Hello dears.

So many things have happened since the last time I was able to post...with this pandemic and all and loss of income and uncertain future...depression hit hard, but I'm trying to survive and I hope you all are too.

I will be slowly getting back to writing and updating and I wanted to share something that I had been writing to help me get back in the swing of things. I wanted to get back to my writing abilities and felt something new would help sharped myself before I tackled the already ongoing stories as to not lose their flow and quality.

I would like to bring back some sense of either joy or at the very least distraction from this times by sharing stories again.

I hope you will like this one, I am very proud of what I have here so far.

Enjoy and I hope everything will get better soon.

Anna watched the tiles on the floor move as she walked. She tried her best to keep her feet in the middle of the tiles. The corridor was long and she was bored. The person holding her hand was walking fast, but she kept up well enough.

"Now Anna remember that-"

She didn't care to listen. She's heard it a million times.

"And if you feel-"

This was a really long hallway.

"But if you-"

She wonders how fast she could run the length of this hallway.

Suddenly they stop and she feels herself being yanked to the side to face the person.

"Did you listen to me Anna?"

"Yes ma'am," she nods and smiles. The older woman smiles back and pat her on the head before opening the door.

"Now in, you go and remember, try your best," the woman said and Anna entered into the white room. Once the door closed she couldn't see where it was. Everything was white, it would hurt her eyes if the lighting wasn't so low.

She looked around and rocked on the balls of her feet. She was supposed to do something. She's not sure how, but they thought she could do it.

"Okay let's try this," she sighed and closed her eyes. It usually helped.

It took her awhile and she had to take a few deep and steady breaths, but she felt herself become weightless. She felt like she was floating, before being turned upside down and then back onto her feet.

A rush of cold wind whipped around her and she smiled. Once opening her eyes she was greeted with a big smile and bright ice blue eyes. The white room was gone and she was now in a big bedroom.

"Anna, you're back!" The girl around her age said before hugging her.

"Elsa! I missed you! They wouldn't let me come see you," Anna said after pulling back and pouted a little.

"It's okay, some people don't like it when I use my power," Elsa pouted before beaming again and gripping the girls hand and dragging her to the toy chest. They played for a while, the moon outside was starting to set as day approached.

"I have to go now," Anna said as she saw the girl yawn after what felt like too little of a time spent together.

"I guess you're right, I should sleep, I start lessons in the morning," Elsa said as she rubbed her eyes and smiled sleepily. They hugged and Anna smiled.

"You're going to be the best Queen someday Princess Elsa," Anna smiled brightly as Elsa got into bed.

"Promise you'll visit me again soon?" Elsa asked a little sadly.

"I will try my best!" Anna said and as Elsa closed her eyes so did Anna. She felt herself being lifted into the air again. Floating was really relaxing to her, but as she started to move upside down, she stopped.

Anna felt herself start to panic as she couldn't move; she couldn't even open her eyes. What normally took her a few seconds to do, turn into minutes and then hours as she stayed upside down.

She could hear herself screaming in her head, there wasn't much she could do. The screaming eventually stopped and she felt like crying, but everything was frozen in place. She was alone with just her thoughts and the darkness behind her eyes.

Anna wasn't sure how long this was, but it felt like eternity when she finally found herself moving again. When her feet hit the ground and she opened her eyes she immediately dropped to the ground and sobbed.

It took several minutes for her to calm down. Darkness was around her, the room she was in was no longer white but grey. She briefly wondered where the lady was that took her there, but her thoughts stopped as she saw a door open. The light that was in the hall was no more. All there were, was darkness.

This was not what a little ten year old had to go through. This wasn't right.

Anna stood and sniffled as she slowly approached the door. The darkness seemed to be spilling into the room like smoke. The redhead gulped and gently stuck her head out. The hall was dark too, a lone light flickering at the farthest end.

She could see how fast she was now. Anna set out in a dead sprint. The smoky darkness on her heels as she started to hear growling. Her heart was beating way too fast and she felt like it was going to burst, but once in the flickering light the growling stopped. The smoke pulled away.

Anna gulped as she panted, she was thirsty. With a shaking hand she reached for the door and it creaked open. Everything looked like it was thrown about and torn to shreds. But there were more lights here, which made her feel a little saver.

As she walked into the room and looked around she wondered where everyone was. It was so silent too. It would probably have been better for her to try and do her thing again, but the thought scared her too much.

Anna gasped as she rounded a corner and saw a wall smeared with blood. Hand prints and claw marks were present in the splatter of blood and she saw blood on the floor that looked like something was dragged in it.

