New Lease on Life

It was one of those days that started out horrible and only got worse. I got out of bed to find that the damn dog took a shit on the floor, yup … right outside my bedroom door and I stepped in it as I was heading for the nectar of my life, strong coffee! After cussing the little bitch out and cleaning up the mess and my feet, I finally make it into the kitchen to find that the coffee maker was on the blitz! I've been up ten minutes and only have shitty feet and no coffee to show for it! I should have called in sick to work and went straight back to bed! Instead, I put the damn dog in her kennel and left a note for her owner, my roommate, Starla Collins to keep this little poop machine under control and never to let her roam free in the apartment!

After a quick shower and pinning my hair up into a tight bun, it was time to get dressed for the office. Black pants, a white button down shirt, a black blazer, black shoes, and a black shoulder holster with my pride and joy, a Glock 17 9 mm handgun. I check my appearance once more in the mirrored closet doors. I am the poster girl for the modern FBI agent of the female persuasion. Hair and makeup are neat and professional. I spray a bit of Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue on my wrist and I am ready to head into the office. I check my watch. I'm right on time and if traffic is light as it usually is at 6:00 am, I will be sitting at my desk in about ten minutes.

It was there in my office that my life went to pieces when I picked up the phone and heard one of my own agents tell me that I was needed immediately at a crime scene. I wrote down the address and began to walk out of my office when I stopped suddenly. The address. 2705 Foster Drive, Apartment 715, Seattle, Washington. I closed my eyes only to open them to find my team staring at me as the tears ran down my face!

"Ana?" Ross Namathe, my second in command question as he approached and snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Ana, you are as white as a ghost."

I looked up into his deep brown eyes. "Ross, it's Aurora. I have to get to Aurora, ASAP!"

He took my arm and led me through the office of The Seattle Division of the FBI Sex Trafficking Unit. "I'll drive." He said pulling his keys out of his pocket.

I don't remember the drive to my sister's apartment but I remember the moment I stepped into the crime scene. I flashed my badge to the uniformed Seattle Police Officer and gave him a nod. The apartment as always was in perfect condition. My little sister is a clean freak! She never did like to get her hands dirty. I was about to ask what was going on when I heard the cries of my two year old niece, Trista Rose. I started for her bedroom when I was stopped dead in my tracks when I saw my sister's nude body on the floor of her bedroom. She was face down on the carpet. Part me wanted to run to her and try to revive her, but Trista's crying drew me into her room. There is a woman standing by the crib with Trista in her arms. When the little girl sees me, she reaches out for me.

"I'm her Aunt." I said when the woman began to question me. Ross flashed his badge and she gave the child over. "Mama, mama!" Trista cried into my shoulder. My heart was broken into pieces. I kissed her head which was covered with reddish gold curls. My little niece looked like an angel! "It's going to be alright, sweetie, I'm here."

"Ana, the forensic team is here as well as the coroner." Ross informed me. I only nodded. I placed Trista on the changing table and gave her a fresh diaper and a change of clothes. She still had tears in those big sky blue eyes of hers. Trista had Aurora's eyes but that hair had to come from her unknown father, a man that Aurora never mentioned once. After I got Trista cleaned up, I asked the woman who had been holding her to hold her once again while I got her a bottle ready. As I left the room, Trista started crying and once again my heart broke in two.

I was very careful as I prepared a bottle for my niece so not to disturb any evidence that might be in the kitchen. I handed it to Ross and asked him to take it to the woman who I learned was a social worker. I stand in the kitchen feeling absolutely nothing! I think I have gone into shock!

"Special Agent Steele?" A voice questioned bringing me out of the abyss that I had slipped into.

"We need you to identify the victim."

"Yeah." I grumbled.

As I walk into my sister's bedroom the first thing I notice is medicine bottles, empty medicine bottles scattered on the floor and on her bedside table. The second thing I notice is that her bed is a mess and there is evidence of another person's presence in the bed. The second pillow had an indent in it. The third thing I notice is the smell. There is a strange smell, it has a petroleum odor to it. "What is that smell?" I ask.

