A/N: Here you have it, the last chapter of this short. I hope you have enjoyed the journey and will check out some of my other stories. I do like to know what you thought of this, please review. NC

Warning: This chapter does contain sexual content.

Chapter 3

It was early Tuesday morning when the person stirring pressed into Dean's side and woke him. He looked down at the jumble of unruly, blonde hair and smiled to himself as she started to stretch like a sleek, wild cat, even admitting a purring sound that he smiled at.

"Mo'nin'," she slurred twisting in his arms, so she kissed his smiling lips.

"Mornin' Babe," Dean replied as he ran a hand down the curves of her back to her bottom to cup it.

"Today's cleaning day in the bar. After I shower, I'll get started on it."

"I'll help; that way you'll have it done faster and we can have the afternoon together."

"You don't have to…" she started but Dean kissed her into silence.

"I know, but I want to," he insisted, nuzzling her neck. "So, let's get a shower and get started."

Storm sighed and sat up in bed, letting the covers fall off her chest. Dean couldn't help himself and kissed each exposed breast, taking his time to tease them. Storm laughed when the stubble on his face tickled her and pushed him away.

"If you keep that up, we won't be getting out of bed anytime soon," she laughed stopping him for going any further. "Let's get the bar cleaned and then the rest of the time I can devote only to you."

"I'm holding you to that," Dean replied as he threw the covers off his naked body and strolled toward the bathroom. He never noticed Storm's hungry stare as she took in every inch of his sexy, manly frame.

Storm gazed at Dean's body with lust in her eyes but shook her head to rid herself of those thoughts. First things first, the bar needed to be clean and gotten ready to open back up on Wednesday late afternoon. She jumped and reddened when Dean's voice drifted back to her.

"Don't think I don't see you staring at me. If you want more of this sexy body, let's get your work done," Dean stated striking a pose to show himself off.

Storm drew in a long breath before hurrying after him to join him in the shower. It looked like she couldn't hide her desires from him and was going to hustle getting the bar done because she only had maybe twenty-four hours left to spend with him. Storm knew he wouldn't be staying once the bar opened. She knew there were hunts out there he was going to take, and she wondered if he might ever stop by again when he was in the area. She wasn't expecting any type of commitment from him because she knew that was how it was going to be. Storm wouldn't ask it from him either but she would take whatever he wanted to give her. They had their time together, thought it was short, but she wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world.

Dean moved so she could join him in the shower and they quickly washed themselves. Dean's mind dwelled on the fact he would leaving tomorrow, thinking the time had passed too quickly for them. He didn't want to leave, but they both had their lives to live and he couldn't ask her to give hers up, nor could he give up the hunting life. He would savor the time they had left together, and nothing was stopping him from coming back to see her, if she would let him. After they dressed, Storm made coffee, hot tea and toast with jam for a fast breakfast.


"Alright, the first thing I do is the restrooms to get that out of the way," Storm told Dean as she pulled her hair back into a loose ponytail. "Why don't you go grab a trashcan and start picking up any empties and trash that's scattered around the room?"

"Yes ma'am," Dean saluted her as he looked behind the bar for a trashcan. After finding one, he started moving around the room looking for trash. Dean stopped at the juke box and punched in a couple of songs before continuing his hunt. He walked around the pool tables and checked in the corners of the room where people would hide bottles, picking all of them up. A song he liked filled the room and he started to hum to it.

When Storm had the restrooms cleaned and restocked, she helped Dean set the chairs on the tables so she could sweep and mop.

"There's recycle and trash bins are out back. You'll find more trashcans in the backroom to take out and dump."

"No problem, I'll wash down the bar when I get back."

"Great, then all we'll need to restock the coolers with beer to be getting cold and the shelves with liquor."

"Sounds good. I shall return."

Storm laughed at him as he carried the trashcans to the back and outside to dump them. She got out the broom, mop and bucket from the supply closet and started sweeping, swaying to the music as she worked. Once the floor was swept, she filled the mop bucket and added cleaner to the hot water. Storm stared in the restrooms, mopping the floors carefully, wanting to get them clean. She prided herself on keeping the restrooms and the bar clean and sanitized.

