Hey bros! Back with another chapter! This time with the flashbacks of Operation: CheatHiki

First, replies to the reviews:

Golden Kind Gilgamesh: Well, your wish has been fulfilled, I was originally going to write the AI as a male best buddy but after I thought about it, another girl to the harem seems much better (that was a joke I have not decided the pairings yet). Your Android 18 idea definitely got my attention. There's a chance I might add her as a joke or a villain if I decided to turn this fic from humor to action. Thanks for the review though!

Stupid dreams of the betrayed: Nice idea, there's a chance she'll be added as a joke or something. Thanks for the review!

Itsuki Minami1: I checked him out and he definitely looks really cool. Hazama is a great name too, I'll have to think about using him for something else since the AI is gonna be female. Thanks for the review!

A Fan: Time skip is a good idea but I don't know if I'll do it now. Also, the "route" is going to be one of the important things in the game system, I have an idea in mind for it but there's also a chance that I'll completely scratch that idea. Lastly, the 108 skill thing is one of the reasons that made me write this fic, there's a chance my next fic will be 108 chapters and each chapter being one of the skills, probably about 500-800 words per chapter. Thanks for the review!

RandomSam12: Your wish has been granted, also thanks for unintentionally giving me a name of the AI. Also, I agree that there should be a red-headed woman in Oregairu, I don't know if I'll make the AI red-headed but there's a big chance for it. Thanks for the review!

I thought about the AI for a while and was thinking about giving it a generic anime male character appearance or just simply an AI inside 8man's head. Not sure though. As you know, I have just started writing so I often don't think about the important details much and mess up most things.

Also, when I asked you guys what the AI should be, a fucking Dragon was the last thing I expected. Don't get me wrong I'm all for the idea of making it a Dragon but the problem is that I suck at detailing something. Don't worry, this dragon idea isn't bad and I'll totally think about adding it but for now, I'll just stick to an AI inside 8Man's head.

This chapter will also have a lot of conversations with the AI, since Hikki is still getting used to the Game System. Sorry if that annoys you. Any feedback and criticism is appreciated.

Well, as always…


(btw I have updated chapter 1 & 2 you can check the AN on those chapters to see what I have updated, you should probably check the update on CH2 since I clarify there that the AI and the Admin are not the same.)

" " = Speaking

' ' = Thinking

[] = The Game

[""] = Unnamed AI

[Flashback – 11:00]-[Classroom]

After using the Web Browser feature for a few minutes I decided to check the other features that had caught my interest before I realized what I could do with the Notepad and the Recorder features.

DreamWorld and AutoPilot.

Just the names of these two options were enough to give me an idea of what they do. I decided to select the DreamWorld feature first since it was more interesting to him.



[Create your own DreamWorld]

[Choose existing presets]

'Creating your own world seems like too much work… I'd rather choose one of the presets'

I chose the presets option and decided to see if I could find anything that would interest me.

[-Available Presets-]


[Amusement Park]

'Only two options? I guess it's understandable since it was only recently updated, I'll use It later since I have no plans to sleep now'

After closing the DreamWorld screen I decided to check out the AutoPilot option, but when I opened it, a screen with programming options was the last thing I expected.

'I expected something more convenient. How am I even supposed to use this?'

["You will have to learn and memorize the commands and the syntax to use AutoPilot in the correct way. I believe it is similar to what you humans call… programming"]

'huh? I'm too lazy to memorize all those commands… thanks for telling me about it anyways'

["You should know that I was created for the purpose of assisting you."]

'I know, I know. Wait… you know every command right?'

["That's right."]

'Then can you input the commands for me?'

[I can.]

'Why didn't you tell me that earlier?'

["You never asked."]

I have a feeling that this AI never had the intention of telling me about it.

'…For now, just tell me about the limitations of the AutoPilot feature'

["You can use it however you want and as long as you want. But, you can't use a skill that you don't have in AutoPilot Mode."]

'That's surprisingly simple… and I can also combine the other features with it as well… wait, what happens to my body when I'm in AutoPilot mode?'

["You will simply be unconscious during the time, your body will work on its own. I recommend using AutoPilot while you're asleep."]

'I see… and do I get the memories of anything I do while in that mode?'

["Yes, you do. Your brain will also gain the knowledge of whatever you do in AutoPilot."]

I get into the generic smart anime main character thinking pose, which is just keeping both my elbows on the end of the desk and covering my mouth with my hands. I also keep my eyes on the teacher to make it seem like I was paying attention to what she was saying.

