Authors note: This is season 7 subtitled 'Shadow War' and will entail the greatest battle for Etheria yet. So many things happened in that massive finale and if you haven't read it yet or still reading it please do so before coming here. Shadows were a big part of season 6 and it is quite clear there was much loss suffered along the way, but, can the tide be turned? In this season opener events are in play that will shape the rest of the season. If I am being cryptic it is mostly to avoid those looking to skip reading season 6 and be all caught up for this. As the finale said, watch seasons 1 through 5 and read season 6, all will be revealed there. Plenty of surprises along the way and if you haven't seen a ship clarified yet or touched upon this season will get to that.

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: SEASON 7

CH.1: Hello darkness my old friend

Shadow Weaver stood in the camp overlooking the assemblage of what could very well be half of Etheria in shadow form. Each one no longer attached to their light forms of humanity but just wisps of darkness that could blow away at the moment someone sneezes, well, not exactly given she was training them but Ravenor had made it possible to dismiss any shadow who went against his way.

"Alright, so, each and every one of you is here not by choice, so, do not moan to me that you chose willingly because very few would choose such a fate. Now that is out of the way my name is Shadow Weaver and my goal is to train you so that you will do the bidding of Ravenor-."

"Hold up, quick question, why is that he is the one in charge when you are doing all of the heavy lifting?" Shadow Weaver tilts her head some noticing the newb.

"I'm sorry I didn't quite catch your name, what is it again?" She approached the shadow and he appeared more or less like most of them. Shadows were darkness, they didn't have much going for them in terms of appearance and thus darkness was their oldest and truest friend as it was the form they took on. There was no light connection to draw upon and even if there were what good would it do any of them?

"My name is Daniel and I prefer they or them when addressing me," Shadow Weaver would arch a brow but it did her little good.

"Very well Daniel, in regards to your question Ravenor brought me back and thus he holds the ties to my very existence, my ties to Etheria. He is still calling the shots and he is working behind the scenes to orchestrate the coming events-."

"Right…and what would those be exactly? Sorry doll but from what I am hearing you are about as much in the loop as a person not realizing why they need to be away from their home when a surprise party is being thrown for them. Seems like Ravenor is having you run his errands, and why you ask, simply to test you…see your worth-."

"No, he trusts me, he is just…merely busy is all. Anyway go about your tasks and see to it that you are ready for the time when you are summoned. You, come with me!" Shadow Weaver moves off not really liking the way this 'Daniel' speaks to her, they are really starting to get on her nerves and they had just met. And yet something was so…familiar about them.

"A little one on one, nice, could use a bit more lighting but we are shadows so guess this will have to do. So what did you wish to talk about?" Shadow Weaver paces about attempting to figure out this shadow and why she knew them from somewhere.

"What made you willingly give up your other form to be a shadow?" She surveyed the scenery some before letting her eyes settle back on him.

"Oh, well, honestly wasn't using my other form for much anyway so figured what the heck, am I right? I mean isn't that why you are a shadow…just for the kicks of it?" Daniel…no, something about that name didn't sound right.

"No, I, my body was removed from the picture and naturally my shadow was extracted and…that is not the point, what are you getting at? Who do you work for?" Shadow Weaver had enough of this, her powers reaching out and Daniel had nowhere to run to, he was hoisted up by his arms as shadows began to stretch him out.

"Oh…quite moody you are…tell me have you met the right fellow or is it a miss to perhaps help that tension you got?" Shadow Weaver glowered at them some feeling like she was losing it.

"I can rip your arms right off and leave you to disappear, so, either you tell me who you are and what you are doing here or so help me…your existence will be snuffed out!" Shadow Weaver did not like anyone messing with her and this Daniel had played them into this corner, so, they only had themselves to blame.

"Very well…if you insist…my real name is Double Trouble and I was enlisted to come spy on you on behalf of the Rebels, aka your former circle of allies." Shadow Weaver drops them as she shouldn't be surprised and yet she is.

