Hinata felt Sasuke's rough, calloused hand touched her bare skin. She flinched as it made contact with the bleeding wound on her shoulder. Outside the small cave they were in, the rain poured like there was no tomorrow. Every thunder was so strong it made her ears rang. They have been together for months now...and somehow both of then just couldn't get back to Konoha as fast as they wanted to and they usually found themselves either bleeding or unconscious.

Or sometimes just plain dirty and starving.

"At least no poison." She heard him say as he swabbed it with an ointment he took out from his cloak pocket. Sasuke then let go of her shoulder and his hand reached her face. For a moment, their eyes met and Hinata - now a little more confident around Sasuke - stared back with her pearl-like eyes. Sasuke always have his other eye covered, the one with the Rinnegan, but that doesn't mean his stare doesn't stick. He checked her face and focused on the small gash.

"I'm alright Sasuke." Hinata said. " I think you should check your wounds as well."

"I'm fine."

"It was Sakura's." Hinata said softly. She have grown to be friends with the Uchiha after everything they've gone through - or at least that was what she believed in - but as they began to respect and treat each other more as a comrade, she noticed that there was this heavy air around them that she could not quite describe. It just hung around them but nobody really dared to ponder.

It all started when Sasuke used his Susano just to protect her weeks ago.

He almost became a mass murder again that day - haven't Hinata had the guts to give him a yell and a light shake. After that, things were a bit awkward. Add to that those nights where Sasuke talks in his sleep and having nightmares.

But then again, maybe it was just all inside Hinata's head. Maybe she was just overthinking things.

"I am sure of it." Hinata continued. "That pink headband. I know it belongs to Sakura. Her team must have passed by this area. We can track them in the morning and see if we can catch up to them."

"Hn." Was Sasuke's reply.

Hinata heard Sasuke take a deep breath which resonated around the cave. The only source of light that they have was the small fire that Sasuke created with small sticks and a few dead logs. Sasuke wanted to keep the fire low, as to not attract anyone or anything. He settled next to her and leaned his head back on the hard rock behind him. As she observed him, her eyes dropped from his chiseled chin down to the small movement of his chest.

At first she was just blankly staring at the rise and fall of the Uchiha's chest as he breathes, wondering how many people wanted that to stop and be still forever. Yet here he was...breathing and surviving each day.

But Hinata knew that it was more of a torture for Sasuke than dying.

Hinata could have been lost in her thoughts only if she did not notice that there was a slight torn on his shirt, just above his heart. Immediately, she scrambled beside him and touched the damp area. At first she thought it was just dirt but realized it was actually dried blood. Sasuke raised his head and looked at her with a blank look - always his favorite expression. "You have a small wound." She told him.

"I know." Sasuke answered, almost amused. He would be the first one to know of course, he was the one with the wound.

Hinata shook her head. "You check on mine but you disregard yours."

"It's small. I'm fine."

"It might get infection."

"It won't."

"It might." She insisted.

"I said it won't Hyuga."

Hinata frowned. "You can't say that. You should -"

"Oh shut up Hyuga."

Hinata eyes widened as a hand grabbed her neck. She let out a small gasp as she felt ...

No way. Hinata thought. This surely can't be happening.

Sasuke's warm lips pressed against hers more.


Yamanaka Ino shook her head as Inojin and Boruto began to fight over an old toy. Inojin's face was all red and his hands full of bright yellow hair. Boruto on the other hand was gnawing on Inojin's right foot. "Hey you two. Stop it and be nice to each other." She scolded and pulled the two away while flashing a scary face at the two toddlers. "Inojin let go of Boruto's hair this instant."

Hinata smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry to bother you Ino-chan."

"Nah." Ino waved a hand. "You rarely visit nowadays. Well I understand you are pregnant and all... but still it's nice to see you out and about Hinata." Ino then focused her attention to the two kids playing on her floor. "Behave you two or you won't get any ice cream later."

Hinata inhaled deeply. It was a thing she does every time she went to Ino's house. The Yamanaka household have local and exotic blooms growing in their front garden and even in their backyard. Everything just smells nice and clean. "Where is Sai?" Hinata asked as she picked a small round cake Ino placed in front of her. The blonde mentioned something about it being a nutritious snack for pregnant woman or something. "I haven't seen him for weeks."

"Sai became very busy after Naruto put him in charge of the Anbu Ops."

"I'm sorry." Hinata apologized automatically and it made Ino laugh.

"Oh Hinata. You never change." Ino was still smiling, reminding herself that Hinata will always be the most polite and gentle out of her friends. "It's not your fault. And it's nice that Naruto trusts my husband enough to leave him in charge of something so big. Believe me, Sai loves it. He can't stop talking about it for days and that was saying something."