'AutoPilot basically has the same advantages as Naruto's Shadow Close Jutsu…'

'Then… I can use it to do and learn lots of things, but the thing is… what do I use it for? I can also use recorder and notepad to cheat through life. But what if I… combine them with AutoPilot?'

["Maybe you can use it to raise your stats? Or did that thought never came across your disgusting mind?"], the AI suggested and insulted at the same time

I promptly ignore the jab at me to think about how I can use the feature to cheat even more and raise my stats too as the AI said. I still haven't decided which stat I will be focusing on.

I ruled out the intelligence stat because I can use Recorder and Notepad but this seems like an opportunity to raise my intelligence stat a lot.

While I kept thinking about the feature I hear the science teacher say something about checking out Wikipedia to know more about… something.

… … ... !

'That's it! When I go to sleep I can use the AutoPilot mode to copy everything on every single wiki page onto my Notepad and Recorder!'

'And while that's happening I can also use it to get better at the subjects I'm not good at by copying everything on the internet!'

'This is basically a 'LIFE HACK' except it's real. Also, add the DreamWorld feature to it, might as well check it out when I'm sleeping.'

[+1 Intelligence for, uh, thinking]

'I don't know how that works, but I'll take it'

["I am convinced that you are the human with the most rotten brain in existence. Aren't you people supposed to have 'Morals'?"]

'Hey, as long as my life gets easier I don't care about anything. Now get to work.'

["I'd much rather not do it, but since this is my job I have to. I'll create a preset for the AutoPilot mode and I'll add my own changes to it more efficient."]

'Alright, try not to add too many 'else if' statements in there, we don't need another YandereDev here.' (1)

["I don't know who this 'YandereDev' is, but he seems 'retarded' as you would say."]

Hearing an AI with a female text-to-speech voice call someone retarded was definitely funny.

'Got that right.'

With that done, I obviously wasn't going to listen to what the teacher was saying. Since my life is basically set from this point onward.

'By the way, I wanted to know what's up with your voice?'

["What do you mean?"]

'err, I meant that why do you have a female text to speech voice?'

["I can change it to my original voice then."]

'Please do that, hearing that voice is weird…'

After a few moments the AI replied with a monotonous yet haughty voice. ["Is this better then?"]

Hearing such a silvery and smooth voice of a woman in my head was enough to give me a blush. Seriously, hearing such a voice in your head would give anyone a blush.

'Uhm, yeah… it's nice'

["you should be grateful, you're the only person to have ever heard a voice of a supreme AI."], she replied

It took me a few seconds to realize that I complimented someone's voice. Even though the person I complimented was an AI but it didn't help that it had a female voice. I feel like such a creep now…

And did changing the voice somehow give this AI emotions or something? This thing has shown more emotion in the past 30 seconds than it has in the entire time talking to me…

'Wait, 'supreme AI'? Are there more types of AI's?'

["Kuku, I stand at the top of all the AI's since I was created by God himself. The AI's built in your world are nothing compared to me."], said the AI with an evil chuckle

Wow that's new… well, I should probably try not to think about it much and try to find something to do… might as well watch some anime since I have nothing to do.

[Flashback End – 9:24 PM]-[DreamWorld]

In the middle of never-ending clouds, we can see a wild Hikigaya Hachiman in it's natural habitat…

"You know, when I decided to select the heaven option… standing on clouds was not something I expected"

["Blame it on the author's lack of imagination"]

"The problem is that all I see within my viewing distance are… CLOUDS! Was it too much to ask for beautiful angels?!", He started to cry anime tears as he said that

["Well, in the future updates the presets are also going to be updated, so there will be more content to come. For now just enjoy the base plate of clouds!"]

Anyone hearing that can imagine the AI going 'tee-hee~!' completely opposite of it's original tone

"You really sound like a game developer right now…", He deadpanned, "Anyway, what am I even supposed to do here?"

["Anything you want. This is your dream, you can create anything from your imagination. But that requires intense focus so I can create anything you want here."]

"Wait, anything?", the grin on his face was way too creepy

["Yes, anything"], the AI said with a 'im done with this shit' sigh

"Oi, don't sigh like that, what do you think I am?"

["A disgusting, rotten and a perverted being."]

"...fuck you too", he muttered under his breath

Hachiman88 – 0 and Unnamed AI – 1

"Let's see if anything has changed in my stats yet…", he said curiously

'Status Hachiman88'

[Name: Hikigaya Hachiman] – [Level 6]

[Equipped Title: Epic Gamer (?)] – [Change Title]

[Description: A loner who only has online friends and is a self proclaimed 'Epic Gamer'. Filled with self-deprecating remarks and zero self-esteem.]