Dean found the dumpsters outside and emptied the trashcans into the right ones so the items that could be recycled were. He made sure the lids were closed tight to keep any unwanted animals from dumpster diving at night. He headed back inside and put the cans back in place before finding a bucket and rags in the supply closet. He filled the bucket partway and added some cleaner so he could wash the bar while Storm mopped.

After scrubbing the bar good, Dean got fresh water to rinse it and dry the wooden surface. He stepped back and checked his handy work out, pleased by his accomplishment.

"Not bad Babe, I just may have to offer you a job," Storm commented as she pushed the mop bucket back to the supply closet to dump the water and rinse it out. She stored the cleaning items and then showed Dean where the walk-in cooler was so they could restock the cooler under the bar and restock any liquor on the shelves behind the bar. It didn't take them long working together to restock, and soon they were heading back upstairs tired and hungry. Storm washed her hands and went to the fridge pulling out deli meat and fixings to make subs for their lunch.

"Would you like turkey, ham, and roast beef on your sub?"

"Of course, and light on the mayo."

"I can do that. Should we eat outside since the weather is nice?" Storm got the hoagie rolls from the bread box and sliced them open so she could start building their subs.

"That'd be nice. Do you want me to get chips?"

"Yes, whatever flavor you like, I'm not particular."

Dean got some corn chips and pulled plates down for her to place their subs on. He grabbed a couple of beers and took them out onto the deck and sat them on the small table. He paused and looked out across the yard to the trees that butted it and took in the quiet, solitude of the place. No one would know this balcony was even back here unless they came around back here. He wondered if Storm got lonely here by herself on her day's off.

"Here we go, subs fit for a king," Storm said happily. She sat the plates by the beers and sat down in the chair Dean pulled out for her. She waited until Dean was seated before taking a sip of her beer and nodded when Dean offered her corn chips. He poured some on her plate and did the same to his plate. "Thank you, kind sir."

"Of course, m'lady," Dean replied smirking at her as he bowed his head to her.

Storm giggled at him and picked up half her sub and took a bite, enjoying the different flavors that assaulted her taste buds.

"Oh sweetheart, these are to die for!" Dean moaned after chewing his first bite. He took another larger bite and nodded his approval. "You can make me subs anytime."

"I'm glad you approve. Do you feel like grilling again tonight? I thought we might have barbecue chicken, baked beans, mac and cheese, and rolls. Do you like banana pudding? I make mine from scratch with a meringue topping. Dad loves it and makes me make it every time he's here."

"It all sounds good to me and I'll be happy to do the chicken on the grill."

"Great, I'll get the mac and cheese ready to bake and the beans. The pudding I'll put together closer to dinner so it will be warm."

"Storm, you should know, I'll be leaving tomorrow, probably around lunch time," Dean explained watching her expression sadden with the news. "My stay here has been amazing, and our time together…I will never forget you."

"I expected you would be," Storm whispered, looking down at her plate. "You don't know the happiness and joy you've brought back into my life. I wasn't sure if I could ever feel like this again, but you have shown me it's possible. I want you to know, if you're ever near in your hunting or you have a free weekend, my door will always be open to you. I'm not asking for a commitment, but I wouldn't mind seeing you again."

"I'd like that too and I think I'll make a point of stopping by when I can. And it's not just because of the fantastic sex, I want to see you again. How 'bout we make it for a Friday, and I'll help out in the bar on Friday and Saturday and the rest of the time will be ours. I can't promise how often it'll be, but maybe we can keep in touch by text or calls."

"Yes, I'd like that; I'd like it a lot." Storm assured him pleased he would want to come back to see her. "Why don't we relax out here for a while, and let our food settle?"

"That might be a good idea. Don't need either of us getting sick from too much bouncing around."

