Terror in Amity Park

Chapter 2: The Apocalypse


Author's Note: Hello, readers! Just wanted to thank you for reading the previous chapter. No reviews at the time I'm writing this note, so be sure to leave one! I'd rather receive a review than a favorite or a follow, but all are welcome! I'm planning on a lot of stuff and have a template for the entire story, including key events, relationships, deaths, and survivors, so it should be fun. Not all the characters will show up in this chapter, so you might have to wait on a few. PM me if you ever wanna chat or if you would like to know anything I have planned for the story! For now, enjoy the chapter!


"When is this class over, Tuck?" Danny whispered to his friend in the back of Mr. Lancer's class.

Tucker glanced at the clock and then adjusted his view to look at Danny. "Fifteen minutes left," he answered before returning to messing around with his PDA.

"And that, students, is why you should always-"


"Who is behind this infernal racket?" Mr. Lancer asked the class.

"It was Fenton!" Dash Baxter yelled from the back of the class.

Mr. Lancer eyed Danny Fenton suspiciously until he heard yet another groaning sound and deduced that it couldn't possibly be the boy he once thought it was.

"Well, back to the final lecture, then."

In the back of the class, Tucker, Danny, and Dash couldn't help but feel annoyed at the constant groaning sound going on somewhere in their vicinity.

"Aw, man!" Tucker cried, twitching. "What is that?"

"Fenton!" Dash cried, clutching the collar of Danny's shirt. "Is that you?"

"No, Dash! I swear!" Danny answered, trying to defend himself. Dash dropped him and sighed before facing Mr. Lancer. Suddenly, Danny felt a chill down his spine, and a blue gas exited his mouth. His ghost sense was going off.

"Tucker, my ghost sense."

"We've still got like, thirteen minutes left. What're you gonna do?" Tucker asked his friend as he searched for an answer.

"If we could hear them, they've gotta be close," Danny responded before turning in Dash's direction. "Hey, Dash could you look out the window for a sec?"

"Only because you say so, Fenton."

Dash peered through the blinds to witness a horrifying sight. Infesting the green lawns of the entrance to Casper High were what seemed to be hundreds of terrifying creatures wandering around aimlessly with their only goal being to infect as many humans as possible. They were a pale shade of green with a ghostly blue glow around them, sporting scars and scratches all over their bodies and glowing red eyes.

"Uh, uh, uh," he managed to get out as he trembled in fear. "Fenton…"

Danny and Tucker both leaned over and peeked their heads out of the window and saw for themselves the unreal event unfolding. Zombies were infesting the school.

"Well, now we know what was making that sound," Tucker intervened.

"Dudes, we gotta get out of here!" Dash shouted.

"Mr. Lancer!" Danny piped up. "We figured out what was making that noise," he said slightly worried. "Look out the window."

Mr. Lancer heeded Fenton's words and sighed, peering his head outside. "Cask of Amontillado! Zombies!"

At this remark, the class became jumpy, constantly on their toes and exiting their seats to view the oncoming wave of evil creatures.

"Ok, class! I want you all to remain calm!" Mr. Lancer cried. "Your safety is my top priority, and the last thing I would want to happen is for us to be eaten by zombies."

"Well," Tucker started. "I didn't expect him to be so calm throughout all this."

"Oh, who am I kidding?" Lancer asked in a whisper to himself. "Run, class! Run for your lives!"

The class all burst through one of the two doors in Lancer's classroom that led into the wide hallways of Casper High only to find that they too contained a few zombies.

Tucker and Danny were soon the only ones left in the classroom as the school turned into a monstrous house of worry and scurry.

"Dude, what are you gonna do?" the geek cried as Danny stood in fear.

"I don't know, Tuck! I can't fight them alone!"

"Are you kidding me, Danny?" Tucker asked. "I've seen you take down much worse."

"Yeah, but there's so many of them! It's like a real life zombie apocalypse."

"Like?" Tucker questioned. "It is a zombie apocalypse!"

"Not helping, Tuck."

"Alright, alright. Wait a sec…"

"Oh, no!" Danny cried.

The two boys looked up at each other in unison and developed a look of fear on their worrisome teenage faces. "Sam!"

