
Said Souma full of confidence as always. "This time" he thought strongly "This time I swear, I swear that god tongue of yours will admit it. Through this dish, that god tongue of yours will say 'it's delicious' "

"Well then, I will take up the challenge, itadakimasu."

Nonchalantly with a graceful smile, Erina move the aromatic spoon topped with the long awaited dish to her palette elegantly. As she slowly moves the spoon, her mind took her back to the high school days "How long was it? since the first time I met the chef called Yukihira Souma. Right, at that time he was the only one who took up the exam I gave. Whoever met him at that time could only think that he is just an ordinary b-rate chef that know nothing about true gourmet. I could not admit it, I never wanted to, yet he always reached out to me, again and again he will always try to make me say it is delicious. Making unbelievable thing one after another through his cooking, he is always like that, good grief…"

As she put the dish to her palette, the entrance door of Yukihira dinner opened, people with unbelievable name walked in, Yukihira Jouichirou, Doujima Gin, Nakiri Senzaemon, Nakiri Azami, the monsters of the gourmet world. Along with Nakiri Alice, Kurokiba Ryo, and Nakiri Asahi

"Oh Souma, it's started already, don't forget our share too okay, since we already canceled several appointments because of this egoistic ruckus you are making." Said Saiba Jouichiro with his playful smirk to his son.

"Of course dad, I will prepare for everyone here today, everything's on me so do not worry. Hahahaha!"

"Don't forget about ours too Souma-kun, and even though this cousin was a bit annoying, don't be stingy and left him out ok?" Said Alice with her usual cute accent

"Who are you calling annoying!?" Nakiri Asahi responded "And Yukihira! I come here just to laugh at you when my precious little sister trashing at your dish again today, you hear that?"

"Let's see about that sensei?" Souma replied

"Are you mocking me!?"

Looking at that cheerful sight, Doujima gin spoke to Azami "Yukihira Souma, Nakiri Erina, the two chef that crushed your perfect plan in the past, what are you thinking about them now I wonder, Nakamura?"

He was startled at first because of the sudden question "It was a story of the past now, Doujima senpai" he replied with a little laugh, then he continued "but, yes, if I would describe them now, they are a very capable chef, that has surpassed us, I guess."

Doujima Gin laughed "To be acknowledged by Nakiri Azami itself, they are really unbelievable aren't they, Senzaemon-dono"

Nakiri Senzaemon smirked at the statement "Of course, they are the prodigy generation of the tootsuki after all hahaha!" After he calmed his laughter his focus went back to the unbelievable duo, Yukihira Souma and Nakiri Erina. "Now, Yukihira Souma, it is your grand quest as a chef that shoulder the name of the Tootsuki greatest chef, can you finally satisfy the god tongue?"

"Now, Nakiri, tell me, the taste of this dish" Souma asked Erina.

The moment she put the dish into her mouth, no words came out from her tongue, the vibe became so tense, everyone was trying to imagine what word will come out from her, some believe that it will be like usual where Erina will go and say "Mazui!" but there are also those who hope this time it will be the time when Souma will come out victorious.

In that silence, tear drop from the eyes of Nakiri Erina. "What is this taste? The world of taste that I have never been to before… I believe I have tasted any kind of taste in this world, even the unbelievable ones like those in the polar star dorm back then… but… this taste… my body… not only that… what is this?"

Nakiri Alice and Nakiri Asahi got ripped off from their clothing at that very moment "This is…" "No way!" said Nakiri Alice and Nakiri Asahi simultaneously.

Tadokoro Megumi clothes was also ripped "You did it, Souma-kun!" said Tadokoro Megumi to herself

Then the explosion continues to rip off the clothes of everyone in that room one by one

"The Gift!?" Said Takumi Brothers, Ibusaki Shun, and Ikumi Mito at the same time

"Right, Erinacchi is also a Nakiri after all right?" Said Yoshino Yuki with a 'can't-be-helped' expression

But, Arato Hisako replied "No, since the match she had with Yukihira in Blue, Erina-sama had never once showed The Gifting!"

Sakaki Ryoko responded "That means…"

"That Yukihira Soma, once again he pulled another unbelievable thing, not bad, Yukihira!" Kurokiba Ryo continued.

"Hahaha, one after another, you really cannot stop to amuse us Yukihira!" Said Hayama Akira.

The elders could only smile looking at that view.

Meanwhile Marui Zenji, Shoji Sato and Daigo Aoki who were running late to the reunion, just arrived at the Sumiredori shopping district

"Hurry up Saito, we are late as hell you know!"

"Huh, who's fault you think it is huh?"

"What!? You want to start a fight!?"

"Stop it you two, we are late already!"

In the middle of that fight, even before they entered the dinner, their clothes were ripped off also suddenly.

"What happened!?" The three of them screamed out, but it was not only them, all the people in the Sumiredori shopping district, all of them were stripped off by The Gift.

