Disclaimer: The author does not own any publicly recognizable characters herein. No copyright infringement is intended.

Going Down

Bella Swan was recruited to the Cullen Firm as the new Managing Director of Global Relations. Unbeknown to her, she never remembered applying for the position. Yet, luck was on her side, and the offer was too great to pass up. Through one strange encounter and a series of events, Bella realizes that luck had nothing to do with it.



A lot has happened while I was away, and more at the bottom. But, I was reminded that I never posted this Edward's POV of Going Down. I originally wrote this for a fandom charity event, and didn't realize many of you had never read it. It comes at a perfect time, and more about that at the bottom.

Enjoy, and this one's for you FangirlinGranma Dee (Dee Creston). Here's your GIANT GRANMA HUGS AND SMOOCHES.

I miss you.


"Edward, this is not the direction we should be taking this company." Rosalie's hands flew to her waist as her blonde ponytail snapped behind her like a whip.

"We are a global company and we need to focus our placement as such."

"The market shows us steady. There is no reason to change on a whim." She huffed.

My mother crossed her arms as she leaned against her desk. The meeting had ended fifteen-minutes earlier, and we were heading to lunch; however, my sister wanted to beat in her point. "Rosalie, Edward may have a point—"

She threw both hands in the air. "Of course, you would take his side!"

Her fucking tantrums were becoming more frequent.

Before I interjected, our mother put up her hand to stop me. "This isn't taking someone's side over the other; this is looking at the world ahead. It is ever-changing, and this company needs to get ahead of it."


"I have read both briefs. Again, we will be going with Edward's proposal."

If eyes could kill, the entire top floor would have been taken out. I watched my sister's ears get red, and her blue eyes narrowed at mine. She grabbed the file off our mother's desk and stormed out of the office.

My mother looked at me as red-faced as Rosalie was. "I would never tolerate my employees behaving in such a manner, and your sister was out of line! Maybe she needs to be put back in her place," she said, walking toward the door.

"She's passionate about the project. I'm sure she meant no disrespect."

She turned around, still angry, but her eyes were softer. "Rosalie would do anything to take my place when I retire. Even throw you under the bus."

I nodded.

My sister would give away her soul, if she could be CEO.

My mother sighed and sat down in the chair across from her desk. "My sister and I worked as a team. We always did what was best for the other."

"Rosalie and I may do things unconventionally, but she's my sister, and always will be."

"Oh, Edward, if she could hear you say those things."

I grinned slyly. "That won't happen."


After I finished with my mother, I asked Angela to come into my office.

She hurried in with her pad in hand and sat down in front of me. She took her black-rimmed glasses from the top of her twisted dark head of hair and set them on top of her nose. Her big, brown eyes were eager as she waited for instructions.

"Angela, how would you like to take on more responsibility?"

"Mr. Cullen, I would love to."

Angela Weber had been working for the Cullen Firm for many years, and her professionalism and discretion was something I noticed and admired. My current assistant was excellent at doing her job, but managed to slip in personal details here and there. Apparently, she wanted to fuck me. She hadn't realized I knew of her indiscretions, but I needed to groom her replacement. I decided it would be Ms. Weber.

"You will be my personal assistant. You will work under Amber, but you will also work for me. You will need to complete a non-disclosure, and Angela, that will mean that whatever we discuss will be between you and me only. Amber will not be handling my personal affairs. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. I'll set up a meeting with you later next week to go over more details. Congratulations, Ms. Weber."

"Thank you, sir. I appreciate the opportunity."


"Edward, hey man, what's up?"

"James, I've been out of the country."

I parked my car and disconnected my cell from the hands-free speaker. I was finally home and had no intention of entertaining him.

My "cousin," as he called himself, was becoming a problem. My aunt had married his uncle, and he'd claimed himself family ever since. He was a leech. One I used to enjoy hanging around, but soon realized our relations could only be cordial. At times, the man was unstable, becoming unhinged in public, causing scenes in restaurants and bars, and lately, it was becoming more frequent.

"Well, I just wanted to see about getting together, have a drink," James said in my ear.

"Look, James, I'm deeply involved in a project, and my time is limited. Why don't I call you when I'm free? Okay, goodbye."


"Edward, are we all set for this weekend?" Alec asked through the speaker.

I looked at the city lights and leaned back in my chair, relaxing with the bourbon in hand. "You are all set. The confidentiality forms have been accepted."

"Great! Tanya and I really need this."

I said nothing, knowing there was more to what my friend had admitted. He needed to shake up his marriage. Clubs like these could do that, but from what I knew about his wife Tanya, he might be sinking into a deeper hole.