One of the Seattle's PD picked up a jean jacket carefully. "Is this your sister's?"

"Nope, Aurora would never wear a jean jacket. Check out her closet, she wore designer clothes." I watched as the forensic team bagged her hands and feet, then slowly turned her over. My beautiful little sister was blue from her head to her toes. "How long has she been dead?"

"I would say 4 to 6 hours. Rigor has started and of course, you noticed the blue of her skin which tells us that she died in this position." He shook his head. "She was a pretty little thing, just like you Agent Steele."

"Thanks, Buddy." I gave the tech a slight smile. "For the record, this is my sister Aurora Pearl Steele, aka Rory Steele. She is 24 years old and worked as a teacher at The Holden Institute as a third grade teacher for exceptional children."

"Agent Steele, a word?" Another of Seattle's finest asked. We step away from the body. "Did you know your sister was on some powerful pain pills? We found pill bottles, empty ones. We are thinking suicide, but…"

"Something doesn't add up? Yeah, I know. What woman commits suicide with their daughter in the next room knowing that the child would be alone until she was found?" My eyes kept searching the room. "I'd like to know who shared her bed last night." The plain clothes detective slightly looked over his shoulder at the bed. "My sister was not sick and she was not a drug user, not even a casual drug user. She spent her money on her child and on her clothes."

"Teachers don't make enough to afford designer threads" A uniformed cop said after opening the closet door to discover a closet full of fine clothing with very distinctive and popular labels.

"Inheritance." I replied in a clipped voice. "We both got a substantial inheritance from our maternal grandfather when he passed a couple of years ago, and… we invested well."

The uniformed cop gave a chuckle. "Will you marry me, Special Agent Steele?"

"If I'm not married by forty and your wife wises up and leaves your sorry ass, I'll think about it!" I replied lowly. I have worked with these men before. Seattle's law enforcement was a close knit community and I was lucky enough to be accepted even though I am a "Fed"! I grimaced when the gurney was brought in with a body bag. My little sister was a victim of suicide or foul play. I will know for sure after the autopsy is completed. "Be gentle with her guys. She's a cop's sister."

The next few days was hectic. I had to take a leave of absence to care for my niece, make arrangements for her care when I was working, notify my parents and together we planned her funeral. Mom lives in Savannah and Dad lives in Renton, Washington in a cabin on the mouth of the Cedar River. He sold our home in Montesano when he divorced Mom and came east. My sister and I went to school in Renton and we both went to college in Seattle. Trista and I basically moved in with Dad while dealing with Aurora's death. I refused to stay in her apartment and I knew there wasn't enough room in my shared apartment in Seattle. I already have a friend, Jose Rodriquez, who is fast becoming a top-notch realtor in the Seattle area searching for an apartment or a house that is kid friendly. I have so many decisions to make, but the first is to find out who killed my sister and why! The preliminary report from the coroners is that this wasn't suicide. There was no evidence of pill residue in Aurora's stomach. We are still waiting for the blood and tissue tests to return. There was evidence of sex but no traces of semen, so her partner must have used a condom.

Aurora Pearl Steele, the daughter of Raymond Steele and Carla Adams and my beloved sister was laid to rest at on Dad's property under the shade of beautiful Ponderosa Pine tree. This was Aurora's favorite spot on Dad's property where she could enjoy the sound of the Cedar River flowing by into Lake Washington. It was a private burial with a few friends from Aurora's work and few agents that I worked closely with that knew my sister. Afterwards, we walked back to Dad's cabin and sat on the oversized porch. Not much could be said at this time. Aurora was gone and her baby girl was inside the house still wondering why she couldn't find her mother. I got up and gave Dad a hug and went into the house to take care of Trista Rose, who now was my daughter. The papers were signed a couple of days ago when the State released Aurora's death certificate and my lawyers filed in family court on my behalf to legally adopt my niece. Within weeks, this would be finalized unless the birth father come forward and fights for his rights.

It has been six weeks since I laid my sister to rest. The autopsy came back as I expected, no prescription drugs were found in her body. Her death was now considered a homicide since cleaner fluid, commercial grade was found in her system. Upon review of the body, the coroner had reported and photographed needle marks under the right buttock. Whoever gave my sister that shot, was now on my shit list!

