Set many centuries in the future but none of the tech-savvy, sci-fi future stuff. Slight OOC because our beloved characters are technically new people.

Random Fact #1

Calendulauda is a genus of lark from the family Alaudidae.

Calen didn't know what he and his father were doing at an old antique store. Something about a late birthday present. The 19 year old browsed through the cramped, and dusty space in disinterest while his father approached the suspicious looking old man by the counter. First of all, he had a black cloth wrapped around his eyes, had a mohawk and a tooth necklace over his cloak. What's not to be suspicious of that?

"Hello Talbot." His father greeted.

"Ah Sir Riccio, welcome! What can I interest you in today?" Talbot replied gaily. His seemingly blind eyes travelled to where Calen was standing. "This is the first time you brought your son into my store."

"Ah yes, I'm buying for him after all. Say, I remember seeing a pair of tonfas sometime ago…"

Calen let their conversation fade away into the background. It didn't interest him anyway. He swore the old man stared at him for a second and it made him uncomfortable. He shrugged it off and continued looking through the old shelves. Maybe he could find some new vintage accessories to add to his collection.

His pant chains clanged against his belt buckle as he squeezed through furniture and stacks of books. In the corner of his eye, Calen saw a tiny glint reflecting off of what looked to be a ring. He reached up the shelf as his metal bracelets rolled down his forearm. As soon as he got a closer look at it, he frowned. The dull hexagon gem in the middle wasn't the purple colour he usually preferred. But it had a nice style and he supposed indigo would work just fine.

Calen walked up to the counter where his father had just finished paying for a pair of tonfas now in an old plastic bag.

"I see that interests you, boy." Calen nodded, not understanding the overly interested voice of the old man.

Talbot smiled, showing a less-than-appealing array of teeth. "Anything else?"

Calen looked around. There was a trident in one corner, a bunch of tiny boxes with a small circular opening on one side, and a pair of boxing gloves among other things. The teen shook his head.

"Are you sure?"


Back in their home, where it was connected to a small gym for self-defense classes that his father oversaw, Calen didn't know what to make of the surging memories going through his head. After his father had washed up the tonfas he had brought, Calen immediately took it upon himself to test out his new weapons. That was when it happened.

Calen dropped to his knees, clutching his head painfully as scenes of a previous life played surprising the Italian boy. Despite not having studied any other languages, Calen found himself understanding the Japanese dialogue in the scenes quite well.

Kyoya walked through the dark hallways of the Vongola mansion. It was eerily quiet. Being one of the most informed within the Family - He wanted to make sure that he came back from his missions when there were the least amount of herbivores roaming around - Kyoya knew that everyone else should be somewhere in the mansions ensuing chaos.

It was suspicious. At that moment, he decided he would investigate further after a quick visit to the dining room.

As soon as he opened the door to said room, bright light consumed his vision only for a moment.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" came the loud and annoying voices of herbivores.

"... You dare to crowd on my birthday?" To be honest, Kyoya himself forgot.

Tsuna laughed nervously. "I-I thought a formal dinner would be sufficient but Reborn insisted that we do it Vongola-style."

Kyoya knew all too well what Vongola-style meant. That meant a whole night of biting strong people to death. The hitman really knew how to give a good birthday present - No Kyoya, I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be considered a birthday present.

The skylark whipped out his tonfas and proceeded to have his fun. From explosions, EXTREME shouting, annoying laughter, shrieks and eventually, an all-out battle famously dubbed 'The Bloodiest Birthday Party in History'. Despite the immense irritation and annoyance against the group, Kyoya knew this was where he belonged.

He smirked as Sawada Tsunayoshi went into his Hyper Dying Will Mode. His Sky. His Famiglia.

Then he saw that. The omnivore whom he had grown to respect and consider as his most trusted friend and ally, was on his deathbed, smiling as if pleased to sacrifice his own life. Calen couldn't explain the overwhelming anger, sadness, loneliness and betrayal that came over him. Tsunayoshi dared to protect them with his own life.

Just at that moment, the door to his room opened. His sister Candia, who was five years younger, stood at the door. Her usual cunning smile immediately dropped at the sight of her brother on the floor.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked with only the slightest hint of concern only to be met with a glare.

Dia frowned and held out a hand to help him up. Calen shook his head and stood up on his own. The world be damned if Calen Riccio or Kyoya Hibari accepted help from the she-devil Dia Riccio.

"What the hell was that?" Dia whispered to herself. She looked around the room only to see the tonfas her brother had dropped and a pretty looking ring by the mirror.

Random Fact #2

Bubo Scandiascus is a genus of Bubo (owl) from the family Strigidae.

Calen returned to his room after he had taken a shower. He had calmed down with a mission in mind. He would find his sky. He couldn't care less for the other people. If his old tonfas could give him back his memories, then so would the Mist Vongola Ring that he had bought earlier.

So much for keeping it as an accessory, Calen would rather not associate himself with the Mist Guardian. No matter how stylish it looked, his pride would not allow it. As soon as he stepped back into his room, he frowned at seeing Dia going through his stuff again. More specifically, going through his accessory collection and fingering the familiar indigo-coloured ring.

Dia turned to him with an all too mischievous smile, "Kufufufu… Hello dear brother."

Well shit.