Today was the day. The day they got to bring Sammy home and Chloe was ecstatic. Although the hospital room was amazing, it felt more like a hotel than a hospital, Chloe just wanted to be home. She wanted to her bed where Lucifer could lay next to her, she wanted Sammy in his white crib, and she wanted a damn drink. The last few days had been a stressful blur for her. Her mother had arrived at the dead of night two days after Sammy had been born and was completely furious. Chloe had told her about the pregnancy but that had been months ago, her mother shooting some movie Brazil, and in the chaos, Chloe forgot to tell her mom that she had gone into labor. Penelope had found out from Dan after the baby had been born.

Penelope rushed from Brazil to the LA hospital only to be stopped at the door by Lucifer. The two had always gotten along, so when the two went head-to-head Chloe had no idea who would win. Penelope wanted to see her grandson, and Lucifer wanted her to shower and disinfect first.

"I know you flew first class but planes are filthy, you won't be bringing any disgusting germs around my son," Lucifer said shaking his head at her through the window.

"Lucifer!" Penelope banged on the door. "Open this door right now or I swear to God!"

"Why do you humans always bring him up? He has nothing to do with this! How many times do I have to bloody tell you people that?"

"Lucifer!" Penelope banged again.

In the end, a nurse had come along and told Penelope that as the father, Lucifer had every right to deny visitors to his son. Lucifer promised Penelope that the moment she returned showered and disinfected he would allow her into the room. She had sighed but at Chloe's recommendation decided to do what Lucifer wanted, however, that didn't stop her from giving him the bird before leaving, which Lucifer happily returned.

Chloe stifled a yawn; she was already tired. Lucifer had turned down the nurse's offers to take Sammy to the nursey. Most parents sent the babies there, especially on that first night so they could get plenty of rest while they had the help. Lucifer declined saying he was more than ready to take care of his son and partner, he didn't need any help. Chloe knew though that he was still afraid that something would happen to the child the moment he left Lucifer's sight. The one person Lucifer seemed to trust with him was her, and he better damn well have, she was his mother.

Lucifer had a strict policy of who could be in the room and how they came inside; clean, disinfected, and quiet. Ella had been the first person besides Trixie and herself to hold Sammy. She had followed Lucifer's instructions to a T, understanding the worries of a new father, so she had been rewarded. Ella sat patiently in the armchair next to the bed and was smitten the moment she held the baby, proclaiming to be the child's 'un-fairy fairy godmother'.

Chloe smiled at the small wiggling creature in front of her. Sammy was a week old and every day he began to look more and more like his father. She continuously lost herself in those black curls and brown eyes. He wasn't much of a crier, Chloe was thankful for that, but when he did he caught the attention of everyone. His cries were rare but loud, powerful, almost like a roar. He never cried for long though, Lucifer always rushed to his side to determine his needs and stop the crying.

There was nothing wrong with him at all, he truly was an angel. He had no problems latching and had even let his parents sleep through most of the night. Everything was perfect. Nevertheless, she was in a rush to get home, Lucifer had been on edge their entire stay at the hospital. She was convinced that once they were all home, he would be different. He would relax.

"Hi, handsome." She ran her fingers down his small chest causing his eyes to open. "I can't get enough of those eyes." She crooned.

"Ready?" Lucifer asked walking back into the room. "I have all the papers." He held up a black folder.

"More than ready. Are you ready to go home baby?" She smiled at Sammy again.

Lucifer chuckled and took Sammy from Chloe, placing him in his car seat. Once he was sure the child was correctly fastened he turned his attention to Chloe, "Let's get you home, detective." He smiled at her.

"Tell me you brought my car and not the corvette?"

"I did nothing of the sort," He planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Lucifer…." She watched as he walked out of the room and reappeared quickly. "Not again." She sighed at the wheelchair.

"Tell your mummy to listen to daddy, Sammy." Lucifer motioned for her to sit.

"Sammy, tell daddy not to piss mommy off," Chloe grumbled but sat down in the chair. "How are we going to get all this out?"

"I'm here!" Trixie ran into the room. "Hi, baby brother." Trixie wiggled her fingers in front of Sammy's face.

"Hi, monkey," Chloe said. Chloe had overheard Lucifer and Trixie's moment before she went into the hospital, and was pleased that Trixie had shared no further qualms about gaining a sibling. Trixie was just as enamored with him as she was; Chloe couldn't be happier. Trixie was bending over to interact with her brother as Lucifer double-checked their bags to make sure they had all their belongings. Chloe hoped she wouldn't have to see the inside of another hospital room for a very long time.

