Hi y'all. The delay for this chapter was purely in how much I planned and executed what is to come in the events presented here. While yes, I was busy with another story, the bullet points I had going into this chapter was pretty bigger in scope. So as you can see, this is the longest chapter to date clocking with 11k words and so. It's not the planned length I have for the MAIN chapters after these introductory pieces, but you get the point…

A special thanks as well to TomiShinoda for BETA reading this chapter and discussing a few things with it, as well as to bleach3834 for helping me with ideas in regards to the story. I have to say, it's fun discussing these with you guys as I attempt to smoothen things out with this pretty big story we have here. With that said, I do hope that people still send me suggestions and PMs about the story because I like reading it and in most cases, I take in some of the input you share.

Thanks again to everyone who has been patient enough to keep up with this fic and I hope to hear from you all again with this.

Oh, and sidenotes for my version of Rubedo:

, She is a melee-based fighter. The things I made there in regards to her abilities is a function within her final-boss design that I created for her. The sort of pocket dimension Viserys is trapped in is a sort of Phase 1 for a boss battle in the making.

, she has more abilities that I made in regards to her full design input. What you see there is just a small portion of what she can do.

, in clarification to the small objects she was looking at on her palm, those are the individuals she trapped within her pocket dimension. The first person, the one we encounter in the start of that chapter was Magister Illyrio.

Now, with those out of the way I can now present you the new chapter! I hope you enjoy!

Oh, one more thing the events you will read here (Especially when the scene changes) are non-linear. Meaning they happen in different points of the timeline and not in the same time in regards to the present. If you're confused, then read on to understand why.

Warnings of Rapture

A large elk was moving through the snow. Atop of it lay its rider.

Hands colder than the snow itself holding the reins of the mighty beast as they trekked together on the wholly-white surroundings of the land before them. The weather was at an apt pace, snow falling down on the ground as the cold breeze flew by. Strangely enough the rider's clothes were drenched from the equally strange weather that occurred less than a day ago. Rain seemingly came out of nowhere in this part of the great north beyond the wall and he was able to witness it first hand when a drop of water landed on his hands as the sky darkened the horizon.

It was a rather strange occurrence indeed, watching such bizarre out of place weather taking shape in these lands whom knew nothing but snow from years past. The weather eventually normalized back to the cold deluge this part of the world was known for and to the rider he found such an event perplexing and ultimately interesting at the end of it.

As the cold remains of the rain swept away the snow, there was another more pronounced change within the air that his ravens found. They caught wind of a body that was laying across next to a stream nearby. Normally the rider would not take interest in such affairs as lost men and women took no meaning for him much less anyone close to death. In rarer circumstances those he found close to that state that were too far gone were given an honorable release.

This was different however, the ravens felt something strange with this particular person.

Like an aura of something different yet powerful radiated off of it.

Cautious and slightly weary at this discovery, he moved closer with his weapons at the ready. Unsure what to do should things turn south. Fear was never part of his guile anymore within years of walking that line between life and death. Yet he knew damn well to be cautious when needed to.

Especially when something this strange and odd was radiating into the air around the body.

As it finally came into view, he finally saw what it looked like up close.

It was a girl. A strange looking girl. The likes of which he had not seen before.

She was wearing clothes of a different kind too, and her appearance was significantly bizarre that he could not put her into any known person within these lands nor ever at all in what little of the world he has seen. What struck him really significantly though was the appearance of her dual-colored hair.

One of pure black and the other almost as white as the snow though the tone of it looked closer to that of silver.

Her features were that of a young maiden and her ears from what he could see looked pointed slightly. While she was definitely alive, her appearance suggested otherwise, as some fresh wounds were scattered upon her exposed arm and her skin, skin which was in the deathly color of pale. Like she was already treading the doors of death yet life was not eager to let her go yet.

Whoever she was, she was certainly someone of importance. Most likely that is, given her clothing and features along with the very pronounced weapon that was laying on the ground a few meters away from her. A weapon that was radiating a sort primeval energy that seeped into the ground slightly like it was infecting it with an effect unknown to him.

It was already very much disturbing to him that the weapon held a sort of an air around it, but it also doubled his already piling suspicions when the girl itself radiated an unnatural energy that seemed to be greatly hindered by her weakened yet still alive form.

There was something off about all of this.

Which is why he decided with deep thought upon this situation that he needed to take her somewhere. Somewhere where she can wake up from her unconscious state, and somewhere he knew that could possibly dampen the radiating power surrounding her. He had questions as well for the girl, and he knew that the 'friends' he has come in contact with in these lands would desire to ask a few of theirs as well.

It would also safeguard the possible danger this girl held, along with her weapon. Should she prove hostile or would awaken in an aggressive state whilst in his travel, he would silence her quickly, knowing that even a corpse of her caliber would still help him to find answers with the 'friends' he knew about.

Thankfully, throughout the course of this journey and his handling of the girl and her weapon, she never woke at all. Nor has she since. She was in a deep coma that even with his own knowledge of trying to safeguard her health, she seemed to be deteriorating albeit in a slower pace.

She was not dying in a sense, but time seemed to go slower and slower for her within that coma and he thought to himself that prolonged exposure to the elements without any significant medical help of any kind would trap her within that state indefinitely.

He knew that his 'friends' can help her with whatever was ailing the strange girl. They helped him as well back when he came back. Ever since then he had a debt to pay for them in the lieu of service. Service that while bound to it, was given enough freedom for someone like him to wander across the snowy landscapes.

He had covered her of course, fur and heavy cloth was wrapped around her body to preserve her heat. It was also fashioned in a sense that should the girl wake up in a rather state of disarray, the wrappings would conceal her long enough for him to secure her.

At least that was the plan.

It was a good thing that mounds of snow and forest where he found the girl was not far from the first dwellers of these lands. His 'friends' were merely short of a few hours away in distance. Bringing their journey to almost a day in the making.

It made him sigh a figurative ghostly breath of relief from his non-existent lungs.

Add the fact that nothing hindered their journey on the way there. No hostile animals, men, or any creature that attempted to belay their way forward. Certainly luck was on his side that day.

Luck, which was a thing he lacked severely on daily basis.

To the Rider, it meant that the maybe the so-called Gods that his 'friends' worship under their trees and branches was not picking him apart for being in this state today. An unnatural state that strides between life or death which allowed him to exist in between both plains.

As he continued their journey whilst deep in thought, he hears the sounds of his ravens flying by. Some of those birds perching atop dead trees that surrounded their pathway. Each of them giving out a sound that to him was more inclined to a report than a greeting.

And like most of the things he received recently from the eyes of his ravens, were strange occurrences and phenomena sweeping across these barren lands. Oddly enough, activity was prevalent again and everything was making him cautious all of the sudden.

There was a lot to take in apparently as each bird relayed their messages.

Sightings of a Large Moving Mountain was spotted on the west near the wall...

An army of Grunts lead by a Warmother…

Strange Figures in the darkthat took the lives of men in brutal fashion…

There was more to it than he initially first thought and it started to bother him, as these vague yet truthful and unyielding reports started to make him suspicious.

