AN: Gomen!!!! It's been so hectic around here lately that I haven't been home at all to update Well, at least exams and graduation are done!

Someone suggested a new game to me, MASH (I think it was worded a bit differently, but it's basically the same thing ) and seeing as I haven't updated in a while, I need to comply to the request As well as all the other chapters I have to write, hehe.

I also realize I completely butchered the game of MASH and I'm sorry! I had to cut out things like salary and cars =/ so we'll call this a game of ghetto mash =D


Sango stared at the piece of paper that Kagome had handed to her. It was quite fascinating really, the strange blue lines and holes on the side were more than enough to keep her occupied. Not to mention the strange paper tassels hanging from the side. Idly, she picked at them, watching as the small scraps of paper fell to the ground.

"Sango, really, it's just notebook paper. It's not that fascinating." Kagome sighed and continued to watch as Sango plucked another nub of paper off the end and let it fall. Miroku, Inuyasha, and Shippou, she noticed, weren't nearly as interested in the paper as they were the game they were about to play.

"Kagome-sama, what is it we're to do with this?" Miroku turned his paper over in his hands, as if waiting for something to happen. He had to agree with Sango, this was quiet an odd parchment. Kagome rolled her eyes and handed out the pencils she had in her bag.

"Okay, now, everyone write MASH on the top."

"MASH?" Inuyasha frowned as he was handed a red colored pencil. Kagome nodded and pointed towards the top margin on her own paper. Shrugging, Miroku did as instructed, only after nudging Sango to inform her of the directions. Shippou proudly held his paper up for Kagome to inspect, the letters too large and almost too messy to read.

"That's the idea." She smiled and ruffled his hair. Shippou beamed happily, doodling on the top of the paper. Pointing to one of the lines, Kagome began to explain.

"Okay, first, you write at the top, boys…erm, no, Inuyasha…You write girls…" Kagome muffled her giggles as she watched Inuyasha grumble and scratch out "boys". Miroku coughed and Shippou snickered, obviously enjoying the hanyou's discomfort. Sango, after having finished writing, went back to pick at the small nubs of paper.

"All right, now, leave enough space for four names, and then write children, job, pets…" Kagome paused, then frowned. She couldn't have car or salary in their game, there was no doubt that they didn't know what a car was.

"Oh! And honeymoon and place you want to live." Kagome nodded happily, watching as everyone scribbled down what she wrote.

"Okay, now…Ne, Shippou-chan? Can you use some of your magic to make a top?" Kagome sweat dropped, realizing she didn't know what to refer to Shippou's kitsune magic as. (AN: also the author is having a hard time thinking of anything more intelligent to say =P)

"I can do better than that!" Shippou, somehow understanding what Kagome was telling him, pulled out a leaf and transformed himself into a spinning top. Kagome clapped her hands happily.

"Arigatou, Shippou-chan! Okay, start spinning, and count how many times you go around, when I say stop, stop spinning."

Shippou nodded enthusiastically before setting himself up for a spin. Inuyasha glared, watching Shippou spin around the first few times before getting dizzy and turning his head away.

'Maybe I'll get Inuyasha as my husband!' Kagome blushed profusely, earning suspicious glances from both Sango and Miroku. Inuyasha, as usual, was oblivious. Kagome, too caught up in her own thoughts, didn't notice Shippou taking on a slightly greenish hue.

"Kaaagomeee, am I done?" Shippou tilted from side to side dizzily, eyes spinning. Kagome turned, finally remembering Shippou, and gasped.

"Stop! Stop!" Waving her hands frantically, she hurried over to where Shippou lay on his side, dazed.

"Gomen ne, Shippou-chan!" Kagome quickly scooped up the kitsune and held him protectively to her chest. Shippou grinned, almost punch drunkenly, trying to get himself to focus on one thing.


"Oi, Shippou. How many times did you spin?" This from Inuyasha, who was enjoying seeing the small kitsune so helpless. Kagome turned and shot him a look that screamed she was going to 'sit' him later.

"Spin? Oooh, spin!"

Shippou, already recovering, frowned from his place in Kagome's arms. Inuyasha snorted and turned away.


"Hai, Shippou-chan?"

"…What comes after ten?"

Kagome sweat dropped, then giggled and patted Shippou on the head, ruffling his hair.

"We'll stick with ten. Now, these spaces we left blank, we get to fill in. So, under boys or girls, you write down three names." Kagome moved closer to the group so she could demonstrate. In the first blank she put 'Houjo', then hesitated. With everyone watching her so closely, she was afraid to put Inuyasha's name down.

"All right? Got it? Any three people is fine." Kagome giggled nervously and moved her paper back to her lap, where she could secretly write the name of the oblivious hanyou sitting next to her.

"Kagome-sama, what goes in the last blank spot?" Miroku pointed to the space on his sheet. Kagome was about to respond, when she saw one of his choices.

"…Miroku-sama…you can't put a whole harem of village girls on there…" She watched him frown, pulling his paper back as if to ward off Kagome from changing his choice. He felt a steady glare from his right. Turning, he saw Sango. He smiled sheepishly. Guess she wasn't as preoccupied with the strange paper as he thought she was.

"Fine, Miroku-sama, keep it, I'm not going to argue." Kagome waved her hand passively, watching as his face lit up happily.