She started giggling as Dean rubbed his fingers lightly up her arm making her shiver as she gazed lustfully at him and he let his eyes roam over her luscious body. One more night together and he planned on making the most of it. He wanted to take them over the moon and back more than once.

They finished their subs and beers and Storm took the dirty dishes inside and came back out with two more beers. Dean had stretched out on a lounge chair positioned under a cover out of the sun since the day was getting hot, and pulled Storm down to lay with him, being careful not to spill the beers. She snuggled against him and breathed in his scent, so she could memorize it, as she tried to hide her sorrow of him leaving.

Dean didn't have to be a psychic to read Storm and knew she was sad with their time growing short and he felt it too. He liked waking up and feeling her warm, sexy body curled into him. She didn't ask anything of him or tried to change who he was; she accepted him for who as is, rough around the edges, but gentle and loving hidden inside.

If only his life was different and he wasn't a hunter, but there would be a lot of people dead that he had saved over his short lifetime if he wasn't. He couldn't change what he was and didn't know if he wanted to if he could. They stayed outside for about another hour before Storm decided she needed to get the food prepared for their last dinner. She hoped to have an early meal and that would give them more time together tonight.


The hunter and the bartender were somber as they ate their meal, only making small talk for a bit until Storm got Dean talking about growing up and learned some of the hardships he endured. She realized Dean didn't have a childhood like most kids, like her. He had to grow up almost overnight and take care of his baby brother. She could hear the loneliness and sadness in his voice when he mentioned his brother, Sammy. Dean lightened the mood by telling of a prank war the brothers had when Dean was fifteen and Sam was eleven. It went on for weeks until their father put an end to it when he ended up being pranked. She laughed until tears were rolling down her cheeks and she couldn't get her breath. Dean laughed with her thinking she was even more beautiful when she laughed.

Storm laughed until tears rolled down her cheeks thinking he had had a very unusual childhood. She could still see the child inside of him that never got to have his time, that had to grow up to fast and become an adult way before his time. And she could see the strong, fierce, caring adult he had become, willing to sacrifice his life for a stranger without any reward or payment. Dean Winchester was a unique, complex, strong willed, sexy individual and she was happy he came across her bar and decided to stop.

Once their meal was finished and the kitchen cleaned, they went into the living room and Storm turned on the music to fill the silence in the air. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his chest as Dean embraced her and they swayed gently to the music letting it take them far away to another place. They shut the world out and created their own with just the two of them in it.

'Lyin' here with you so close to me
It's hard to fight these feelings
When it feels so hard to breathe
Caught up in this moment
Caught up in your smile

I've never opened up to anyone
So hard to hold back
When I'm holding you in my arms
We don't need to rush this
Let's just take it slow

Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
Just a touch of the fire burning so bright
And I don't want to mess this thing up
I don't want to push too far
Just a shot in the dark that you just might
Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life
So baby I'm alright, with just a kiss goodnight

I know that if we give this a little time
It'll only bring us closer
To the love we wanna find
It's never felt so real
No it's never felt so right…'

Storm sung the words softly to Dean thinking of the meaning behind them as she gazed into his soulful green eyes. They were the eyes that held one's attention, calm, but perhaps a bit threatening in their intensity. Eyes that told a story of pain, suffering, comfort, compassion, loss, courage, and love. Eyes that were only on her and her alone.

Dean couldn't wait any longer, he scooped Storm up bridal style and carried her to the bedroom. He stood her on her feet and began to remove her clothing, slowly, piece by piece and planted kisses over her body as he exposed it. He could feel her tremble with desire and passion under his touch and it made him want her even more. But he was going to take his time, he was going to savor their last night together and make it one neither would forget.

The touch of his fingers and the gentle, butterfly kisses was making Storm hot with desire and she could feel the heat rising in her body as he found all the right spots to kiss. She got his shirt off and pushed against him wanting to feel that skin to skin contact that sent tingling sensations up and down her body and made her legs weak.