Something large was happening, and the limits of his cold body and the perception of his mind could not seem to stretch far enough to comprehend it. Fate as it seemed decided to move him into this path, to return to the ones he held his debt with and find out what was going on.

Maybe this girl was part of that disturbance.

Maybe her presence was a key to something bigger than this.

Nevertheless, besides the many questions that lingered within the Rider's mind he was adamant about one thing and that was to make sure that his debt was paid in full.

Those he knew as 'friends' already told him about a possible path his life would take him to and should he perish with his purpose fulfilled, then his debt was paid in full completely.

Maybe this girl was the start of that path. He was unsure of it but chance was a thing he never took for granted and whatever fate waylaid the both of them in the future, the end result would be his freedom.

The rider groaned to that in agreement with himself as his elk neared their destination.

He could finally see the beauty of the Weirwood Tree up close and with each dip of his companion's hooves upon the snow, the Rider already felt the familiar sensation of the aura this sacred place possessed.

It was enough for him to pull the reins completely to a halt.

The girl who was settled in front of him with eyes shut was held closely by him. The rider waited in the middle of the pathway towards the tree and the cave opening. Letting his eyes gaze upon the leaves that swirled slightly to the breeze. The sun was never seen through the thick clouds and snow up above, but there was a light that shined down upon the tree. Giving it a lively presence as the cold-handed rider waited patiently.

It didn't take long until eyes, almost close to a feline were watching him from afar.

Raising one of his arms into the air he waved slightly at the sight of a figure that appeared close to the cave opening. Glowing yellow eyes with small slits as pupils watched him closely with a weary demeanor upon them.

"I come in peace." He states.

The figure, no taller than a young child and slightly smaller than the girl he carried with him approached slowly as its feet sunk beneath the snow. The figure was holding what seemed to be a spear of some sorts. Weary and quite disturbed about something.

The being was feminine in nature, large feline eyes with leaves and wilted flowers upon her hair. Her cloak was made out of leaves and in her curiosity she saw the bizarre stranger riding on top of the elk with the rider.

"What is it that you carry?" the small figure asked her voice, older and sweet yet weary in its tone.

"A stranger. One that could be of interest." He said as he took his hands off the reins of his elk and dropped down to the ground. Sinking his boots into the snow as well. The girl's head was tilted forward as her bizarrely colored hair was scattered everywhere.

The rider took her gently into his arms as the child-like being in front of him watched the girl with great curiosity. The rider then settled himself down gently on one knee so that one of his 'friends' could see the girl up close.

Right as the gold cat-like eyes surveyed the person he was holding, the being reached her hand out and tried to touch the unconscious stranger. Only to reflexively stop herself midway, feeling the unnatural dread and aura of something different surrounding the stranger's entire form.

It spooked the small being to a degree that her already large eyes seemed to grow slightly in surprise and shock. She then looked at the rider with great interest and worry.

"Where did you find this… being?" she asked.

"She was laying on the snow next to a creak. I found her in this state. Dying. Or I assume it to be."

The being took another look at the stranger and managed to drift her eyes upon the large weapon strapped to the elk. Her reaction was also that of shock and surprise, like she felt something more than what the rider can sense with the limited perceptions left within this prison of flesh he was moving in.

"That weapon… did it belong to this stranger?"

"I believe so. For the contraption lay right next to her where I found her."

The cat-like eyes then focused on the rider's hidden face as a breeze swept pass them. The snowfall suddenly stopping like something had changed around them.

"You have brought an anomaly." She said. Her voice suddenly serious and grave. Gone was the sweet tone laced within it. Like whatever the rider had brought to the last sanctuary of her people was something that would disturb and potentially harm the last bastion of hope they possessed.

However, the find had her interested and she knew that something like this was not something they could blatantly ignore without accepting the consequences it possessed after. Dire consequences that had weight more so than she could ever comprehend.

This world was fragile and as she looked into the closed eyes of this stranger, she knew that fate was starting to unravel in a different way than what they all expected it to be.

She now knew what to do.

"Follow me." She said with a determined tone as she started to walk back towards the entrance of the caverns close by. The weirwood growing tall atop of it with its snow-laced leaves still in bright color amidst the snow.

The rider confused, stood up as she held the stranger in his arms.

"I cannot enter. You know that." He said as the small being stopped and looked back.

"I did not say that you should enter friend. Yet this matter is something of great importance. We need him to see her. For her arrival opens the question of our fates in the air entirely."

The rider felt the weight of her words as he followed in a slow walk. His elk following suit as some of his ravens who were watching from afar looked on in interest. One of them, more animated in expression than the others.

"May I ask what you mean by that?" he says as he looks at the girl in his arms while walking.

"The woman you carry is something I have not seen before. Her age is not what it seems. Her presence is different than anything I have ever seen within the years of man that I have witnessed. Worst of all, she exhumes an aura so repugnant that the mere clash of the essence my kind generates has changed our surroundings slightly."

The rider looks around and does notice that snow within this area close to the caverns has stopped. He knew that something ethereal and supernatural dwelled within this place, part of the reason he is now in this state of his is because of that same reason. The pact he was bound with allowed him to return into this husk of his and is serving that purpose ever since.

Yet this was the first time he saw that in this manner, physically speaking. As it always subtle and seeing how strange the environment seemingly shifted in tone around this area made him perplexed.

"Do you wish to ask why I did not touch her?" she asks.

The rider sees her looking back as they near the caverns. Eyes of similar size and look now peer out of the entrance as they look at the stranger being carried close to the sanctuary.

"Look at the area around you friend. The ancients that power the roots of the tree has reacted violently in a sense to our guest. The aura brought on by herself and her weapon has properties that perturbs the balance of this place. Her entire existence is being rejected by the aura that surrounds us all here. A mere touch from mine within the confines of this area will surely act in accordance to that reaction. However, your ability to even remotely hold her within the boundary close to our sanctuary suggests that her aura does not affect those who have passed."

The rider understood those words and does in fact feel that something in the air was repulsing the strange girl in his arms. It was faint at the moment, but it was there nonetheless.

"Then what is the sense of bringing her forward into this place?" he asks.

The small being stops and turns towards him as they now arrived close enough to caves. He knew well enough that he was not allowed to move further inside with the restrictions this borrowed life force had over him.

Over the cavern's entrance now lay being of similar kind like the one who was escorting him. They looked weary over the girl he held within his arms closely as the great weirwood tree above the cavern had its branches and leaves rustling, even though there was no wind present. Ravens of different kind flew over and perched on top as all living beings that were closest to the power this sanctuary held were now all watching the alien sensation that was surrounding the stranger.

The remnants of Children of the Forest now gaze upon this anomaly with curious and cautious eyes. Their demeanor confused with the aura the girl in his arms gave out yet they could not turn away from it entirely as the repulsed feeling continued.

