"Peter shivered miserably on the corner of the rooftop, the freezing cold biting and nipping at his toes and fingers. He hated patrol during the winter, the only saving grace is that a lot of would be thugs also didn't like winter that much and the crime rate would drop for a little bit. He was in a squat, his legs huddled as close to his chest as possible and his hands in his arm pits, he could see his breathe in the cold winter air.

"God this sucks." Peter said that to no one in particular, but he felt like it still needed to be known. If Peter was a dog, his ears would have perked up and do that swivel thing as he tried to focus his hearing. Was that a baby?

The screeching of a young child could be heard, it was so quiet, Peter thought he was going crazy from the lack of sleep. Only to realize it was very much real as he heard it echo through one of the alleys. He quickly jumped down from the rooftop, hoping that it was just a case of another kid getting stuck out on the fire escape, but something about the cry told him that it was a baby, a toddler at the oldest, who was crying for its mother's attention. Landing on the cement and nearly slipping on the snow, he traveled deeper into the alley, feeling a pit of dread as he could tell that it was coming from one of the nearby trashcans. He frantically went trashcan to trashcan, moving onto the next one when he couldn't hear anything in the one in front of him. His heart started to beat faster as the cries started to get quieter and quieter.

"Where is it? I mean him, her? God please let me find her." Peter frantically mumbled to himself something along those lines every other minute. Realizing that he needed to calm down, he took a deep breath and focused his hearing, helping him find the child that was in the very back of the alley. He practically teleported right next to the trashcan, letting out a sigh of relief as he could hear the baby in there still crying. He quickly uncovered the trashcan and almost cried at the sight of the abandoned child. She was young, Peter didn't know a lot about babies, but he knew that only newborns would look like that.

He picked up the little girl and held her against his chest, even though she was wrapped in a blanket, Peter could still feel that she was freezing, that no child should ever be that cold. Her cries started up again at the contact, somehow she knew that she was getting the attention she needed.

"It's ok, its ok, I'm going to get you help, just hang on." He quickly webbed the child to his chest, making sure that her head was supported, thanking whatever supreme power that he had managed to retain that information when aunt may went into a rant a few years back. He was just about to leave when something told him not to, something told him to not leave, not yet. Peter looked around the alley one more time, deciding to check the trashcans that were nearby because why not? Peter thanked god when he did, for he found another child that looked to be the same age. The only reason why Peter didn't hear him was because he was completely silent, not even waking up when Peter picked him up, making Peter fear the worse.

"Nonono, come on little man, come on." Peter started to rub the little boy with his hands, hoping to generate some heat. He tried to find a heartbeat and heard just the tiniest little beat, giving Peter hope. He started to dial Martinez, realizing that this was a case of child abandonment and that the authorities needed to get involved.

"Spidey?" Martinez's traveled over the phone, his quiet groggy voice loud in the alley. Peter started to web the little boy to his chest right next to the little girl, hoping that his body heat will be enough to heat them up the slightest bit.

"Martinez, I found a couple of newborns in some alley. God they're so cold, I don't know if they're gonna make it. Meet me at the hospital on 5th and 2nd, oh my god I don't think they're gonna make it." Peter's voice cracked at the end, his fear showing through. He casted a web toward the rooftop and pulled himself up, going as fast as he could while also trying to make the ride as smooth as possible.

"Ok, ok, I-I'll be there." Martinez hung up the call and Peter focused as much as he could on trying to get to the hospital the fastest. It was difficult to keep his swings smooth while also going the fastest he can, he usually catches speed by jumping off of objects or by freefalling, but he couldn't do that now with two nearly dead newborns. Peter let out a cry of relief when he saw the giant red cross of the hospital and started to slow himself down for a safe landing. He ran into the hospital and called out the first nurse he saw.

"Hey! I need some help here!" the nurse jumped when he called her out, surprised that a superhero was in the ER, but quickly rushed towards him when he started to tear off the webs off the babies.

"Oh my god, what happened to them?!" at her cry, other nurses started to come along and help out with the kids, Peter handed them the baby girl, who they ushered off immediately, and started to work on the little boy.

"I don't know, I just found them in an alley." He would have shoved the baby into her hands if it didn't hurt him. She took him from his arms and ran off, carrying the bundle of precious human life in her hands. Peter tried to follow the babies, forgetting that he was not allowed until a nurse came along.

"Sir, sir, you can't go, you have to stay here." Peter stood on his tippy toes, trying to look over her.

"Are they going to be ok?"

"We don't know sir, but you have to stay here." With a firm stare, Peter backed down and nodded his head, the nurse sighed in relief and told him to stay in the waiting room before joining the other nurses in the elevator, Peter hoped that they were taking the younglings up to the NICU. Peter didn't know how long he was waiting there, he only came out of his trance when Martinez came with some other officers. Martinez just stood off to the side as the others questioned Peter, asking him when and where he found the small babies. By the time they were done, Peter was exhausted and yawned every couple of seconds, even though the mask was in the way, anyone and everyone could tell that Peter was tired.

"How are they doing?" he handed Peter a coffee he had gotten from the nearby Starbucks. Peter gave him a grateful smile and took it.

"I'm not sure, they just took them away." Peter gulped down the coffee and set it off to the side, the caffeine still wasn't enough to wake him up. Now the only thing he could do was wait. Again.