They exited forcefully and watched horror unfold, students getting bitten at every corner trying to escape the school, teachers trying to keep the situation under control, yet desperately failing.

"This is not good!" Danny shouted.

"You're telling me."

The entire hallway was crowded with zombies, and the pair of boys had no idea who had bitten and who was still roaming the school with an intact brain.

"I think our best plan is to escape," Tucker suggested. "We'll need a lot more help if we wanna take these things down."

"Agreed," Danny said as he grabbed the shoulders of Tucker, zombies closing in around them, ready to strike. The two floated through the flooring intangibly and flew through a wall on the first floor to end up in the courtyard.

Danny transformed back into his human form with zombies creeping around the corner.

"We have got to find Sam!" Tucker cried. "Aw, wait! I might never get that PDA!"

"Focus, Tuck," Danny told him. "Let's get out of here!"

The two ran across the courtyard with more and more zombies entering their field of vision as they went on. They came upon a dead end, turning around to reveal even more zombies.

"Run!" Tucker shouted.

They could see a nearby maintenance shed that the groundskeeper occasionally used, but they had already seen the groundskeeper being bitten by a ghostly zombie.

As they passed by, two pairs of hands reached out the door and grabbed them by their shirts, pulling them inside. In the shed were four students in their year that they recognized too well. Dash, Paulina, Kwan, and Star all gathered in there and were still alive at the moment.

"Seriously, Dash?" Danny asked uproariously. "There's a zombie apocalypse and you're deciding to bully us now?"

"That is so not cool, man," Tucker added.

"Bully you?" Kwan asked them with a smile. "We're saving you!"

"Yeah, sillies!" Paulina said, tapping Tucker's nose.

"Relax, Fenton," Dash said. "I'm not that mean."

"Yeah, whatever," Star piped up. "Can we get out of here, already? We've already rescued these losers."

"Quit picking on them, Star!" Kwan intervened. "These are troubling times."

"Gee, thanks, Star," Tucker responded.

"My pleasure, Tucker."

"Ok, guys," Dash planned. "Uh, what now?"

"I say we just wait for Danny Phantom to appear!" Paulina chipped in excitedly.

"There's no way he'll beat an entire zombie horde," Star countered.

"Of course he can!" Paulina shouted somewhat angrily.

"Guys, guys," Tucker piped up. "Let's not argue over Danny Phantom right now. I mean, we've gotta learn to do things ourselves sometime, right?"

"Yeah, he's right!" Dash shouted.

"Totally!" Kwan agreed. "We can do this!"

"Well, whatever," Paulina interfered."It would've been better with Danny Phantom."

"Who cares about that loser, Paulina?" Star asked her friend.

"Guys, shut up, already!" Danny shouted.

"Woah, dude," Kwan said somewhat startled. "He's right. We should shut up."

"Phew," Danny sighed.


The door was knocked down easily by a small group of zombies as the teens inside began screaming, crowding against the wall to delay their inevitable doom.

"Danny!" Tucker whispered to his friend.

"I can't go ghost right now without them realizing!"

"I'll cover you!"

Danny nodded as Tucker ran forward screaming and knocking down a few zombies.

"Now I kinda wish I hadn't dumped him," Star whispered to Paulina.

During this time, Danny Fenton disappeared through the wall and showed up behind the ghostly zombies as Danny Phantom. He kicked, punched, and threw them out of the way of the survivors and said, "Alright, move, move!"

The other five ran out as Danny received a hug from Paulina. "My hero!" She shouted. Danny smiled and blushed as she turned around.

"Hey, Danny Phantom?" Kwan asked. "What do we do now? Are there any other survivors?"

"Wait!" Dash screamed. "Where's Fenton!"

Paulina gasped and Kwan searched the schoolyard frantically with his eyes for Danny, but he couldn't find him.

"It'll be fine, guys," Star assured them.

Danny eyed Tucker, both with guilt in their eyes, and Tucker shrugged. Danny nodded and mouthed the words, "It's time."

"I can't see him anywhere!" Dash shouted.

"Actually," Danny Phantom started. "I have a confession to make."

This garnered the attention of the adolescents as they turned in awe, eager to hear that which the hero they had come to know had to confess. Slowly, Danny changed from his ghost form back to his human form, with his costume slowly changing into the average clothes he would wear at school, his eyes returning to their normal shade, his hear no longer white, but jet black. Danny Fenton was Danny Phantom.

