"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, look!" a young black-haired man grinned, his grin was as bright as sun, his eyes twinkled with mischief as he showed his art piece to another man who looked emotionless.

Lan Zhan looked up from his book and took the piece of paper into his hands, holding it carefully.

What he saw was himself, Wei Ying drew him.

He put it aside and noted in his mind to put it somewhere safe because Wei Ying gave it to him.

He went back to read his book, looking like he just ignored the other man.

Wei Ying smiled, putting his chin on his palms as he looked at Lan Zhan like a lovestruck person. "do you like it?" "..Mn.."

"I'm glad."

The one sided conversation continued, the young Wei running his mouth and the Lan just listening to him in contentment.


"I see..."

"how much-...left?"

"three to five years...Maximum."

"...I understand...can you please do me a favor? —"

"I'll see what I can do. I am deeply sorry that we couldn't do much. Maybe go to Gusu, you know they are the best at what they're doing..."

"No need, it's alright!"

"but—!..." a sigh, "I understand."

Lan Wangji could see that something was wrong with Wei Ying, the man's smiles were less happy and took up on a more sad one, the grin wasn't as bright as sunshine and that worried him.

Yet, he couldn't ask. It was as if he was scared of what he'd find out.


That is what he thought, but seeing Wei Ying cough up blood in front of him made Lan Wangji's face pale. "Wei Ying..!"

"I-it's alright, really!" but Wei Ying waved him off, as always not concerned with himself.

"Don't tell anyone, okay?"


"It's alright, it'll get better, I promise!"

[And what an obvious lie that was...Why did he still believe it, then?]

Lan Wangji stared at Wei Ying with hidden concern, gripping his brush a little tighter, his eyes a little more sharper.

Wei Ying always looked at his concerned eyes and grinned at him, answering with that one sentence.

"I'm a free spirit Lan Zhan! I wouldn't lie down in bed and wait for my death!"

Lan Zhan wanted to protest, his golden eyes were glaring at smiling grey ones, his frustration was growing to almost unbearable levels and he almost lost control, almost yelled at Wei Ying to go the the hospital, to prolong his otherwise very short life.

"How long..." do you have left?

"It's not important!"

"You— not important? it's your life!" Lan Zhan grit his teeth in anger and frustration, but a thought stopped him.

Wei Ying, do you feel so unworthy that you do not care about your life?

"Wah! Lan Zhan is angry!"

"...Do not think of your life as unimportant..."

"I–..." Wei Ying sighed, "let's not talk about that, okay?"

Lan Zhan ignored him after that. It felt petty, but Lan Zhan was was still fifteen, he was allowed to be.

[He should have spent more time with him, every second counted, and Wei Ying was closer to death the more those seconds passed...]

Wei Ying always came to him paler than before, soon becoming as white as sheet every time Lan Zhan saw him at the library.

He felt powerless, as Wei Ying always refused to go to Gusu, to the best hospital and where the Lan could finally feel relieved that the other was safe, but it was not to be...

As Wei Ying said, he was a free spirit, a person who couldn't sit still if his life depended on it, even if Wei Ying was so sick that he lost sleep, and by doing that, losing energy that let him do lots of things that would be otherwise normal for him.

Wei Ying had pained eyes every time he as much as moved, but still he came to Lan Zhan for company.

Lan Zhan couldn't bare to see the other in pain, so he scooped him into his arms and didn't let him go, even as Wei Ying struggled.

"h-hey Lan Zhan, what are you doing?"

"Don't move." He tightened his arms around Wei Ying, who relaxed in his hold.

"Hey, this isn't so bad..."

Lan Zhan's ears burned red, he struggled not to bury his chin into the soft looking hair and internally sighed.

The whole day was enjoyed in a strange, relaxed and silent way.

The next day Wei Ying buried himself into Lan Zhan's arms and blacked out almost immediately, muttering something about feeling that he would sleep better.

Lan Zhan let him.

And if he kissed Wei Ying's forehead and patted his hair tenderly, well nobody was there to see it.