"No problem, man. Zafrina and I will meet you there."

"One more thing, there is another couple joining us."

I shook my head instinctually. "You know that's not allowed."

"They are going to stay in the downstairs club. Tanya told them about the trip to New York and her best friend Bella wanted to come. This was before I mentioned to her about the 'club'. They are a self-sufficient, really cool couple. They won't miss us or ask questions."

I sat up in my chair. "Alec, remember there are strict rules. Don't fuck this up."

"Of course not! Thanks again, Edward."

When I hung up, my gut feeling was this could be a bad idea.

I trusted Alec or I wouldn't have shared information about the club, but it was the uneasiness I couldn't explain.


As usual, the line to get into the club wrapped around the building, and the downstairs venue was filling up quickly. Victoria's club was on every A-lister's radar in New York, which was apparent by the crowded celebrity-filled VIP sections. The layout was perfect for those wanting a different type of sensory experience. Each floor was centered to the type of music the DJ or live band was playing. If you wanted a laid-back vibe or a house-centric party, she had it all under one roof. It was an adult wonderland, and the top floor was a 'members only' playground.

My girlfriend Zafrina and I had been members for over a year as a couple. I'd been into the lifestyle longer than she had been. She had started to get into it, but it was for the wrong reasons. I got off being pleased, but she was losing whom she was to make me happy.

I was a selfish man—known to be a bastard. However, she was not the same woman. She used to be independent and knew what she wanted. I admired her confidence and didn't judge her for being my sister's best friend. She was beautiful and strong in her own right, and could handle Rosalie. Yet, everything I had admired about her was lost, and I was to blame.

Zafrina wanted a family. It wasn't enough that we were engaged; she wanted more. It was that "more" that I couldn't give her. The last few months had been a struggle, and I sensed everything might come to a head sooner rather than later.

As we waited for Alex and Tanya to arrive, I watched the crowded dance floor below from one of the balconies. By the minute, more and more people filed in. Everything that evening seemed normal at the outset. The crowd was ready to party; I was ready to let off some steam, and the music was decent. However, there was something strange; a unique feeling that overcame me; an energy that pulled my attention to the corner of the dance floor to a petite woman.

At first glance, my eyes swept over her, then immediately returned. When she smiled, throwing her head back in a boisterous laugh, my heart filled up. I smiled and laughed with her—not having a clue as to why. The woman's face lit up, and that smile...

For a moment, I thought she had looked up at me, and my heart tore out of my chest. She was breathtaking. Her dark eyes were big and bright. Everyone around could not hold a candle to her natural beauty.

I couldn't take my eyes off her.

I stared and watched as she spoke animatedly to a tall, dark-haired man. When they stepped onto the dance floor and his arms wrapped around her waist, it was irritating to watch. His hands were flat on her back, and all I could think about was ripping them off her.

I watched as they danced, watched the movements of her hips and the sway of her body. The sensuality she projected turned me on and pissed me off at the same time.

She should be looking at me like that, I thought for some reason.

I was totally losing my shit. I was jealous over a total stranger for dancing with, what looked to be, her boyfriend, by the bare ring finger.

Damn it!

What the fuck was wrong with me?

My fiancée was standing less than two feet from me, and I was thankful when Alec approached us distracting my crazed mind.

"Hey, man!" He slapped my back. "We were able to get away." He looked down to where I was staring. "Oh, you see that couple down there, the brunette in the blue dress and the tall, Native-American dressed in all black? That's our friends." He smiled, taking a sip of his drink. "I opened a tab. They will be busy and too drunk to notice we are gone."

"Who's the girl?" I demanded.

"Bella Swan. Tanya's best friend."

I nodded. "Bella..." I said to myself.

A fitting name.

"Edward, you ready?" Zafrina asked.

I nodded and forced myself to turn my back on Bella.

For now.


I knew Alec was getting in over his head. His wife seemed more interested in talking versus watching. We sat in front of the small stage, the women on our laps, as the show heated up in front of us. Usually, I would allow Zafrina to pleasure herself or me, but I wanted my guests comfortable. It was their first time in a sex club, and although it was high-end and filled with elite clientele, it could take a while to become comfortable.

Tanya was far from it, and she did everything to look at Alex or talk to Zafrina. I was fine with them conversing; it seemed my attention was still on the brunette downstairs.

The thought of her stirred my cock, and Zafrina was turned on by each growing inch. I was growing harder as she moved her ass over me. The intensity to fuck grew, and the erotic show in front of me spurred it on.

I stood, almost knocking Zafrina to the floor. "Fuck, sorry. I need to make a call. I forgot something at the office. I'll be back."

