The petite, fairylike blonde skipped into the great hall, and put a light dinner of soup, and a sandwich on her plate, as she sat down at her usual place at the Ravenclaw table. It had been quite an eventful few days. Luna's active mind was rapidly working to pull the pieces together of how to have things move forward from there. It was clear that You-Know-Who had managed to in actuality not be as dead as many people had assumed. It was equally clear that the Ministry was go to die on its hill trying to ignore that fact, and was metaling at Hogwarts in order to keep a muzzle on Dumbledore, and Potter, be it somewhat unsuccessfully. Furthermore she thought, It was very obvious that Potter needed support, and to be refocused on the important things. He also needed an army to stand behind him. It was also clear to her where her Father intended for their family to stand this time. While the Lovegood family had not been a part of Dumbledore's order during the last war they had firmly turned down the invitation to join the Death Eaters, and paid a rather heavy price in doing so. The Death Eaters had retaliated killing both of Luna's sets of grandparents.

Luna daintily nibbled on some of her grilled cheese sandwich, and looked over to where the trio of Harry, Ronald, and Granger sat at the Gryffindor table. Her thoughts then going on to her experiences with the bushy haired muggle born witch, and what to make of her behavior and motivations. The brunette had used that awful nickname which she knew Marietta had started in the girl's room talking with a few of the other pureblood girls, and she had plainly stepped in to answer a question, that she had clearly directed to Harry. The girl was rude in her conduct in class, and Luna had to wonder now after the conversation with Greengrass and Granger in the hall after Runes, was she really just that unaware of the customs and etiquette of her adoptive world? Had Professor McGonagall not sat her down, and explained their customs, culture, and etiquette to her, like Professor Flitwick had to Anthony? If that was the case perhaps Luna and Neville could be of some help? Forgoing her meal, and normal pudding, the blond Ravenclaw caught the eye of her Gryffindor friend, and gestured towards the door.

She didn't wait long to begin to walk out of the great hall, and in the direction of the library. Neville's longer legs made short work of catching up with the petite slightly younger Ravenclaw. Without looking, she greeted, "Hello Heir Longbottom."

This should have signaled to Neville that it was going to be a serious conversation. Nodding, Neville allowed his only friend, to proceed through, the required etiquette, "Heir Longbottom, I'd like to request a brief word with you regarding our previous conversation, and one of your housemates."

The older boy wizard nodded, and replied, "Alright, proceed Heiress Lovegood."

The petite blonde, pulled her Gryffindor companion into one the unused classrooms, and cast a privacy bubble around them, and locked the door, with a flick of her wrist. Then, Luna launched into her thoughts saying, "I definitely believe Harry Potter, as does my Dad that You-know-Who is back, and Harry fought him, and that Fudge is not prepared to lead a wartime Wizarding Britain. It also seems someone is probably pushing Fudge's paranoia to the umpteenth degree. It shows in that the Ministry is here at Hogwarts. I tried to signal my support subtly the other day, and apparently it was unwanted. Then, earlier today your Granger doesn't even look to see if others have their hands up. She just starts talking in Runes. My hand was up the whole time as was Terry's. I finally got the chance to be called on by the Professor, because Granger was going the wrong direction in her answer. After all the times she's called my Dad's paper rubbish, and then calling me Looney. What is her deal? Does she like seriously not think things through, or did Professor McGonagall not sit down and explain our world, customs, and etiquette to her, like Professor Flitwick did for Anthony?"

Neville looked at his friend, and sighed before he began, "Hermione never really played well in the sandbox with others I guess you could say, she didn't have friends at her muggle primary either from what I understand. From what I can gather Ron and Harry are her first friends. It shows too, neither of them will let anyone really near Harry. Not that I really blame them, some people don't warrant the chance. As to what happened between you and Hermione, I think if she realized what she was doing she'd feel bad. I think she is just so used to being the brightest person in the room, that she presumes sometimes no one else will contribute."

Luna worried her lower lip, before she nervously asked, "I'm supposed to meet Granger in the library. I'm afraid it might not go well…"

Neville smirked as he interjected, "Well not if you keep calling her Granger, Malfoy."

Was that how she was coming across? Luna didn't like the sound of that at all. She looked at her friend, and nervously asked, "Would you come with me?"

