The Bat


The Prince

Disclaimer: I had this pop into my head while at work and I couldn't pass up on it.

"With the methods used by you and the others, you should all be held accountable and made to stand in Court." Declared Batman gruffly to a short, pointy black haired man and the others with him.

The short haired man sneered at the mask wearing vigilante. "Says who? You? A fool dressed like a Bat?" He asked.

Said man being Vegeta, Prince of Saiyans. The insult didn't phase Batman any as he glowered on at the short man. "I do. Because your actions were unnecessary as they killed those you were fighting!"

Vegeta scoffed. "It was an invasion, you fool! Practically war! And in war, death happens!"

"And they weren't the type to take second chances considering the master they served." Declared another figure, known as Son Gohan.

"You couldn't have known that for certain."

"Considering Cube was the daughter of the man who essentially enslaved me and destroyed my home planet? I think we did know, fool. Now, be gone from here as you've no place to judge us or request anything!"

And my oh my was it a good feeling for Vegeta to wipe out one of Frieza's own spawn! Especially considering Cube had been all too willing to cause him pain over the years. Batman narrowed his eyes at the figures who made up Japan's Special Forces organization. Not liking that they weren't willing to play ball with him. "Its in your best interest to heed what I am telling you. There are better ways to handle invasions. Killing those fighters was too far!"

"And I think you've gotten too caught up in what your city thinks of you. You don't see us coming to your area to tell you how to do things. It was us and those living here or being enslaved or killed. We chose not to be enslaved or killed." Declared the green skinned Namekian known as Piccolo with his arms crossed.

Batman made to speak but Vegeta, annoyed with the masked man, used his speed to punch him in the gut. Causing the Caped Crusader to double over and gasp out thanks to the pain he'd been caused. "That is the only warning you will get, fool."

And before Batman could do or say anything, he found himself being flung against the Bat Jet by the annoyed Prince. I'll find a way to make you listen! Thought Batman to himself before passing out with a groan.

Author's Notes: I've never really had much of a high opinion of Batman but I could see him pulling something like this.