They kept their eyes on each other as Dean rid himself of his remaining clothes and then cupped her face with his hands as he brought his mouth down on hers tasting the sweetness of the banana pudding still lingering on them. He drank it in, wanting all she could give him. He felt her hands roam up and down his body and could feel himself getting hard, but he controlled it, knowing they had all night to please each other and he wanted to memorize every inch of her body. He wanted her to invade his dreams and be able to be with her there when he felt lonely and needed someone.

Storm took a step back, bringing Dean with her until her legs hit the bed. She didn't want to lose contact with him as she threw back the covers and pulled him into her bed. She gasped softly when he ran a finger over her, feeling she was ready for him. She offered herself up to him and moaned with the intense pleasure as he slid slowly into her and pulled out to do it again. Her body was like a live wire and his every touch sent shock waves through her. She arched her hips up to meet him wanting all of him and heard a chuckle in her ear and a whisper, 'Say my name, say you want me'.

"Yes, yes, Dean Winchester, I want you," Storm obeyed gasping out his name as he teased her moving deeper with each thrust. "Take me where only you can take me," she cried softly.

Dean could feel her wanting to climax and slowed down, making her whimper and push against him.

"Easy Babe, we're going to ride this one as long as we can," he mumbled into her ear before finding her lips again and passionately kissing her as his hand slipped under her back and he rolled them over to where she was on top.

Storm felt the movement and her body being shifted to where she was on top of Dean. She sat up and groaned with pleasure as she rotated her hips and took him all the way in. She leaned back slightly into his bent legs and bent her knees, giving her better leverage to match his movements. She threw her head back and cried out when Dean's finger rubbed across her most sensitive spot and felt the world explode around her as Dean pushed himself up to a sitting position clasping her body tightly to his as he rocked and guided her body up and down faster and faster.

"Yes Baby, yes, oh you feel so good," he moaned knowing he couldn't hold out much longer.

"Please, now! Now!" Storm screamed grabbing his arms and arching backwards letting herself go.

"That's it, that's it," Dean gasped letting himself explode within her as he wrapped his arms around her body pulling her against his chest and thrust his hips upward hard.

They were both panting hard and their bodies were slick with sweat as Dean collapsed back on the bed still holding her to him. They lay there no words needed as they caught their breath. They kissed softly and gently until Storm slid off his body and cuddled into his side with her head on his chest.

"I think it gets better every time we do it," she praised Dean.

"It does and give me a few minutes and we'll see if we can improve on it again," he chuckled.

"Are we going to sleep any tonight?" she giggled as his hand found her breast to play with.

"We can sleep anytime. I want to make the most of tonight and it will give me even more reasons to head back this way soon."

"You're going to be in my dreams until you do."

"I'll give you a heads up so you can stock your fridge, so we don't have to go anywhere. Maybe we'll spend a day in bed…"

"And I'll have a pie ready for you."

"You do know how to win a guy's heart." Dean let his hand slid down to her bottom and began to squeeze it and groaned as she found his slack manhood and started massaging it making it come back to life. Round two was coming up and they threw themselves into the passion.


Storm stirred first the following morning and slipped from Dean's arm to go use the bathroom. She met Dean coming from the bedroom with the same thoughts. They slipped past each other letting their hands trail over the others body and kissed before parting. Storm climbed back in bed and waited for Dean to come back. It was still too early to be getting up and she wanted to savor every minute she could with Dean before he left today. Last night had been sensual, passionate, fiery, mind blowing, and down right, the best sex she had ever had, though she didn't have a lot to compare it to.

"Are you cold?" Dean asked slipping back between the sheets and pulling Storm to him feeling her body shivering.

"Only for you," she said in a husky voice before attacking him and having her way with him.

Dean let her be the aggressor and enjoyed every minute of it, and returned the gesture taking over when she was spent and used his wiles and took them both over the top once again.

It was several hours later that they lay in each other's arms spend and exhausted, but in a fulfilling way. Neither wanted to get up as they lay in each other's arms.