"The reason being friend, is that this new anomaly is a new discovery within these lands. Something foreign to the power that the ancients are unaware of. However, unlike the others that man has brought upon with their travels, her aura is different. Far, far different than anything we have ever sensed nor has sensed since." She explained as one of the ravens squawked.

The bird then flew upon the nestled leaves on her shoulder and eyed the unconscious foreigner with great curiosity.

"I believe it is worth discussing what you have discovered and what it means to the strings of fate that will come forward for all of us."

She is then joined by her brethren behind her as they all eye him and the girl he was carrying.

"We will not allow you both to enter, but as of now we will not permit her to leave either…"

The rider then sees her let the raven perched on her shoulder moves to her palm as she walks slowly towards the girl in his arms.

"Not until we find out what we are all dealing with…"

It did not take long for the Children of the Forest to procure them a suitable place safe enough yet close still to the sanctuary of the cavern they lived in. Symbols and spirals upon enchanted stones surrounded them as he sat on snow-filled ground amongst them. In the middle of the circle they formed now lay the girl of interest to all of them.

The rider's 'friends' managed to gather sticks and leaves to place her comfortably there as she was still enveloped in the heavy fur and cloths that he provided earlier within his journey.

A small fire of sorts that was miraculously burning even in the snow was set beside her. All of them sitting in a circle watching the girl as the roots of the weirwood tree surrounded the girl. On where she laid. The ravens that were watching the event up close were also silent as a slew of words within their tongue was being shared amongst them all.

The rider, who did not understand their tongue simply waited as he sat beside the only one who could speak the common tongue of men.

"What are waiting for?" he suddenly whispers. The one who approached him earlier opened her eyes and looked at him as he now notices that his senses are having an odd interaction with the sort of ritual taking place before him.

"An opening." She whispers back.

"I thought the last greenseer could already see her the moment we arrived. Maybe even before that I assumed."

"He chose not to when we all sensed what was so wrong about her. The risk was far too high to begin with. In order to do this safely, we needed to lessen the repulsive nature of the aura that surrounds her." She explained as the weirwood roots that were embedded within the leaves and fauna where she laid was now lessening the very repugnant essence that seemed to envelope the girl entirely.

"Doing this would lower the risk. Allowing us to peer in what we can find… Isn't that right?" she says as she looks at the rider, who now felt as if someone had entered the barely living husk of his body abruptly. He now felt as if someone was occupying his thoughts and was seemingly living within the constraints of what this body of his perceived.

"Do you even ask permission first, like at all old man?" he whispered to himself.

A voice from the back of his head now came out. A voice he was very familiar with.

The tides of fate have drastically changed…

"How so?" she asks as her brethren now watched the Rider with serious looks. The Ravens around them an extension of the last greenseer's eyes. They now had full control over the area where the girl was in after the lessening of her very foreign aura.

The rider, who was familiar with the sensation could now see from the corner of his vision a seemingly old man standing by his side, a hand on his shoulder. He was the only one who could see it yet control of his body was never his at that moment as the last greenseer was now living in his skin.

I can see through everything. I can watch events of the past, greater events of beyond and fates of every living being through these weary eyes of mine. Yet… this girl is seemingly absent. Like she has stepped into existence without having existing at all.

"What the hell does that mean?" the rider asked, a sentiment the others who were there shared.

I cannot tell what is wrong about her. I am already able to see what she is and the history she shares… however, I find something strange.

"Strange? In what way?" she asks.

The only past I see is the moment she fell into the snow. The moment leading her here to us. Beyond that, I cannot see anything from her. Past, present, nor even glimpses of the future.

"How is that possible?"

The trees see everything. Everything there is. Everything that must be. Yet this soul eludes that rule. Like she was forced to exist in a sudden fashion on that very moment she was found. I do not know what it means. I can only see what I can watch and the limits placed upon thee astound me for I cannot see anything else.

Suddenly an air of confusion and murmurs envelopes all of them. A thick fog of questions now begins to pile up as they watch the stranger slowly breathe through her unconscious state.

"Is the risk worth it to wake her?" the rider says as they all look at him.

The uncertainty to all of this is disturbing. The weapon she carries. Nothing like it has ever had the same aura nor power within the ages of life this world has witnessed. It troubles me what exactly it holds underneath it all, as it is shared by this girl within her own life force.

"Are you implying that waking her could spell of something ill given the current situation we are in?" she asks, the others of her kind that were there with here were now whispering amongst each other as the series of events continued.

I dare not say what comes after if you should try. Nor if I can say anything of what fates that now fall upon us… I can only see glimpses and even in that is limited.


Something has clouded everything. The trees do not seem to know as well. For a clout of shroud has now covered the world. Allowing me to now only see what is present and what was past but never forward.

As the last greenseer says this, they now all wonder if the girl was the reason why there was this disturbance within the weirwood roots. Or was it something utterly bigger than that in play.

The rider then senses the guest within his body that his mind was shifting.

I believe I found something. Something that may connect all of this…

As those words were said, the rider thought that the guest within his body that was wearing his skin was going to leave completely. However, in a twist of fate before he could even react, it is as if his surroundings were changing around him as the eyes of Children of the Forest were suddenly smudged from existence.

As if he was transported suddenly without warning.

"What the hell is happening?" he said as suddenly they were in a different place…

One familiar to him, yet he did not understand why exactly he was here. He could see everything around him, the snow, the trees, the sky and the great wall of ice in the horizon. Yet it as if he was not there physically, like was treading upon the environment without feeling his feet upon the ground.

As he looked at his surroundings, he knew that he was no longer within the boundaries of the sanctuary. He then looked to his right, and saw a robed pale old man with long white hair and red eyes as he surveyed the area around him. He looked to be deep in thought as the rider was about to speak…

Only to notice that his hands…

His hands were not pale nor did they look frozen as the dead up here in the North. They looked young and full of color as if he was alive. Even his clothes, the black that he wore when he was Brother of the Night's Watch was returned to its former glory rather than the very worn texture and look it had at present. He was confused for a moment, but like everything around him, he could not feel it physically. Rather he could only see it but it felt like everything did not exist.

That is an afterimage. The appearance of who you are prior in the past. It represents you as you were, as I was as well. From a time that is far from now. Much farther in the past where my youth has led to me to what I am now.

"Why am I experiencing this then? Why am I here exactly?" he said as his companion, what he surmises as the last greenseer looks at him for a few seconds before moving his attention away.

I suppose this is the aftereffect of entering the very husk of life you now reside in. I don't think this will affect the purpose of what I intend to see here, which is why I believe you must accompany me. For now, follow the path of what I seek and we may yet have answers to our predicament.

The rider did not respond to that. He was confused still to the entire situation but surmised that if they were to find answers within the watchful eyes of the last greenseer, then he might as well participate in any shape or form that could help them reach their goal.

He followed the old man as they walked in the snow. The clouds above were oddly thick, darkening area around them yet as he looked at his feet even though he was supposedly walking, he never left footprints nor did he feel the ground beneath his feet. He felt estranged to that as he recognized what part of the Great North the old man put them in.