Her breathing became rapid as she stared at it, then her breath hitched as she heard the growl again. Turning to look to where she came from, she saw glowing eyes in the growing darkness.

Suppressing the urge to scream Anna bolted the way the blood smear went. The thing that was growling gave a roar and started to chase her. Anna could hear its claws scrape the floor as it chased her down. She kept running even after it felt like her legs would give in. Tears streamed down her face.

She didn't want to die!

"Someone please help me!" She screamed into the void.

"I said get her out of there!"

Anna's eyes widened as she heard the faint yell of someone. It didn't seem real, it seemed like it was coming from in her mind rather than around her. She chanced a glance behind her, just in time to see the dark shadow beast pounce at her. She closed her eyes tightly and felt herself lift into the air.

The turn this time was quick and she opened her eyes as soon as she could. Light surrounded her; people were around her as she started sobbing. She was going into a full blown panic attack as she curled into herself.

"I told you she wasn't ready!" One person yelled.

"And I told you we had it handled!" Another yelled.

"Shut up the both of you!" A third person yelled.

Anna tried her best to breathe as she felt herself shiver. She curled away from the third person as they neared her. She didn't want to be touched right now.

"Anna, it's okay, you're safe now."

Anna looked to the person and found it was the woman that led her to the room.

"It's okay, the experiment is over," she said and managed to gently lay a calming hand onto her red hair.

"You…you promised," Anna choked out, "you promised that wouldn't happen again," she eventually got out.

"I know sweetheart, but we didn't know it went that far back, you were only 10 for goodness sake," the woman said as she pulled the girl into a hug.

Anna clung to the woman as she tried to let the memories of the past die. There was a reason she didn't want to remember the dark dimension. Her back still bears the scars of her time there. No kid had to live through that.

"Who's Elsa?" The woman asked and Anna sniffled.

"A princess in a different dimension, similar to earth, just set in the 18 hundreds. The only difference I remember is that she had power over ice," Anna said as she tried to remember her training.

Ever since she could remember she could hop between dimensions and just as long she remembers this facility. For all her 21 years, she's been hopping between worlds and collecting data, but then…she started having nightmares. They were hoping to rid her of them as they impeded her ability, made her too scared to complete her hop.

"Let's get you back to your room, you should rest," the woman said and helped her to her room. Anna had sadly forgotten about Elsa after the dark world incident. Therapy after what happened helped her suppress her memories.

Once in her room and her door closed and locked she moved to sit on her messy bed and hug her pillow to her chest. Her room was a decent size, enough space for a sofa and a bookcase. There was a desk too and a training dummy. Normally she'd take the time to do some training, but she honestly just wanted to sleep for eternity right now.

Anna bit her lip and looked to her wrist. Even if she made an unscheduled hop, they'd still be able to pull her back. Her eyes cast to the clock. The shift change would be around now so no one would notice if she made a small blip.

"They'll only know I'm gone if they need me for anything, then they can just pull me back," Anna mused before taking a deep breath. She struggled with herself. She was scared to hop, but she also had a strong desire to see Elsa again.

Elsa was her first and only friend. It was the only world she ever went to before they realized she could hop to other places too.

Anna took a deep breath before standing up, throwing the pillow back onto the bed. She kept breathing calmly as she closed her eyes. Just this once. Just this once to see Elsa.



Anna felt herself get weightless and like many times before felt herself turn around before her feet touched ground again. Her eyes opened and she was surprised to see she was standing outside the castle this time. In about a foot of snow.

She's just glad she naturally always seems to wear the right clothes for wherever she ends up. She wore thick clothing and was pleasantly happy with the weight of a sword on her hip.

She looked up to the castle. It was getting dark and the wind was picking up. She should get inside or she might just freeze to death even in these warm clothes.

As Anna neared the giant gates, she could see the guards stationed at the front eye her with a glare. Yeesh, not a friendly bunch.

Anna jumped as they blocked her entrance with their spears.

"State your business," one guard hissed.

"Here to see the Queen," Anna said, hoping that Elsa was indeed Queen.

"Do you have an appointment?" The other guard asked.

"Well no, she's unaware of my arrival, honestly I haven't seen Queen Elsa in a lot of years, she was still princess at the time," Anna said, using her silver tongue skill she'd learned from all her hops.

"And who are you?" The first guard asked.

"Anna, if you want you can just go tell her Anna is here, I'm sure she'll say it's okay for me to come in," Anna smiled.

I hope she remembers me, she thought.

One of the guards called someone closer, Anna assumes it's a messenger. She stands there and looks around, swaying on her feet. The guards never let up their glaring. She was relieved at seeing the boy run back to them, looking slightly scared.