The Longbottom Heir smiled, sometimes it took just the simplest smallest thing to make Luna happy. It was one of the things that he loved most about her, not he'd ever say as much. Instead, he reached out and took her hand once more, and squeezed it in support as they unlocked the door together, and left the classroom. As they went on their walk they began to drift into the typical easy silence that had so often marked their friendship, as they walked towards the library.

The pair found their way to their usual table, Neville sitting to Luna's left. They sat on the far side so they could see anyone coming, at least as best as possible. It also provided some distance if needed, giving Luna a sense of safety, and a better view of who was coming and going, as Alastor Moody would have advised, "Constant Vigilance! Position yourself so that you see them, before they see you."

The bushy haired Gryffindor arrived, and seeing Neville with her, Hermione nodded to each, and intoned, "Hello Neville, Luna." Hermione smiled seeing essays in front of both of them. The brunette queried, "What class are you starting with?"

The pair chorused, "Herbology!" The bushy haired witch pulled out her own parchment and Herbology text to get started, then, set up her quill and ink. Taking the seat across from Luna.

They were working on the essay Neville had gotten from Professor Sprout on the Fanged Geranium, its history, care, and uses. Similarly Luna was working on her own essay this time on the Blubber tubes their use and care. Neville's face variably glowed with joy as he began to describe the intricacies of caring for the dangerous plants saying, "The Fanged Geranium will bite you if you don't care fore it right, it requires a great deal of care, and attention as do Blubber Tubes. If you don't get the mixture of soil to dragon dung fertilizer just right or enough sun or too much is given, it'll harm to the plant. Whereas, with the Blubber Tube it's not so much the tube itself, but the paste in its raw state. If it comes into contact with your skin it is painful, and leaves the most awful welts, and burns something awful. Whereas the bite of the Fanged Geranium is potential poisonous..."

Hermione interrupted, "Yet both are used for things we learn in potions? They're not all that dangerous."

That was just too much for Luna. The petite blond straightened her back, and her normally crystal blue eyes, turned almost a steely grey. Neville shivered in his seat next to her, at the reminder of Luna's heritage, as the petite blonde's voice came out cold and strong, "You come across rather rude you know."

Hermione was stunned, as she witnessed the pain and anger in the younger witch's eyes, "I'm sorry I what?"

Luna continued her icy staring contest, unwilling to yield to the other girl this time. The blonde Ravenclaw explained, "That is part of the problem, you've paid absolutely no attention to what you just did, have you?" Annoyed at yet another example of Granger's sudden lack of whit whenever it came to her own faults, Luna pressed; "Neville was just explaining the whole process and purposes of why certain things are done in caring for Fanged Geraniums and Blubber Tubes. You are correct that in they are used in potions, what you did in saying it, was rude. You should have allowed Neville to finish, then, if he happened to leave that off you'd have mentioned you'd have been welcome to make your point."

Hermione's brow furled, a look of shook and confusion on her face she replied, "I'm sorry but I think you've missed my point entirely Luna. I was commenting on the tone, not omission. Neville's essay gives the impression Fanged Geranium are vicious and dangerous, I was simply giving a reason as to why that is not necessarily the case." The brunette turned to look at Neville "I'm sorry Neville, I'm sure you've covered such an obvious usage."

Luna was having none of Granger's explanation. "Why can't you just admit you were trying to show off?"

Hermione insisted, "I wasn't"

Luna's retort was quick, "You do stuff like that all the time in Runes; you just launch into what you want to say as if there are no other people with their hands up, or who might have something useful to say or contribute. It's insulting, really, it's like you have no concern for other people's feelings."

Hermione's eyes became very large, "That's just not true, and I care very much how people are feeling it's just..." The bushy haired witch allowed her voice to trail off.

"You introduced me as Looney Lovegood to Harry Potter on the carriage ride here." Luna replied,

"I…" was all Hermione could manage before Luna continued, "You didn't even considered how what you were asking after Runes may look once Daphne explained about the antique books and such that make up part of even if not all but many magically raised children's early exposure and education, as well as core subjects, like Reading, Writing, and French, as well as, Etiquette, and Estate Management when appropriate."

Again the brunette tried to deflect "What was so wrong with what I asked."

But Luna was having none of it, "At the Hogs Head I asked a question directly and obviously meant to be answered by Harry Potter, and you wouldn't even let him answer my legitimate question, which was perfectly appropriate."