As his eyes drifted around, he then stopped when he saw the old man stood. Joining him, he seemed to be in focus of something and as his eyes drifted to where his line of sight led. From there he saw with slight surprise, a blonde woman wearing a cloak that covered her entire body from the falling snow. The rider, unsure if this state of being that they were in would allow the woman to see them, but he understood quickly when the old man walked forward closer without even interrupting her.

Because if they were physically there, he knew that the sound of snow being crushed under boot would get the attention of anyone. Even if you were not paying attention yourself.

With the darkness looming over them, he saw that the woman was crying. Sobbing heavily as tears went down her cheeks. The sadness she was feeling was overwhelming as she continued to kneel on the snow upon a collection of rocks that was placed on a small area in front of her.

A flower of some kind that he had not seen before was placed upon the middle of the collection of rocks as the woman continued to cry. Crying as if she was grieving upon the death of a loved one. The rider and the old man could only watch in silence as she placed her hands on the cold snow and bawled her fists in frustration as her wails continued.

Confused still of what they were seeing, the rider was about to ask the old man, until a voice came through.

"Enri… you need rest."

The both of them turned towards a pale-skinned beautiful woman who had black hair, and a very odd dress and attire with armor pieces spread throughout. She had gauntlets upon her arms, large and deadly yet her demeanor and expression was that of concern. Her hair was tied into a bun and a blue band was wrapped around her neck. She had and odd glass contraption upon her eyes but other than that what they could only say about her was her ethereal beauty. One unmatched by anyone they both had ever seen.

This mysterious woman approached the crying blonde they now knew whose name was Enri. The woman carried another set of thick fur and cloth that she slowly placed upon the blonde woman's back. She knelt slightly in silence with a concerned face beside the crying woman and stroked her back slowly.

"I'm sorry." She said to her.

"S-She was the only family I had left…" Enri replied, her voice shaking as tears continued to stroll down her face. The other woman then frowned in guilt as she placed a comforting hand atop of hers. Stopping her from injuring herself further by exposing her bare hands on the cold snow. Enri tried to shake her off, but with the firm hold of the other woman beside her, she stopped and started to calm down slowly. Her face was still in tears as she looked at the woman beside her.

"I-I promised to protect her… I-I promised my p-parents as we both ran away as they were slaughtered." Enri then leaned into the woman as the two held on to each other.

"I thought I was strong… strong enough to protect those I love. B-But I'm not, I'm wea-

"Shh… you're not weak. You were chosen for a purpose. You were chosen by our lord himself with great responsibility. This wasn't your fault. Never think of it as that." The other woman said as she shushed her from blaming herself.

"B-But she's gone and I'm alive. What kind of sister am I to leave her with that fate?!" she cried out, as she leaned further into the woman holding her.

"Enri… whatever fate that caused us to be transported into this place was not your mistake to begin with. Your sister's death in the face of the enemy was not your fault. Remember that."

"I was so close to s-saving her. I-I was about to grab her hand b-but the light took me away. It took everything away from me. Everything… my husband, my sister… my people. I have nothing left… just nothing." She cried. The other woman then sighed as she took Enri's face into her arms.

Making them look face to face, as she wiped her tears.

"Look at me. Have faith in yourself. Have faith in the Lord you chose to serve. We may not know what happened exactly as to why we were brought to this place but I assure you. You are never weak. You are never the one to blame for what happened. Believe me in saying that their deaths are not in vain. Trust in our Lord my dear the foolish beings who dared do this to the chosen few of our Lord will be met with Judgement. I only ask that you remain strong because when our Lord returns us home… your sister and your husband will return to you. I can promise that."

Enri finally stopped crying as the woman wiped the remaining tears off her cheeks. A determined look now seeping into her expression as the woman smiled at her.

"Stay Strong dear Enri. There's a reason He chose you and I know deep in your heart that you will never think of yourself as anything less than that."

Enri nods as she embraces the woman tightly.

"Thank you." She whispered.

The woman smiles as she gently helps Enri to stand up.

"The others are waiting for you dear and they need their leader."

The rider and the old man then see two more individuals waiting for them as Enri smiles. There stood an equally voluptuous and beautiful blonde woman who had a hand on her hip with a small smile on her face. The other was a dark-skinned beauty with red hair and a large weapon strapped to her back. She was smiling gleefully at them both as Enri mustered a smile back.

Then two short beings walked towards Enri. They were about half the height of a normal man and they wore armor that looked far more impressive than anything within the wilderness of the cold North. What surprised the rider, was that the two did not look human and they knelt in honor towards Enri with a courteous bow.

"They wait for your command Enri… show them why you were chosen." The woman beside Enri said as she mustered a determined look on her face. Then to the rider's surprise, a flurry of the same-looking creatures in armor and various weapons appeared within the woods holding torches and their morale high as if they were going to war. They all looked at Enri with eyes of praise and leadership as she stood firm on her feet.

To Enri it was a powerful moment, a reminder of her purpose…

But to the rider he felt a sense of dread when those creatures began to appear in a large number. Eyes full of loyalty and trust as they gathered en masse. A number big enough to call as an army. He was about to question the old man when the scene suddenly shifted before he could say anything.

Their surroundings rapidly changed again in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly… it was a sunny landscape. Grass full of green enveloped whichever way he looked at. In his confusion he saw the old man again beside him. Deep in thought, but this time he had a troubled look upon his features.

"Can you tell me what we saw back there?" he said with a grave tone.

The old man turned his attention to him, yet again for a brief second he refocused on something else. He never replied but he started to walk in the direction of a small town that was in view. The rider who wanted to understand these… 'visions' followed the old man in frustration and curiosity.

As they walked, they saw a middle aged man sitting on a chair in the back of their house. He looked undesirably disappointed about something as he stared into the distance of the fields he farmed in. Upon his lap lay a wrapped up long object that he held on to with some degree of guilt and shame within his eyes. The rider noticed that the man looked troubled until, the door leading to where he was currently opened.

He then changed his expression as quickly as if he was going to be caught with something. Even placing the wrapped up object down to the ground next to him as if hiding it in some way.

What came out of the door was a short-haired blonde girl. She looked very young within the features given to her, yet her eyes were that of a matured woman that had seen and experienced a lot of things in life. Her expression was cheerful, but her eyes bore a strong gaze that the rider had not seen before in other people. She was then surprised to see the middle aged man sitting there and greeted him respect afterwards.

"Oh, forgive me for treading into your privacy sir." She said.

The man waved her off with a small smile to her formality.

"I thought I told you just to call me Holden girl… it isn't as if I'm a person that needs recognition after all. A farmer has no importance in this world, his worth is only to the family he feeds day by day to survive."

The blonde girl laughs lightly at that statement as she stands beside him admiring the view of greenery under the sunny day.

