up, allowing him to enter first with Nicolai in his arms.

" I hope you've enjoyed these parties, Kalisha because it's over. We must leave the country immediately, Craven is suspicious and too interested in Nicolai."

" You truly think he would risk your friendship over this?" The witch asked with curiosity as she reached to grip Nicolai's chin gently, turning his face away from Nero's collarbone to meet her. Sympathetic, gold eyes studied the drained vampire, evaluating his situation, already planning on how to help him recover.

" Not once did Craven remove his insulting eyes from him." Nero possessively growled, tightening his grip on Nicolai before whirling on his heel and striding in the direction of his bedroom. Kalisha followed closely behind.

They fed him as much of their blood as they were able before they wiped him down, cleaning the filth and shame away from his flesh before helping him dress despite his angry protests. Nero didn't need a maker's bond with Nicolai to feel his humiliation. It poured off of the Russian as soon as he was able to return to his aware mindset.

As soon as Kalisha exited the room, clearly removing herself from the tense situation to pack her belongings, Nero pulled the stiff body of Nicolai against him, settling against the younger as they lay in the dark bedroom that belonged to the Italian vampire. Evergreen eyes blinked as dark blue eyes confronted his...filled with drowning humiliation, an ugly shame, embarrassment.

Nero released a deep, rumbling, subduing purr from his chest, gazing back with warm fondness as deep blue eyes expanded in reply. Nero shifted his face closer, reaching up to cup the back of Nicolai's neck, he held him in place as the younger fought to pull away. Nero pressed his forehead against the Russian's softly.

If Nero made the mistake of turning his attention away, the Russian might flee. He could run and never return. It was at this moment, Nero regretted teaching the other how to track and how to evade pursuers by ways of hiding scent...If Nicolai fled and Nero gave chase, the Russian would most certainly use this knowledge against the Italian.

" Don't..." Nero implored, " Don't hide...do not feel embarrassed. Not with me, never with me. This will never happen again, I swear to you, Nicolai. I will protect you always. Stay with me...don't run."

" I can't.' Nicolai rasped.

" I love you...so much. Don't allow them to twist you into something you're not."

Nicolai's breath hitched. Deep swirling, stunned ocean orbs stared into admiring evergreen, Nicolai's fingers dug harshly into Nero's free arm.

" You lie, it has already been done."

" I love you, handsome man. They wanted to break you until nothing remained," Nero tightened his grip on the younger vampire. " But I've witnessed your volcanic personally, and your addicting temperament that hides under the layers of abuse and horror. Allow him the freedom to come to the surface, he will help you heal. Be angry, Nicolai...be destructive and vengeful but allow that wrath to guide you into peace...I love you. I worship you, and I'll cherish you for eternity if you wish to stay by my side."

Nicolai remained rigid against him for a long, neverending, drawn-out period before ultimately melting against the ancient vampire in surrender.

End Flashback.

A door slammed open in the distance. " Get out, demon!"

Nero grinned with joy at the light, well-known footsteps skipping closer to where Nicolai was.

" Are you talking to Nero?"

A snarl and small struggle sounded before Aiya was speaking into the phone. " Nero, I miss you!"

" I miss you more, little one."

" I can't wait to see you again," Aiya spoke excitedly, " I love you! We'll see you in a few days...uh-oh-"

" I love you more than all the stars in the sky, daughter," Nero responded, letting out a delighted chuckle as another skirmish started. " Give me my phone!" Nicolai snarled over Aiya's laughter and squeals.

" Get out of my room!" Nero waited patiently through the sound of Nicolai possibly hurling his little sister out of his quarters and a door banging shut on Aiya's hectic laughter before an exasperated huff sounded from the Russian. Another light shuffle...then, " She had driven me up the palace walls."

" She is only a baby. You were the same in the beginning." Nero teased in response.

" Annoying?"

" Mischievous." Nero corrected as the tall, blond figure of Eric stepped into the humid, night. Nero turned to glance at his brother. " I'm in Shreveport at the moment with my brother."

" Shreveport? Brother?" Another envious hiss sounded from the other end of the call.

" Louisiana," Nero continued as his evergreen eyes watched the tall, giant lock the doors of his home, ocean eyes turned to stare at him once he finished.

" Eric is taking me to his bar tonight...Fangtasia. There I will meet his progeny while he has his own duties to attend too."

" Fang-tasia? What a ridiculous name." The Russian insulted, causing a single eyebrow to rise from his brother.

" I will speak with you later, Nicolai-"

" Have a good evening, papochka."

" -Wait." Nero paused before grinning devilishly. " I intend to make good on my promise and fuck the jealousy out of you when we meet again. On the throne, on the floor, it doesn't matter...but I will take you and you will submit. I will not stop until you are beyond the point of drooling, do you understand."

