As the summary probably stated, it is technically a Wrong boy who lived story, but I won't be going the usual method of making everyone but harry be an asshole, I will be using basic logic to show how these people react and act in these situations, which I know is uncommon in the wizarding world but fuck it, it's fanfiction I can do whatever the hell I want. Just read the first chapter before immediately clicking off, give it a shot.



Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was a lot of things, to many he was some kind of great wizard, the second coming of Merlin some would say to his mix of amusement and annoyance. He knew many of the things people praised him for were much more complex than they would ever realize. To his closest friends he was a wise but also very odd man, and they knew he could be manipulative when he felt it was the right thing to do. His enemies knew him as a powerful and skilled adversary, how could he not be when he's 'defeated' one dark lord and was the only person another one feared. But despite all those things, as he entered the hospital wing of his school there was one thing that he felt was an accurate description of himself, and that was that he was tired, maybe an idiot, maybe both.

He looked at the four occupied beds feeling all of his years weighing down on him, the weight of his failure, his lack of foresight. As the school healer Poppy Pomfrey checked up on the two infants in one bed, the closest friends of some of his favorite students and best allies were checking the three adults. The Potter home had been attacked by Voldemort himself, Peter Pettigrew had betrayed them all, for reasons they might never know. Thankfully the Potters were all alive, but Voldemort was nowhere to be seen, those in the know of the attack believe he may have died, or at least are really hoping such is the case. There was a huge hole in the house's nursery and a pile of dust was all that remained near a black cloak.

Dumbledore himself scanned the room for what might have happened, and there were two strong signatures, a very strong and unknown source of power causing the room's damage, and a single fire of the dreaded killing curse. He knew Lily Potter nee Evans was a brilliant witch, he could easily believe she had a hand in this, some obscure ritual she found in some old book at the Potter library, that was something he could see being the cause of the unknown signature, if it weren't for one thing, the prophecy. A prophecy made by a seer of questionable credibility that foresaw the potential savior of the wizarding world. A child being born at the end of July, their parents having thrice defied the dark lord, a child who would be marked as the lords equal, and holds a power the lord could never understand, a child that the dark lord would have to kill in order to keep their rule, as one couldn't live so long as the other also drew breath.

You'd think with such, for the most part, fine tune details it would be easy to know if a child was the one of the prophecy, but when three kids were born near the end of July, their parents being a part of his group against the death eaters, and two of those children being twins, it was rather hard to determine. Young Johnathan Jonas Potter and Harry James potter were twins, little harry born a few minutes before John, though being twins they couldn't look less alike, Harry having his father's hair but his mothers eyes and John the reverse.

It doesn't help that the two toddlers on the bed in front of him both had visible marks on their foreheads, Harry's having the shape of a lightning bolt while John had the distinctive mark of the letter V. Now those alone would lead to him to believe it was young Johnathan who was the boy of prophecy, but to cover his bases he wanted to get the story from the older Potter's first, to know if it was some power one of the boys had all on their own or if it was Lilly's doing. Albus was directed away from his wandering thoughts when he saw the confused and worried look on the matron's face, not a good sign when the healer is scanning a child. He walked over to her immediately, getting her attention.

"Is everything alright Poppy?" He asked, dreading the answer as he looked between her and the two children.

"I'm not quite sure Albus. John appears to be in good health, maybe some light scratches from splinters when the nursery blew up but other than that he appears to be fine." Albus felt a weight set in his stomach as the witch's face turned to one of worry.

"And young Harry?" He asked, dreading the answer but he needed to know.

"For the most part he seems fine as well, until I got to that scar of his. While Johns appears to be a normal scar, Harry's is something else entirely. I don't know what to make of it, I've never seen anything like it." With a huge amount of dread in him, Albus pulled his own wand out and began to scan the young Potter, the dread increasing as his worst fears slowly crept higher and higher.


There was a tense silence in the headmasters office, the lord and lady Potter sitting in the seat while holding their children, Harry in his mother's arm while John was in his fathers. Standing next to the two were their closest friends, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. Sirius looked a little under the weather, having been in an explosion of his own at the hands of Peter. Sirius was on James' left while Remus was on Lily's right, the four looking at their old headmaster who seemed to be thinking over that terrible night's events from the previous week.

