Terror in Amity Park

Chapter 1: The Impossible


Author's Note: Hey, everyone! I decided to try my take on a DP zombie apocalypse story. It'll feature pretty much every recurring human and ghost character in the series and should be pretty epic. There are no real altercations to the story, as almost everything is portrayed the same way in the series. Here's a list of the characters present with recurring roles. Feel free to skip it if you would like to read the story. Let me know what you think! Have fun reading if you do!

Human Characters

Danielle Phantom

Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom

Dash Baxter


The Guys in White

Jack Fenton

Jazz Fenton


Maddie Fenton

Mr. Lancer

Paulina Sanchez

Sam Manson


Tucker Foley

Valerie Gray

Vlad Masters/Vlad Plasmius

Ghost Characters


The Box Ghost



Dark Danny


Ember McLain

The Fright Knight


Johnny 13



Nicolai Technus

The Observants

Pariah Dark

Penelope Spectra

Prince Aragon

Princess Dorothea

Sidney Poindexter







"Danny, hurry up!" Jasmine called from the living room, awaiting Danny's presence in order to drive him to school.

As Danny trudged down the stairs, he muttered, "Why are you so insistent on driving me to school today?"

"A-ha!" Jack Fenton cried as he burst into the room carrying what seemed to be ghost hunting equipment. "Stand back, Danny! She must be a ghost!"

"Dad, I am not a ghost!" the teenager replied, taking Danny's hand and dragged him outside as she said, "Come, Danny, let's go."

She closed the door behind her as Jack's wife entered the room beside him. "You know, Jack, I'm thinking of planning a family vacation during the summer. It is the kids' last day of school after all."

"Brilliant idea, Maddie! I'll bring the ghost hunting equipment!" Jack cried as he darted out of the room, making way for his laboratory that he knew too well.


"Uh, Jazz?" Danny asked in his sister's car.

"Yes, Danny?" she beamed with a gleaming smile.

"How come you wanted to drive me to school so bad?"

"Don't be silly, Danny. It's the last day of school. I never get to drive you to school anymore since you're always flying and stuff."

Danny heaved a long sigh. "If I'm late, it's your fault."

Jazz simply giggled as she ruffled Danny's hair and continued on her merry way to Casper High, where the two would both spend their day for the final time that school year.

She pulled up in the student parking lot as Danny unbuckled his seatbelt and reached for the door handle.

"Danny, wait," she said as she grabbed his shoulder. "Let's go together."

The boy reluctantly agreed and exited the car with his older sister as the two approached the school.

"Man, I really hope that final for Mr. Lancer's class raised my grade."

"It's alright, Danny," Jazz assured him. "You tried your hardest."

The pair stepped through the colossal doors of Casper High and entered the building, where they recognized the faces they got to know over the past year.

"I'm gonna go see Mr. Lancer," Jazz told her little brother. "Have a good day, Danny!"

"See ya, Jazz," Danny said as she smiled and turned in the opposite direction. He entered the endless void of space that was composed of his thoughts and found himself lost, watching Jazz open the door to her teacher's classroom.

He shook his head and snapped back to reality. He smiled as he clutched the straps of his backpack and started to eye his surroundings. "Oh, yeah. I got a good feeling about today."

"Me, too," a familiar voice agreed from behind him.

"Tucker!" Danny shouted as he turned around and noticed his friend standing behind him. "You scared me."

Tucker erupted into laughter and said, "Relax, Danny. You look like you just saw a ghost."

"Might as well have."

"You hear the news?" Tucker asked excitedly.

"What news?" Danny asked. "Don't give me bad news, Tucker. I'm looking for a good last day."

"Bad news? No way!" Tucker cried. "The new PDA model's coming to shelves today! I'm planning on getting it after school today. I've been saving up, you know."

"That's cool, Tucker. I might tag along if I have nothing better to do," Danny explained. "Where's Sam?"

"I stopped by her house this morning," Tucker answered. "She says she's gonna be a little late today."

"Well, she'd better get here before the bell rings."

As if on cue, the bell echoed throughout the tunneling hallways of Casper High, signaling that the school day was about to begin.

"Guess not," Danny muttered to himself.

"Come on," Tucker told him. "Let's get to Lancer's class."


"Mwahahahahahaha!" a voice echoed throughout the ghost zone. The Fright Knight stood in the empty halls of the ghost king's palace, clutching a skeletal key. "At last, he shall be recovered."

The Fright Knight grabbed the Crown of Fire and the Ring of Rage, resting on a pedestal at the foot of the stairwell that led to the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep.