"With the blank spot, one of us chooses who goes there. But let's fill out the rest of the spots first." She instructed, guiding them all until only one spot in each category was left blank.

"Okay, now, we'll all just swap papers, and let that person fill in whatever they want." Kagome smiled as she swapped her paper with Shippou. Inuyasha grunted and took Shippou's paper from Kagome, missing the blush on her cheeks when she noticed her name was on his list. Miroku shrugged and took Sango's paper, but not before she gave him a "try anything funny and die" glare.

After a few minutes of thinking and snickers, the papers were passed back to their original owners. There was a long pause, before Sango spoke up.

"Fifteen kids!?" She turned and shot a look at Miroku, clearly not amused. He grinned sheepishly and coughed, turning to look anywhere but at her. Kagome suppressed a grin.

"Okay, now, using the number Shippou helped us get, we go down the list and cross out ever tenth word, including the MASH at the top. Watch." Kagome demonstrated once on her own paper, crossing out "tama detector" (as Inuyasha had told Shippou to fill in) as one of her jobs.

"Okay, got it?"

Everyone nodded in understanding, before going about the task of crossing out.


A good ten minutes later, the results were in. Kagome stared happily at her sheet. Hugging it to her chest and ignoring the strange looks from everyone around her, she sighed happily.

"What does yours say, Kagome?" Shippou inched closer, trying to catch a glimpse of what made Kagome so happy. The miko shied away, a blush on her cheeks. Just as she was about to open her mouth to respond, a clawed hand swooped down and grabbed the paper from her grasp.

"H-hey! Inuyasha! Give that back!" She grabbed desperately for the paper that was out of her reach.

"No way, I wanna see what's got you so damn happy." He replied, jumping onto a limb of the tree he had been leaning against. Kagome watched, horrified, as Inuyasha skimmed through her sheet once, twice. And surprisingly, he blushed.

"What does it say, Inuyasha?" Sango asked, perplexed. The hanyou muttered something under his breath.

"What was that?"


"Inuyasha?" Kagome could feel her heart face, the flush in her cheeks. She averted her eyes, looking anywhere but at him. Unfortunately, he had other plans and hopped down from the tree to kneel in front of her. Kagome looked up to meet his eyes, unconsciously licking her dry lips.

Miroku coughed. Suddenly aware of the audience they had, Kagome and Inuyasha pulled apart. Sango hid a smile behind her hand. Shippou stuck out his tongue in obvious disgust.

"…Well! Sango-chan! Let's see yours!" Kagome turned her back to Inuyasha in a desperate attempt to save herself some embarrassment. Sango, flustered, shook her head.

"I messed it up, really, it's not even worth looking at." She cursed the blush that she knew was slowly becoming visible. Kagome grinned wryly and scooted over until she was next to the taijiya.

"Lemme see! Give it here!" The miko dove, quite unexpectedly, onto Sango's lap in an attempt to grab the sheet of paper. Sango squeaked, startled, as the force of Kagome's body caused her to drop her paper. Scrambling, she reached for it. Her fingertips had just brushed the corner when…A gloved hand snatched it out of her reach.

Sango's face fell as she watched Miroku study the paper, his face blank. Glaring down at Kagome, who was currently giggling nervously, she pushed the miko off her lap and onto the ground.

"…Sango…If we're to have fifteen kids…"

"HENTAI!" Sango reached out to slap the houshi, but was once again surprised when he caught her hand in his and pulled her to him instead. Kagome and Inuyasha stared, saucer-eyed as Miroku held Sango.

"…I wanna finish the game Kago-"

Shippou was cut off as Kagome clamped a hand over his mouth. Quickly, she grabbed the kitsune and ran, dragging Inuyasha by his ear, behind a tree to observe.

"…Houshi-sama…Would you mind letting me go?" Sango tried to keep her voice steady as she pushed at his chest, trying to get out of the circle of his arms. He mumbled something she couldn't quite understand before pressing his face into her neck, breathing in the scent of her hair.

"H-houshi-sama? What do you think you're doing?" Sango shoved at his chest a little harder, but he only tightened his hold.



"My paper…Is the same as yours."

Sango blinked, confused. Frowning, she slipped out from underneath his arms, relieved that this time he let her go.

"What are you-"

He waved his paper in front of her face, and she took it, quickly skimming over the contents. Wide eyed, she looked back up at him.

"I-it is the same, right down to Kirara."

Miroku nodded solemnly, then pointed to the area that said "job". Frowning, she looked back up at him.

"…You're not a taijiya…"

"That could change." He shrugged, smiling as he watched a few thoughts play clearly on Sango's face. Blushing, she pointed to the circled "S" on the top of the paper.

"What does the 'S' mean?"

"SHACK! It means you'll live in a shack!" A distinctly feminine voice called out from somewhere in the surrounding bushes.

"A shack!? What kind of-"

Miroku gently grabbed Sango by the shoulders and pressed his lips to hers. Sango felt whatever she was going to say die on her lips. Sighing, she let her eyes flutter closed after the initial shock wore off.

"LOVE SHACK!" Followed by a very girly squeal made Sango think. Maybe living in a shack wasn't so bad…

"Love shack indeed."


AN: wow, I'm cheesy =P I'm so sorry for the lack of updates Long chappy though. MASH. I haven't played that in forever. Great game. =D