Her eyes narrowed and head nodded as she sat down in my chair.

I rushed out, took the stairs, not waiting for the elevator, until I reached the bottom floor.

I searched the crowd for Bella. I needed to see her. Thought of introducing myself to her. I... I didn't know what I was doing, but I knew I needed her.

That thought upset me. I was not one to chase after anyone, but I turned, and as she brushed by me, her scent knocked me the fuck over. I froze, watching her walk away. She was smaller than I thought at first. Her hair flowed with the sway of her hips.

My heart pounded, as I watched her walk away and straight out the door.

I sprinted to the exit, searched in all directions, to find her gone.


Isabella Marie Swan.

I knew where she lived, ate, and where she dropped off her dry cleaning. Everything I could get my hands on regarding her was staring me in the face. Angela had sent me the email about her. She received the report and sorted it out exactly as I wanted. She was excellent at anticipating my needs.

More like my obsessions.

I couldn't get Isabella out of my mind that week, as well as every week thereafter. I tried to rid her from my thoughts. My dreams. But the harder I tried, the stronger the visions became.

I was committed to another. I had made promises...had responsibilities—but ultimately, what I believed to be a failing relationship, turned out to be simply me failing. I couldn't get past what Isabella had awakened in me.

I fooled myself into thinking that if I stayed away, she would eventually stop haunting my dreams. Nonetheless, as the weeks turned into months, I knew even then that I had to have her.

When I called Alec to inquire more about her, and found out she was in advertising, I knew that was my way into her life. I even told myself that was what must have been drawing me to her. Like minds and bullshit like that. In the industry, our paths would most certainly cross at some point. Yet, every time I tried to force our paths, something would happen. Mostly adverse, I was afraid, and I started to take that as a sign.

More like a warning.

So much so that I went to one of my dearest friends, Garrett, and admitted how, apparently, I had fallen for a complete stranger. How there was a driving force in me that was determined to have her. Of course, he wasn't at all sympathetic, and told me to stop being a pussy and focus on my "real" relationship.

As my mentor, I heeded Garrett's advice and tried to get Isabella out of my head. I tried to keep my distance, but at times, it was hard not be in control. If I couldn't be a part of her life, I needed to make sure she had the best life possible. I wanted her to have everything in my power that I could give her. It was easy, having the influences I had in the industry; I manipulated what I could.

When Alec told me that Isabella was seeking employment, and the name of the firms she was considering, I made sure to contact my good friend at Goldstein's. One of the places she had applied and the best fit for her. However, she turned around and picked the last agency I would have thought. I had sent letters of recommendation to every one of them confidentially, just in case, but surprised nonetheless by her thinking.

That career move made me want her even more. The company had a global view and spent a lot of focus on the charity circuit.

When Isabella's company caught the eye of one of our client's CEO for its humanitarian work, I knew what I had to do when I found out she was the project manager. I tanked our upcoming proposal, which meant sabotaging my sister Rosalie.

AppleTM was her baby, and losing that account would be a huge blow to our bottom line, but it was an account I was willing to sacrifice. It would put Isabella Swan on the map.

I was an ass to do that to Rosalie, and it fueled the war between us even more, but I had promised her I would have something better down the road.

That something better would be Isabella Swan.

I pushed every logical thought and piece of advice aside, and decided there would be no other option.

I had to have her.

By any means necessary.

I hope you enjoyed it. I changed it a bit from the charity O/S.

In this incredible time of change, I am excited to announce that GOING DOWN will be PUBLISHED *Sqwee* and arriving in spring 2021. In both HER and HIS POV! The new book is titled Going Up (pun very much intended). I hope for everyone who asked, if and when, Going Down was coming, is excited. Add Going Up to your TBR list on Goodreads under ZN Willett or check my profile page for my social media.

More exciting fic book news:

Chaos will be published in 2021 as a Two-Part soulmate duet: Awakening and Awake.

Acquired Asset (The Dress) has been picked up by a publisher and will be rereleased this month.

I am VERY excited for POWERFUL BASTARD to release July 12th which is only two months away! This book is on Goodreads list of July 2020 Most-Anticipated Romances! (HUGE thank you for putting this on their list!)

My new book Powerful Bastard, part of the Cocky series expansion by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward, will be released July 12th of this year 2020 AND this is my first AUDIBLE DEAL. So excited about that, and this book. Again, all of these can be found at Goodreads and my social media.

All of this is because of YOUR SUPPORT and encouragement. I continue to write because of you. THANK YOU!

Huge thanks to Midnight Cougar, Pamela Lorraine, and EdwardsFirstKiss for donating their time to beta.



Aka: ZN Willett