"I understand your point of view wholeheartedly however my thoughts on that is different. For me, a person's worth is not decided on what he or she's role is in life. May it be a king of a knight, a peasant or a noble family, we are all equal as individuals. We are all human. Bound to the same flesh and bone of what fate has given us in the forms we now live in. Importance is subjective only in the eyes of man for a man's worth is not decided on how others judge it." she explained her point of view, and as it happened her voice and tone felt normal yet they held a sort of weight in each word that seemed to move the thoughts of even the rider's own as they both continued to watch it happen.

"What are you getting on?" the man asks.

"What I'm saying… is that every man and woman in existence is equal. There is no high nor low in the eyes of the Great One. Whatever worth we think of ourselves is moot compared to him. What we can do to find that true importance and worth is simple…"

"And that is?"

"To prove that we are worthy enough to deserve the lives we now spend. His Majesty is merciful and true, uninhibited justice is his goal upon the world. We can't afford ourselves to be weak, for finding the divine purpose on which to help and aid this misguided world in any way we can is the true measure of where our fate lies."

The man looks at her with a renewed sense of vigor and purpose. Almost like the thoughts of shame and guilt that took hold of him earlier was gone in an instant. Even the rider felt that way, like he was being pulled in by the words alone of the girl before them.

"We must always be vigilant. As our faith and strength are the factors that will guide us to salvation. Even someone as lowly as I was elevated when I was graced with the truth." She said with a smile to herself as she held the pendant of her faith within her hands.

The man watched her closely and before the rider could see where their conversation went, the scene was now shifting yet again.

"Wait… we haven't even-

The words of that girl held something more within them. There lies something that is drawing men and women to her. Like moths to a flame. That alone is troubling. Everything I see now is troubling… for anomalies are now appearing left and right. The clout in the world is making the eyes of the trees go blind. B-But I need to investigate further… I need to see more.

The rider was now concerned with the tone he was now using. The scene around them shifted more violently than prior as he saw the old man's face struggle slightly, like he was having difficulty at the current situation they were in.

Seconds after, they were now in the dark hallways of a castle. There was a door opened slightly. Torches on either side of it and guards wearing armor with the symbol of the Direwolf were on both sides. Knowing that they could not see the both of them, the old man entered the room with the rider following suit. As they entered they saw a beautiful woman with black hair and sitting at a desk with numerous candles placed inside the room. She seemed to be examining a scroll of some sorts and on the desk near her lay a circular object that was as black as night. The woman seemed busy as she continued to read the scroll and whatever its content was.

The old man looked disturbed at the black object. The rider felt it as well, as it radiated an aura that was as repugnant as the weapon of the girl he found within the snow.

However, this time the aura was close to that of death and they both felt it clearly.

A sword was placed near the bed and a pack of sorts containing numerous objects was strewn on the bed. She seemed far too engrossed in her work that she did not notice the knock on the door at first. A young man was at the door and he knocked again as the rider watched.

The woman then turned her attention towards him but she sighed heavily before doing so.

The young man then cleared his throat. She raised an eyebrow at him, making him already flustered and ashamed with what he just did.

"Excuse me my lady." He said as the awkward tension permeated.

"What is it worm?" she directly said, a tone of annoyance in her voice.

"Forgive the intrusion, but Lady Stark has asked me if you wish to join the festivities downstairs."

"No." she quickly said.

"Beg your pardon?"

"I respectfully decline. In fact, I refuse to." she added as she turned away completely, returning to her work almost instantly as if he was invisible. The young man however, visibly understanding of the woman's intentions wanted to leave her be but it was clear that he was commanded to invite her with the prospect of convincing her yet he seemed to be failing at that.

He was awkward with women after all.

"Do you have anything more to say? Or are you just standing there continuing to pester me with more invitations." The woman said as she seemed to feel that the man was still there watching her.

"I'm sorry to really intrude but-

"What was your name again? Snow? Or am I wrong?" she said as she continued to speak, her back faced to him as she tried to refocus on her work.

"It's J-Jon."

"Good. I believe as a guest within a castle I am permitted to do as I please under certain parameters. So tell whoever commanded you that I respectfully decline their offer. Should they have anything of value or news to me, return and I will consider it." she said to him, her voice clearly annoyed in a certain way and it was clear that she wanted to get rid of the young man quickly to leave her in silence.

He on the other hand was simply shut down by her statements and desired to leave her be even with the so many requests from his father and Lady Stark, along with a certain Jaime Lannister himself. Yet he knew it was better to respect her decision lest he be a subject of her wrath.

"Again, I'm sorry to intrude my lady."

The woman did not respond as he was about to take his leave… until the black object suddenly glowed to life. The woman stopped in her tracks and looked at the black orb of death as the young man named Jon watched on in confusion.

Suddenly, the rider watched the woman grab her sword and seemingly looked at his direction, like she saw that he was there and was about to cut his head off when the scene shifted abruptly. The noise of their surroundings drowning out as the world around them contorted again to peer into another location within this confusing mass of visions.

The rider who was surprised with that development saw the old man who looked far more troubled in controlling his abilities further as his expression shifted into that of slight terror and paranoia with what they were seeing.

"How did she see us there?" he asked.

A question I cannot answer. I-I don't know where this will take me. But I must see everything. I must understand what is happening.

Before he could protest to stop all of this from happening, the scene violently contorted and suddenly images of different kind assaulted the rider continuously. They were brief, but they flashed at him like memories that were never his.


A Great War. Beings of unmatched power slaughtering an army with ease…

An item that brought about change…

Great Change as pillars of light fell down on objects…



All of them sharing one similarity. One distinction that originated from one plane of existence…

As he was about to see more, his surroundings finally changed around him and the old man was now once again standing there looking at whatever they came here for.

"Did you see what I saw?" he asked with a weary voice.

I have. It's all funneling into the roots of the world. All of it bombarding me simultaneously making it harder and harder for me to see…

"I don't understand how this is all related…"

Neither do I.

They then saw that they were in a ship. Seas surrounding them completely, dark clouds high above signaling a storm. The sails of this ship having the symbol of the kraken boldly showing its colors. They then saw a peculiar-looking man wearing strange clothes as he stood at the front of the vessel, looking to the horizon with a confident and strong look.

The rider then heard someone choking out water from their mouth behind them.

They then saw a woman coughing as she regained her breath. Her entire visage was drenched in water, and her expression was that of desperation and fear for her situation. As they both wondered why exactly that was the case, the man who was standing at the front of the vessel finally spoke.

"Oh, you're finally awake again! I was worried for a bit there, since I had trouble fishing you out this time. Thankfully you're alive and well or I would be left to my lonely self within this ship." The man cheerfully said, only for them shockingly see that the man did not have a face. He only had pale pasty-colored skin along with three orifices as eyes and a supposed mouth on where his face should have been. His tone was rather excited, and he seemed genuinely relieved that the woman was alive.

He then walked to her position and tried to help her up. The woman was less than inclined to as her fearful expression broadened when she saw him in this form yet again. She screamed and slipped on her feet. Not minding the pain, she scurried away in fear as her eyes widened at him.

"S-Stay back! D-don't come near me… please." She pleaded.

