A/N: This takes place in a different AU world, but can also be connected to The Emperor's Wish if you prefer to think of it that way. Because it involves my new favorite CLuCLu family :3

The Shun-day Su-prise!

How convenient of C.C. to leave for a Pizza Hut exhibit just 24 hours before her special day. Not for the first time, Lelouch couldn't stop preening underneath the banners of Lady Luck's generous favors. She always had a way of smiling down at him in the most opportune of times, and he was determined that today shan't go to waste.

After he'd returned from seeing C.C. and one of their cars off and out their gates, Lelouch rushed upstairs and immediately peeked through the second door, left ajar in his haste. He wasn't all that worried — not after he'd obsessed over child-proofing their new house.

Alexander remained relatively the same as when he'd left a few minutes ago to see C.C. off. His son was busy poring through a picture book about a mouse and a cookie, and was too riveted in the illustrations to notice his father creeping up on him from behind.

Catching him off guard, Lelouch swooped him up into his arms, and the silent room came alive with shrieks and squeals of an excited little Prince being lifted onto the air to fly around briefly in his father's steady and secure hands.

"Hello again." He greeted simply, grinning and trying to hide the fact that he was winded.

Alexander giggled as he waved with his whole arm, tiny fingers wiggling at the same time. "'Lo Papa!"

Stepping over the abandoned book on the carpeted floors, Lelouch claimed a seat on the edge of Alexander's specially-made toddler bed, bouncing his lively three-year old on his knees to keep his attention.

"I need your help, Your Highness." Seeing those same violet eyes trained completely on him, he continued. "Do you know what day it is tomorrow?"

"Shun-day?" Alexander mumbled, staring at his father's face for some reassurance that he'd given a correct answer.

"Yes, but we're celebrating something, remember?"

"Ooh!" The excited bouncing multiplied as the child began swaying from side to side. "It's… Mommy's Day?"

"Very good." Lelouch nodded in approval and watched his mini-version preen at the given praise. "I have a surprise for Mommy, but I can't complete it without you."


"Yes, you."

"What we do?"

"What do we do… Well, for starters, we need to get her a present. And I need you to pick a gift she would like. No one knows Mommy like you do."

"Gif-gif!" Alexander roared, squirming around actively that even Lelouch had trouble keeping him still. "Papa, choco and cakey!" He continued to cheer, rising to his feet on his father's lap and oblivious to his sire's wince and suppressed 'Ow…'

But in spite of it all, Lelouch just laughed. His son's willful ways had to have come from somewhere. He and C.C. still debated on the origins. "We'll have both chocolate and cake, if you like that best."

"Cheesh cake?" Alexander piped up hopefully with an excited grin, sliding from Lelouch's lap and unto his bed sheets patterned with pizza slices.

"Chocolate mousse cheesecake. Yours and Mommy's favorite, of course."

"Yaaaayyyy!" The bed shook with the force of the boy's jumps and hops, and he only slowed the tiniest bit when his father warned him to be careful, lest he fall off and hit his head somewhere. "Oh! Papa, what 'bout pep-roni pi-cha? With wots of cheesh~"

Lelouch stared at the boy like he'd grown several heads. Or mouths, in this case, because he sounded so excited about the mention of food. The mere idea of the abundance of it was enough to send him into a jumping fest. In the end, the father just sighed and eventually agreed, meanwhile inwardly cursing himself for being unable to resist his son's requests.

He should have known that from the moment he'd married C.C. and they had a child, he was an eternal slave to his wife's whims and his son's pleas. Worse for him when they worked together to ask for insurmountable amounts of pizza.

"You're helping me surprise Mommy, then?" He asked in the end.

"Yeah-yeah!" Letting out his version of a dinosaur roar, Alexander scrambled off his bed and began dancing around his room, singing, "Su-prise fo Mommy~ Fo Mommy~ Su-prise fo Mommy~"

Lelouch could only shake his head. "All right then. Let's pick out your clothes, so we can drive to town to buy ingredients and presents."

The boy was so thrilled about the idea of leaving the house so early in the morning, he quickly clutched his father's hand and mimed guiding him to the kiddie drawers. Lelouch was busy mentally preparing a list of things to buy while Alexander prattled on and on about what shirt would match his favorite pair of pants and socks. Obviously, they needed ingredients for the homemade cheesecake. And then he could get the pizza delivered tomorrow for lunch. The main focus would be the present and the cards or gift-wrappers.