Trista and I moved into a little house in a quiet neighborhood in Renton. Since the town was eleven miles from downtown Seattle, I knew I could live close to Dad and he would be available to help care for Trista. I said goodbye to Starla and her "shitty" little dog and moved out. I even offered to keep paying rent, but she understood and took over all the bills and I was clear of the apartment in Seattle. Now the fun begins ….

All of Aurora's belongings were brought to my home in Renton to be sorted. Her clothes were donated to different charities as well as her furniture. Of course, I kept all of Trista's belongings and all the photographs that Aurora had. I put the boxes of her personal papers in my third bedroom and shut the door. I would get to them when I could. I had the important items such as Aurora's birth and death certificate, social security card, her diploma's from high school and college and of course all paper pertaining to Trista's birth and upcoming adoption. My life was changing.

I returned to work seven weeks after this horrible incident. I did my best to concentrate on work, but my mind was always on my sister and her case that was in the hands of the Seattle PD. My division was busy tracking and apprehending sex traffickers and trying to find and save their victims. It was a dreary job that ended up with more losses than wins for my team. We seem to be defeated. I know most of the atmosphere is my fault. The grief I have pertaining to my sister is great and it permeates through me. It is on me that my team has no morale. I can't go on like this so I make an appointment with the Bureau's resident shrink.

My life is measured in weeks since Aurora's death. It has now been twenty weeks since her death, or five months. I am doing better and can concentrate on my case load and my team. I am finally back "on the ball". And, that should have been my warning. I was gliding by to easily. Once again, another phone call that requested my presence at the Main Seattle Police Station changed my life. I was taken into a Captain's office and shown photographs of my niece. I nearly fainted when I was told that they were found on the computer of a known sex trafficker and that he was trying to sell her for $100,000. The fucking jerk wouldn't give the police any information and lawyered up. I offered to speak to him, but it was decided that wasn't a good idea. I was asked if I had noticed anyone hanging around my neighborhood and if I was using a secure daycare. Trista stayed with my Dad when I was working or at the Daycare Center provided by the Bureau. Since the suspect would not give any information, the PD thought it best for me to know that Trista might be a target and for me to arrange security for my daughter.

I pondered for a day or two and then talked with Dad. After some careful consideration, I asked for another Leave of Absence from the job. I went home to take care of my baby girl and keep her safe. For some reason, I felt that Aurora's death and the threat against Trista was related. I couldn't connect the dots. Aurora would never be involved in child sex trafficking and would never place her daughter up for sale. She adored Trista and was a very good mother.

I decided it was time to go through my sister's belongings. Maybe, just maybe there would be answers in her papers or in photographs … I am grasping at any straw!

I read through her legal papers, her insurance papers, and I even read through her journals which was full of her love for her family and Trista. I was about to give up when I found a plain manila envelope with my name on it but addressed to where I work. I vaguely remember one of the team members bringing it into my office saying that it had been delivered by a bike delivery boy. I was so distraught over Aurora that I threw the envelope into my briefcase and forgot about it. My heart skips a beat when I recognize the handwriting. It's my sister's handwriting. I tear into the envelope to find a letter.

Dear Ana,

I'm scared! I need your help to keep Trista safe. I've done things in my past that I am greatly ashamed of and these things are coming back to haunt me. There were so many times that I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't because I signed NDA's to a few very powerful people.

Sis, I sold myself to the devil a few years ago to pay for college. I didn't want to be a burden to you or Dad anymore. I cost you both enough pain and suffering growing up.

I became a rich man's submissive. He paid me for sex and to let him dominate me. He is a very powerful man with many powerful friends. I can't tell you much more, because I am ashamed of myself. Research BDSM, but don't trust anyone that is in the scene unless you have investigated them completely. Do not trust Christian Grey or his lapdog, Elena Lincoln. She is the devil's own mistress!