Hermione stood up and began gathering her things, "Maybe I should just go, this was a bad idea."

Neville reached up pulling at his housemates sleeve insisting, "Hermione wait."

Hermione shook her curls "No Neville, I've clearly offended your friend, unintentional or not… I should go." she said picking up her bag and turning to leave.

That peaked the blondes interest, "unintentional, all of it?"

The brunette spun back, "Well of course it is, who you think I am Malfoy? Don't believe me? Fine then you want to now? I answered for Harry, because he was uncomfortable. You might have missed it, but he got nervous when you questioned him. I practically had to beg him, and Ron and I drag him to the Hogs Head. When you asked about his Patronus Harry started sinking into himself, he was never going to answer, and all that would happen is people would say it's another thing he's lied about. I was affirming it before it was allowed to hang there and become another thing people doubt…"

Luna grimaced, "Did you consider perhaps if you'd let him answer that would have helped build him up, that maybe that's why I'd asked?"

"I'm sure it was," Hermione replied, "But it wouldn't have mattered if Harry did reply. You heard him didn't you?" in here best impression of her best friend Hermione repeated his words from the Hogs Head " All those things I did, They sound Great when you say it like that, but it's really not… it was all mostly luck really, I nearly always had help" at the end Hermione add, " don't you see, Harry diminishes everything about himself, and he needed to be boosted up"

Moving to the more personal issue Luna had raised Hermione went on, "As for what happened in Runes. I offer my hand when others don't take the initiative to put up their own. It's not my fault if I know the answer, and they don't. Everyone has the same chance to answer if they'd bother. Frankly, if anything I'd say that your way is far ruder. I didn't see your, or anyone else's hand go up in class until after I'd given my answer, and even then only to show how I was wrong." Hermione forced herself to continue the staring contest that was quickly becoming uncomfortable.

The blonde Ravenclaw's anger had not abated at all in the course of the bushy haired brunette's response. It showed in her posture, and her unwavering gaze, that too closely resembled that someone else that she knew, but, Hermione wasn't putting it together at the moment, and she mumbled, "My hand was up the entire time, as was Terry's… but you blurted out before even being called."

"I never saw them, "Hermione shot back, then as if a thought which had not occurred to her till that very moment had raced through her mind, Hermione's eyes drop as she added, " Though , I suppose you are…"

Luna demanded, "I'm what?"

"Well umm please don't take this the wrong way but … you and Terry are very short, and I do sit rather farther back then I'm used to in Runes, I suppose it's possible I couldn't see your hands… I" Hermione took in a deep breath, "I'm sorry"

Luna hadn't considered that, the two who sat behind her in runes could easily be mistake for a pair of mountain troll… but that still didn't excuse the brunette's behavior outside of class. "I'm sorry, for assuming that you meant to be rude. It's just frustrating, since Terry and I are on the shorter side, and the Professor seems to overlook us. Both of our hands are usually up, as is Tracy's frequently. I'm sorry, too that I was so harsh in my response earlier in class. It's not normally like me, it was just a tipping point my hand was up the whole time."

"As for wizarding customs stuff," Hermione went on, wanting to clear everything up right now, " You're right, I don't respect them or pay them any mind and neither should anyone, because they are ridiculous, antiquated, and just plain wrong. I would have thought that you of all people would understand that. Your Father writes the Quibbler. Look at the way the Ministry and Prophet are twisting and concealing the truth. How many times has your Father's paper been called, rubbish or dragon dung, because he writes what he thinks? The idea of hoarding knowledge be it by the ministry , the prophet, or in private family collection, actively allowing things to be taught at school which wizards know to be incomplete or incorrect, it's all just Ludacris …then again it shouldn't surprise me after all we are talking about a society that still accepts the enslavement of other magical species." The bushy haired witch suddenly got really embarrassed, "I am sorry though, about what I called you on the carriage ride, I'd just heard it so much that it just sort of slipped. When you didn't acknowledge it, I had hoped that it went unnoticed."

The fairy like girl slowly nodded her head in acknowledgment, before she responded, "I'm sorry, for keeping quiet earlier. I held my tongue earlier, because Daphne is older and her family position demands respect. You are correct about the paper, perhaps you should stop calling it rubbish yourself, and actually read what my Father has to say. He's actually really behind Potter. As for calling me Looney, I forgive you, I can see that Marietta got to you too in that. It is rather catchy, I just don't like it. It makes it sound like I'm crazy, and I'm not."

