
"Where is Itachi?" Fugaku demanded. He paced restlessly around the kitchen, wrapping and unwrapping a dish towel around his hand. "He knows I called for a meeting later today and I know he's back from his mission."

"Maybe he went out to eat," Sasuke piped up from his seat at the table. He regretted it when Fugaku immediately swooped down on him.

"And where does Itachi go out to eat?"

"I don't know exactly," Sasuke said, shrinking back a little. He hated when Father got in this strange, tense mood. "Want me to go find him?"

"Oh! Yes, that's a good idea." At the stove, Mikoto glanced up at her husband, but said nothing. Fugaku seemed pleased with this turn of events; his pinched face relaxed into a more jovial expression. "Go ahead and find your brother. Thank you, Sasuke."

Sasuke bounced up and all but ran to the front door. As he was carefully shutting it (Father had threatened to whip the next person who slammed it), he heard Mother whisper something and Father say, "This way he'll actually come."

Sasuke leapt off the porch and ran down to the gate. If he found Itachi that meant they would have some time to talk on the way home. Sasuke hadn't seen him much at all lately- Itachi always came home late at night and left again in the morning, or he just stayed in his room. Sasuke had figured out awhile ago that Itachi was a member of the ANBU, Konoha's special forces and black ops team. The members were sworn to secrecy about the nature of their missions. From playing near the door of the den when Father and Itachi were talking Sasuke had learned his brother was well on his way to becoming the captain of his squad. This news had seemed to make Father angry, because he had started shouting about Itachi's duties to his clan and all the meetings he had missed and did he realize the example he was setting for Sasuke? At that point one of them had closed the door. But Sasuke had heard enough. Soon after that Father started losing his temper a lot and mumbling unkind things about Itachi when he wasn't home.

Sasuke slowed down as he entered the village streets. Konoha only had three establishments that could be called restaurants: A place that served ramen exclusively, a gourmet buffet, and a bar. Itachi didn't like ramen and somehow Sasuke doubted he would go to the buffet (it had a very strict dress code). That left the bar.

Sasuke waited for a group of old ladies to pass before he crossed the street to the bar. It was a crumbling brick building squished between the open-air market and a clothing store. The big windows must have been soundproof; when Sasuke yanked the door open he was literally blasted by the volume of the music playing from the jukebox. He was a little tempted to go over and look at it but decided he'd better find Itachi right away. A bunch of strangers were looking at him.

Sasuke moved up to the cash register and waited for the employee behind there to notice him. He waited for a few seconds, fidgeting, and flushed with embarrassment when he noticed a few adults smiling. When he couldn't stand it anymore Sasuke cleared his throat loudly. "Ahem!"

The man glanced over his shoulder and then turned all the way around. "Sorry, didn't see you there," he said, looking down at Sasuke, whose chin was level with the counter. "What can I do for you? Want a drink?" He smiled teasingly.

"No, thank you," Sasuke said politely, ignoring the titters from behind. "Did Itachi Uchicha come in here today?"

The man's dark eyes narrowed. "Why do you want to know?"

"He's my brother," Sasuke said, a little surprised by his reaction. "I have to find him."

"Itachi has a brother?" The man seemed very skeptical.

"Yes." Sasuke couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. "Do you know where he is?"

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" He pointed to the entrance as the door swung open.

Sasuke turned around as Itachi walked in behind a tall man with a blond ponytail that almost reached his behind. Itachi looked exhausted, feet dragging as he walked, while his friend laughed and chattered brightly. Maybe he was an ANBU member, too, Sasuke thought.

"Sasuke." Itachi's quiet voice showed no surprise at finding his little brother in a bar. "Is everything all right?"

"Yes," Sasuke said, his initial excitement from finding his brother a little subdued. Itachi looked so tired. "Father sent me to-" He was cut off when Itachi's friend clapped a hand on his shoulder, sending Sasuke stumbling back. "What the fu- I mean heck," the man said, noticing Itachi's glare, "I didn't know you had a little brother! Isn't he cute," and he ruffled Sasuke's hair.

"Let him be, Deidara,'' Itachi said, taking Sasuke's hand and tugging him away.

"Oh, I will," Deidara said agreeably, watching them leave. "You're giving up enough already."

The door to the bar slammed shut and Sasuke took a deep breath of fresh air, thankful to be out of that cramped place. Maybe now Itachi would stop holding his hand so tightly. Normally, Sasuke wouldn't mind at all, but Itachi's grip was so tight it hurt.

"Itachi?" he asked, looking up at his brother's face. To his surprise, Itachi's sharigan was activated and his face looked every bit as strained as Father's did when he was upset. "What's wrong?"

Itachi looked down at him and Sasuke was scared; Itachi looked through him like he wasn't even there. But only for a second. The sharigan faded away, restoring Itachi's deep brown eyes, and he let go of Sasuke's hand. "Nothing, little brother. Don't worry over me. Father sent you?"

"Yeah," Sasuke said, flexing his sore fingers. "He wants you to come home for the clan meeting. He's Mr. Grumpypants so watch out." Sasuke giggled, remembering when Naurto called Iruka-Sensei that name, but stopped when he caught sight of Itachi's expression.

"Don't you ever insult Father," Itachi said sternly.

"Well, why not? It's true," Sasuke said, feeling defiant. "He yells at me all the time and we never train. Why is he so mad at you, anyway?"

Itachi stopped walking and looked back down the pathway to the village. When he turned to Sasuke his face seemed even more tired. "Father wants what he believes is best for the clan," he said slowly. "He and I suffer from a difference in our opinions."

"Oh," Sasuke said and let it go at that. He had learned to avoid touchy subjects. Everyone was happier that way. He honestly didn't mind when Father yelled at him; he already knew that meant Father was angry with someone else.

On impulse he threw his arms around Itachi's waist and squeezed him. "The next time I have to find you, let's train on the way home, okay?"

Itachi curled his fingers through Sasuke's hair and pressed his face into his chest. "Next time," he echoed, but the lie was as obvious as ever.