And it was true. Sai was smiling his 'creepy' smile as others would call it, for days nonstop, but Ino knew he was genuinely happy.

Hinata nodded. "Well Sai was Naruto's teammate too and he trust him more than anyone else to make sure politics won't affect the Black Ops. He became part of team seven when Sasuke left."

Upon mentioning Sasuke's name, Hinata remembered reason her visit. She bit her lip a little, not knowing where to start or how to say what she wanted from Ino. For sure Ino will find it weird. "Uhm...Ino."

Ino stopped looking at the two toddlers who are still glaring at each other.

"I want to ask you a favor."

"Sure. What is it?"

Hinata smiled nervously. If it was the old days she would have fidgeted with her fingers. "I have these feelings...emotions that I can't quite explain. They just appear out of nowhere. And the most confusing part is ...I ...I have these pictures inside of my head of places I have never been to or doesn't remember going." Hinata decided to leave the part where she got a scary flashback of Sasuke who was bloody and with the killer intent of a wild animal.

"Uhm...what are you talking about?" Ino raised an eyebrow and scratched her head. "Memories of places you don't remember going?"

Hinata shook her head. "Not exactly memories..."

"Uhm...so you are getting let's say snippets of things or places?" Ino probed.


Ino placed a hand on her chin. "You know...this is actually not common for a shinobi to experience these kinds of things. We fight genjutsu users all the time and during the war with Madara...we were trapped in an illusion that could have altered a bit of our memories. I have encountered some with the same problems but I was just not expecting that you will have the same problem because you don't go on missions all the time unlike the others which usually triggers it."


"And those problems I don't hear anything about it now. It has been a few years since the war."

Hinata let Ino's words sink. The Yamanaka got a point. "I'm confused as well Ino. I'm hoping you could help me."

"Well I can try." Ino smiled, glancing at Inojin. "I may be a married woman now but that doesn't mean I don't know my trade. Though...I only have one question." Ino looked at the Hyuga thoughtfully. "Does Naruto know?"

"No. I haven't told him yet."

"Makes sense. If he knew he will surely take you to Sakura right away so there would be no reason for you to be here. But why haven't you told him?"

Hinata let out a small smile and shrugged. "You know how he is. He will panic on the spot."

Ino grinned. Hinata was right. There was no one in the village more overprotective of his wife that Naruto Uzumaki. Hinata surely was one lucky woman. She got lots of men ..strong powerful men... at her beck and call.

Uzumaki Naruto

Kiba Inuzuka

Ko Hyuga

Aburame Shino

And if Neji was alive - he was going to be the first in line.

One lucky gal indeed. Ino thought with a smile. "Okay... I'll see what I can do Hinata. Hopefully we can get to the bottom of your problem."


Sakura clicked her tongue as she watched Naruto sipped the last of the broth from his bowl. "I told you to eat before the meeting Naruto."

"Sorry Sakura-chan. I don't want to bother Hinata."

"You have the whole Hyuga clan dying to serve you. Surely you can ask someone to cook for you if Hinata is pregnant."

"Hina wants peace and quiet. You know how she is."

"It's because you don't give her missions anymore you know. She is becoming more and more distant from the shinobi life."

"Hinata never really cared about fighting."

"Yeah. I guess you are right." Sakura sighed exasperatedly but smiled. Naruto always made it a point to put Hinata above everything else. No wonder why all of the villagers adore the hokage. He was not just strong but also the essence of a family man.

Naruto loved you before but you turn a blind eye because you can't move on from a childhood crush Sakura. I mean... I love Hinata but I'm just saying. You could have been happier with Naruto. You have a big forehead but you just can't see that. Ino's words played at the back of her head unconsciously as she sat on the comfortable couch in front of Naruto's desk. You continued to disregard Naruto and hurt his feelings.

Hinata loves Naruto ever since. She replied back then.

Hinata already accepted the fact the Naruto was into you even before she came into his life. Ino argued. She was ready to turn a new leaf but that Toneri thing happened and Naruto realized what a lucky bastard he is to have Hinata head over heels for him.

And now he loves her more than anything else. Sakura replied.

Because that's how life works. Ino shrugged. And I'm happy because those two deserve all the happiness they can get. I'm just saying that you could have been happier too. Only if you did not push yourself to Sasuke and let yourself move on...you know what I mean.

I love Sasuke...

You know what I think? I think you love the idea of Sasuke Uchiha when we were kids even more. Oh Sakura...I hope you can find happiness with the road you're going to take.

"Hey. What's with the look?" Naruto laughed, noticing that the Haruno's green eyes become cloudy as she looked at the window. Sakura's eyes matched beautifully with the diamond mark on her forehead.