"Now I'm sure you four are wondering why I asked you all here so soon after the attack." The four looked at each other for a brief moment before looking back at the headmaster. "Now while you've been cleared from the hospital wing there is a very important matter that Poppy had notified me about, in regards to the health of young Harry." The four looked at the little infant that was sleeping in his mother's embrace.

"What's wrong? Did Voldemort cast something on him?" Let it be known that the Potters were very brave, neither afraid of saying the dark lord's name and Lily Potter was as brave as she was smart.

"I do not believe he did it intentionally, but the fact of the matter is it could have a massive impact on the child's health and magic." Lily held her son tightly to her at the thought of what could be wrong with her child.

"What exactly happened then?" The Potter lord asked, looked at both his sons in worry.

"From what I've gathered from Godric's Hollow, after neutralizing the two of you he attempted to fire the killing curse at the children, and for some reason a power of unknown origin caused it to bounce back and hit Voldemort, destroying his body and causing the damage to the building. Now before we go further, I wanted to clear some questions about that, did either of you have any hand in this odd event." Lily seemed to be confused at his explanation.

"I did find a ritual in the Potter library and had it ready, but it required a willing sacrifice in order to work. But none of us died so I'm not sure that it had any part in what you gathered. But that aside, what happened to Harry." Dumbledore seemed equally confused but also resigned to his theory that the power was the 'power he knows not' and he physically wilted at the reminder of this terrible news.

"To explain that I have to explain something else, some equally terrible news. Have any of you ever heard of a horcrux?" He asked, not expecting anyone to really recognize the dark magic, but was semi-pleasantly surprised to see Sirius seemingly trying to think on where he'd heard or seen that word before.

"I think I've heard of them, something I might've accidentally read in the family library but it was so long ago I don't remember what it was about. What is a horcrux?"

"I believe it is the reason Voldemort still exists in this mortal plane." He paused at their gasps that he might be alive. "A horcrux is a twisted method of immortality, using a ritual and the act of murder to split ones soul into an object to contain it." The disgusted faces of all those present showed their thoughts on this kind of magic.

"And you think he's made one of these to remain alive?"

"I believe he's made multiple, the exact number I don't know, but I do know someone who might. Regardless he's split his soul so many times before that when the rebounded killing curse hit him and destroyed his body, I think a part of his soul stayed there, and latched on to the strongest source of magic in the room. At the time the two of you were unconscious, and young Harry has always been exceedingly powerful even for someone his age." The four grew horrified expressions as they realized what he was trying to tell them.

"You can't really be suggesting that a piece of that monster's soul is inside Harry are you?" The grim expression on Dumbledore's face only strengthened the dread in their hearts at Remus's question.

"Poppy could detect something dark was inside young Harry's scar, something she had never seen in a curse scar before. I didn't want to believe it myself, but it's near unquestionable, Harry has become a Horcrux." There was a pleading look on the young mother's face as she held her baby close.

"Well how do we get it out?" The grim expression on the man's face turned the mother's heart to ice.

"I'm afraid it isn't that simple. A living person has never been a horcrux before, we don't know how the interaction of two souls will affect young Harry, and the only known method to destroy a Horcrux is to destroy the container." The four tensed at the insinuation.

"You're not actually suggesting we-"

"Voldemort is a dangerous man, a lot of lives were lost in this war and many will be lost again should he regain a body. I promise that I will try all in my power to find a way to save young Harry from such a fate but the possibility must be known that if there is no other way-" Lily passed her child to Remus and stood definitely in front of the old wizard as she planted her hands on his desk.

"I'm not killing my baby!" She said with a glare at the man, who gave his own serious stare back.

"And so you would condemn others to lose their own children? Other families to break apart and fade away by Voldemort's hands? I know it is a terrible thing to think of but for the greater good of the wizarding world, all the horcruxes must be destroyed. It may take years for Voldemort to return, and in that time I will try to find a safe way to dispose of the Horcruxes, and until then the possibility has to be there." He said, Lily deflating slightly at the image he painted with his words, the others not much better off. "And sadly that isn't all that needs to be discussed about." He said grimly, still looking at young Harry, only further increasing their dread.