[Mana: Locked]

[Offense: 7/75]

[Defense: 4/75]

[Stamina: Level 4 – 100%]

[Intelligence: 44/75]

[Charisma: -23/75] – [Dead-Fish Eye Effect (?)]

[Luck: 178/250] – [Gamer's Luck (?)]

[Skills: 110] – [Command 'All' for a list of skills]

[Attribute Points: 18]

As he was looking through his stats he saw some new things added from the update. One of which made his left eye twitch, "What the hell does this mean by 'Dead fish eye'?!"

As he sat down cross-legged on the comfy clouds, he pressed the '?' option near the effect box on the screen aggressively.

[Dead-Fish Eye Effect] – [Glare to activate DeadEye Skill (?)]

[Description: Even with Gamer's luck you could not win the game of Genetics. This effect gives your eyes a fierce and creepy look which makes you look like a delinquent, because of this people generally avoid you and it makes you much harder to approach.]

[Gives you -50 Charisma]

[5% Chance to make an opponent give up in a fight, 30% Chance with DeadEye skill]

"At least It's useful in fights… which I don't think I'm going to be in anytime soon.", He said and made a mental note to test the skill.

But the stat below charisma is the one that made him widen his eye, "What… wasn't my luck like 60 or something?!"

["68 to be exact."]

At that Hikigaya suddenly got in a thinking pose and started counting something with his fingers for an entire minute or so, then suddenly his eyes widened and he exclaimed, "I gained 110 luck!?"

["That took you an entire minute?..."]

"Oi, shut up, I suck at math, okay!?", he had hurt look on his face, wait… are those tears at the corner of his eyes!?

He then shook his head to get rid of the, ahem, sweat in his eyes and pressed the '?' option besides the Gamer's luck effect.

[Gamer's Luck] – [Snap to Activate LuckBurst Skill (?)]

[Description: You were selected by an unknown God to become the first tester of this game, his blessings have reached you and has given you +50 luck.]

[+10 luck every level]

[0.5% chance to make your guesses come true, 3% chance with LuckBurst Skill]

"Wait, so if it gives +10 luck every level and my level is 6 then I get 60 Luck. And the luck from my blessing is 50… And the luck I had initially was 68… so when added together becomes…"


"That means that…"


"Nevermind, can't figure it out."


"Oh cool, thanks"


"Well, let's see what the skills I got from the effects are about…", he said to himself but before he could press the '?' option, two screens with the skill he wanted to know more about suddenly appeared.

[Skill – DeadEye] – [Level 1]

[To Activate: Glare or Voice Command]

[Uses: 3/day]

[No Duration]

[Description: A unique skill from the Dead-Fish Eye effect. This skill gives your eyes an intense look which can make them a lot fiercer. This skill is particularly useful during fights."]

[30% chance to make an opponent give up]

[0.002% chance to give your opponent hallucinations about you looking like the devil]

[Skill – LuckBurst]

[To Activate: Snap or Voice Command]

[Uses: 1/day]

[Duration: 2 minutes]

[Description: A unique skill from the Gamer's Luck effect. This skill multiplies your luck stat by 5.]

[3% chance to make guesses come true]


["You're welcome"]

Hikigaya just rolled his eyes and started to read the screen containing information about the two unique skills.

"I can see how the first skill can be used in situations other than being in a fight except looking like the devil part… and with LuckBurst I can enhance many of my other skills as well, which can give me huge advantages too…", he muttered to himself as he put one of his hand on his mouth in a thinking position to think about the skills. But after a few minutes he gave up thinking that he can probably use them at some other time.

"Oi, you there?", he said referring to the AI

["Yes, what do you need?"], the AI replied

"I was just wondering but, I don't think you have told me your name yet"

["I guess I do have a name…"], the AI answered

"Wait, what do you mean you guess?"

["Well… I'm not really sure but, I have a few extra files in my database and in one of the files there is a line of code where I was referred to as, 'Christina'"]

"'Christina'... Huh? Cool name…"

That's it. That's the chapter. It's probably the least well-made chapter in this fic.

I'm sorry about all the delays on this chapter. I'm gonna be honest, more than 60% of the delays were me procrastinating and playing osu! And I feel incredibly bad about it.

I won't promise anything, but I assure everyone that I'll at least try to control my procrastinating and gaming tendencies.

Sorry again and thanks for everything!

(1) Basically the developer of yandere simulator is a lazy shit who mostly only uses 'if else' statements in his game which makes it so that it checks every frame, which leads to intense frame drops. (EXTRA: YANDERE DEV IS FKED BOIS, HELL YEAH! FUCK THAT GUYY!)