I know that I am being watched carefully. I am not paranoid, Ana. I am scared for my life and for the life of my child. I know that certain fractions want my child and you have to keep her safe for me. Don't let them get her! I feel that I won't survive this because I stumbled on to things that I shouldn't have. If I die or if Trista goes missing use the enclosed material to go after these pieces of shit.

I hope you will forgive me because I am so weak. Tell Mom and Dad that I love them. Don't let Dad eat too much out of the microwave and do not let Mom get her hands on our girl or her money that I have set aside for her education. I am giving Trista to you. I know that you will take care of her and keep her safe.

I love you, Ana.



My heart stopped and my blood ran cold! She knew! My sister knew she wasn't long for this world. Then, I got mad! The rage boiled inside me. Some piece of shit killed my little sister and she probably knew them! Was it Grey? Everyone in the state of Washington knows who Christian Grey is. Was it this Elena Lincoln? I started thumbing through the rest of the papers included with Aurora's letter to find photographs of my sister naked and in different poses of submission. I also found a copy of her signed NDA, a contract between her and this Elena Lincoln and a BDSM contract between her and Grey. Then, the straw that broke my back … there is a copy of Trista's birth certificate and on the back, Aurora had wrote:

Christian Grey is the biological father of Trista Rose Steele. He does not know about her, but Mrs. Lincoln does. Do not let her get her claws on our Trista! I can't prove it, but she likes little boys and girls. She sells them!

My head is about to explode! Thank heavens that Trista is asleep in her bed and I have the privacy to fall apart. I should be used to this scenario since I work in finding sex traffickers and their victims, but when a target is your child … it makes you so angry with a fire that burns from the inside that it threatens to make you physically ill. After taking a few more deep breaths, I find my phone and call the one man that I trust besides my Daddy!

"Ross, its Ana, can you get over here ASAP?"

"Yeah, sure, what's up?" My dearest friend asked.

"I'll tell you when you get here."

For the last few weeks, I've been so stealth that not even my Dad knew where I was. I was on a mission that I knew would end my career with the FBI, but I had only one mindset! Get the assholes that took my sister's life and threaten Trista's life! And, now that day has come, but first, I have a meeting with Seattle's most favorite son, Christian Grey!

I arrived at his offices before his most trusted assistant Andrea Walker and made my way into his office. Here I would wait until the Great Lord and Master of Seattle made his appearance. I hear the door lock ticks of being unlocked and in he walks in all his glory. Grey is handsome, I give him that with rusty colored curls that wildly sat perfectly on his head. His face is sculptured by the gods. His attention is on the phone in his hand, and he doesn't not notice me taking up residence in his chair. He turns suddenly back to the door when it closed and locked on its own. I am smiling when he swings around to find me in his chair. His mouth drops open and for a few seconds I get to see his imitation of a goldfish!

"Who the hell are you? And, what in the hell are you doing in my fucking office?" He bellowed.

I have to laugh at his attempt to control this situation. "As you can see, I am sitting."

"Lady, whatever your story is – you can tell it to the cops." He started to push buttons on his phone trying to get his security to answer, but his phone was not working.

"Don't bother, Mr. Grey. You phone is being jammed."

"What the fuck …" He started for the door but stopped when I laughed out loud at him. He was clearly in a panic.

"Mr. Grey, the door is electronically locked, your phone is being jammed, and the panic buttons have been disabled." I stood up and beckoned him to join me in his own office. I could tell he was fuming as he sat in the club chair before the desk. It was probably the first time that he had found himself in this position. "You are not being held for ransom or anything like that." I sat down and opened the file that sat before me on the highly polished desk. "All I want is answers and then, I'll be gone from your life."

"I would like to know who I am speaking with." He said with an unfriendly snarl.

"Pardon me, I apologize. I am Special Agent Anastasia Steele. FBI, Seattle Division, Field Director of the Sex Trafficking Division." I watch as Christian Grey's face went pale. He looked at me then at the file before me and back at me.

"Do I need my lawyer?" He asked lowly.

"Mr. Grey, at this time, this meeting is off the record. I am not here, there is no record of me being here."