"Are you telling me that you voluntarily had your…and you were ok with it?" Shadow Weaver wasn't entirely sure what to make of this or Double Trouble for that matter.

"Oh trust me…they had to sweet talk me but sure yeah I was in. Do you want to hear how it went down? Oh and if you feel Ravenor is needing you right now…guy is probably floating on cloud nine so he'd likely not notice you missing for a bit. So…do you want to know?"

Shadow Weaver was still perplexed, dumbfounded, shook to her core…as in all the time she had been with the Horde in the Fright Zone she never once had an interrogation go like this, where the cards were turned against her. Nodding her head however she gives them the floor.

Much of the performances that evening were quite superb and they had to thank all there was to thanks for the performances going off without a hitch. However they would notice certain things, or rather people in the audience which only made the situation surreal. Quite a number of faces bore familiarity and they attempted to more or less ignore them. A part of that fight or flight instinct was close at hand but they kept at it, introducing each new act and playing host to the best of their ability. The evening was starting to come to a close and at this point there was no delaying the inevitable as they settled into their closing remarks.

"Thank you all for coming here and let me just say you have been a wonderful audience. Truly, and, rest assured Prince Peekablue loves each and every one of you and I will be back tomorrow so…same time same venue!"

"Nice audience…coming back to this place after what happened last time," Perfuma spoke up and they realized what they were in for.

"Oh joy, it is you guys again…can't you just let me be? I mean seriously after doing my part in all that fighting this is the place I am the most happiest. You even gave this to me without any threat or making it seem like you'd be back and yet here you are."

"Prince Peekablue, wait, no it isn't them, oh right…yeah Double Trouble my lady here wants some answers and answers like this second." Double Trouble lets out a sigh before turning back to his regular form.

"Well darlings I knew there was something special about you two the moment I laid eyes on you. However the next time you speak…might want to check your audience cause not sure this is news they have heard."

Double Trouble sat on the stage looking out at the group gathered. "Hold up, you and Scorpia, that is a real thing?" Catra asks.

"Yes, why, how is that so hard to see? Scorpia is beautiful and kind and she wanted to be with you and just shut her out-."

"Um, Perfuma, I never told her…" Double Trouble smiled some noting the genuine reaction on Catra's face and even Adora. Hmm, something was off about her, quite clingy to Catra. Oh so they were a thing as well…darn, the things they missed.

"I-I had no idea, I mean, look I am sorry if I did anything that-." Catra was so different from the time they knew her, so, soft and did they say more caring?

"Catra you were never going to feel the way I felt about you, I mean, you weren't really open to your feelings and I get that. You and I were in two different places and in regards to who I liked, aka the female persuasion, I think you were a bit more closeted is all…even though now I kind of see Adora was the one you were thinking of-."

"Shut up," Catra is blushing and Adora for her part kisses her cheek and everyone appears to laugh at Catra's discomfort.

"Double Trouble we are here to give you a chance to right all the wrong you have done in your time parading around using other people's image." Glimmer took control and he seemed to recall managing to easily dupe her into mistrusting her friends and going a bit, shall they say far in handling the whole Horde Prime crisis.

"Very well…seeing as I have no choice, what would you have me do Queen Glimmer?" Double Trouble crosses a leg over the other while curiously watching with a bat of their eye.

"We need you to act as a double agent within Shadow Weaver's rank of shadows and relay to us what it is she is planning and when to act on it." Glimmer was quite precious and really coming into her role as Queen…oh wait…another ship, Glimbow, had a nice ring to it.

"I see. And what do I get out of this? You know I do run a club and apart from that my time is what I see of it, but, much like each and every one of you in this room it is time that is better spent than this." They look around making sure it is clear they are not doing this for free.

Bow is the one to step forward. "Alright, we are willing to hear you out, but if it is too pricey we won't go for it and just leave you here."

