A/N: Based on the music video "Drowning" by the band "Crazy Town"

A/N- Lyrics in bold, the same as above

"Everything is so complex

Everyday is like a test,

For the obstacles that seem most impossible,

"I've been to hell and back, looking for the answers to life

Looking at myself trying to get things right,

And I'm thinking just another prayer,

Not a second left, I need to stop resisting...…."

Walking around the town centre, it became easier. Around all the different faces and people of all ages and sizes being lost in their own worlds, it was easy to hold his hand, the way that Aimee had wanted him to in the past. In an action of sunshine joy, Eric grabs his hand back and swings their arms back and forth. Adam's chest feels tight with pride, just being around Tromboner, it feels...rght.

"YUCK! FAGGOTS!" A Group of guys yells from a car. They start throwing rubbish at them. Adam wipes an empty can of Fanta away and puts his hand through their window.

"Piss off!" He yells giving them the finger.

They push his hand out and through glass he still gives them the finger. He clutches Tromboner to his body and smirks. After digusted looks from the lads, and being called a pair of pervs by the bald driver, the car starts driving away.

"Ad, don't add flames to the fire!" Eric shakes his head.

"They started it" Adam prods, rubbing his partner's shoulder. They went to the cinema and watched "Thelma" a spooky film about a girl with superpowers with a surprising LGBT twist. It was getting dark after they'd got out. They went to the nearest fish and chip shop sharing a huge cod and large chips.

"Let's go through here!" Eric points as they come across a huge park with metal fencing.

"Where the fuck will that lead us though?" Adam stares through the fence.

"That's the fun! Come on babe it'll be romantic man! Plllllleeeeaaasssee!" He kisses him on the clothed arm. Pushing the gate open. It looked like Tromboner couldn't take no for an answer. Reluctantly, the taller guy steps in, eying the park with suspicion.

"Stay close alright?" Adam warns.

"Cookie, I'm not going anywhere!" Eric soothes him tugging his belt. They find a nearby bench, stuff themselves with chips while Eric takes a forkful of cod. He wants to sit on the bench and stare at the stars, but it's getting chilly and his boyfriend gently pulls him off of the bench.

"Come on Tromoboner, this park's giving me the creeps" Adam said watching Eric gently wrap up the cod, they start walking again.

"Don't worry. If there's any ghosts, I'll get my ghost-busting suit on!" Eric teases him.

"Sounds good, as long as I can...watch you put it on" Adam whispers, slowly pushing his boyfriend up against the fence. He begins to dot kisses on his cheek before the taller guy cups his arse and licks his neck.

"Fuck, Adam! You know exactly what I want don't you?" Eric purrs into his ear.

"WHAT I want is fucking brain bleach. Have a good evening faggots?" The fence appears to be growing fists and legs of it's own, more rubbish is thrown through the fence. Both men back away as liquid and food is dripping through the fence. Suddenly two bodies jump over. Before Eric can get away his chip shop cod is balled up and thrown into his face.

"Arse-hole!" Adam turns the guy around and starts swinging. He startles the blonde with his baseball bat of a right hand that sends him spinning. Before he can charge over to Eric, he gets bum-rushed by two other men. There's the strong stench of fish as Eric tries to pull one off.

"Suck a dick! You dirty nigger!" The bald guy spits out, as a brunette shoved Eric away.

"Eric run!"

"I'm not leaving you!" Eric yells.

"Don't be a dick! RUN!" Adam roars, kneeing the brunette in the stomach before kicking him on the floor. He can see Eric run into the darkness. He's getting followed, but Adam can't protect him. It's now three against one.

"Not so tough eh, now your pet darkie's done a runner!" The blonde guy smirks.

Adam still kicking and swinging at whatever bodies he can until, the bald guy gets him in a choke-hold. As the energy and blood drains from his brain, his knee is getting stomped on. The bald guy let's go and begins raining punches down on his face.

"You don't look like a fag" The blonde says kicking him in the stomach.

"It's weird innit? You'd never think that he sucked dick. He looks like one of us" The brunette gets out his phone.

The bald guy relaxes and stops punching. He grabs him by the throat, forcing the headmaster's son to look at him. With a disappointed lingering stare, he spits in Adam's face, just before he passes out.