He scooted forward as if to make a point. "Lady, this building has security cameras everywhere …"

I stopped him with the wave of my hand. "You should know that your security has a few holes in it. I've been in and out of here many times without your team's notice or knowledge. Barney Sullivan is good. He's a real good guy, smart and can see outside the box. George Welsh, fine as an agent in his day, he is over his head in this day and age. He needs to be either replaced, retrained, or retired." Once again, Grey does his imitation of a goldfish as I looked about his office. It is lovely in a cold and clinical way. I turn just enough to admire the floor to ceiling windows and that view. Seattle in the morning and coming awake is lovely beyond words! "What a great view! It's even more stunning at night."

"You .. You've been here at night?"

"Oh, yes, many times." I give him a smile. "I've also been to your Penthouse. I have to say it is a very ultramodern apartment with clean lines, but a bit cold and clinical. However, once again, great views." Grey must really like fish because once again he is doing that fish thing with his mouth.

"You've been in my apartment?" He finally asked through clinched teeth.

"Oh, yes, and once more – your security needs an upgrade." I clear my voice and continue. "It was too easy to break the electrical code on the elevators. It took me less than five minutes to get in."

"Miss Steele, you are making it hard to trust you. You just admitted that you have gained unlawful entrance into my home and place of business …"

My smile faded away. "I had cause." I look down at the opened file. "Mr. Grey, do you know or have you been acquainted with a Miss Aurora Pearl, alias Rory Pearl?" I watch as his face turns another shade paler and he is speechless. He nodded. "And the nature of this acquaintance? Was it business? Personal?"

"Business." I noted that his voice was low and clipped. I wrote all this information in my case notebook about his demeanor and his dishonesty.

"Mr. Grey, do you know Miss Aurora Pearl intimately?" He doesn't answer. "Did you have a sexual relationship with her?"

"Why are you asking me these questions?"

"Mr. Grey, Aurora Pearl was found dead in her apartment almost a year ago and after many hours of investigation, your name keeps showing up among her contacts." I give him time to digest that bit of information and watch his reactions carefully. I can tell that he knew that his former submissive was dead. "She was beautiful woman." I added. Crickets were chirping as I waited for any reaction from this man. He stared over my shoulder to watch the city. "How long was she your submissive?" That got his attention. His gray eyes grew in complete shock and then returned to those deep cold orbs as he glared at me. I noted he was trying very hard to maintain his control. I went on instant defense and unclipped my gun but left it in my shoulder holster.

"How did you … who told you …"

"I found a signed contract between you and Miss Pearl as well as her signed NDA."

He nodded agreement knowing he could no longer keep lying. "Ms. Pearl and I were in a BDSM relationship which was consensual."

"Did you pay her for her compliance, uh, … errr….services?"

"No." He lied and I know he knows that I know he is lying his fine ass off. I press my lips together and shake my head as I continue to make my notes.

"Did you pay an Elena Lincoln a finder's fee to act as a procurement agent on your behalf to obtain submissives?"

"No!" He lied again.

"Paying someone to procure sex is considered solicitation of prostitution." I declare lowly to rattle his cage. "How long has Mrs. Lincoln been your pimp?"

"She is not a PIMP!" He came to his feet in that woman's defense.

"Oh, contraire – that is exactly what she is, Mr. Grey." I open another file and slid it over to him. "You are not her only customer." As he read the report I noticed a drop of sweat on his temple. "Her salons that you financed is a front for her true business which is human trafficking. She supplies young boys and girls, as young as six to her overseas clients and she also sells women into BDSM prostitution up and down the West Coast, in Canada, Mexico, and a few places in Asia." I pushed another folder toward him. "She also embezzles from her own business. She's quite a friend this Mrs. Lincoln." I sat back in his very comfortable office chair and watch him scan over the reports that I presented to him. He slowly sat down. For a moment I thought he was going to get sick. "I also uncovered that she has also stole from you … unless you are a part of her enterprises. He remained silent and thumbed through the papers that proved that he had been robbed. I took that opportunity to reach down under the desk and lift a medium size lock box. I quickly unlock it and reach in for the photographs. There in front of the richest man in Seattle, was an image of a naked 15 year old Christian Grey tied up and beaten red. "We found these at Elena Lincoln's house."