"The Queen said to let Anna in immediately," the boy said and the guards stepped away. Anna nodded her thanks and followed the boy to the front door of the castle.

"The queen is straight ahead; find her in the throne room yea?" He said before darting off. Anna took a deep breath before entering the castle. She followed the red carpet to the throne room and her breath caught her throat.

Elsa was standing at the top of a few stairs, in front of two thrones. She looked more beautiful than Anna ever remembered. A small blush moved over the redheads cheeks.

Anna was so lost in her awe she hardly had time to react. Pulling her sword from her side she managed to block the snowball that hurtled towards her.

"Hey what gives!" Anna yelled in anger.

"What gives? What gives?! It has been 11 years Anna!" Elsa scowled before pelting the redhead with a barrage of snowballs. The blond didn't stop till Anna was nearly halfway covered in snow.

"You said you'd come back! You never came back!" Elsa yelled. Anna could see the angry tears in the woman's eyes.

"I couldn't!" Anna yelled and huffed as the assault stopped. She shook off the snow and made her way to Elsa who was curled into herself.

"I couldn't come back Elsa…after leaving I…I got trapped in a very dark place. I barely escaped…in order to function like a normal person again I had to forget. But I forgot too much and…I just recently remembered," Anna said as she climbed the few stairs to the Queen.

Elsa sniffled as she rubbed her eyes before curling herself into Anna's open arms.

"As soon as I remembered I came to you," Anna said as she hugged the monarch to her tightly.

"I missed you so much," Elsa said as she clung to the redhead, gripping her jacket.

"I'm here now, for as long as I can be…I'm here," Anna said as she stroked the woman's back. She noticed how mature and grown up Elsa was. How puberty treated her well. It made the redhead blush as she was aware of how…nice Elsa felt against her.

"Your majesty dinner will be-oh!" A maid exclaimed as she walked in on the scene. The Queen was in a very intimate embrace with another person. A very odd thing to see.

"Ah Gerda, um this is Anna," Elsa said as they pulled apart. Anna tilted her head as she looked to the stunned maid.

"Anna? You mean the redhead you were always going on about your majesty? She's…she's real," the maid said stunned.

"I'm pretty sure I'm real, if my scars are anything to go by," Anna said as she looked at her hands. Faint scars littered them.

"Please have a seat at the dinner table arranged for Anna? You are staying for dinner aren't you?" Elsa asked slightly worried.

"I should be able to," Anna nodded and gave a faint smile.

"Right, of course your Majesty," Gerda said as she curtsied and walked away.

Elsa pulled the girl back into a hug.

"Oh how I've missed you Anna, so much has happened in your absence," Elsa said and told her about her studies and her parents' deaths and taking over the throne. How she caused winter in the middle of summer.

Anna listened. She couldn't imagine the things Elsa went through, it all sounded a little foreign to her, but she showed empathy and sympathy. By the time Elsa was done catching up dinner was ready. She walked the red head to the dining hall. Elsa sat at the head of the table with Anna to her right.

Anna was at a loss. There were way too many utensils and way too much food, half of which she doesn't know what they are. She watched Elsa for a moment and then frowned at her spoons. Elsa seemed to notice the girl's confusion and distress.

"Anna it's completely alright if you don't know what is what, just enjoy some food, I won't think less of you for not having etiquette," Elsa smiled kindly.

Anna hesitated before slowly eating. Her eyes widened at the overload of flavors and she couldn't help herself in trying everything. Elsa had to keep herself from laughing. Instead she covered her mouth with her fingers and giggled.

"I'm glad the food is to your liking," Elsa says affectionately.

"I've never had food with taste before, everything I eat is so bland and tasteless," Anna said and kept eating. She's also never had this much to eat before.

Elsa frowned slightly but didn't comment as she ate. By the time they were both done, Anna had eaten four times the amount Elsa had. The monarch didn't mind, it felt nice to not send almost everything back to the kitchen like she didn't touch a thing.

"Care to join me in the study Anna? I would love to hear of your life," Elsa said as she stood. Anna nodded and followed the queen. She's not sure if she wanted to tell Elsa everything, but she'd give her a rundown of things.

I hope that will keep your thoughts for a second.

I am currently halfway through with The Panther - chapter 26, I hope to bring that in a couple of days.

Again, I hope you are all doing alright. If there are any concerns or questions, or you just want someone to listen to you, please feel free to PM me, either on the PC or the FFn App (the two don't link messages) I will try my best to get back to you. Sometimes all we need is someone to listen.

I love all of my wonderful readers and hope them the best.