"Urchin, push your mother while I carry your brother," Lucifer told Trixie swinging a bag over his shoulder

"But I want to hold him!" Trixie protested.

"You can hold him later, right now I want to spend some time with my little girl." Chloe opened her arms for a hug. Trixie rolled her eyes but hugged her mom always.

"Right, let's go!" Lucifer clapped his hands, "Oops, almost forgot." He rummaged through the bag hanging to his left and retrieved the item he was after; a soft blue hat. Lucifer placed the hat on Sammy and stood back to admire his handiwork. "Oh, I'm good. Who knew the devil would much such a perfect offspring?"

"Yes, the devil." Chloe and Trixie met eyes and both giggled.

"I don't know what you two are laughing about, but it's time to go. We have places to be." Lucifer picked up the carrier and walked from the room, Trixie and Chloe followed behind. "Wait right here." Lucifer had them stop at the entrance of the hospital. "I'll be right back!" He disappeared towards the parking lot. Chloe and Trixie talked about little things while they waited for Lucifer

As they talked they were interrupted multiple times by people– usually women– asking about Samael; how old he was, what his name was, where his father was, etc. Chloe didn't mind pandering the curious onlookers, she did however mind the number of people trying to pick him up without her permission. Chloe had to yell at numerous people trying to touch him, she was getting frustrated, practically beating them off with a stick.

A honk grabbed her attention. A large black SUV pulled into the loading zone and out stepped Lucifer. "Lucifer…" she was shocked.

"Only the best for my partner and offspring." Lucifer gave her a dazzling smile. "Bulletproof glass and casing." He gave the window a knock. "Rearview cameras, movie players, heated seating, lane departure warning, amazing sound system, and best of all," Lucifer opened the door to reveal an entire red interior. "A chariot I'd say fit for the prince of Hell." Lucifer walked over and picked up Sammy's carrier to strap him in.

"I don't even want to know how much this cost," Chloe said taking Trixie's hand to help herself up.

"Yes, well, upon your insistence the corvette isn't suitable transportation for him. And your car is… well, not exactly very protective. I was assured that this vehicle came with a bunch of safety features, though apparently bulletproofing is extra."

"Did I do good, Lucifer?" Trixie asked running over to Lucifer.

"Yes you did, child, and as promised there will be a car ready for you on your 16th birthday." Lucifer and Trixie shook hands.

"You promised her a car?" Chloe put a hand on her temple. She could feel a headache bubbling the more they stayed here.

"Only if she promised not to spill the beans about this one," He patted the outside of the SUV. "And a deal's a deal, detective. Don't worry, Samael will get one on his 16th birthday as well. Fair is fair."

"That's not…" Chloe trailed off.

"Let's go!" Lucifer was back at her side, he grabbed all the bags and helped her to the car.

Chloe was right, the moment they got home Lucifer had eased up significantly. He had even let his brother and Linda hold Samael, if only for a minute or two. They had someone new over every day. Usually, it was her mother who insisted on staying in town to be with her new grandchild–she was over practically every day– or someone from their group of friends. Even the hardy lieutenant had stopped by with a teddy bear. The only person who hadn't spent time with the baby was Daniel. He would come over to pick Trixie up, say hello to Penelope, but he wouldn't enter the house. Lucifer didn't mind claiming that their impressionable son didn't need a douche around. Chloe didn't like it, but what could she do? She understood the situation, she probably wouldn't want to be around Dan's new baby either, however, that didn't mean it didn't bug her.

Samael grew bigger as each day passed, and with every change, every feeding, and every cuddle Chloe found herself running a light stroke down the middle of Sammy's back. She was checking for wings. She had seen Lucifer's back, felt the knot of muscles in the middle where his wings attached, and she checked multiple times a day for any sign of wings on their son. Both Lucifer and Amenadiel were adamant that if Sammy was going to have wings, they would have seen them already. Despite their instances, she was still worried; as any mother would be, it worsened when Maze offered to cut them off, as she had done for Lucifer, should Sammy sprout a pair.

Maze spent her time going from one celestial baby to the other, a celestial nanny by now. She spent a lot of time with Sammy as Chloe caught up on much-needed rest and Lucifer attended to Lux's affairs. Chloe had only two rules for Maze: Samael was to remain inside the house and was not to be harmed. Although, Chloe knew Maze would rather die than let anything befall the baby. Chloe added a third when she woke up from her nap only to find a two-week-old Samael with wide eyes and Maze showing him her knife collection from above; the point of the blade directly over his face. No weapons of any kind were added. If Chloe even though Maze had a weapon she would not be allowed inside. Maze had appealed to Lucifer about the new rule, though Lucifer had shut her down.