"Another of your illegal searches?" He laughed.

"We acquired a court issued warrant." I stated flatly. "We also copied all her computer files at her businesses and at her home." I looked down at my wristwatch. It was almost 7:30 AM and Andrea Walker would be clocking in to start her long 12 plus hour day. Also, Trista was probably awake and Dad would be fixing her breakfast. "Mr. Grey, these photos are the originals as well as the negatives. I took them before anyone could see them or catalogue them into evidence. They are yours to do whatever you want with them. A few of my tech buddies also wiped photos of you from the hard-drives of Lincoln's computers. It seems the woman is obsessed with you. I also took the zip-drives she made of you with your submissives. You should also know that the Feds had Lincoln under surveillance for over two years. You have not been implicated in her illegal activities, nor do I want you involved for my own personal reasons."

"I don't understand." He said confused.

"Aurora Pearl is actually Aurora Pearl Steele, my younger sister." I announce looking boldly into his eyes. "You should also know that Rory had a child, a little girl with grey eyes and reddish gold hair. Her name is Trista Rose Steele."

"You think I am the father? Impossible!"

"I know you are the father, Mr. Grey." Christian came to his feet and the action of my hand going into my blazer stopped him. "If you question the paternity of my niece, the Paternity Test is also included in these reports. According to science, you are Trista's father."


"I had access to your apartment, Mr. Grey … including your bathroom. I simply gathered your hair from the hair brush."

"How much do you want?" He asked coldly. I stand before him and consider him for a moment. Here he stands the epitome of the American Business Man with wealth, status, and power. He is consider ruthless in the boardroom, a real hardass! However, I see him as one cold hearted jerk!

"Actually, Mr. Grey, I don't want a dime from you. You have nothing of value that I would want or need." I organized my papers into a neat pile and slide them into my briefcase. "All I want from you is your silence. You don't talk to anyone about my daughter, you do not discuss my sister, and YOU DO NOT WARN MRS. LINCOLN! However, that should not be a problem right about now, you see, she is being arrested as we speak."

"Oh, crap!"

"Yeah, I thought you might be worried." I look over the man and think how in the world he ever amassed such a fortune for being such a fool. "Mr. Grey, you have a chance to have a new lease on life without the fear of being exposed by Lincoln. I'm sure she has blackmailed you a few times in the past … probably threaten to tell your parents?" He only nodded. "You do realize that what she did to you when you were 15 is criminal?"

"She is my only friend."

"I'd get new friends if I were you. I would also consider coming clean to your parents and family warning them about Elena Lincoln."

He looks like I took his last piece of candy. "I can't."

"Then be prepared to pick up the pieces of your parent's careers, reputations, and lives. Not to mention the hit Grey Construction will take and what about your sister Mia? Her social life will be nil!"

"You know a fuck's worth of information about my family, Ms. Steele."

"That's my job, Mr. Grey." I close my briefcase, the snap resounding around the room. "Well, it was my job." I checked my watch. "At noon today, I will no longer be a FBI agent. I have resigned my post." I picked up my briefcase. "What I've done here, hiding evidence…keeping your name out of the investigation to protect Trista and my sister could get me a prison sentence. The thing is, I can't guarantee that somewhere there is evidence that might expose you."

Christian stared at me for the longest time. I gave him a small smile, nodded, unlocked the door, and unjammed his phone. He was free to deal with his demons and I was free to start a new life. I was about to step out of his office when he pulled me back into the office and shut the door.

"Ms. Steele, I have a business proposition for you. You said my security had a few holes in it." I nodded agreement. "Welsh, I agree is not up to the task at hand. Besides, I think he is ready to retire. So, I am offering you the job of Head of Security here at GEH. Why don't we have a breakfast meeting and work out the particulars?"

I smile at the opportunity that has landed in my lap. "That sounds like a good idea, but I really have to head off to the office."

"Lunch then, say at one. I'll send my car for you…" I stop him suddenly.

"I have my own car and I will meet you at The Mile High Club at one thirty, and Christian, don't be late."

The End

(Well, maybe. What do you think?)