Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there, and even to all the women who may become one someday. I hope everyone is celebrating as best they can during these crazy times. Here's a story to maybe make your day "just a little bit brighter."

Slightly AU; set in 2019.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own.

Sunlight came through the curtains in streams and cascaded across the bed. A particularly harsh ray of light dropped over Lois's eyes, causing a groan to rumble up from her throat and a crinkle to crease her eyebrows. She turned away from the window and smushed her face into the pillow. It was warm from the head that should still be resting there instead of empty space, the soft scent of his hair lingering in the fabric. Lois inhaled deeply, a small smile gracing her lips. She curled further into the sheets and was ready to fall right back to sleep when she heard noises coming from the hall.

Just as she was starting to wonder what was going on, the bedroom door opened, and loud bursts of squeals filled the room.

"Happy Mother's Day, Mama!" came twin shouts.

Lois grinned and popped her head up to see her three-year-old daughters jumping onto the bed, crawling fast toward her.

"Oh, thank you, my little munchkins! Come here." She curled her arms around each toddler and peppered their faces with kisses. The sound of their laughter melted her heart, as it always did.

"What kinda munchkin am I, Mama?" Wide blue eyes turned up to look at her.

Lois smiled. "You're my little blueberry munchkin." She kissed Ella's cheek. "And you are my little cinnamon one." She then kissed Lara's cheek, who giggled in reply.

"And what am I?"

Her eyes drifted up to the tall, dark-haired man standing in the doorway. Her lips ticked up into a smirk. "You…you are my maple donut."

He grinned at her. It was then she noticed the tray he was holding. He made his way toward the bed and the little girls scurried to make space for him to set it over Lois's lap. There were two plates on the tray, each holding a single pancake decorated differently with an assortment of fruit and whipped cream. There was also a cup of coffee and a skinny vase with a single white lily.

"The girls wanted to do something special for you."

"This is so beautiful. Thank you, guys."

As the girls beamed with pride at her side, Lois turned to cup her husband's cheek, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

"Wait, Mama! There's presents. We have presents!" Exclaimed Ella as she hurried off the bed, her sister in tow.

Clark watched as the girls left the room, a big smile on his face. His heart was so full, sometimes he couldn't stand it. He finally had everything he'd always wanted; a beautiful, loving wife and perfect little daughters, the four of them making the kind of family that always seemed like some far off dream. But it was real, this fantasy, and sometimes the notion was hard to grasp.

He slipped a hand into Lois's hair and pulled her into a full, passionate kiss. When she let out a small gasp, he seized the opportunity to slip his tongue past her lips, causing her to moan and fall against him. His free hand wrapped around her waist as her hand squeezed his shoulder.

Hearing little feet running back towards the room, Clark pulled away with an audible pop. Lois gasped again, catching some breath, and followed his movements.

"Wow," she breathed, making him laugh.

"Here! Here!" came Lara's shy but eager voice beside Clark, waving a little velvet box above her head.

"Thank you, baby." Lois took the box from her and opened it, revealing a pair of diamond stud earrings. "Oh, my. These are beautiful. Did you pick these out?"

"Mmhmm!" Lara's head bobbed up and down comically, her chestnut locks swaying about her round cheeks.

"And mine! And mine!"

Lois laughed as Ella ran into her sister, knocking Lara into Clark's side, trying to hand her gift over. Clark lifted Lara onto the bed, followed by Ella. Lois took the slightly larger box from her daughter and opened it to reveal a gold tennis bracelet. "Oh, I love it. You guys are the best." She leaned over and gave each girl a kiss. "Thank you."

"Alright, girls. Let's leave Mommy to eat her breakfast and then we'll all get ready."

"Get ready for what?" Lois asked as she clasped the bracelet to her wrist.

"For your special day. We're going to do something fun."

"They're not old enough for go carts, Smallville."

"We're not going to do that," he rolled his eyes. "Or a monster truck rally, so don't ask."


"It's a surprise, Mama," gasped Ella.

"Alright, alright. I won't guess." She finished fastening the new diamond studs to her ears. "Now, how about you help me eat these wonderful pancakes?"

The girls cheered and dug in. A large smile split Clark's lips as he sank onto the bed behind Lois. He pressed a long kiss to her hair, then her cheek. She leaned back into his chest while they watched the girls pick at the pancakes, playfully extending their little fingers to Lois's mouth, feeding her.