"Can I cook too?" Alexander's voice cut through his musings as he stopped pulling on his navy blue socks to look up at his father and wait for an answer.

"Of course… We'll get her cards you can decorate as well."


One eventful shopping trip and a messy dine-out at a pizzeria later, father and son finally made it home in one piece with everything they needed for Mommy's special day carefully carried into the house. A relieved sigh left Lelouch as he brought in the last of their items — grocery bag in one arm, and a Toy Kingdom bag in the other. The latter wasn't part of the initial plan, but because Alexander was being good so far this year (his words, not his father's), Lelouch decided to indulge him.

One measly sports car set wouldn't turn his son into a spoiled brat, would it?

Lelouch also berated himself for forgetting the fact that Alexander was rambunctious and had far too much energy packed into his little body for his own good. Trips outside of the house with him often led to lots of interesting situations.

Why, the major part of this day alone involved Lelouch smiling kindly and apologetically at strangers because his son was shouting for 'Papaaaaa!' in the middle of a grocery store, dragging a basket he'd pilfered at the entrance full of food he'd pulled down from the shelves without checking for expiration dates (or food they weren't supposed to buy, for that matter). Today, Lelouch had to ask Alexander to return several large boxes of cereal, because 'You still have enough cereal to last you 2 months at home, Alexander.'

Fortunately, his three-year-old was obedient, but very bold for someone his age. Other children would have contented themselves with looking at candies in the checkout counter, but not Alexander. Nope… He had to see how the checkout lady did her job. He'd crawled underneath the barriers to the woman's surprise and worry, because for some reason, Alexander was convinced that there was magic involved in paying for things you bought.

Yes, Lelouch had to apologize for that too… And give the boy a stern warning for his misbehavior.

At the pizzeria, it amused him endlessly that Alexander had no qualms saying 'More cat-sup pweaz' to passing servers, but could be immensely shy whenever he was introduced to any one of his parents' friends for the first time.

And now the boy was dancing around the living room, having momentarily forgotten his new toy when Lelouch put on afternoon cartoons — the very ones that he knew Alexander favored.

Friends and relatives always commented on the boy being Lelouch's mirror-image, but after being alive for three years, it was becoming clear to Lelouch with each passing day that his son took after his mother.

Not only was Alexander a giant mommy's boy, most of the traits he exhibited so far were ones he'd seen in C.C… For some strange reason, Alexander was also more well-behaved when his mother was around. In her absence, Lelouch had to contend with his son's mischievous streak. The most trying part was whenever mother and son got together to conspire against him.

"Alexander, you have cards to decorate." Lelouch called from the kitchen counter, nodding at his son encouragingly as that familiar head of raven hair popped out from the sofa.

Minutes later, the boy was bouncing on his toes at his father's leg, wondering why Papa took so long to get the arts and crafts supplies out of the bag.

"Remember to hide them from Mommy until tomorrow, all right?"

"Okay." Alexander nodded, carrying a card and bag filled with colored pens and crayons.

He received one last pat on the head and a smile before he took off like a rocket and settled into the living room again, dumping arts and crafts materials all over the coffee table, singing about a 'Su-prise fo Mommy' and babbling about the characters on TV.

Lelouch left him to his own tasks as he busied himself with making the cheesecake his son so earnestly requested, and his wife's favorite dessert. The rest of the afternoon passed like that and he was quite content with his creations, knowing his son was busy with his own gift for Mom. He would call him to the kitchen when it was time to decorate the cake. It was the only part of the baking process Alexander liked anyway, He didn't like licking batter off of spatulas, because 'it tastes weird!'

This Lelouch thought as he smoothed and evened the chocolate cheesecake batter on the rectangular pan before sliding it into the oven.

"Ack!" Lelouch yelped and rubbed the back of his assaulted neck, turning around to see one of the sofa's throw pillows on the white marble floor.

He heard giggling behind the island counters and a grinning three-year old peeked at him from the side, squealing when his father retaliated and tossed the pillow at his general direction. But even if Alexander thought he was a genius, he was still too late to realize that the man stealthily moved around him yet again. Before he knew it, he was being lifted up into the air and was staring at Papa face to face.

"I got you." He stuck his tongue out playfully, refusing to admit defeat.

He hadn't realized he was in big trouble when his father cocked an eyebrow, set him down on one of the islands, and made him shriek gleefully with lithe fingers and raspberries blown into his cheeks. Out of breath, Alexander was left to beg his father to stop, because his tummy now hurt from laughing so much.

