One of those stories I dreamt about and had to write - WARNING this will be updated whenever so please don't read if you can't be bothered to be patient and wait for an update.

Please enjoy xx Sorry for any mistakes xx

Comet96 xx

Summary: Ethel Rettop has had a hard life being the cousin of the Great Harry Potter. During the Hogwarts Battle, Ethel finds herself in the middle of three death eaters and tries to apparate away from danger. Something went wrong and she ended up in the home of Lord Elrond in a completely different world. A world she knew as 'The One About A Hobbit Thing and A Ring.'
When the time comes, she eventually becomes part of the company of Thorin Oakensheild, a stubborn dwarf who happens to be taller than her and won't stop glaring at her and the magic she uses to protect him.

When Harry stepped out and presented himself to Snape, I had never been happier. When McGonagall ordered Filch to send the Slytherin's to the Dungeons, I was thankful when Ginny grabbed onto my arm and pulled me away from the retreating snakes.

She was adamant that I was going to fight at her side, no matter what happened.

Was I thankful now, with three Death Eaters trying to kill me? Would I rather be stuck in the dungeons or sent home with the younger students? The answer was no.

It's not my place to be hiding away and cowering behind these brave wizard as they fought this war. I had to help every bit I could to stop Voldemort.

"Fie! Fie, run!" Ginny shouted, and I could see her from the corner of my eye trying to reach me.

She wouldn't make it on time, I could already see the purple light mixed with green flashing towards me. Without a thought, I spun on my heel thankful to hear the familiar snapping of my apparition.

Although this time I felt funny. There was a fuzzy feeling brewing from inside of me and I could see a purple haze in front of my eyes, which was strange considering I never saw anything except my chosen destination when I apparated.

Within seconds I was on the floor with a thud and an ache to my bones. My muscles were throbbing, and I knew I'd be bruised in the morning. For the first time since I got my apparition license, I felt like I was going to throw up.

Fumbling for my wand, I cast a silent Lumos and frowned at the sight in front of me. This wasn't Rettop Manor. This wasn't my home. Stumbling over the vines that had somehow wrapped themselves around me, I pulled myself to my feet and glanced around the beautiful gardens I seemed to find myself in.

I was in some kind of private gardens, with waterfalls and large beautiful trees and I had no idea where I was.

"Merlin's beard," I hissed, stepping out of the foliage and taking in the large, beautiful architecture in front of me. It felt like I knew this place, but I was certain I'd never been here before.

"Etheldreda, we've been waiting for you," a smooth, silky voice spoke out interrupting me. My head snapped towards the voice and I had my wand pointed at the threat before I could think about it. "I'm not going to hurt you, Young Witch, I'm here to greet you."

"Who are you? How did you know my name? Where am I?" Why did I seem so predictable? Asking questions anyone would ask.

"I'm Lord Elrond. You are in my home, Rivendell. I've come to greet you as a guest and welcome you into this world," he said, opening his arms and gesturing to the building behind him.

Did he say Rivendell? As in the book Hermione got me to read? The one about a Hobbit thing and a ring?

As I glanced at this Lord Elrond, I noticed that he was starting to get blurry. Was he moving? Taking a step towards him to try and get a better look, I stumbled towards the floor as my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

Waking up in strange places was something I wasn't accustomed to. Nor was waking up and remembering I was in a fictional world. It was the most insane thing to happen to me. I'd rather take on the Death Eaters.

Glancing around the room – though could it really be called a room with the open archways leading outside to the balconies? – I spotted my wand on the table beside the bed. Next to my wand was a hand-sized purple beaded bag.

"Hermione's," I muttered remembering how she asked me to hold onto it while she tried to kill Voldemort's snake.

Had she known this would happen to me?

"We have been waiting for you to wake," a soft feminine voice said startling me. I glanced to the shadows where a beautiful, dark-haired woman walked forward. "My father has been very concerned." As she drew closer, I realised that she wasn't exactly a human, seeing as she didn't come from the race of men. She was an elf if the pointed tips of her ears were anything to go by.

One could only assume that this was Lord Elrond's daughter. What had Hermione called her?

"Agnes, no, umm, Arden?" I said, shifting into a sitting position as she drew closer. I could see the amusement on her face at my struggle.

"Arwen," she supplied coming to a stop at the end of my bed. "My father tells me that you've been through a lot, but the Lady of Light wishes to speak to you."

I had no clue who she was talking about but knew from the title given that she was important. Rising from the bed, I slowly slipped from under the covers, happy to see that I was still in my uniform, sans the shoes. Sliding my feet into my shoes, I grabbed my wand and the beaded bag before looking at Arwen.

"Umm, lead the way," I said feeling unsure about what was to happen. I was still trying to understand how I got here.

"You do not need to fear us, Etheldreda, while here, you will always be under the protection of my father and therefore our people."

At least it seemed I had friends in this world, even if I didn't know them.

Allowing Arwen to lead the way, I was transfixed by our surroundings, trying to take everything in as we passed it. We came to a halt as we entered a library, one that Hermione would cry over. It would usually be something Ginny and I would laugh at. Thinking about them had me wondering how the battle went. Had anyone else died alongside Fred, Remus, and Tonks? Was Harry still alive?

"Your light is as bright as the stars," a serene voice said interrupting my thoughts. looking to whom I assumed spoke, I was met by a remarkable elf, her silver hair reminding me of Fleur. "You miss your family." I nodded, not bothered that she had read my mind. There had been so much of that recently in the last couple of months, it didn't seem to matter now. "You have fought valiantly, my child, but now you no longer need to think about that life. Yours belongs here now, away from the horrors of your world but unfortunately with the horrors of this one."

Well, that's fantastic. Hadn't Hermione mentioned something about doom and death when reading this book? So, I'd escaped one hellhole and turned up to another.

"Etheldreda, let me introduce you to Lady Galadriel, Lady of Lorien," Elrond announced making his presence known. "Lady Galadriel was notified of your presence here in Middle Earth as I was. She has come so we can decide what shall be done with you."

"Shall be done with me?" I questioned afraid that they were going to kill me because I ended up here. My fingers twitched against my wand ready to protect me if needed.

"No harm is to come to you, Child. It has already been arranged for you to stay here in Rivendell where Lord Elrond will teach you the ways of all the races of Middle Earth. Lady Arwen has insisted that she be your escort while you stay," Lady Galadriel said her lips turning up into a smirk.

"But I'm not to stay here forever, am I?" I asked, feeling the but at the end of her statement.

"You have a destiny to follow in this life, Child, staying here for eternity will not allow fate to guide you down that path. You will be sent to live with the Shirefolk when that fate comes to pass."

"What are Shirefolk?" I asked not remembering Hermione talking about them.

"Hobbits," Lord Elrond replied resting his hand on my shoulder. "A friend, Belladonna Took will allow you to stay in her home when the time comes."

If they insisted, but what if she was dead by then or she changed her mind? Where would they put me then?

Shaking my head slightly, I glanced up at Elrond not liking how tall he was. Was it an elf thing to be tall, or was I just remarkable short?

"It's both, you are very short for a wizard, but elves are also very tall creatures," Galadriel said a smile on her lips. "While in Rivendell, I believe it best that you carry on with your magic. I understand that you have not finished your schooling and believe that your beaded bag will assist you in your training." I glanced at her grey eyes before looking down at the little bag. What did Hermione have in here?

"Come, let Arwen show you back to your room," Elrond said, and I glanced up to look back at Galadriel only to find her gone. Where had she gone? How had she disappeared without me hearing?

With an unsure nod, I let Arwen lead me from the library.

Thank you for reading x