"Is that really a way to thank your savior? Much less the third time today. If you wished to end yourself, you should be thinking of a more… sudden or faster way of doing it." he suggested, albeit in a lighthearted tone.

The woman widened her eyes in realization after hearing that and looked at him with complete dread and fear. Surreal and unending fear for the nightmare of monsters she saw this thing turned into.

"P-Please… j-just tell me what you want. I-If you're a god, j-just leave me alone. Punish me if you want to. J-Just make this nightmare end." She pleaded with a fearful tone as her voice cracked in between. Tears mixed with the sea's salt clashed upon her cheeks as the faceless man came near her.

"I already told you that I apologize for killing your crew. It was unintentional, I thought I was about to face an enemy at sea that posed a threat. It was only later that I realized that humans like you were the only ones that came."

The rider then saw the faceless man kneel to be in eye level with her. As if trying to calm her down with the current situation presented. However, he was giving out a different vibe than what he was intending and the woman was simply far too terrified to even try and return his attempts at apologizing.

"Look my dear fräulein, I really need your help. I am lost. The surroundings I see is all but new to me, and I fear if I venture off without any knowledge of where I'm going, I will never find my way home."

He then reached out a hand towards her, the woman still fearful did not outstretch hers.

The faceless man then bobbed his head downward in disappointment, then he suddenly bobbed his head up as if he had thought of a good idea. He cleared his throat and looked at her.

"W-Would changing my form in a more friendly way… be helpful for you to trust me?"

The woman did not respond but continued to merely stare.

"I will take that as a yes… hmm, let me see. What would make a human like you to trust me in a way that you won't feel afraid no more?" he then stood up and put a hand on his chin thinking about, his demeanor in an extreme almost melodramatic way as he seemingly thought of what 'form' to choose.

"Hmm… I don't think it's safe to change my appearance to that yet. Lest the secret of my father will be out. But perhaps… this will do."

As he said that, much to horror of the woman his entire appearance suddenly contorted and formed into something else as he shapeshifted. The woman screamed as the horrible process started and within seconds the form now materialized.

The form in question, seemed to be that of an oversized rodent that dwarfed her completely. Even the two who were watching felt surprised as well as the now large animal stood up and posed trying to mimic the certain form he copied of.

Even the voice changed.

"Now, doth eyes of thy fräulein feel comfortable now? HA HA HA!" he said with an exaggerated pose as the woman instead of reacting what he expected, simply screamed further in fear.

"PLEASE! J-Just fucking kill me! I-I don't want this anymore." She begged with tears.

The oversized rodent looked at her in a disappointed tense only to sigh in acceptance as he thought of the risks of his next move.

"I'm not sure if I can trust you yet, but I suppose I have no choice. None other forms in my collection can effectively calm down a human, not even my father's as well. But since I am indebted to you when this journey of ours ends, I suppose I can negotiate for your safety. Be warned however, do not tell anyone of such a truth, or you face the consequences." He explained with exaggerated mannerisms, yet the tone of his voice was serious.

The woman who was shaking in fear saw the oversized rodent lose its form as it tried to change into another. She was afraid of what horrors she was going to see next, only for her to feel far more dread than ever when a towering Black Knight now stood before her.

"Yes… as you can see, I… am Momon." He proclaimed with a proud gesture.

Only to be met with a stare.

"Do you now know who I am?"

The woman did not respond but the fear on her face was obvious enough for him to understand that she did not.

"Hmm… that's odd, I thought the name of Momon was well known throughout the world. I suppose some out there are still-

The sudden pause was abundant as the air sort of shifted.

The rider and the old man who were watching suddenly felt as if they were there within that location, physically. The towering black knight tilted his head slightly as if he felt something within his surroundings. The woman who was fearful and confused looked at the towering knight who now slowly peered his helmet to his right, where the old man was standing in watch.

The rider who noticed this quickly tried to say something to take them somewhere else until their surroundings were washed away completely. They heard a voice from the towering knight that was some form of question but it was whisked away before the rider could comprehend it.

This time as the scene was shifting around them, he could see that the old man was now finding it more difficult to proceed with the next scenario they were about to watch. He could feel him slowly lose connection as the images were now shifting violently.

"We need to end this. I don't know what we're dealing with as this all seems random, but you are losing your hold upon this… We need to stop." He reiterated as he looked at the old man who was now clutching at his head.

He did not respond to him as their surroundings finally settled.

They were now in yet another forest with fields of flowers and greenery scattered throughout. As they were trying to discern what was going on, they saw that there were a group of people wearing robes of some sort gathering in the forest clearing from the vantage point they were seeing it in.

Flower Petals of some kind were falling down on them. Giving an aura of something meditative and peaceful. They both did not see where the petals supposedly came from as the whole after effect of the scene they were seeing felt as if they were in a deep dream of sorts, with illusions of different kind fogging up the minds of those who were present.

Even the rider was mesmerized with the sight as men and women wearing robes of the colors black, red, and purple were kneeling in front of a woman standing in the center of them all. She had a red sash completely covering her eyes and her bright red and white silk robes glistened in the sun's light.

It was as if she was glowing. Glowing in a primeval sense that seemed to transcend beyond perception. Her short hair was flowing by her sides with her beautiful and perfect face smiling down upon those kneeling upon her. Two other figures were at her back. Both of them wearing similar-looking robes though they had bizarre masks upon their faces. One of them, with an unsheathed weapon on his waist.

The mystical visions they were now seeing made him question a lot of things…

He was tempted to take a closer look until the old man who was watching it with him put a hand on his shoulder. Suddenly the temptation was gone in some way as he now saw the old man struggling to continue this path they were taking within these visions. A visible strain was spread across his face as the rider held him in place to prevent him from falling.

"You need to end this now old man."

I must know how this all relates with each other… my health is of no concern. This is what is important and I know that the answer to this riddle is close… we just need to see more.

He nodded as he held him up, they then watched the scene unfold between the people conducting this ritual. There were no words present amongst them, nor was there anything else in the air, but the shimmer and sensation of something that was drawing energy in was present.

From the dead and peaceful silence, they noticed that one of the women that was kneeling in front of the priestess of some sorts in red robes slowly stood up.

"Rise, Melisandre of Asshai…" a voice suddenly said. It reverberated into the entire clearing. A beautiful voice that came from the Red Priestess herself. She smiled at her dearly like a proud mother of sorts while placing a palm on the woman's face, with the other on her shoulder.

"My lady…" the woman named Melisandre replied.

"Gone are the days of which you were human. From this day forth, you are bound to me. Both in service to the true faith… and in service of the Greatest of the Supreme Beings."

Melisandre seemingly smiled in tears while closing her eyes as she felt the warmth of the red priestess' palm. The honor of such a service was now endowed to her and the euphoria of pure fulfillment washed over her entirely.

There was also a faint glow that enveloped her as the priestess continued to touch her.

"You will now serve as a priestess of mine. A priestess that will spread the name and faith of the true gods. With that said, you are no longer a mere mortal, and within that service you shall serve me and the forty-one for eternity."