"Papa, where's cheesh-cake?"

Ah, that was what he was after…

"It should be ready soon." Lelouch nodded towards the oven. "Did you hide your gift for Mommy?" His son nodded eagerly, swinging his short legs on top of the counter. "Right. Then let's get our cake decorating things, shall we?"


Lelouch spammed with her a bunch of texts. Again.

And after she'd replied with reassurance that she was on her way home. What was he even whining about? It wasn't late. Only 30 minutes past seven. Shaking her head at her husband's overprotective tendencies, C.C. cut the engine to her silver sedan and left the car in their garage.

Carefully carrying her bag of goodies (courtesy of the event) with her, the car keys swinging merrily on her fingers, she stepped through the front door and into a brightly lit home. But it was oddly quiet (considering her son was the loudest child to ever exist), save for the low hum of a TV in the living room.

Walking closer, C.C. stopped short of whatever she'd been about to say when she caught sight of her two favorite boys in the world, sound asleep on the sofa.

She muffled her titters as she crept closer and noticed the remote control dangerously slipping from her husband's slender fingers. Alexander let out small breathy sighs as he slept with his head on his father's lap, perfectly content to stay there. Her husband's long lashes fluttered as he kept nodding off against the back of the sofa and the pillow he'd propped up against his back and shoulder. One of Lelouch's hands had stilled on top of Alexander's head, locks of ebony hair threaded through his fingers.

What a lovable pair they made… The heavens knew what sort of shenanigans the two were up to. Alexander was notorious for pestering his father to play whenever he was in a mood.

C.C. smiled along to her secret thoughts as she snapped a quick picture before taking the folded fluffy blanket on one of the armchairs. She draped the fabric over the two loves of her life, leaving kisses on both of their cheeks as she switched the television off, dimmed the lights, and retreated to hers and her husband's bedroom.

Looked like she was sleeping alone tonight…


The first thing Lelouch noticed when his eyes were closed was that his back was killing him. He had a crick in his neck, and when he opened his eyes again to the sight of a living room awash with the rosy colors of daybreak, he remembered why. Blinking blearily, he looked down and found his one arm still draped around his son still snoring softly.

He didn't remember nodding off to sleep with a blanket last night. So was it safe to assume that the small mercy was thanks to his prodigal wife?

Lelouch clumsily patted the end table next to the sofa for his smartphone, disturbing delicate ornamental glass jars in the process. Two new messages from C.C…

7:31 PM, Saturday, May 9

I'm home. :D


8:44 PM, Saturday, May 9

Just in case you wake up in the middle of the night, I'll be in our room. Good night, Warlock… X

Well, he didn't wake up in the middle of the night, and he never got to tuck Alexander into his proper bed. But at least his son was comfortable. Lelouch couldn't say the same for himself though. He'd forgotten that falling asleep on a couch for nine hours while sitting upright had consequences. His old self in high school should have remembered.

But if there was one upside to this uncomfortable situation, at least he didn't have to sneak out of his own bedroom in the morning to wake up Alexander and surprise C.C. with simple breakfast in bed, some gifts, and the announcement of an official Mother's Day celebration at lunch.

Lelouch winced at the sound of cracking bones as he tried to stretch his torso. Looking at his son, he decided on letting him sleep in a little longer. He had to prepare some French toast and C.C.'s favored white coffee, after all. He'd charge Alexander with getting the gifts they bought and the cards his son hid when he would awake and wander in search of him soon.

With one last look at his son comfortably slumbering on a pillow and covered with a blanket, Lelouch made for their kitchen.

C.C. wasn't going to stay in bed (or asleep) forever…


She was so used to the sound of Lelouch showering on the adjacent bathroom, or finding his face only inches away from her whenever she woke up, that to open her eyes to an empty space on the left side of their bed felt… strange. Like the morning didn't start out quite right.

C.C. rubbed her eyes and stretched before curling up tighter underneath the blanket and the duvet, missing her husband's warmth. It was his fault really. He was such a cozy person to snuggle up against. He dare not blame her for being so dependent on his warmth at night. Sometimes, she secretly made their room a few degrees colder just so she could have the excuse of wrapping her whole body around him when they slept.

It was just… Well, nice. He was nice, and he felt nice, and falling asleep to the sound of his breaths or to the motion of his fingers on her hair was something she wanted to live with for the rest of her life.