A needy whimper sounded before a breathless " Yes," responded. Nero arrogantly grinned meeting the intrigued, ocean orbs of Eric eyeing him from the steps.

" I will see you soon, my Nicolai. Dream of me, visualize us together and pleasure yourself tonight to my name...that is a command."

" Yes, maker," Nicolai rasped feverishly. Nero ended the call, tightening his lips as he fought to keep his arousal under control.

" Well, well," Eric drawled.


Ocean eyes watched the two vampires circle and study each other in the empty club, the Viking leaned further back against the deep red painted wall as he waited patiently for his progeny and brother to grow familiar with one another. The sky blue eyes of his child, Pam narrowed after a moment and the blond woman came to a sudden stop, only to shoot a glare in his direction.

" Explain to me why this vampire is related to our bloodline?" She was angry and jealous...and the jealousy came from the fact that Eric and Nero's scents covered one another. The Viking allowed a tricky grin to stretch over his white, blunt teeth.

" Pamela, meet Nero...my progeny...firstborn." He couldn't help himself It was all too easy to mess with his only child. Pam's eyes widen with surprise before the emotion swiftly turned to outrage. Hot jealousy crashed through the maker/progeny bond as the female turned on Nero, extending her fangs and hissing furiously into his stunned face.

Nero's features twisted with aggravation before he released his fangs in retaliation. Eric tensed for a moment as the ancient snarled back at Pam's aggression before they both stilled and eyed one another.

" You shouldn't tease her so carelessly, brother." Nero gritted through clenched teeth and sharp fangs.

" Brother?" A questioning hiss from the blond female. Eric finally allowed himself to chuckle with amusement before tilted his head forward, confirming and accepting the name that Nero called him.

" He is my elder brother, the first progeny created by Godric."

Pam simmered down but remained tense. " You are Godric's firstborn, Eric." His loyal child argued. The Viking grunted before pushing himself off of the wall and strolling forward.

" Evidently not." He answered plainly. Eric wasn't bothered by the knowledge of his brother existing, unlike Pamela. But a small part of him had always suspected the existence of another. He had felt the whisper...the caress of him long ago.

The blond wondered how Nora would react to the news of another sibling. It would most likely not be a pleasant meeting. But then again Pam didn't even know of Nora...well, at least he'd be entertained at the family reunion.

Eric stepped into the middle of the two, not wishing for Pam to foolishly attempt to claw Nero's pretty eyes out. His brother was sick but he still had enough strength to protect himself should a fight arise.

" So, what do you think of my club, dear brother?" He asked the shorter vampire, swiftly changing the subject.

" As tacky as a club should be...like her clothes." Nero hurled the insult toward Eric's fuming progeny. The Viking grabbed Pamela by the back of her neck before she flung herself at the dark, auburn-haired male.

" Enough, both of you...Pamela," Eric spoke sweetly, leaning forward to catch the attractive blue eyes of his child. " Now, Nero will be staying with us for a time at the command of Godric. He is sick, cursed. We will shelter him, protect him...if we fail, Godric's wrath will be at the front door, do you understand."

" Yes, maker," Pamela answered. Eric trailed the back of his knuckles down the side of her face, lovingly before releasing her from his unrelenting hold. " I do expect you both to get along while living together."

Ocean eyes bared down into evergreen, challenging his brother...testing him. Demanding respect from the other ancient. Nero blinked with surprised amusement before tilting his head back, eyes gazing upward at the ceiling of the club. He showed off the full front of his vulnerable throat for two different shades of blue eyes, voluntarily gifting his submission to the Viking, accepting that Eric was in command in this area and for the time, the younger of the two would hold power over the oldest at the authority of Godric. After a short moment, Nero turned his head back down to level evergreen eyes with the other two shades of blue, hiding the soft flesh under his jawbone from view.

Eric relaxed, thrilled, and appeased as he reached for his brother's hand just before the back door slammed open, revealing none other than the recently turned progeny of Bill Compton. Ah, yes. Her...he no longer had time to babysit Compton's progeny, Eric had more important things to deal with, like babysitting his brother instead...and interrogating the "V" dealer, Lafayette Reynolds, who was imprisoned down in the basement along with another human, who went by the name of Royce Williams, known for killing three vampires in the area by setting fire to the nest during the daylight hours.

The Viking was troubled, Godric had sealed off the bond to Nero and him the night before...what was his maker up too? Clasping Nero's freezing hand in his own, Eric pondered his thoughts as the redhaired, baby vampire eyed his brother with interest.

Papochka: Daddy