Confused, Hermione queried, "Marietta?" Then, the bushy haired brunet continued, "No, I didn't get it from her, I'm not someone that they'd gossip with. I'd just heard it so much that it really did just slip, I'm sorry for that."

Truly was at a loss for what the other girl was referencing and it showed. It became so apparent Neville interjected, "I think Hermione that you'll find that you weren't the only one in this school to have experience being bullied, or labeled something mean. Luna here is pretty much my only friend, and people haven't exactly been kind. Marietta in particular has been making it her personal mission to make her existence miserable. It was Cho and Marietta who started the nickname. They also take, and hide Luna's things." He looked over at the petite girl whom had been his most loyal friend, even while he feared that he might be a squib, Luna was his unwavering friend, and supporter, and he didn't want to continue to explain unless she'd let him.

Luna nodded in the affirmative, and that was all that Neville needed to continue with his explanation, "We are not talking about borrowing something to use forgetting to ask, but returning it later either. I don't know what they've done with Luna's shoes. They purposefully mess with her homework if she wasn't as bright and witty as she is, and started making multiple copies ahead of it going missing, after the first time, she'd be getting zeros instead of holding down a solid outstanding average."

The bushy haired girl was equally, impressed by the other girls skill and wits, and angered that Luna had been treated so badly, while in the castle, and by people in her own house, no less. It showed quite plainly as she was left stunned, and it took Hermione a few minutes to speak, as she took a moment to process everything that had been said.

Luna hesitantly offered an olive branch, "You know my question the other day really was meant to signal my support, and to try and help Harry. Rather than let the debate rage on which it might have, I offered a way to bring it to a relevant point, and more on topic. I wanted them to see Harry Potter as qualified to tutor up to Newt Level at least. I'm sorry for assuming that you were trying to take his place as the main speaker, rather than acting as more of a body guard of sorts. He had seemed like he needed a friend earlier, and I wanted to be one."

Hermione realizing that perhaps she'd stepped in and prevented Luna from being a support to Harry in the Hog's Head, and that her comments about the Quibbler in the past may warrant an apology, "You're right, I haven't been completely fair to your paper in the past. I seems to report a lot on things that I can't related to or confirm from a muggle born perspective. I have a hard time embracing things that I can't confirm with my senses, or from peer review. I have to admit though given my experience in Magical Creatures this morning, with the Threstals, maybe I need to reevaluate or find an alternative means of verification, somehow. Your paper's support of Harry is a part of why I actually originally approached you. I want you to help me, help him, but given what you just said, I highly doubt you will want too."

A look passed in between Neville and Luna, for a silent conversation seemed to be occurring, before the Longbottom Heir nodded, and the younger girl spoke, "We would like to help Harry Potter very much. I know that my Father, and Neville's Gran would like too as well."

Neville took a breather, before continuing, "Might I suggest that if you need a wizarding perspective to help verify or make sure on something ask us, alright? We were born and raised in this world, and were raised to be educated, and taught to think, and evaluate things on their merits, and no offense to Ron, but he is rather lazy. My only true weak point is Potions, but Luna here is a genius at them, same with Runes, and charms. I get most things though my true strength is Herbology, that's what upset Luna earlier! She thought you were disrespecting me. I get that you were following, and great! However, most people here consider it good manners to let someone who is speaking finish, before you talk. I may not be as good or a quick on the practical as you, or Harry, but I'm no slouch at theory. I get there on the practical too, and Luna here is convinced it's my wand not me. We've had that discussion a few times."

The fairylike blonde mumbled, "It is your wand, not you, I have half a mind to take you shopping for a new one myself for your Christmas present just to prove it!"

Hermione turned to her housemate, "I'm sorry Neville, I really haven't been that great a friend to you since helping you look for Trevor on the train first year. I'd like very much to make up for that now."

Then, she turned to Luna, and realized again that there was more to quirky blonde than she'd let herself presume. So, with some trepidation she started, "Now as to what I wanted your help with for Harry, here is what I was thinking. Luna could you maybe get your Dad to print an interview with Harry?"