Once breakfast was over, the girls ran to their room, followed by Clark, to get ready for the day. Lois headed to the bathroom to get ready as well. Throwing on tight, dark jeans and a deep red form-fitted blouse, she looked in the mirror and gave herself a nod of approval. Just because she was a mom didn't mean she had to dress like one. Sexy was still an option. Her husband certainly thought so, though he was always adamant in reminding her that anything she put on made her look sexy. She was quick to remind him that he was biased.

Lois had just grabbed a clip off the vanity to pull her hair back, showcasing her earrings to appease her daughter, when Clark walked into the bathroom. He stopped in the doorway, eyes raking over her. His blue irises darkened as he took in the tight jeans and the stretchy, cross-front, V-neck top.

"I thought this was your day," he murmured. "I didn't realize I'd be getting a gift, too. Let me unwrap it."

Lois rolled her eyes and pinned him with an amused look. "Are the girls dressed?"

"Yes, and did so by themselves, too."

"My little self-sufficient soldiers," she beamed.

Clark chuckled and walked up behind her, his arms curling around her waist. He rested his chin on her shoulder and nuzzled her neck lightly. "Do you really like your presents? I know you don't wear jewelry much, but I figured it'd be something nice that you wouldn't buy yourself."

"Clark, I love them. And I love you, but my babies are the best gifts I could ever receive."

"Jeez, when did you get so mushy?" he teased.

She scoffed and tried to push him away, but he kept his hold tight.

"So where are we going today? Am I appropriately dressed?"

He hummed as he leered at her in mirror but didn't answer. His hand slid the length of her torso from one hip to the other. Lois was a curvy woman with an hourglass figure that really filled out after she'd had the girls. She had been the kind of woman that bounced back quickly after giving birth. It didn't matter to Clark either way. She was beautiful no matter her appearance, but he knew she worked to get her figure back for him, though it was more for herself. Now her body was even more stunning than it had been prior to the pregnancy and Clark didn't think there were enough stars in the sky to count how lucky he was.

"Smallville, yes or no?"

His eyes snapped up from her belly to her eyes. "Yes, you're good."

"Just 'good?' Pfft…" She shrugged her shoulder to dislodge his chin and turned to face him. "Is that the best you got?"

"Well, after ten years of being together, it's hard to be original," he deadpanned.

Lois playfully cringed. "Ten years only?"

"Tell me about it. I'm itching to pack up, take the girls, and run."

"Hey! What makes you think you get the girls?"

"They're mine?" he eyed her incredulously.

"No more than they are mine. And I'm their mother. I automatically get them."

"How about you take one and I take one?"

Lois rolled her eyes. "What is this, The Parent Trap? Besides, how can anyone do that? Split up their kids and never see the other again?"

"I don't know. I couldn't imagine never seeing Ella or Lara ever again. Which is why I'm taking them both."

Lois punched him in the shoulder. "You know, there is something called 'Shared Custody'."

Clark twisted his mouth up in consideration. "No, that wouldn't work."

"And why not?"

His eyes caught hers. "Because if I ever had to see you again, I'd come running back without a second thought."

"Then why did you leave in the first place?"

"Must have been out of my mind." He leaned down to kiss her soundly.

She threaded her fingers through his hair and parted her lips beneath his. He pressed her back into the counter and swept his hands down to rest just above her bottom. They remained locked together until the sound of giggles broke the silence. Ella and Lara had their heads poked around the doorframe of the bathroom, watching their parents.

"Come in here, you little rug rats," Lois chuckled.

The girls ran toward them. Clark scooped Ella up and Lois lifted Lara into her arms. Other than different eye colors, the girls were identical with dark brown hair and round features like their mother. But Ella sported blue eyes like her daddy while Lara's was hazel. Personality, however, was a whole other thing. It was split between them evenly. Ella had all the spunk and sassiness that Lois possessed while Lara was more quiet and contemplative like Clark. It would be interesting to watch them grow into teenagers; something Lois was often worried about. She didn't know how she was going to handle Ella if she turned out to be anything like Lois had been. Clark was always reassuring her, though, that he was up for the challenge. Lois would scoff and tell him that he didn't know what he was in for and that he should speak with the General to get the real low down. Lara would be a piece of cake if she turned out to be just like Clark, something Lois was eagerly awaiting. Anyone like Clark was a blessing, though he would often say the same thing about her.

"Girls, if Daddy and I had to split up, which one of us would you go with?" Lois asked.