"Oh, trust me financial gain is the least of my concerns. I want you to never bother me again, this is it, after this no more favors no more anything. Trust me it is every performer's dream to portray another and get into their mind and body but it takes me away from what I enjoy doing so let me be and I will consider this role."

"Hold up, consider, I don't know…that is asking a lot for just a consideration," Scorpia was quite correct, but, then again what other choice did they have?

"Can we just…discuss your offer before making any final decisions?" Double Trouble merely nods their head some while they go into a huddle.

"Time is of the essence…isn't it? Shadow Weaver was good but somehow is bad again, ooh, such drama. I can only imagine how you must be taking this Catra, I mean after all the torment she put you through only to sacrifice herself and then from there coming back to only mess with you again…talk about dark there."

"Shadow Weaver was never good…not sure if she pulled a play from your playbook but she always have something up her sleeve," Perfuma notes.

"Of course she does darling, but, like it or not she did do something good for you lot and without her sacrifice where would you all be? I can imagine Catra would have stuck through with her sacrifice and then sweet Adora there would have died from her efforts…so…if not for Shadow Weaver being there chaos would certainly have fallen on Etheria, true it is like that now, but it would have been sooner and honestly Shadow Weaver had died a hero, her noble sacrifice for whatever reason stuck and no matter what murmurs follow people around in Bright Moon none could ever do what she did."

Double Trouble was shot a glare but they merely offer a smile and back to the huddle they go. There are whispers and murmurs, no doubt a bit of a joke, but otherwise it is quite tense. The state of Etheria was in a crisis mode and if nothing was done about it all of the land would be in shadows. Double Trouble knew that if shadows did come here it would certainly ruin business…then again…Horde Prime manipulating their patrons and such didn't help matters either…plus…the amount of water damage from Mermista.

"Fine, but, should you at any point deceive or betray us you will…I don't know yet…but your punishment won't be nice." Glimmer says finally breaking free of the huddle.

"Hmm, very well, I look forward to how you will delegate my punishment. So how do we go about this…shadow removing so I can infiltrate her ranks, assuming I read you correctly-."

"I see. So, did you really mean all that you said…or was that all a ruse to disarm them?" Double Trouble shrugs some.

"I said what needed to be said, however, much like myself you have been known to play a role to get what you want in the end. You offered Catra some closure though all it took was your sacrifice and any doubts any might have had about you appeared to ease some. I mean I can't say if a lot of it stuck, given how Bright Moon residents often walk around with a superior complex, but otherwise the deed was done and Etheria was saved and Catra was able to help Adora with her task."

Double Trouble examines Shadow Weaver who for the most apart appeared conflicted as to what to do with them. They didn't blame her in the sense as she still did work for Ravenor himself. Finally though she allows them to rest on the ground, their arms freed from the shadows that had held them up.

"You have gone ahead and betrayed your friends…so…wouldn't that mean you would be in serious trouble?" Double Trouble smirks some, least they think they are.

"Listen, let me handle them, I can let loose a story saying that you and Ravenor are just biding your time waiting for the right opening to attack. Still, I do kind of wonder…when will it be your turn Shadow Weaver to take control? You have been playing in the shadows since your days in Mystacor, biding time under the rule of Horde Prime, biding your time in Bright Moon as a prisoner, and now you are here…only to play second fiddle to some alien from another world, oh and yes that is another again-."

"Get to the point already," Shadow Weaver held a treat in her tone but it happened to be a shaky one at best.

"Shadow Weaver…you should kill Ravenor and seize control…think it over, you can be the master of your own fate and give the orders instead of take them. A woman of your caliber shouldn't be working behind the scenes, this is your time and I would gladly help you achieve such a dream…long as we come to an understanding of course."

And so in that moment they were working another angle, but, it is what they did and honestly Shadow Weaver had vision, this guy Ravenor didn't…let the mind games begin.

Authors note: As we end chapter 1 of season 7 shadows will play and darkness is one's friend. In the following chapter Swift Wind begins his training walking in the shadows and honing his new abilities with the help of Ragalia.