Ninety minutes outside of Houston, the kids finally pass out. They look uncomfortable sprawled out in seats with Helen's mother looking over them. But we're all paying the price for this chance to make history.

Satisfied that their kids are settled. The Congressman and Mrs. Santos shut themselves into their cabin.

The plane is finally quiet. There's not much time but everyone could use a little shut eye. So I dim the lights and slide into a seat near the back next to Donna.

She looks me up and down once and must come to the same conclusion, because she gives me a gentle smile, then leans into me just slightly. I can feel her breath even out moments later. She always could fall asleep anywhere.

I close my eyes too, but sleep doesn't come. Instead my instructions to the Congressman ring through my head.

"And then you're gonna make up with your wife, so we have a relatively happy couple . . . "

Donna shifts a miniscule amount, so I wrap my arm around her and draw her a little closer. She sighs softly.

"And then you're gonna make up with your wife . . ."

I let my free hand drift up to her hair and gently stroke it with my fingertips. She snuggles even closer.

"And then you're gonna make up . . ."

Have I done enough to make up with Donna? Does she know that I'd give anything to make everything alright between us?

"And then . . ."