CJ: Here's CH.5, ...... here ya go. __________________________________________________________

It was the next day. ~At least this time I didn't over sleep.~ I thought, the clock said 10:00 AM. "I doubt I'm the last one up again" I said. So this morning I took my time to get ready. I put on a shirt that was pink and said "Don't hate me cause your boyfriend likes me better." (yet again a shirt I don't have but want.)and a pair of blue jeans. (all I own is jeans.) and of course brushed my hair. I walked downstairs and yet again everyone was at the kitchen table already eating breakfast. Everyone said their hello's and I took my seat. "After breakfast where gunna play truth or dare, think your up to it?" Triston told me. I laughed "Your asking me that PU-LEEZE! I never back down truth or dare." So we ate breakfast we went in the living room and sat on the couches and floor and got started. To see who would go first we did blue shoe. You know that rhyme "blue shoe blue shoe how old are you?" Riku was first. "Okay lets see... I pick Shayna." "O joy to the world." She whispered. "Truth or Dare?" "I guess truth." "Ok tell me the truth. do you like me?" Shayna froze, she was staring wide eyed and was motionless. "Do I like you?" she replied nervousaly. "yes." she replied blushing so bright it was actually funny. "It's OK." He said then hugged her softly. That's sooo unfair she got the guy she wanted. ~ I thought sorta angerily. "AWWWW." everyone exclaimed. "OK, OK lets get on with the game." Kaiba said. "Okay my turn.. I pick Chelsea." ~ figures ~ I thought. "Truth or Dare?" "Dude you know me dare!" I said. "Okay I dare you to..." She whispered into my ear. "Tell your true feelings to Joey." Now it was my turn to go red and stare wide eyed. "Your not serious." I said in an unbeliveable voice. "Dead serious." I walked up to Joey and whispered to Joey "that". He got red and wide eyed you know. He looked me in the eye and said "I've had that feeling about you since I first saw you."

"Coolio" I said in an impressed voice. "Coolio? OK Chelsea." Shayna said. "Fuck you, it's my word that I use." "OK I've had enough of this game. How about some music?" Yugi asked. "I can hang with that." I said and everyone agreed.

CJ: Soooo are ya'll gunna review? PLEEEAASE!! Never mind just do it. My friend helped a little. Shayna be sure to check out her fanfics. Destiny Island Idol, and Take My Hand.