"Dean, will you do something for me?" Storm asked quietly.

"Whatever you want Babe," he replied kissing the top of her head.

"Will you either call or go see your brother? It's been too long, and I think you know deep down the only way to get past this is to get back in touch with him. Sam is family and you never know when they might be taken away from you or you from them." Storm paused for a moment to see if Dean would say anything and when he didn't, she continued. "I know you still care about Sam a great deal, but don't let what happened in the past keep you from reconnecting with him. I think it would help you lighten some of the burden you're carrying around."

Dean listened to her speech and stiffened at the mention of Sam. Even after all this time, it was still a touchy subject and one he didn't like to dwell on for long. He knew she was only trying to help and thought she did make sense, but could he do it?

"What if he doesn't want to reconnect?" Dean questioned, not able to keep the anxiety and doubt out of his voice.

"Well, maybe, that's something you will have to chance, but then at least you would know, and it would allow you to move on. I have a feeling that won't be the case. I think he misses you as much as you miss him. Will you at least think about it? For me?"

"Okay, I don't guess it would hurt. Maybe I can find a hunt out that way and go by and see him," Dean sighed. Storm's encouragement and suggestions were what he needed to hear. She was able to break through his stubbornness and see reason.

"Thank you," Storm mumbled as she kissed him. She ran her fingers over his face, feeling the scratch of his beginning of a beard, wanting to imprint every inch of his face and body into her mind so she would not forget him. He leaned into her touch and closed his eyes, enjoying the caress.

He sighed knowing their time was ending for now.

"I guess I should get up and shower before getting ready to leave," Dean told her squeezing her gently as he said it. He could see himself settling down with Storm and helping her run the bar. That would be a dream come true for him. Maybe in the distant future that might be an option for him if Storm was still in the picture and was will to do that.

"I know," Storm replied, not able to keep the sadness from her voice and tears from her eyes. She had promised herself she wouldn't cry but wasn't doing a good job at it. "Dollar for your thoughts," she teased seeing that far away look in Dean's eyes.

"Just dreaming," Dean mumbled kissing her parted lips.

"Is it one with me in it by chance?" she asked kissing him back and smiling as he looked down into her sparkling blue eyes.

"Could be, would you like that?"

"Very much, very much indeed," she cooed lovingly, tracing the outline of his face with her fingers.

"Do you want to join me?" he asked burying his face into her hair and taking in her scent to store it in his memory.

"I didn't think you'd ever ask." Storm rolled from his arms and wiped her eyes on the sheet before getting up and letting Dean take her hand and lead her to the bathroom for a long shower…


"I packed the rest of the pie and made you a sub for the road," Storm said. She held out a small cold pack bag to Dean as he shouldered his duffle filled with clean clothes.

"Thanks Babe and I'll text you later when I stop." He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to kiss her and let Storm hug him tightly. Dean stopped at the basket and picked up his gun and other things, placing them in his clothes. He kept an arm around her as they made their way to the door and he let Storm go first down the stairs.

"You better and let me know if you find a hunt and definitely call me after it's done so I know you're okay."

"Are you sure? I hate to worry you about that and sometimes I don't have cell reception. It's better I just call or text you when I can."

"Alright, as long as you promise to do that. And if you ever need me, I'll be there. I'm going to miss waking up in your arms."

"I promise. And I'm going to miss your warm body next to mine and holding you in my arms and loving you."

They stepped outside into the noon day sun and paused long enough to let their eyes adjust. Dean stopped her at the steps and gave her one more parting kiss before turning to leave. He walked to the Impala and dropped his bag in the trunk and went around to get in the car. Dean cranked her up and let her idle for a few minutes before backing up and stopping give Storm a final wave.

He started to slowly move forward but stopped when a Harley Davidson roared around the building and pulled into the space he had occupied. Dean watched a tall, broad shouldered, older man get off and remove his helmet. He walked toward Storm who had stepped to the ground and hurried to him to throw her arms around his neck and hug him. The only person he could think she would do that to, was her father. Thinking it was only right to introduce himself, Dean put the Impala in park and left it idling as he got out.