Sakura sweeped the memory out of her thoughts and she waved a hand. "I'm just waiting for you to finish so we can discuss the things I need in my medic department. Where is Shikamaru anyway? I want to ask him why he denied my request for new medical equipment."

"The one that Kiri was selling?"

"Yes. They were the latest model too."

"Ahh...Shikamaru will be late. Temari is going on a mission and Shika needs to be there before she leaves."

"I'm gonna choke him." Sakura closed her eyes and Naruto laughed again. "I need those new equipment for my students."

"Come on. Shikamaru have his reasons I'm sure. He is the genius around here."

Sakura scoffed. "He is. But I can still choke him."

"I think Temari can take care of that."


"Sasuke still around the village?" Naruto asked. He haven't seen the Uchiha since they had dinner. "He usually comes to my office."

Sakura looked at Naruto and realized how much they both have changed for the past years. Who would have thought that the village idiot will be the village hero in the end. "Sasuke will let you know if he leaves. You are always the first person to know." She said with a little bit of sulk. "He's at our house, resting. He needs it after months of travel."


"Hey Naruto." Sakura's thoughts were flying again. This time, she rested her chin on both her hands as she stared blankly again at the window. "I'm thinking lately... Moegi is becoming a really good medic nin. And Ino is as competent as ever. What if... you allow me to travel with Sasuke again like that time when I was pregnant. The girls can take care of it. Temari will surely help watch my students if I disappear for a couple of months."

Naruto frowned. "What about Sarada?"

"I can take her with me." Sakura replied simply. "I know you will think it's dangerous but it's Sasuke and me... no harm will come to our little girl."

"Uhm...I'm not really sure Sakura-chan." Naruto replied honestly. "I mean..I don't have anything against it but I think it is best if you discuss this with Sasuke. It's your child I'm worried about. She is young and the roads Sasuke usually take are dangerous."

Sakura let out a deep breath. "I know I sound stupid."

"I did not say that."

"- But I have a feeling... I really do have this gut feeling that Sasuke will be gone again for a long time the moment he leaves. I...I just don't know why I feel that way."


Sakura shook her head in panic. Not again will she allow the Uchiha to disappear from her sight. She loves him and it hurts her to see that he will be alone again.

"The war is over. Kakashi is now the Hokage. Why do you have to leave Konaha?" She asked, failing to contain the emotion from her voice. "Sasuke-kun ... please stay."

Sasuke looked at her, stoic - although his eyes were not cold anymore. "You know why I can't Sakura."

"But -" She started to argue but two fingers touched her forehead.

"Thank you Sakura."


"But I can't drag anyone with me again." Sasuke replied honestly. The girl was his teammate and he even tried killing her before. He doesn't deserve her affection anymore. "Don't bother yourself with me."

"No." Sakura shook her head. "I told you before that I will follow you even in the darkest of places. I still feel that way."


Ino let go of Hinata's head and sighed in exasperation. No matter what she did, she could not decipher as to why Hinata was having weird flashbacks or memories. "I'm sorry. I tried my best but there's nothing."

Hinata shook her head. "It's fine Ino-chan. Maybe there's really nothing to discover."


Hinata tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear and focused her gaze to the still playing Boruto. The young boy was trying to grab Inojin's hair much to the other child's chagrin. "I think it's time for me and Boruto to return to the compound. Thank you so much for your time Ino."

"No worries Hinata-chan." Ino smiled. "You know you can come by anytime."

As Hinata slowly walked out of the house and out of the Yamanaka's compound, she took a shaky breath. She was hyperventilating and was feeling very faint - it was a good thing though that she was able to maintain her composure before Ino would notice that something was wrong. However, Boruto was with her so she was trying her best to maintain her composure until she reached the comfort of her home.

"I'm going to get my toys!" Boruto exclaimed the moment they reached the Uzumaki compound. Hinata watched her son disappear from her sight as he ran into the house. It was also the moment that Hinata decided she needs to hold on to wooden frame of her porch for support.

Hinata gritted her teeth as tears started to flow.

"H-how could you do this to me...Sasuke."


Uchiha Sasuke watched as Hinata stood frozen outside her house. She was holding her bulging stomach while the other hand was on wood. Half of her body was leaning against the wall as if for support.

From the tree he was on, she looked like she was shaking.

Sasuke did not mean to pause on his tracks -or to be nosey - for he was just passing by with the intent of going to the Hokage's office when a small purple dot below took his attention.

It was her...and as always, there was that lump inside his throat that ached.

Sasuke looked around - waiting for any sign of Anbu.

There was none.

He observed for a moment - but the signs told him Hyuga was not fine. She continued to hold like she was a young child trying to learn how to walk. With an exasperated sign, he jumped.