"Why we splitting?" Ella asked.

"Just in case it was better for us," Lois said.

"How is that better? I wanna stay here," Ella replied.

"Mama," Lara replied quietly, curling her arms around Lois's neck.

Clark gasped. "You would choose Mama? What about me?"

"I gots you, Daddy," Ella placed a pudgy hand on either of his cheeks and kissed him.

"What about me, Ella?" Lois asked.

"You got Lara. I got Daddy."

"Ella," Lara murmured and reached a hand toward her sister.

Ella grasped her hand and didn't let go, making Lois and Clark smile.

"Don't worry, baby," Lois said, kissing Lara's head. "We're staying together."

"Always," Clark whispered, his nose burrowing into Ella's little neck.

The girls kept their hands clasped together.


It was Clark's idea to have Lois blindfolded throughout the car ride to their mysterious location. Lois had huffed and puffed at first but then Clark threw her his patented puppy dog eyes and she was a goner. She then began to grumble about the "blatant manipulation," to which he had laughed. No more than fifteen minutes later, the car rolled to a stop and Lois had to bite back the urge to bombard him with questions. When the girls started to gasp and giggle in the backseat, she relaxed and allowed them to surprise her.

Clark came around the car to the passenger side. He first got the girls out of their car seats before moving to Lois's door. He was gentle in helping her stand, making sure not to dislodge the blindfold. She felt his hands take hold of her hips and gently push her forward. Her arms immediately stretched out as she walked slowly toward whatever awaited her. She could hear the girls in front of her, encouraging her and laughing happily. After what felt like a super short walk, Clark placed a kiss to the back of her head before bringing her to a stop.

"Are you ready?" His lips brushed the shell of her ear as he whispered.

She smiled softly, nodding.

He lifted the blindfold from her eyes, and she blinked to adjust to the sunlight.

"Surprise!" shouted the twins.

Before her was a huge blanket fort in the middle of an empty field of the Farm's back forty. It had various heights made of old blankets she knew had to have come from the barn. It was amazing.

"Wow," she breathed in awe.

"You like it?" asked Ella eagerly.

"I love it," Lois beamed.

The girls clapped cheerfully. Clark took her hand and they followed the girls to the entrance of the fort. Once inside, she gasped. There were string lights strung across the ceiling, the floor was lined with more blankets and some pillows, and there was a picnic basket in the corner along with a large bowl of popcorn. The walls were held up with wooden posts and on the far side of the fort was a large white sheet set up as a screen with a mini projector in the middle of the room.

"I thought we could have a family picnic and then watch a movie," Clark spoke as the girls shuffled over to the picnic basket.

The ceiling of the fort was high enough for the twins to stand and even for Lois and Clark to kneel with some headroom. They brought the basket over to Lois and plunked it down, immediately lifting the lid to pull its contents out.

"This is so wonderful, I don't even know what to say," Lois said.

Clark smiled. "It's just our way of saying thank you for being the best Mommy in the whole world. Right, girls?"

"Yeah!" came the shouts.

Lois swallowed the lump in her throat and turned to kiss her husband. "Thank you," she whispered.

"Don't thank me. This is a gift from the girls," he replied. "My gift to you is coming tonight."

She shivered at the tone of his voice, indicating it's the kind of gift she might have received many times before, and the anticipation swirled heavily in her belly. She kissed him again. "I can't wait."

The girls had unpacked the picnic basket and they sat together, munching on sandwiches and fruits and cookies. Clark had packed juice pouches for the girls and a bottle of champagne for Lois and himself. When bellies were full, they laid out on the pillows and watched Finding Dory, a family favorite. The girls were curled up between their parents as the movie played and about halfway through, Clark looked down to find that his daughters were fast asleep. Turning toward his wife, he smiled. She was asleep as well, one arm draped over Lara, her hand resting on Ella's belly with the little girl's hands wrapped her mother's. Her other arm was stretched out across the pillows toward him.

As far as dreams went, Clark couldn't have dreamt a better one. For all his mistakes and wrong turns, he made it to this moment, with Lois. With their daughters. It may have been Lois's day, but he couldn't help but celebrate his own little joys as well. He settled back into the pillows and rested his head next Lois's hand, stretching a moment to kiss her fingers. Then he closed his eyes and joined his family in sleep.

There you have it! I hope you all enjoyed this little Mother's Day story. It kinda popped into my head randomly and I'm so glad it came to fruition. Thank you for reading.