At the age of seven Harry Potter curled closer into himself in pain as his stomach grumbled painfully, biting his own tongue to stop his groans escaping him, knowing to do so would only make things worse should he wake his relatives. He wasn't even sure what he did, he heard aunt Petunia and uncle Vernon insulting his parents like they usually did but for some reason things started to blow up like lights and the TV, the next thing he knew he was being beaten within an inch of his life and shoved into his cupboard. He'd been locked in the small dark room for nearly the whole week and he was starting to feel something, a sinister feeling of dread creeping up on him. What he didn't know was this feeling was his body shutting down, his own magic finally depleting and failing at their previous attempts to keep him alive like a life support system. But there was someone else that had something to say on the matter

Behind Harry's curled form two red eyes appeared in the dark shadow of the cupboard, a softly hissing coming from it as it looked at him, the shade rising as much as it could in the small room, forming the silhouette of a man. This was a shard of the dark lord Voldemort's soul that had attached to young Harry when he was just a baby, at first a negative force that tried to take over the child's form, but was changed and twisted by something in the child, turning from an enemy and a parasite to an ally with a symbiotic relationship with him, and he knew that if something wasn't done his partner would die here before the next sunrise. The shade knew he was limited in what he could do to help the boy, with his magic nearly run out he wouldn't be able to make permanent changes with magic alone.

He needed to do something that could create an impact, and he already knew what needed to be done. He used what remained of the boy's magic to keep him asleep, a sort of recovery coma, so he wouldn't be awake for what was about to happen. He then slipped through the cracks in the door, sliding along the floor like a snake and up the stairs. He kept going until he went under the door of the parents room, rising up to the appearance of a man in a dark cloak, again looking like a silhouette. He walked with no noise towards the bed that contained the sleeping couple. He then tilted his head to where a rifle was set in the room, ready for any would be attackers, or more accurately, it was there in case they had to deal with any 'freaks' that came to take young Harry. The solid red eyes narrowed at the gun before his shape changed again and into that of a large snake, The snake curled up and pounced on the fat whale of a man, diving into his open mouth and making him open his eyes widely. For a brief moment it looked like he had died before a red glow formed in his eyes. The man sat up abruptly and got off the bed, walking to the rifle. As he picked it up a moan behind him caught his attention.

"V...Vernon?" The voice of a tired and sleepy Petunia said as she groggily leaned up to see what her husband was doing. The first and last thing she saw was her husband with a sneer of his face and a red glow to his eyes as he aimed the rifle right at her.


Arabella Figg looked near ashen white as she watched three body bags leave the Dursely residence, Police and ambulance flashing their lights just outside the house as the cops talked to one another. She wasn't sure what happened but she breathed out a minor sigh of relief when she saw another police officer carry out Harry, giving some comfort that he must be alive as he wasn't in a body bag. She watched as the young boy was taken in an ambulance that left as soon as he was in it, probably heading to the hospital for whatever cruel treatment the Dursely's put him through. She knew she was right to be suspicious when Harry wasn't seen nearly all week. The moment the ambulance began to leave she immediately turned to the fireplace, intending on floo calling Albus to tell him what happened tonight. Just as he went to pick up the power to make the call, the room suddenly darkened and a flash of red covered her eyes, making her go stiff.

When she came to, she shook her head and smiled, happy she'd given her report and was pleased in knowing she did her part. She happily went to make herself a small cup of tea before heading back to bed, her mind filling with false memories of telling Albus about Harry and being allowed to stay where she was to live her life, Albus saying he would take care of everything else.

As Harry was softly lying in the ambulance, underneath the gurney the red glow of eyes appeared, before vanishing, knowing his work was done for now along with changing the small coma with a sleeping spell. The rest would be up to the muggles… with some tweaking every so often should it be needed.


Albus Dumbledore looked slightly startled when his deputy headmistress came stomping in with a confused and angry expression on her face. In her hand was a familiar letter he'd seen be sent out for years, already creating a small dread in his bones at why she was here.

"Yes Minerva? Something wrong?" He asked gently as she planted the letter on his desk, looking rather cross.

"You tell me, I was sending out the letters when this one came by. Why is it addressed like that?" She said, letting him read it, watching as the headmaster lost a shade on his skin tone as he looked over the words multiple times. "I thought he was with his relatives?" Not that she was exactly happy about leaving Harry with the Dursely's, having been the one to take Lily Diagon she remembered Petunia, and she hadn't heard anything that would tell her she'd improved her opinion of the wizarding world.

"So did I…" That was a loaded statement as he looked down at the letter, partly in horror and confusion. There were two very distinct points on the letter that attracted attention, the first was the address, the second was who it was addressed to.

Mr. H. Slytherin,

Room 17,

Bright Horizons Orphanage