Toothless saves Hiccup from the Fire
Chapter 1

Toothless didn't lose his tailfin as he was shot down.

As they were falling towards the ground we're the Red Death exploded and a fiery inferno was Toothless lost control of his flight. And Hiccup fell from his back he tried to reach out towards him with his paw to grab him but there were too far away.
Toothless had an idea but he heard it was just a legend that the night fury had one specific special shot that could help a fellow night fury on need. But it didn't have consequences to Dragons, he didn't know what would happen to hiccup if he would be hit by it. He had to try. He loves this human and he didn't want to lose him.
So he concentrated on his will and love and discharged his only shot to help hiccup to survive.
The shot flew and hit the unconscious Hiccup and went into his body. He was able to grab him and protect him from the fire.
They hit the ground and the air was forced out of toothless. The fire had dyed down now.
He looked down at Hiccup and smelled him and liked for a injury but he was okay. The thing was something was wrong with his smell. He smelled like a female Dragon. But he could tell that his rider was a male. Toothless will keep an eye on him. If there are any changes he will know what is causing it.

Meanwhile in Stoick's view.
He saw his son tumble out of the sky we're the Devil of this Dragon was falling behind hiccup trying to reach him. But he saw something fly out of the devils mouth and hit hiccup. Then it was able to get to hiccup.
The black dragon saved him and they hit the ground. He looked around and saw most of the teens and adults saw what happened to hiccup. But they didn't believe it because they thought it was to protect him from the fire. He ran up to the night fury.
He saw it lying there and had its wings covering hiccup who was unconscious.
" I'm so sorry hiccup for what I've done and to you but is he safe. I really need him he is the only connection to Valka I have. I'll promise to be a better father from now on, " he said close to tears. Keening downwards, towards the dragon and Astrid came up from behind. The Dragon moaned and reveals an unharmed Hiccup. He grabbed him to see if he was alive and he listened to a heartbeat. His son was alive.
And he wasn't injured in any way. He put his hand on toothless and said, " Thank you for bringing him back alive. And whole. I saw what you did. You protected him and you can continue doing so."
He saw that hiccup wasn't in a condition to fly so the repaired the rest or salvaged from the burnt one's what they could. He gave the orders to ready the ships back to berk. The teen's dragons could follow. And they flew next to them so they would not be shot down by arrows. As they reached berk.
Hiccup was laid on toothless belly after they had gotten onto a ship. Toothless covered his rider up with his wings and curled up into a circle, holding his rider with his paws. And keeping him warm.

General view.

The Vikings of Berk were on the way home from the dragon's nest. Only a couple of people were wounded. They had to make some trips back and forth between the nest and Berk. Because of the ruined ships. Hiccup had been put onto his bed and covered with animal skins and furs. He had yet to recover from his hit on his head and the shot from toothless. The inside of him was changing and he had gained some white scales on his neck. They couldn't be seen yet because they were under his hairline.
In his lower part of his body, an egg chamber and female dragon parts started to develop. It will go unnoticed by most of them. But over time it will finish growing. Like the rest of his body. His old human life will end and his dragoness one will begin.

Toothless view.
What have I done to my rider, he thought. He knew it was a myth but didn't know what happens if he hit a human being with this shot. His rider smell of female night fury. It was exciting for him, he never thought he would find another one of his species. Was it because of his love for him or just his wanting to save him?

To be continued...

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The next chapter in a couple of days.