The teenagers gasped. "Woah!" Dash shouted. "You're Danny Phantom!"

"Oh, man!" Kwan joined in. They shook Danny's hand as Kwan said, "Dude, what you're doing is awesome."

"Totally, man!" Dash added. "I'm… I'm actually kinda sorry, Danny. For all this time you've been the reason why school is safe from ghost attacks and all that, yet I've still been bullying you. I… feel bad."

"It's alright, Dash."

"Mwah!" Paulina heaved as she kissed Danny dead on his lips. "I can't believe it!" she screamed as she wrapped her arms around him. "You're Danny Phantom."

"Meh, whatever," Star muttered.

"You're just jealous, babe," Kwam assured her. "But you're still cool in my eyes," he said, which caused the cheerleader to let out a smile.

"Man, I still can't believe it," Dash said as he scratched the back of his head. "Danny Fen-Turd is Danny Phantom!"

"Yeah, I have been for while, I guess," Danny responded. "We should go to my parents' house. They've got a bunch of ghost stuff in there. Maybe we could get their help!"

"No way," Star told him. "They'll make it worse."

"Help!" a familiar voice shouted from somewhere in their vicinity.

"Oh, no!" Tucker shouted. "It's Sam!"

"Where?" Danny asked frantically.

"Up there!" Paulina answered.

There was Sam at Mr. Lancer's window, which was open. She was slowly backing up and was evidently about to fall out, zombies closing in and crushing her against the wall.

"I'm coming, Sam!"

"Danny?" she asked herself as she turned around worrying. "Uh-oh. Ahhh!" The zombies had crowded around Sam so much so that she was pushed against the open window and thrown out, beginning her deathly plummet towards the ground.

Danny Phantom swooped in at the last second, but it seemed everything traveled in slow motion for the two as Sam continued falling. Just before she hit the ground, she was saved by her best friend.

"Thanks, Danny," she said blushing.

"No problem, Sam," he responded with a smile as the rest cheered from behind the pair.

"Way to go, Fenton!" Kwan shouted.

"Wait," Sam started. "You told them?"

"Yeah," Danny sighed. "I figured they might as well know. You have no idea how glad I am that you're alive."

"Yeah, me, too. I came in and saw all these guys," Sam explained. "Then I went to Lancer's class to see if you were there, and, well, you know the rest."

She was still in his arms, and evidently the two had no idea how long they remained in their current position until the other five survivors were afoot. Danny dropped Sam onto her feet as the two blushed a slight amount, and they decided to discuss their plans.

"We need help," Tucker admitted.

"But we can't beat these guys!" Dash shouted in denial.

"Maybe," Paulina started. "But Danny can," she said in a flirty manner, throwing herself into Danny's arms as he smiled and gained a ghostly glare from Sam.

"Not by myself, Paulina," he corrected her. "But I have a few friends who could be a huge help," Danny said as he shot a glance at Sam and Tucker.

"No way," Tucker quickly exhaled.

"You don't mean?" Sam questioned.

"The ghost zone."

"The what?" Star asked. "Whatever that place is, I'm not going."

"The ghost zone?" Dash asked himself. "That's either really cool or really scary."

"Trust me, Dash," Danny assured him. "There are a few guys in there that I know will help, and a lot more that probably would help."

"You mean there are good ghosts?" Kwan asked. "I mean, not like half ghosts, as in you, but good real ghosts?"

"Yup," Sam answered. "I don't like the idea, but we should go."

"Yeah," agreed Tucker. "It is out best hope."

"How do we get in to this ghost zone?" Paulina inquired.

"My dad built a portal."

"I told you his parents were crazy," Star whispered to Dash.


"And, finished!" Jack Fenton cried as he slammed a suitcase shut.

"Oh, Jack, did you pack yourself anything that's not ghost hunting equipment?" his wife Maddie asked him.

"Don't be stupid, Maddie. Of course not," he said confidently as he strutted into the living room, where the blinds were wide open and the TV was blaring. He faced the television, which brought devastating news. Jack let out a horridly loud gasp and cried, "Maddie!"

There was a knock on the door.

