My heart beat slowed until every muscle stilled. Silence. Death's arms wrapped around my cold shoulders in a strong embrace. His whispers lulled me deeper into his cavern as inky darkness crawled over my skin. I welcomed it as regret from my past belted out a maniacal laugh, like a mad man within a psychiatric ward. My ears swallowed them in as their shrill cackles grew with each passing second. I wanted to fight the cold grip around my body, but as the images of the accident so many years ago filled my mind, every ounce of self preservation dwindled from within. I deserved this - a fitting death for a killer.

Without warning, warmth enveloped me, ripping me from Death's grip. His indignant fall of his lips sneered at me as he fell further away. Some would have rejoiced in their escape from death, but guilt nestled in the crevice of my chest. I wish I went with him.

In a matter of seconds, air kissed my drenched skin until sand greeted my back. My senses became attuned to the smallest detail around me. Every grain of sand pushed against my skin while droplets of water slithered over me and into the ground.

"She took in a lot of water," a deep voice said, trying to catch his breath. "Pope, get help!"

Though I heard every word and felt every brush against my flesh, my limbs refused to obey my command. No matter how loud I yelled for my eyes to open or begged for my fingers to move, I remained like a corpse - cold and unmoving. I felt separated from my body, but I was still aware of my surroundings.

I wanted to speak but before I could try, hands came to rest on my chest before pain enveloped my nerves. A sickening snap of bone resounded within me as my savior began chest compressions. The boy above me winced, but refused to stop with his whispers.

28… 29… 30…

Our lips met in desperation as breath passed through him and into my lungs. He continued the cycle of chest compressions and breaths until the chatter of the crowd faded into quiet murmurs until all became silent.

"No," a voice, like Kie, whispered.

"Where are the damn paramedics!" another person yelled.

As if right on cue, the sound of sirens hummed in the distance as they got closer to the secluded beach. It didn't take long for the hush of feet to desert the scene with the fear of getting caught. But nonetheless, the boy stayed with me, relentlessly continuing the cycle.

"Please, wake up. Please," he pleaded as a drop fell on my neck. I couldn't tell if he allowed a tear to escape or if his hair released a salty droplet of the sea, but I still felt his desperation.

"Sir, we can take over from here," a man urged.

The warmth of his hands left my skin while the cold surface of the stretcher greeted me. Like a tidal wave, exhaustion filled my bones. My eyes grew heavy and my heart beat slowed. Pain overwhelmed my senses until my brain allowed the sweet repreve of sleep.

A twinkle of light-hearted giggles danced around me. At first, blurred shapes claimed my vision - blues, greens and greys. My eyes tried to focus on the images as they gathered together, but the more I tried to see, a stinging sensation pierced my brain until I gave up completely. Confusion surfaced as I took a step closer in hopes to find more information. Their words grew louder with every passing second. I strained to make out their conversation.

"Come on. Don't be a pussy," an familiar, daunting voice said. Arrogance laced with her condescending tone as the figure stood to her feet. She walked over the other figure still seated and loomed over it.

The image slowly began to stabilize as the hard blur became softer and added some definition. The girl had her brown hair in a ponytail, her lips pulled back in a sneer with hands on her hips. Her small group of friends turned to the male figure under her scrutiny and giggled like before.

Something about this seemed so familiar. The voices and the distorted scenery chipped away at my mind, like it was wanting to resurface. Throbbing pain intensified as I continued to watch the scene with knitted eyebrows.

"It doesn't look safe," the guy said, hating the attention.

His voice rang like a warning bell. As recognition filled me, the image cleared. Mountains came into view as the lake below glistened against the sun. Shock clogged my throat as I stared at the red bridge over the man made reservoir with a small group staring at his haunting blonde hair and blue eyes. I bit my lip as my nails dug into my palm.

"Whatever, Alex." my mirror image of myself scoffed. Her eyes held an icy hatred as she walked away from him. Without a word, the others followed my fleeting figure as she marched back to her car, leaving our next victim on the bridge.

Air rushed into my lungs, burning my throat, as consciousness jerked me back into reality. My eyes scanned the room with panic. Where was I?

"Doctor, she's regained consciousness!" a nurse yelled as she ran out of the room. I registered the lights and the smell of iodine as my vision wavered. The hospital?

Within seconds, memories of the incident relayed through my mind. The party on the beach, the scent of alcohol on my brother, Rafe dragging me across the pier until his drop allowed the water to swallow me whole; it played like a short film of horror. A chill racked my spine as the thought of a bottomless depth circled me.


I looked up to see Patrick at my door with my parents right behind him. His eyes carried bags underneath them as his clothes wrinkled from the lack of care. He looked like a wreck in board shorts.

The corner of my lips turned up in a subtle smile before his broad shoulders caged me in a tight hug. His body shook as he squeezed me tight as if I would vanish in a matter of seconds. My hand came to rest on his back, but I still couldn't find the strength to forgive him. He left me to the sharks - drank as I fell into my nightmare. No, my heart ached as much as my muscles. I couldn't say those three simple words - I forgive you.

But, I welcomed his hugs nonetheless.

"Baby girl," my mom said with muffled sobs. Patrick reluctantly slipped to the side as my mom and dad held on like their lives depended on it. Tears stained my gown as we all celebrated life and the gift of being together again.

"You're safe now," Dad whispered with a kiss of my head.

"I know."

As they all wiped their eyes, the doctor walked just in time to check my vitals. His soft smile and gentle eyes put me at ease as he asked question after question. Patrick stayed by my side as my parents went to get something for me to eat. Despite not voicing my needs, their intuition knew I was beyond hungry.

After a long examination with an order to get some rest, a blur of yellow caught my eye as I collapsed against my pillow. To my left on the side table, an old vase held a bundle of wild flowers with a mixture of yellows, whites and pinks. Wanting to keep their beauty, my hand cradled the glass as I brought them near. Their dainty, delicate nature made me glow as I leaned close, inhaling sunshine and peace. They were beautiful. My eyes searched for a note, but only met more confusion, finding nothing in sight.

"Tk, did someone send flowers?" I asked.

He scoffed as his eyes landed on the small display before answering. "Yeah, that pogue from the Cut."

"The Cut?"

"You know, the south side of town."

"So what's his name?" I pressed on, getting tired of his vagueness.

"Some blonde surfer. I forget his name, but he looked really familiar. "

Despite his similarities to the accident five years ago, a surge of warmth filled my chest as I held the flowers closer to my body. His face came to the forefront of my mind - his wide smile, wind blown hair, clear eyes. And, instead of a sense of fear swirling in the pit of my stomach, a new feeling tickled my skin. My cheeks flushed as I held the small, handpick bouquet.

"JJ," I whispered.