"You shall be avenged!" he cried as he climbed the stairs. He inserted the Skeleton Key into its keyhole resting on the sarcophagus as he let out a deep, evil laugh.

"Argh!" a voice shouted as the coffin shook violently. A burst of green flame hotter than the searing surface of the sun erupted from the sarcophagus as a towering, menacing figure stepped out, the Fright Knight blasted into the wall with the eruption that had occurred. "Who has awoken the ancient one?" the figure known as Pariah Dark asked.

"Your majesty! It is me! Your loyal servant!" the Fright Knight shouted to his master.

"Thank you, my liege. You have brought new life to the ghost world once more," the ghost king said. "Together, we will wreak havoc upon the realm of the imbecile who forced me once again into eternal sleep."

"Yes, sir! Your belongings!" the Halloween spirit responded as he handed both the Crown of Fire and the Ring of Rage to Pariah.

"Hahahahahahahaha!" the ghost king bellowed as he bore the articles of jewelry and placed them upon his head and his finger, gaining even more power. "At last! At last! No more shall the human world rival my reign upon the universe!"

"What is your brilliant plan, master?"

"We mustn't reveal ourselves to the humans directly."

"Yes, indeed. We know how well that worked last time," the Fright Knight replied.

"Silence! I am deep in thought."

"May I pitch in, sir?"

"You have an idea?" Pariah Dark asked his right hand man.

"We can unleash an apocalypse worse than they can imagine," the Fright Knight suggested. "We will have total control, yet they will never find out we were the masterminds behind it!"

"An apocalypse? I quite like the sound of that," Pariah said smiling evilly at the spirit.

"I have a spell, sir," the Fright Knight said as he searched for a book from the bookcases Pariah Dark had outlining his dark walls on the interior of his castle.

"Good, good. Today, the human race falls!"


It was 9:00, about fifteen minutes after first period had started. Danny was seated in Mr. Lancer's class next to Tucker and Dash, but Sam had not yet arrived.

Danny found himself with his head on his desk, nearly falling asleep. It was probably due to a night of fighting ghosts.

"Wake up, Fen-Tony the Tiger!" Dash yelled as he threw a wad of paper at the teenage boy.

"Huh?" Danny asked confusedly as he lifted his head.

Dash erupted into a wave of silent laughter along with a few of the other boys in behind him that Danny barely even knew the names of. As they kept amusing themselves, Mr. Lancer kept writing notes onto the board in his boring tonality, and Danny yet again found himself asleep in class.

"Moby Dick, Mr. Fenton!"

"Ahhh!" Danny shouted as he was awoken from his sleep. Dash and the other bullies yet again exploded into uncontrollable laughter.

"Sleeping in class again, Danny?" Mr. Lancer interrogated Fenton.

Danny sighed before composing an answer. "Uh, yeah. I didn't get much sleep last night."

"This is the last day of school, Fenton," Lancer explained. "I'd have hoped that out of all the days of the year, this would be the one where you pay attention!"

"Sorry, Mr. Lancer."

"Yes, now where were we?" Lancer asked himself, tapping his chin.


"I've found it!" the Fright Knight exclaimed, brandishing a book entitled Top 10 Evil Spells for World Domination. "Now to find the spell."

"Take your time, my loyal servant. There is no rush in evildoing," Pariah assured.

"Now, this looks like the one," the Fright Knight said. "The ghost zombie apocalypse spell."

"A ghost zombie apocalypse under my control?" Pariah Dark asked himself, making a fist. "I like the sound of that. Take it away!"

The Fright Knight flipped the page and raised his sword high into the air. It glew a bright shade of green as his eyes briefly turned to red, and with each passing word, he shuddered with an overwhelming amount of power overtaking his body. "Avastashi! Skeletra! Viperio! ZAMANDICUS!"

The Fright Knight let out a huge sigh of relief and collapsed to the floor in a heartbeat, panting heavily. Pariah Dark smiled and cackled evilly. The floor of the castle began to shake as a portal opened up in between the two ghosts. Glowing green, it illuminated the effects of the spell and acted as a visual gateway into the world of the humans. Amity Park's cemetery saw a new light as the dead began to rise out of the ground in the form of what seemed to be ghost zombies. A new terror was afoot, unleashed by the two rulers of the ghost kingdom, and soon to be the human world.

"Mwahahahahahahahaha! One by one, they will all fall!"

The Fright Knight knew it would be bad, but he didn't know it would be that bad.