The red priestess then slowly leaned closer and kissed the top of her head as the woman smiled deeply in thanks. Her doubts were no more, and what was left was pure, utter loyalty upon the faith she chose.

The scene shifted yet again.

The rider who was holding on to the old man was now finding a pattern within these visions.

Do you now see what I notice?

He nodded at him as their surroundings turned into a black expanse of nothingness.

Yet the color was still shifting, and the state of his companion continued to deteriorate.

"Do you mean to say that the girl I found… is she related to all of this?"

Yes… the ones we saw all have something in common. Every single one of them belong to somewhere else. Somewhere that I cannot see nor perceive.

"These strangers… are they not from Westeros?"

I do not know. What I can discern however is that the visions I saw, the men and women of power of various kind… are not the only ones that arrived in this world.

"Do you mean-

There are more of them. Some I cannot see. Others whom I can sense, but most of them, especially some individuals are far too powerful and dangerous for even myself to watch. However, I do not believe we have encountered the worst yet…

The rider felt a sense of heavy dread the moment he said that as the old man closed his eyes.

"What is it then?" he worriedly said.

As he waited for a reply, their surroundings settled.

It was night time. The moon at its fullest, and they seemed to be in the edge of a small creak. Trees and various fauna surrounding them. At the horizon stood the city of King's Landing. As they walked slowly they saw that there was sleeping child covered in blankets as a campfire was burning close to him.

The rider, now expecting to see something, suddenly noticed that the old man he was holding on to still had his eyes closed and he seemed to be in a catatonic state of some kind as he was not responding nor reacting to what they were seeing.

As he tried to make him move or do anything…

A voice behind them beat him to it.

"Oh my… what do we have here?" she said. Within the blink of an eye, the old man was out of his grasp and he was standing motionless next to the campfire. He then saw a woman, face completely covered by her long hair. Eyes peering out of the veil with a voice that shook him to the core.

What was different this time, was that the woman knew where they both were.

She could see them clearly as if they were there at the instant moment they appeared.

She looked very much interested and curious at him as her gaze overshadowed him.

The rider then saw that the old man also froze on where was standing. With a good distance between them, the rider could only watch as the peculiar looking woman approached the old man and for some disturbing reason, she could touch him.

She pressed two fingers on his chin. Surveying him with a curious expression.

One of opportunity and excitement over her discovery.

"What odd magic this is… It is as if you can see everything within the confines of this world. Everything from the very root of its existence… down to the present. A network of sorts that allows you to peer indefinitely into existence without any constraint bound to MP or tiered spells… Fascinating."

She then looked at the rider as she tilted her head.

"A passenger. Brought on by a soul taken along with the ride…" she smiles to herself with an audible impression and continued. "This all feels familiar, yet the way this magic is set and the way it is powered is alien to me. Yet… as weak as I still am, I think I can find a loophole."

Without warning, the woman said something out of her mouth and the tip of her index finger glowed as it came in contact with the old man by a simple touch.

A sudden flash of light enveloped everything around them as the scenery violently changed, and the old man's eyes within contact of that touch opened widely as they glowed brightly. The woman seemingly forced everything for the old man to work his abilities in order to see what she needed to see.

Much to the shock and awe of the rider they were now back to the snowy regions of Beyond the Wall, there was a blizzard in this parts but what caught his attention was the rumbling earthquake and sheer size of a large being that was the almost as big as a mountain. Peering red eyes as it slowly walked towards the destination of south.

"Gargantua is here… and it's moving." The woman said in interest as the scene violently changed yet again. Everything then formed into a desert of sorts with dunes of sand everywhere and the high sun right above them and three individuals were walking on the sand, unaware of where they were heading.

It seemed to be two young women, accompanied by an old man.

"Even Sebas is here. The Pleiades as well. I can sense some of the elsewhere…"

The scene violently changed again within seconds as the woman continued to move the old man's mind to her will. The rider, unable to move or even react to anything was only there to watch as the scenario changed once more.

They were now in a house, where a young woman was arguing with a small girl about a secret never shared between them. A sword made out of darkness and the girl with fangs as he could comprehend.

"Individuals like them as well? I see…"

Then the scene violently changed once more into multiple faces, beings, objects, and other things violently being placed over one another as the now fast paced group of visions now turned into an unescapable nightmare as the sort of loop of random events and scenarios attacked their senses. Bombarding them non-stop as the old man now started to scream in pain.

"STOP IT!" the rider screamed.

But no one heeded his words as numerous things came crashing down right on top of each other as their surroundings rapidly changed and shifted to see more and more events than what a simple mortal could comprehend.


The rider tried to get rid of himself of his paralyzed state, but he was powerless as the world around him continued to shift violently into an incoherent mess of things. Their attempts at investigating what was happening to the world in general backfired on them immensely as he could only stand there doing nothing as the woman did as she pleased.

As the mayhem continued, a voice peered out of the chaos.

The voice of the old man and the woman combined into one.

I can understand what has transpired now. How this all connects with one another. The light that brought us to this world ultimately washed away what the Dragon Lords wished with what combined strength they had left…

A blinding flash of light started to slowly blind the rider as those words were said.

A plot to rid the world of the Dragon Emperor's filth.

A mix of voices from all throughout the souls of everyone that existed now clashed within the blinding flash of light as it all played out.

A World Item that shapes everything into great change. Combined with their Wild Magic, they managed to attain their wish…

Suddenly the flash of light disappeared. Now the rider stood within a dark expanse much like earlier when he talked with the old man of how it all connects. He was alone in that place, and he could move again…

But there was something wrong about it.

He looked at his hands and saw that they were back to its normal, pale and cold selves…

Yet he had not woken up from the visions still as he could only see nothing but blackness as far as his eyes could see. He then saw at the distance a shape of a large figure standing there watching him from afar. Eyes of pure red as they focused upon him.

From the darkness…

He finally saw a glimpse of its face.

Not everyone has come through yet… a collection of voices said as the rider heard a deep resounding laugh from the figure afar.

That laugh continued endlessly, until his eyes suddenly opened and he was back to the Sanctuary.

The Children of the Forest looking at him in worry.

"What did you see?" the one who spoke the common tongue worriedly said as she grabbed his shoulders. He noticed that the sun was setting around them and the eyes of her brethren were that of fear. He then saw that the girl was still unconscious on the ground as he returned his attention to the one asking him the question.

"I-I… I don't know. There was so much of it." he stated.

"What about the Last Greenseer?" she said.

His expression darkened as he was unsure of what to say. However, something happened that completely shocked all of those who were present within the sanctuary.

At first, there was powerful gust of wind that swept through all of them…

And then, all of the leaves of the great weirwood tree high above the last Sanctuary of the Children, wilted instantly and flew into the air…

Whisking away everything, leaving only the branches intact.

The surreal event made it seem like it was unreal at first, but as the leaves rained down and scattered everywhere to the extent of where their eyesight ends, they knew that something was wrong…

The ancient tree then lost its color, as blackened roots of some kind started to crawl atop of it.