"I wasn't expecting you back this soon," Storm was saying to the man.

"I only have a couple of days before I go to the next place and wanted to swing by to see how you're doing," the man replied looking at Dean as he walked toward them.

"Dad, this is Dean, a friend of mine. Dean this is my Dad, Cooper, but most just call him Gunny," Storm introduced them.

Cooper eyed Dean closely, looking him up and down with a critical eye and then looked at his daughter. He looked familiar and tried to place him. She seemed happier than he had seen her in a long time.

"Sir," Dean said holding out his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Cooper took his hand and firmly shook it.

"Hello," Cooper greeted him, his voice deep, calm and filled with a sense of authority. "How do you know my daughter?"

"I met her in the bar a few nights ago," Dean said. He realized after he spoke what her Dad would think, and he saw it on his face and Dean looked to Storm to see if she seemed upset.

"It was during that horrible storm and I offered Dean a place to stay instead of going out in it." Storm didn't seem bothered with her Dad knowing Dean had probably slept with her.

"You heading out then?" Cooper asked Dean.

"Yeah, I need to get back to the…Job."

"Well, it was nice to meet you."

"The same here, sir. You have an amazing daughter there and I'm happy she offered me a port in the storm. Bye Babe, I'll be in touch and I will be seeing you again soon." Dean leaned over and kissed Storm goodbye, letting their fingers interlace for a moment before Dean headed back to the Impala. He got in and saluted Storm and her father before slowly pulling the car around the building and heading out to the road.

This will not be the last time Dean visited the Sniper's Nest and Storm. He tried to get by every four weeks, depending on where he was and how long a hunt took. Each time it was like the first time for them, and they never grew tired of the passionate sex they had. Both relished what time they had together and made the most of it. They hardly left each other's sides on his visits and Storm liked the help Dean would give behind the bar when he'd come in on Friday night.

On several occasions Storm's Dad, Cooper, was there and Dean became friends with him. After asking Storm if it was okay, they told him about what Dean did for a living. Cooper said he already knew who he was, that he had met his father, John, years ago, and he mentioned his boys Dean and Sam and showed him a picture of them. Dean was younger, but he still recognized him from the photo. He put two and two together, thinking Dean had the same look in his eyes as his Dad. This broke the ice with them, but Dean knew without being told that if he hurt Cooper's baby girl there would be hell to pay. If Storm didn't kick his ass, he would gladly do it.

He stopped by the salvage yard to see his surrogate father, Bobby Singer, and even Bobby could tell the change in the boy. He finally got it out of him about meeting Storm and the relationship that had formed between them. Bobby was happy for him since it seemed his attitude had changed, and he wasn't hellbent on getting himself killed anymore.


The shadow slipped through the window he unlocked and went to the fridge to see if there was any beer. He made his way slowly through the apartment toward the living room before he was attacked by a figure coming from another room.

Dean quickly fended off the young man's blows and took him down, slapping his body hard into the floor.

"Whoa, easy Tiger," Dean said, smiling widely down at his brother's long, lanky form. He couldn't help but be overjoyed to see him again. It was like finding the missing puzzle piece and putting it into place, so the picture was now complete. He felt whole again, and that gaping hole was filled. His heart swelled, and he thought it might burst from his chest. Dean looked down into Sam's confused eyes and couldn't help the chuckle that escaped from his lips. He didn't know how long this would last, but he was going to cherish every minute of it. Storm was right, he should have done this sooner.

"Dean?" Sam gasped in shock. "You scared the crap out of me!"

"That's 'cause you're out of practice."

Sam rotated his body and took Dean to the floor, pinning him with his legs and arms.

"Or not. Get off me dude," Dean grunted giving Sam a shove as he released him.

"Dean, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Need to talk to you about Dad…"

'Carry On, My Wayward Sons

There Will Be Peace When You Are Done…'

The End