Same time, Kyoto, Ishiki branch restaurant, Ishiki Satoshi was preparing dish for his costumer at the time, with passion and hospitality not only to the customer but also to his worker. The spirit of youth still lingering in his face as always, and also in that moment


One by one his customers and workers were ripped off stark naked, and also finally himself. He was startled at first, but he realized right away what was happening at that moment. "You did it, Souma-kun." He said with a satisfying smile on his face "Huft, I really wish I could join today's reunion" and he continued his work with full of passion as always.

Also, the former Elite Ten who were giving the Tootsuki annual hell camp, experienced the same thing, and of course everyone was confused about what was happening.

"What is happening Rindo?" Tsukasa Eishi asked Kobayashi Rindo as he was clueless

"Hehe, that Yukihira brat, finally." Rindo replied.

Not only in japan, Terunori Kuga who was in Shanghai experienced the same thing in the five-star hotel he is working with. "This phenomenon, looks like The Gift…" Then he realized "Ahaha, Yukihirachin, as expected."

Right, The Giftingof Nakiri Erina was happening on a global scale, and shocked the world. Until it finally reached her, and also the chef who served her dish, Yukihira Souma.

With his usual smirk "Well, so, how was the taste? Nakiri Erina?"

"What is this… the taste that I cannot explain…" She started explaining all the ingredients she tasted one by one, with every correctness in it. "but why… not just my palette… not just my body… as if… my heart…"

Nakiri Senzaemon stepped up and touched the shoulder of his granddaughter. "Erina, that taste is The Giftinggod bestowed on us in this vast world full of hardship and challenges. It is not a taste one can achieve easily. Right, even a well experienced chef will have hard times pouring this taste into his dish. The taste that even can move you into tears, yet so beautiful, right, the name of that taste is, the taste of love." He wrapped his hand on his chest and continued "Yukihira Souma, he travels around the world just to make a dish that able to make you say the word 'it's delicious' from the bottom of your heart, it is a simple word, yet you never really say it did you? One dish that envelopes one feeling for one person. Moreover, that one person is the one who possesses the god tongue, even the top gourmet of this world would be just another dinner on her palette. Can you imagine how hard was it? It is the taste of love, Erina."

Erina went speechless as Souma still standing waiting for the long awaited answer in his everlasting confident smile.

"Good grief… this person really… the chef called Yukihira Souma…" She finally spoke up "Mazui." All the people in that dinner shocked.

But, it was said with a gentle voice and beautiful smile with the tears that just dried on her cheek, she continued "Mazui, the worst, baka, ah, I cannot find the word to express it, but, I am happy, I am way too happy that it is... delicious."

"You said it."

"Right, I said it."

"Hoo being honest now aren't you?"

"I cannot runaway anymore Yukihira, this dish, it envelopes me with everything I never experienced before, good grief, you never cease to seek a new world of taste aren't you, and The Giftingspoke for itself wasn't it."

"Hey Nakiri, the secret to make a great dish, is to cook for someone. I think, I finally understand what it means." He took of his headband "Erina, let's get married."

As the whole diner shocked and went on an uproar because of that statement, once again, she, the one who was known as the ice queen of gourmet went speechless, and also somehow, once again, tears fell down through her beautiful eyes, as if an ice that was slowly melted on an iron spoon.

"Right, the chef called Yukihira Souma, he always reached out to me, again and again he said that "I will make you say it is delicious!" He never once gave up on it. He took me to a new world of gourmet, he made me to be someone that can be true to myself, he showed me what happiness is. If I didn't meet him that time, if he just gave up once on me, what would I be today… whatever it is… I am sure that I will never be able to taste this godly taste right? The taste of love."

Arato Hisako in her stark naked body grumbled to Yukihira Souma about his proposal to Nakiri Erina.

Nakiri Erina wiped her tears and smirked. "Good grief…" she said to herself before she continued "I accept it, Souma." The answer from Nakiri Erina herself, silenced the room.

And so that day, Yukihira dinner held a party all night long to once again celebrate the success of Yukihira Souma. The prince who took away the princess from her palace of gourmet to a vast new world of food.

In that very blissful moment, Jouichiro thought to himself "Tamako, our son has grown so much, if you are here how happy you would be right now? He is going to get married already, it still feel like it was just yesterday I came to this diner, looking for an answer all by myself." A relieved smile came up to his face following that thought "Well, I guess I just have to be happy in your share too, right? Tamako."

"Hahaha, you said it Soma, and furthermore Erina accepted it. Well, I cannot believe my own son will be a Nakiri too soon."

"What are you talking dad? I'm finally the head chef of this Yukihira diner, I will never give up this name, not even once."

And that statement shocked everyone in the diner even Jouichiro, but Nakiri Senzaemon laughed out loud at the boldness of this 25 years old chef "I have no objection against it. After all, it is the name of the chef that able to satisfy the god tongue, it is an honor to have that name as a branch family. there is no problem on your ends to right, Erina?"

With a cheerful smile Erina answered "Yes, I will gladly shoulder that name as well."

And that was how, for the first time in history, Tootsuki academy have name other than Nakiri on the director position, Yukihira Erina.

The blissful celebration continued even more than before. "Delicious!" everyone in that diner could not bear to scream it as they ate the food served by Souma. He undone his headband and with his signature style he said it