Signaling the Great Change that was to come…

And everyone knew on that very moment, that there was nothing stopping it.



AN: This chapter was pretty much a behemoth when I first thought of it within my notes. I have to say to you, I had cut at least another 10k words out of this so it wouldn't be too long and messy plot-wise. In terms of what I cut from this large piece, you can definitely see hints of it. While yes, this is not an action-heavy chapter, it is pretty much large in impact. In the decision making process of this chapter, I always wanted to incorporate an entity within ASOIAF that I greatly deemed as misused within the TV show. In the books, we only know part of what those abilities are, and even though the show has indeed revealed in some form of what the potential those abilities have, they ended in a terrible position that got me screaming at the TV for how they wasted it. (Fck "The Long Night" episode and everything that came after)

So yea, if you don't know your book terms… The Last Greenseer is the Three-Eyed Raven in the books. The Rider in this chapter is indeed the mysterious and ever-dangerous Coldhands. Take note that the books do not ever say nor imply that Benjen is Coldhands. Even GRRM has confirmed that it is not, as even Leaf states that the man has died a long, long time ago within the confines of winter. Benjen has only died recently when he was lost beyond the wall so the Coldhands in the books is most definitely not Benjen, but he is a Night's Watch brother, I'll give him that still. I do acknowledge that the show has indeed used Benjen as Coldhands (and BY GOD, they wasted him just to die to save Jon for crying out loud. Coldhands was a quiet badass in the books, and in the show they just put him there to save the Stark Children, I mean wtf) … *Forgive the rant, but I'm just mad about that. So much potential wasted.

Anyway, my thoughts aside… even though it is possible that GRRM is going to reveal who he is in TWOW, I still wanted to use him in a way that would fit the storyline and this new timeline I'm making. I do in fact have a person chosen specifically on who Coldhands is, but I won't reveal it now or soon (hint: I based it on one of the theories that hold credit). As for how his character will progress along with the Children, I do have something in mind for that. Specifically, for the last remnants of the Children of the Forest. For now, I will leave it at that.

Now… we're going to talk about Three Eyed Crow, of the Three Eyed Raven in the show. The very first instance we know about Skin-changing, Greensight, and all of that… I was intrigued when I first came upon them on the books. It was an ultimately amazing when we finally do see the three eyed crow and how Bran's storyline go with it. Add that to how the show has visualized it and I was floored with how great and powerful those abilities are. Specifically the abilities the Three Eyed Raven had. If you watched the episode "The Door", I know you get how vast and broad these abilities are in context to the entire world of Planetos. We don't know yet as to why this is such a powerful ability in the first place, for even Melisandre herself in her 'visions' within the fire, she has seen Bran and the Three-Eyed Crow within the Sanctuary of the Great Weirwood tree he is bound in. So by that knowledge, you know that it is significant to how everything works within this world.

Which leads me to this chapter. Going into this route was one of the main things I wanted to tackle for this fic. It all started with a simple line of thought before I first started writing this fic, which was that what if Nigredo met him in a vision? I revisited that concept and made a bullet point script on how best to maneuver that, because as you know in terms of information gathering, scrying, surveillance, and anti-surveillance, Nigredo is Queen. So yes, it would be easy for her to get a grip on the Three-Eyed Crow regardless of what connection he has to the ancient weirwood trees. Despite being weak still in a way, her ability to sense someone watching them is still prevalent.

As for the rest of the Nazarick NPCs and New World Characters, it would make sense for the 'Greensight' to perceive them only to the point of when they appeared in this world. Because they don't exist prior at all, they were never created nor born from Planetos, so when the three eyes crow 'sees' Zesshi (more on her in the future), it is only on the point of when she first crashed into the snow.

The others, as you can see in this chapter are seen in various points of the recent timeline (scenarios and scenes that I will still revisit as I move forward). They are non-linear, but I will confirm that they are at least close to each other given what is presented. I also dropped in a few more hints for further characters appearing and yea… Not everyone has gone through yet…

Even him…

Hehe. I'm gonna tease you guys further as I leave it at that. Anyway, so the goal of this chapter was to present a recap of all events preceding it, while also giving a large impact for the story moving forward.

As a final note on all of this, this chapter was built as sort of a two-parter. With the next chapter (which is in works) continuing what this has built upon. Converging the other viewpoints with a connective tissue within the story to make it feel organic as we approach the main plot.

I do hope you enjoyed this chapter, and feel free to leave a review or PM if you have questions! Thanks guys and see you all again in the next! :)


To Devor: Oh thank you for such a lengthy review! Yes, one of the goals of mine going in is to in fact use the characters in Overlord within a light of realism. Far more in terms than what the New World is, as Planetos is a light-fantasy setting that has very few elements of that spread throughout. So yes, it would make sense to make them utterly Eldritch in nature, as forces that can't be comprehended and perceived in mortal lenses. Also, since I do like Lovecraft stories and SCP tales, I decided to up their flavor while not sacrificing these characters on who and what they are.

To ZeroSenpai: Yes, she is the one who made those 'illusions' though she trapped them in a pocket dimension. Also yes, she's melee. Thanks for the compliment!

To Anonymous(Guest): Thank you! I do in fact keep a notebook of sorts along with other files within my stash to make this as coherent as possible. I know making a mess of things is something most writers fail in, and I hope to remedy that mistake as best as I can. I do hope I can do it and would like to hear more as we progress!

To kukuhimanpr: Now that I see that, yea. He would be better off there. Disregarding the terrible shit he's in.

To SomePervyGuy: Thanks man. Yea, this was also an excuse for me to explore Viserys' psyche and his broken mind over the death of their family's power within Westeros. Playing Rubedo into that was a challenge in terms of how to make it fit, and gladly I did it in a way.

To Guest: These characters, specifically Rubedo, Aureole and some others are indeed very few in terms of descriptions and abilities within canon. I just took what we know about them and construct them using theories of the community and my own to build them from the ground up. While also making sure that they are still the characters presented by Maruyama-sensei in canon. Thanks for the compliment as well!

To MomongaFTW: Hehe. Glad that I did man. As for Albedo… we'll get back to her soon. I'm excited of actually tackling her.

To Guest (on chapter 5): Haha… (more on that in later chapters)

To Guest: Thanks man! I do like making people guess and hopefully like you said, it shows. :)

To xconan25x: I see… well, ASOIAF was built to have non-linear POVs, but don't worry it'll come soon.

To Issei ODC (forgive me for Google Translating these but I'll answer what I can):

On Chapter 1 – Yes, in this fic it's the instead of the Others.

On Chapter 3 – Kinda like that, in a way. They are all lost within the confines of this world.

On Chapter 7 – Hehe, I'll move more into that… and thanks for the compliment.

To Guest (Chapter 1): Thanks man, I appreciate it. Also, don't worry I only take in account what would best suit the story but I do appreciate input.

To sasuga demi-kun: It was Illyrio.

Special thanks again to the people I mentioned at the start and see you all in the next! Bye!

NEXT CHAPTER: "The Breath of Change"