Jack stood up stoically and shouted, "No ghost zombie is gonna invade the house of the brilliant Jack Fenton!"

There was a knock on the door.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Jack bellowed as he charged towards the door. It opened, but Jack didn't have time to slow down before he crashed into seven high school freshman and sent them tumbling down the stairs.

"Dad? Do you mind?" Danny squealed from under Star and Kwan.

"Oh, sorry, Danny. I was worried you might've been ghost zombies. Come inside," his father told all the survivors.

They all filed inside as Dash shut the door behind him and greeted Danny's father. "You know," Sam started. "You're more polite than I thought."

"If this wasn't a zombie apocalypse, I'd totally whale on you for that statement," Dash assured her.

"Thank goodness you're okay, Danny!" Jack cried towards his son. "I presume you've heard the news?"

"Yes, Mr. Fenton," Kwan answered. "I think we're the only ones still alive from school."

"Wait, but that means Jazz is… a ghost! Or even worse… a ghost zombie!" Jack cried as he pounded the table in frustration and grief.

"Aw, man," Danny muttered.

Sam put an arm around him for comfort and consoled him. "Relax, Danny. I'm sure Jazz is fine. She always is."

"Eh, I guess you're right, but I can't help but worry."

Maddie Fenton entered the room and whispered words into her husband's ear, to which he responded by nodding and hugging her. "I know, Maddie. Jazz still hasn't come."

"At least Danny and his friends made it," she said. "Why don't you guys stay here for a while? It's safer."

"Sure thing, Mrs. Fenton!" Dash responded.

"That kinda scares me," Tucker whispered to Danny as he pointed at Dash.

"You and me both, Tuck."

"Is there a bathroom in this house?" Paulina asked Mr. Fenton.

"A bathroom? Of course there is! Right over there!" he shouted as he pointed to the corner, signaling that the bathroom was right ahead. Paulina stood up and walked around the corner. Jack leaned in closer to Danny and asked, "Who's the girl?"

"I'll tell you later, Dad."

Maddie walked in with food items as the family waited for Jazz, Danny and his friends knowing they would enter the ghost zone in due time. Paulina returned from the bathroom and the nine survivors ate and talked about the devastating event taking place.

"Hey, Dad?" Danny asked. "Can we go down into the lab and see if there's any ghost hunting equipment we can use? We could be a while."

"Absolutely, Danny!" Jack answered, the seven teens responding by climbing down the stairway and into the basement where the portal to the ghost zone was located.

"It's really great to see the kids taking an interest in ghost hunting, isn't it, Jack?" Maddie asked her husband.

"Great, indeed," Jack replied as he wiped a tear from his face.


"Well, here it is," Danny said as he flicked on the light switch and entered the laboratory, desks and drawers everywhere, all of which containing equipment retaining to ghost hunting. Of course, the main attracting was the glowing green portal against the wall.

"Awesome!" Dash let out.

"Does it work?" Star asked questioningly.

"Of course it does!" Tucker replied excitedly. "We've been in there loads of times."

"You have?" Kwan shouted as he nearly bowled Dash over. "It looks like it took forever to build."

"Believe me," Danny started. "It did."


"Let's take the Specter Speeder," Sam suggested.

"Good idea," Danny responded. "Here goes nothing."


The door to the Fenton house burst open yet again.

"Stand back, ghost zombie!" Jack cried as he jumped off the couch.

"Jazz!" Maddie shrieked as she ran towards her daughter, hugging her. "You're alive."

"What made you think I wasn't?" Jazz asked.

"I don't know," Maddie started. "We were just worried."

"Understandable. Did Danny stop by?" she asked worrisomely.

"As a matter of fact, he did!" Jack answered. "Actually, he's here right now. He said he was going down into the lab to look for ghost hunting equipment."

"Oh, no," she said as she quickly dropped her backpack and ran for the stairway to the lab to check on her brother, making sure he wouldn't get into any crazy shenanigans.

She reached the foot of the stairs and found no one. "Where could he be?" she asked herself as she eyed the room. She slowly looked up and locked eyes with the large green portal. "Uh-oh."

The zombies continued roaming the overworld, prowling aimlessly with no purpose other than to infect, to spread chaos, to destroy. The damage would only escalate in the current dire situation and would put the survivors through quite a bit of trouble.