"Although I don't mind, Chloe is his mother. She has every right to dictate what can be around him. And you will respect her, Mazikeen."

He supported her entirely and for that she was thankful.

"Lucifer, can you come here?" She yelled from her position on the couch.

"Yes?" He walked into the room with a sleeping Sammy on his bare chest. Skin-to-skin contact was Lucifer's new obsession, he rarely wore a shirt anymore. She held up Sammy's birth certificate. "Oh."

"Why didn't you talk to me about this?"

"You told me to fill out all the paperwork, you were too exhausted."

"Then you should have asked."

"By the time I got to it you were asleep."

"Wake me up."

"I don't see what the big deal is."

"Samael John Decker." She read off the paper. "Decker? I thought he was a Morningstar."

"He is," Lucifer nodded taking a seat next to her. "But he's also a Decker. He looks completely mortal, and let's be honest, having Morningstar as a last name won't make his life easy."

"You, his father, are a club-owner millionaire. The name has meaning, you can't go anywhere in LA where people don't know who Lucifer Morningstar is."

"And the Decker name is just as infamous. You saw the clerk's look when I put my name down as the father, she thought I was joking. Besides, I thought you'd prefer Decker anyways. A sensible name for a unique child." He shrugged

Chloe sighed. She was angry that Lucifer didn't consult her before putting it down, he should have talked to her since it was a legal document concerning their son, but she couldn't bring herself to yell at him. His points were solid, she would've been lying had she denied that the same thoughts ran through her mind. Before seven years ago Lucifer Morningstar hadn't existed, at least not legally, all of his documents were forged. It made sense that Samael be given a name that had legal ties since he would have to live in the legal world.

"You should have asked." Chloe put a hand on Lucifer's arm. "I know why you did it, and don't think I'm not upset with you, but I understand. You did what you thought was best for your son, but Lucifer he's our son. He's mine too. I have every right to be a part of any decision that regards him. Understand?"

"Yes." Lucifer nodded. "I promise that I'll consult you in the future."

"You better." Chloe smiled when she saw those small brown eyes looking at her. "It's okay, Sammy." She placed a kiss on his forehead. "We really shouldn't argue in front of him. Dan and I fought too much in front of Trixie and that just made it harder for her."

"You know I adore you, don't you Chloe?" Lucifer placed a warm hand on her cheek. When she nodded he continued, "I couldn't imagine being anywhere else in the universe than right here with you and him." He kissed the top of Sammy's head.

"I can't either." Chloe smiled at him. "I love you, Lucifer."

"I love you too, detective." They leaned in and shared a passionate kiss. Chloe had one hand on Lucifer's cheek and the other on Sammy's back. She truly couldn't think of a better place to be; her partner and their son in front of her, her daughter asleep upstairs. Chloe hadn't felt this happy in a very long time, probably since she first realized her feelings for Lucifer and that had been short-lived.

"Chloe!" A voice shouted in combination with a loud bang causing them both to jump. Chloe was on her feet in seconds, standing in front of Lucifer and Sammy to protect them. Lucifer pressed Sammy to his chest and covered him with his arms, a growl escaping from his throat.

"Dan?" Chloe asked recognizing the figure standing in front of her.

Dan said nothing, his mouth opening to speak yet no words came out. He was staring past her, his eyes clouded with fear. Chloe turned to see what Dan was staring at only to find Lucifer holding their son outstretched with his eyes wide. Samael was completely still in his father's hands, hanging loosely and emitting a small whimper. Chloe gasped at the sight before her.

"Are those– does your baby… have wings?" Dan choked out before he collapsed onto the ground.

"Wings, my son has wings," Lucifer whispered.

From the space between Samael's shoulder blades jutted a pair of small white wings.

"My son has wings!" Lucifer shouted happily as he stood from his seat on the couch and held Samael in the air. Light shone down on the wings causing them to illuminate a bright white light.

"Oh, my…" Chloe gasped gripping onto the couch to keep herself from falling over.

"He truly is my son," Lucifer said staring at the babe wide-eyed. Lucifer was met with nothing but a smile from Samael.

This is the last chapter and what a journey it's been! Thank you to all of the people who have read, reviewed, and favorited the story. I initially planned on this being a single story, but I've decided to extend it. I love seeing Lucifer with a baby and in my opinion, there aren't enough of those stories out there. Keep an eye out for the sequel, I plan on having it up in the next few days.