This was inspired by...a lot of things.

A big part of this comes from the idea that shock and weird situations can bring out weird parts of us that we never see coming. Our true bravery and potential sometimes just needs a push... and so this was born.

Hinata wasn't sure why it bothered her, why would she feel wrong with Mizuki leading Naruto away from the school? He was a teacher after all, a trusted adult. It wasn't like her goals were all that different, she had been meaning to speak to Naruto, or at least try to since he deserved some kind of reassuring... though she would have probably just stalked him as she always did. He was so sad, failing for the third time at the genin exams, she just wanted to comfort her. Before she could even fail to muster her courage, Mizuki came, looking at Naruto with something that just... left her uncomfortable. Maybe it was that Mizuki never spoke to Naruto, maybe it was he look in his eyes, or maybe it was the nasty comments she had heard people remarking about Naruto giving enough anger to give wings to her feet.. it didn't matter, she felt something inside of her burn with worry and so she followed them, keeping at a distance and watching with her byakugan, cursing her weakness.

Eventually he lead Naruto away to sit on a tall building a few hundred feet, a fact that tripled the odd feeling in her stomach. Why take him away, why isolate him... it made little sense...

Mizuki was speaking, his voice soft and kindly, his face masking in a kindness that screamed of falsehoods. It was a political face, a mask her father tried to teach her to wear on his was made of coldness and fear, not this soft kindness. "Iruka-senei's tough, but he's not against you."

Her heart broke at Naruto's sigh: "Then why? Why only me?"

"He wants you to be strong with all his heart, but that will never happen if he goes easy on you." He almost pouted, looking like a sad cat. " He's like you, ya know? No parents…no family." the words, the low blow... they lingered in poor taste. She felt rage burn in her heart, flickering against her empathy towards Iruka.

"But…this time I really wanted to graduate."

'Oh Naruto, I know you worked so hard... I am so sorry.' She wanted to reach out, to hold his hand and reassure him it would all be better... but she knew she'd never be able to do that.

Mizuki chuckled, as if Naruto's worries were pointless. "Then I guess I have to tell you."

Clueless as usual, her obsession turned to Mizuki with confusion. "Huh?"

"It's a secret, but I'm gonna let you in on it."

Naruto stared, eyes wide, and mouth a gape. "A secret?"

Her mouth gaped open in horror, watching their lips move and realizing what was happening... she had to do something... and she had to do it fast! The moment Mizuki left, she followed Naruto and hurried to him. Her courage burned within her, the fear of the consequences greater then her fear of Naruto. She never felt like this, this power and passion as far too great.

"N-N-Naru-Naruto!" She belted out, getting the boy to stop as he flew across the rooftops. He turned to her and she flushed, but that didn't matter. She had a mission, a powerful one. "Naruto..."

"Who you?" He looked at her, the part of the stranger to her pain.

'My fault for being a stranger... sigh...' Gathering her courage she managed to stutter out. "I...I... I heard... Mizuki… you can't do it. If you do, you'll be arrested. Stealing something like that scroll, it isn't a test. He is lying to you." She couldn't believe it, her words held power and she was proud of that.

Naruto didn't seem convinced. " He's a teacher, he's trying to help me, why is that so bad!" He frowned at her, stepping close with malignant intent in his eyes. " I just want to graduate."

Her mind went a million miles an hour. " Then report him..." She somehow didn't stutter, her words soft as a whisper. "Ask for that as your reward for that mission..." Her father's lessons in politics, the give and take of missions a powerful tool in her mind. "Co-co-come on... I'll go with you." She managed to squeak out, somehow feeling her bravery not wavering.

He said nothing at first, but slowly a nod happened to come from Naruto. "I, I guess so..." Sighing, he slumped over, tears in his eyes. " I hope this works."

So did she.


"... I see." The Hokage looked down at Hinata and Naruto, leaving the girl shaking in her sandals. His powerful gaze, filled with equal parts compassion and strength was a lot for the girl, her earlier burst of courage not enough to handle his presence.

She felt close to fainting. "Sir... if... if it is not too much, can Naruto graduate." She whispered out, soft and sweet and with more strength then she realized.

The man sighed. " Sadly, I cannot just let him graduate..." He turned to Naruto, who looked close to tears.

"But I just failed the clone jutsu, this has to be enough to help me graduate."

The old man shook his head, sighing again. " You failed almost all of the test, Naruto, only passing taijutsu. You didn't even answer what Chakra was, I cannot in good conscious allow you to graduate when you are so behind."

"But old man/" What if I tutored him?"

Maybe it was the situation, or the sadness in Naruto's face, but something gave Hinata another burst of bravery. They both looked at her. " … I know we don't get assigned teams until next two Mondays from now. That gives me ten days to tutor him. If he passes by Sunday before graduation... " She couldn't believe her words, but they just kept coming, riding waves of strength born from her desire to help Naruto.

The old man looked at her, calculating and cold as her father for a moment... then he smiled. " If Naruto can pass by then, in return for this mission, I will allow him to graduate... but be warned, if must be a total pass. If Naruto agrees to this, I will allow you to see his test so you can see where he failed and how. That might help you. One on one attention may be what you need, Naruto." Smiling, the man turned to the beaming boy. " Do you agree to this Naruto?"

"YATTA!" He barreled Hinata into a hug, almost knocking her over and out. " Thank you, weird girl!"

The only thing that kept Hinata afloat and conscious, aside from the shock, was the realization that the Hokage had no faith in Naruto. His very tone was filled with the same almost bored self assured sadness her father used on her, only with less indifference. It was humoring not faithful...

And that enraged her.

'HE will pass and he will graduate. I will help you, Naruto!' She stopped her thoughts then, realizing what she just said. 'What did I just do?'

Then Darkness took her as she finally fainted.

Chapter end, tell me what you think in the reviews.

Hinata's got potential and so does Naruto, I wanted their love to make sense so I decided to make a Naruto sans shortcuts...

Love, your Ninja Overlord,
