Technically, our story begins in April of an unspecified year. But you already know how it goes for the most part, so let's skip a few months ahead, to where it deviates from what you've heard.

A bitter man, kneeling defeated in front of a group of vigilantes he betrayed earlier that month.

A copy of him, as perceived by the villain of this story, stepping in and loudly proclaiming the original would've been disposed of anyway, so it might've as well just skip to that part.

And a certain rash blonde, who, with a shout of "Fuck that!" pulled out a shotgun and emptied it in the evil-er Akechi's face.

Now, obviously, that wasn't enough to take him down. But when all the other Phantom Thieves followed suit, the cognitive Goro Akechi didn't even get to think about a counterattack. What remained of it collapsed into a puddle of black goo.

"Huh..." the real Akechi thought before passing out.

Things were hurting.

Which meant he was somehow still alive.

He slowly opened his eyes and allowed his vision to refocus. He was lying on a couch, in his usual beige suit, and managed to identify the spots of colours surrounding him as his attic. Of course, where else would they take him?

He turned his head and noticed someone sitting on a chair opposite him. He squinted and recognized the other person as the Okumura kid.

"Oh, you're awake," Haru said. "I do not know where he gets that medicine, but it works wonders."

"Is this purgatory?" the detective slowly sat up. "I do not expect heaven, and there's not enough fire and brimstone for it to be the other place."

"No, you are alive and well," Haru explained. "The rear guard carried you around until we localized the Treasure, and then we got you out. You were unconscious since then."

"And 'then' was...?"


Akechi pulled out a cellphone from his pocket, and the rich kid quickly swiped it out of his hands.

"Don't panic, I just wanted to check the notifications."

"Six messages from Shido." Haru tapped the screen. "Asking you where you are and threatening to, quote, 'deal with a loose end' if you do not murder someone he mentioned earlier."

"We have already established he wants to get rid of me anyway, so he can bite my shiny metal suitcase." He got up and started marching around the attic to stretch. It was dark outside. "When are you going to steal his heart?"

"The others are doing it right now."

"...wait, what?"

Haru giggled omniously in response. "Go watch the news channel."

Akechi ran (though 'tumbled' would be a better word) down the stairs, followed by Haru, and was greeted by the scowl from the barista. "Oh, you're awake." Sojiro growled.

"-lieved to have committed suicide in police custody, has been allegedly present during the statement made by the group," the newscaster read out. "The police spokesperson has claimed that their computer security specialists are trying to find the source of the broadcast emitted by the hijackers, and refused to answer further questions..."

"Huh, they went all-out with this one..." the detective mumbled.

"You can speak up, I'm in on all your secrets."

"Oh, that is a relie..." Akechi stopped, before continuing sheepishly, "...does that mean you are aware of my… well..."

"Yes," he spat. "I do not understand why they bothered to save you."

"That makes two of us." He sat by the counter, and Haru sat in a booth behind him, watching him intently. "Are you still serving curry, sir?"

Sojiro gave him a death glare, but he wasn't bothered by it. After glancing at Haru and her nodding at him, he turned towards the stovetop to heat it up.

"There is no need to be distrustful." Akechi said.

"Au contraire," Haru replied. "You have demonstrated both an irrational hatred towards the group and willingness to fight even when outnumbered and outmatched."

"Fair, " the detective muttered. "But you are about to put Shido in his place, and I want him put in his place, so I won't cause any trouble." He reached for his wallet. "Also, I haven't eaten in 24 hours, so at the very least I will stay along for the delicious curry."

"I am charging you double."

He pulled out a 10000 yen note. "Still worth i-"

The entrance to the cafe was slammed open. The trio turned towards the sound and noticed three serious-looking men in black suits. "Search the place." the leader commanded.

Akechi put the money on the counter, and got off his chair, blocking the way. "What's the matter?" he asked, innocently.

"Akechi? What are you doing here?"

"Shido sent me ahead to watch this place after I offed the Phantom Thieves' leader, just in case," the detective said, quietly enough to sound like nobody else can hear him, and loudly enough to be heard by Haru and Sojiro. "He's not stupid, he didn't come back here. You could go ahead and search the place, and then you can go and tell boss you've wasted an entire evening."

"What about the owner?" the leader glanced at Sojiro. "We could try and interrogate him."

"Or detain him 'provisionally', to get the Thieves to turn themselves in," his lackey added.

"It won't work," Akechi shot him down. "The guy knows nothing, and the Thieves will just dismiss him as collateral. I've infiltrated them before, they're sociopaths. They can barely stand each other-"

"Alright then, ace detective," one of the agents in the back growled, "if you 'infiltrated' them, tell us something useful. Like the address of their current hideout."

"Since you asked so nicely…" He pulled out a note block and wrote something on the top page. "They have rented something out under a fake name. The leader has a few go-to pseudonyms, and he changes them a lot." He ripped the page out and handed it to the leader. "I assume that's where their base of operation is now."

The leader stared at the address for a moment, before gesturing at the team to move out. "Alright. We'll call you if something pops up." He turned around and the group left the cafe, slamming the door behind himself.

"Wow," Akechi sat back by the counter, and reached for his phone.

"So, where do the Phantom Thieves have their 'hideout'?" Sojiro asked.

"Wakō, near the Fukutoshin terminus." He removed the battery cover and pulled out his SIM card. "It's far away, but not too far for them to doubt my story. I should have an hour or so before they'll try to get back to me. Where's the trash can?"

Sojiro pointed it out, and Akechi almost nailed the throw. "If you pulled rank like that, couldn't you just tell them to stand down?" Haru piped up.

"I didn't pull rank, I just lied and hoped Shido hadn't burned me already. It's the best I could do. How about that curry, sir?"

"Dammit!" Sojiro turned back to the stovetop and tried to scrape the burnt bits from the bottom of the pan.

Akechi turned to Haru. "You need to get in touch with the Phantom Thieves and warn them about this. Joker should sleep elsewhere tonight."

"Same goes for Futaba," Sojiro added. "I'll stay behind. If I disappeared too, they'll find it suspicious."

"That's risky, Boss."

He sighed. "Stealing the heart of Japan's top politician is risky. Wasting time of some goons is just the least I can do." He glanced at Akechi. "And what will you do?"

"Take the food to go, if possible."

"Stop with the smartassery, kid," Sojiro growled, reaching for the plastic container. "You betrayed your protector, and he doesn't have that much time left anyway. What will you do after I close the cafe and kick you out?"

"I..." Akechi found himself at a loss of words, for the first time that night, "...I'll figure it out as I go. Get a hotel room, stay inside for a week to think things through."

"I'm going with you." Haru got up.

"You want to shoot me in a dark alleyway or something?" the detective also stood up, and grabbed a takeaway bag. "Or is that a pity thing? Because you can stick it up yo-"

"You're a dangerous criminal that cannot be left unsupervised," she said, bitter. "I want to keep my eye on you."

"I also have no reason to commit more crimes or even oppose the Phantom Thieves in any way, but whatever lets you sleep at night." He marched to the exit. "I'll get you a room next to mine."

"I'll call Futaba if something happens." Sojiro pointed at Haru, "You, good luck," and at Akechi, "And you, don't come back here."