"You look better..." Jiang Cheng observed, "but you still look as white as a sheet, you should go see the doctor."

"no, it's fine." his brother waved his hands in indifference, "Just a little cold."

Jiang Cheng didn't look convinced, but didn't push.

Wei Ying was grateful for that.

Wei Ying hid in Lan Zhan's home from his family so they wouldn't see him in that tired form. Wei Ying had trouble talking, his breaths becoming a thing to work for.

Lan Zhan couldn't bare it, and when Wei Ying started sleeping in his arms, Lan Zhan stood up and held the other man in a princess style so he could go to the car and drive him to Gusu hospital.

He couldn't just stand still as the one who he loved became just a shell of his former self, he couldn't!

The sickness was too far gone with Wei Ying, it was really incurable.

Not anymore.

And then, Wei Ying woke up, and talked only in a small whisper that the Lan almost missed, but he didn't. "Do you hate me that much...?"



"then why?..."

I love you.

"I love Wei Ying." it was said with the confidence and conviction that Wei Ying believed him, even if for a moment.

"..." I...love...you...too...

"I-i'm glad..."

he closed his eyes, as if just going to sleep, but the stopping of the rise and fall of the stomach scared Lan Zhan.

"Wei Ying...?" Lan Zhan's voice cracked, fear crawling down his spine. "Wei Ying!!"


"Wei Ying, Wei Ying..." tears fell down his chin, he hugged the body close to him and wept for the lost life in front of him, of the lost love.

The loss was too sudden...

why didn't Wei Ying have more time?

what about his family? He didn't say goodbye to them.

He didn't say goodbye to Lan Zhan.

"How could he...! He didn't say anything! he..! I...I should have seen something, anything.


The funeral was full of tears and screaming, of people with so much guilt, it was felt in the air.

The Jiang family were hit the most, Jin YanLi, formerly Jiang and Wei Ying's sister, struggled to look at the coffin where he lied, her emotions going haywire. her brother was dead. He was dead...She couldn't make anymore spicy soup for him that he loved so much.

she hugged her son tighter, the little toddler didn't understand anything, only that his uncle will not come back.

Everyone cried.

Everyone laughed as they shared stories about him, how he was a mischievous boy that caused so much trouble, and...how he always put others before himself.

he was too young too die.

Zhan woke up, but didn't breathe.

He didn't need to as he was dead. He knew it, it was instinctual, also, he knew that getting stabbed in the head meant instant death.

He stood up and started walking in the white void.

He...wasn't angry. He didn't feel the slightest bit of bitterness, he guessed it might be shock, but he wasn't sure.

"Lan Zhan..?" The overly-familiar voice made him freeze in his tracks. Wei Ying!

He turned around to where he heard his voice, he felt as if his mind went blank.

"Wei Ying..." He muttered as he stared at the man. He looked the same as he did before death.

He still had a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, the black robe he was dressed in was the same as in the funeral and the red ribbon was still tied to hold his ponytail.

Lan Zhan fought back the tears that he felt started to burn his eyes, pursing his lips and he started to reach towards Wei Ying with his hand

"Did you miss me that much?" Wei Ying teased with a grin.

"Yes, I really missed Wei Ying."

Wei Ying smiled. It was the same smile Lan Zhan loved so much, the literal personification of sunshine. It was free of pain and sadness and that's what it should look like. Always.

"I'm glad."


Gusu is a hospital in this AU. it's a very well known one. it is known for its very good doctors who are thought in the world as the best.

Lan Zhan is a heir to a very known company that deals with Hospital building and their runnings.

Jiang Fengman And Yu Ziyuan are still the adopted parents to Wei Ying/Wuxian.

Jiang Cheng was very close to Wei Ying and felt that something was wrong with him.

Wei Ying was eighteen when he died.so just three years after he found out, he died.he would have lived more if he took himself to the Gusu hospital, maybe even cured when the sickness was just in the starting stages.I won't name the sickness, because I don't have one for that.This is a rough fanfic, I might edit it sometime, but well...here it is for now?I just wanted to share this with you, haha~I hope I didn't skip anything important.