She was at the brink of falling asleep once more when a scuffle right outside the door jarred her awake. Green hair popping out of the covers, C.C. glared at the wooden door and its white finish menacingly, wondering if mice somehow snuck into the house again.

But how nonsensical of her!

Of course it was no other than her two boys, making a ruckus outside. Lelouch was in the middle of squawking like an offended mother duck when the door opened just a tiny crack, and two impossibly wide and shining violet eyes peered at her curiously and cautiously.

"Alexander," Lelouch loudly whispered, "Please be—"

"Mommy's 'wake…" Alexander announced as he grinned at her, swinging his body to and fro.

"You two are horrible at stealth." C.C. snorted — gaze drifting from her son to her husband standing behind him with the breakfast tray in hand. Sitting up in bed, she rolled her eyes and grinned at her three-year old.

Holding out her arms for him, Alexander squealed and rushed to his parents' bed, disturbing the sheets as he jumped on the mattress and made himself comfortable snuggled up to C.C.'s side. Wrapped up in his excitement, the boy had forgotten he was carrying the gift bag, and now it lay abandoned in the middle of the carpet, a bit wrinkled, but still presentable, wrapped in purple wrapping paper and topped with blush pink ribbons.

"What is all this?" C.C. blinked innocently, amused as Lelouch sighed and stepped through the open door. That toast smelled absolutely divine, and was that white coffee?

"I told him to be quiet." Lelouch shook his head, placing the tray carefully on one of the end tables. Alexander stuck a tongue out at him playfully, to which Lelouch retaliated with a quick poke on the cheek.

"Happy Mommy's Day!" Alexander cheered, throwing out his arms to spread nonexistent confetti.

So that was what the big fuss was all about…

C.C. caught her husband's eye, and the both of them chuckled at the display. Nevertheless, she returned her son's enthusiastic hug and sloppy kiss on the cheek. He remained on her lap and was content to let his mother stroke his hair, when—

"Don't you have something for Mommy?" Lelouch asked, pushing the blankets back so he could settle in with the two of them.

"You do?" C.C. gasped, overplaying her surprise. She'd already seen the gift bag Alexander dropped in his haste to get to her. But it was still so sweet that her baby was thoughtful.

"Ooh-ooh! I got you pwe-sens!" Alexander sang, about to scramble off the bed, but stopped short when his father gave him the gift bag he'd dropped. Grinning in thanks (and a bit guiltily), he presented the wrapped goodies to his mother, bouncing excitedly at the thought of her opening her presents.

She would be so happy, she would. Alexander was sure of it.

"Open it! Opeeeennnn~" He cheered. "It has cards and choco and—"

"You spoiled the surprise, Alexander."

"Oops." He giggled, and Lelouch just shook his head exasperatedly and kissed the top of his son's head as he kept him still and they both watched C.C. open the gift bag.

"You're right, there is chocolate in here." C.C. beamed, pulling out the box of two dozen chocolate treats. It was a wide array of dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white, and some were even spruced up with fruits.

"I made you card too." Alexander puffed out his chest proudly, reaching inside before his mother could to pull out the card he'd decorated yesterday.

Like a loyal subject making an offering to his queen, her son presented her with a crudely decorated post card that only children his age could accomplish.

He told her he'd made it in one afternoon, and could she believe that? Smiling sweetly at him, she told him that it was 'unbelievable' and how could he have worked so fast? Nevertheless, he accepted his mother's thanks and her kind words of appreciation, coupling her words with sweet kisses on his forehead and cheeks.

The card was a messy decoration of different crayon colors, some glitter, and then strips of paper she assumed were meant to be ribbons. Underneath the fancy printing of the card's 'Happy Mother's Day' wish was a crude drawing of three stick figures, plainly meant to be their little family, and C.C. couldn't help but think that another special memory was added into her personal treasure trove.

As he busied himself telling her about how he'd drawn their family on paper, jumping to how he and Papa made their favorite 'moosy cheesh-cake,' Lelouch sidled closer to his wife, sharing in her happiness and her smiles as he wound an arm around her waist and buried half of his face into her hair, leaving kisses here and there as his and Alexander's surprise was summed up in a matter of simple yet profound words.

Happy Mother's Day, C.C.

A/N: This is either on-time for Mother's Day or a day early, depending on where you live. But it doesn't matter!

Let's thank the women who birthed us or raised us (or both) with kisses and hugs and a surprise if we're able. If not, well there's always heartfelt greetings. :3

Happy Mother's Day! :D